Five Thousand Three Hundred and Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred and Three (Part 2)

The battle to exterminate demons lasted for three days, but it took half a month to clean up the battlefield. When the army of all races had completely sorted out the pure yuan crystals and disposed of the bodies of their comrades, they left the demon-suppressing place. And just after they left, the Five Finger Mountain in the core of the Demon Suppression Land immediately let out a tragic roar.

After the roar, Wuzhishan immediately emitted a large amount of demonic energy. The demonic energy rushed straight into the sky and turned into countless demonic clouds. It once again enveloped the Demon Suppressing Land. Indistinctly, someone heard from the Demon Suppressing Land that something belonging to the monster was That special roar.

They knew that after a demon-suppressing war, the demon-suppressing land returned to its previous condition.

“His Majesty the Holy Emperor is so far-sighted that he actually thought of suppressing the original demon king here. Not only can it be used as a training ground, but it can also continuously produce pure Yuan Crystals. Only His Majesty the Holy Emperor has such a method.” ”

No, What you said is not entirely correct.” Someone refuted the person who spoke before.

“Oh? What do you think?” the man asked.

“In addition to His Majesty the Holy Emperor, there is also Empress Houtu. Empress Houtu is one of the Twelve Ancestral Gods, and she has participated in creation. She can also suppress the original demon king here.” This person said.

“Your Excellency is right.” The man nodded.

After the army of all races cleared the battlefield, they withdrew from the Demon Suppression Land. However, they did not go far away. Instead, they stood in front of the Demon Suppression Land, looking at the monstrous demon clouds and listening to the sounds under the demon clouds. The cry of the new monster made the remaining members of the army of all races look complicated.

“Do you regret it?”

Someone in the sky asked the person on the side.

The person who was asked was stunned for a moment, then smiled sarcastically and said: “If you want to unify all the heavens and worlds, you must pay a corresponding price. If you regret even these casualties, then won’t it be possible every day in the future?” Do you have to live in regret? It’s a pity that the names of the sons and daughters who died in this war will gradually be forgotten as time goes by.”

The person who asked the question smiled when he heard this, and his face also With a sigh of relief, they, as commanders, naturally felt their own shortcomings in this battle. In terms of battlefield planning, it can be said that they were not even as good as some mortal generals. The army suffered such huge losses, and they had to bear a heavy burden. Responsibility.

They are ready to go back and accept the punishment from the Holy Emperor’s Palace!

On the other side, the silver-white female general of the Jiuli Divine Dynasty approached the Eighth Prince of Zhenbei of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The silver-white female general punched King Zhenbei in the chest as soon as she came up. She used the most daring movement, but the sound was fascinating.

“Xia Laoba, your Shence Army has not been completely wiped out, right?” The silver-white female general said so shockingly that the members of the army below almost fell to the ground in fright. Zhenbei Bastard and Uncle Wang were their demon-killing battle this time. As the commander, they naturally understood the temper of King Zhenbei. He was a decisive and iron-blooded soldier. Under his command, the army ruthlessly harvested countless monsters. How could such a person be called “Xia Laoba”? This is a naked insult.

They were very curious about how King Zhenbei would respond, whether he wanted to fight the opponent or fight back directly.

Unexpectedly, King Zhenbei rubbed the area hit by the Yinbai female general, then gave the Yinbai female general a white look and said, “You butcher Bai, your army will not be destroyed even if my Shence Army is destroyed.” ”

Oh? Really? Let’s see how many of your Shence Army you still have… Tsk tsk, out of the ten thousand Shence Army, there are only less than three thousand left.”

She didn’t care about being called Butcher Bai by the King of Zhenbei. As if she liked this title very much, she glanced at Shence Army, and with a glance of her consciousness, she knew how many people were left in Shence Army.

“I still have five thousand armor-breaking troops left!” the silver-white female general said proudly.

The nature of the armor-breaking army in the Jiuli Divine Dynasty was the same as that of the Shence Army in the Great Xia Dynasty. They were the elite among the elites, and were led by the female general in front of them, who was called “Butcher Bai” by the King of Zhenbei.

The surname “Butcher Bai” is Bai, and he is a member of the Bai family of the Jiuli Divine Dynasty. The ancestors of the Bai family were the personal guards who followed Emperor Jiuli. When Emperor Jiuli founded the Jiuli Divine Dynasty, the Bai family naturally took root in the Jiuli Divine Dynasty. He has been a general of the Jiuli Divine Dynasty for generations, and Butcher Bai is the current head of the Bai family. His name is Bai Ningbing, a name full of cold temperament, but he seems to be a man with a cheerful personality, carefree, and all his subