Sealed again

“Who?” Mu Qingfeng asked in a sweet voice.

But Ah Xiong and Aaron felt terrified instantly. This voice was too familiar to them, especially Aaron, who had been quarreling with the owner of this voice a lot in the past few days.

“Elder brother, did I hear you correctly?” Aaron asked Ah Xiong with an ugly face.

Ah Xiong shook his head bitterly. He also hoped that there was something wrong with his hearing.

At this time, the Original Demon Lord appeared. His body had been repaired, but his aura was much weaker than before. He was not immune to the damage caused by the Golden Ancient Emperor.

“Who are you?” Mu Qingfeng, who was only three years old, was not afraid when he saw the Primordial Demon Lord. Instead, he asked the Primordial Demon Lord calmly.

“Who am I? Hahaha!!”

The original demon laughed crazily. After the laughter, his face turned cold, he looked at Mu Qingfeng and said: “You are me, I am you, you and I are one.”

Ah Xiong and Aaron had been hiding aside for a long time. They looked at Mu Qingfeng, and then at the Primordial Demon Lord, a boy who looked like he was only in his teens. Although Mu Qingfeng was only three years old, there was a hint of Primordial Demon Lord between his eyebrows. The Demon Lord is 90% similar in spirit. When Mu Qingfeng grows up, he might look exactly like the original Demon Lord.

The Primordial Demon Lord suddenly looked at Aaron and said in a serious tone: “Boy, you will feel better later.”

Aaron’s neck shrank, but he did not dare to speak anymore. If he angered the Primordial Demon Lord again at this time, he would Isn’t it too long-lived? He’s not that stupid.

It’s just that Ah Xiong and he are praying in their hearts that the Golden Ancient Emperor will come soon.

“Come on, merge with me. Then I can return to my peak, dominate the world of mortals, and then conquer all heavens and worlds!”

The Original Demon Lord slowly walked towards Mu Qingfeng, but Mu Qingfeng was frightened. Backing up, he said: “Don’t come over. I have a very powerful sister and a very powerful brother-in-law. My brother-in-law has a very powerful master. If you dare to hurt me, they won’t do it.” I’ll let you go.”

The Primeval Demon Lord kept walking, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: “Three ants, what can you do to me?”

When the Golden Ancient Emperor who had just chased after him heard the words of the Primeval Demon Lord, he shouted anxiously He said: “Boss, don’t do anything, let me…”

Before he could finish his words, the figure of the original demon king disappeared.

“It’s over!”

The Ancient Golden Emperor’s face changed slightly, and then he cursed: “Why are you so mean-mouthed?”

This “you” is naturally referring to the Original Demon Lord.

The Golden Ancient Emperor sighed, and what happened next was none of his business.

“Master, you are finally here!”

Ah Xiong and Aaron were overjoyed to see the Golden Ancient Emperor.

The Golden Ancient Emperor nodded, and then his eyes fell on Mu Qingfeng.

“No wonder the boss said that this demon is in a strange state. It turns out that half of his soul has been reincarnated into a human race.”

The Golden Ancient Emperor could tell at a glance that Mu Qingfeng was extraordinary. The quality of Mu Qingfeng’s soul was even higher than his. One step ahead, and he also looks very similar to the original demon king. Without going into details, he can see the current problem of the original demon king.

But now it’s too late to understand, because the original demon king is no longer under his control.

The Golden Ancient Emperor waved his hand at the unconscious people, put them away, and then said to Ah Xiong and Aaron: “Let’s go.” Seeing

this, Mu Qingfeng also hurriedly followed, for fear that the Golden Ancient Emperor would take them away. He also fell behind.

“What a big little guy.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said with a smile.

Above the Nine Heavens, the Original Demon Lord looked confused. He wanted to get his soul back just now, but why did he arrive in the sky in the blink of an eye?

At this time, he suddenly found a young man in a green robe not far away from him, drinking from a wine flask. He narrowed his eyes and said, “Did you bring me here?” “That’s

right! ”

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Gu Changsheng nodded lightly.

The Primeval Demon Lord frowned slightly. He couldn’t sense any aura on Gu Changsheng’s body, which made him feel an inexplicable fear. There were only two types of people without aura. The first one was naturally an ordinary mortal, and the other one was That means that his cultivation level has surpassed him by many, many, many, many, many, which makes him unable to sense the breath of the other party.

But although he can only exert his true immortal strength now, don’t forget that his cultivation level is that of an immortal emperor. Even if the immortal emperor is standing in front of him, he can feel the other person’s aura. Now he can’t feel it at all. The other party’s aura, then there is only one possibility.

The young man in front of him who was drinking mortal wine had already surpassed the Immortal Emperor in cultivation.

“Impossible. The immortals in today’s world of mortals are all aliens. How can there be an existence that transcends the Immortal Emperor? Impossible! Who are you?” After

seeing Gu Changsheng, cracks appeared in the Dao Heart of the Original Demon Lord. .

“Me? I am the Holy Emperor of the Human Race!”

Gu Changsheng said softly.

“The Holy Emperor of the Human Race?!”

The Original Demon Lord was startled, and what Aaron said could not help but come to mind. Aaron had mentioned the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, but he didn’t take it seriously at first, and even cursed that the Holy Emperor of the Human Race was bullshit. .

“Oh, by the way, I am also the master of the brother-in-law you mentioned in reincarnation. You just called me an ant!”

Gu Changsheng reminded.

When the Primordial Demon Lord heard this, his body suddenly softened and he almost fell from the sky. He looked at Gu Changsheng with a deathly expression, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.” Gu Changsheng said.

“Really?” The Primeval Demon Lord’s face was filled with joy. As long as he could live, he would be willing to work as a cow or a horse. He had been sealed for countless years, and he longed for freedom, but compared with life, he still Choose life, otherwise he would have passed away after being sealed for countless years.

Living is the most important thing.

But what Gu Changsheng said next made his heart twitch.

“Kill you, and there will be no more pure Yuan Crystals in the future. As long as you are still alive, you can continuously create monsters. The role of pure Yuan Crystals is not small!”

Gu Changsheng looked at the Original Demon Lord with a smile.

This primitive demon is not an ordinary life, but an extremely special life form. The heaven and the earth opened up, the pure air rose to become the sky, and the turbid air descended to the earth. The original demon king was a burst of turbid air that gave birth to spiritual wisdom and became the current demon king.

The life of the original demon is connected to the world of mortals. If you want to kill him completely, you need to reshape the world of mortals. Doing so is not only troublesome, but also wasteful.

Keep the original demon king and use his demonic energy to continuously create monsters. The pure source crystal contained in the monster is a special kind of crystal. , if the Original Demon Lord is killed, there will be no pure Yuan Crystal anymore, and the world of mortals will also lose a cultivation resource for no reason.

Gu Changsheng is His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Although he is relatively lazy, he will still take action when it is time to seek benefits for all races.

So Gu Changsheng raised his hand and said softly: “Don’t panic, dizziness is normal.”


A slap hit the Primordial Demon Lord’s face. The Primordial Demon Lord felt an unprecedented pain and he screamed. , but his body was like a meteor, crashing into the Demon Suppressing Place, and the location happened to be the Demon Mountain where he escaped from trouble.

The army of all races watched the figure of the Primeval Demon Lord fall from the sky, and couldn’t help but feel strange. How did the Primeval Demon Lord fall from the sky when they clearly did not feel the fluctuations of the battle.

Then when Gu Changsheng’s figure appeared in the sky, they suddenly realized.

It turns out that His Majesty the Holy Emperor took action himself, so that’s no wonder. It’s normal for there to be no battle fluctuations.


Gu Changsheng stretched out his hand towards the Primordial Demon Lord, and his big hand turned into a five-fingered mountain, sealing the Primordial Demon Lord in an instant.

“The feeling of Tathagata sealing Sun Wukong back then was not very good!” Gu Changsheng muttered.

Less than a day after the original demon lord escaped from trouble, he was sealed again, and no one could break this seal except Gu Changsheng!

How tragic!

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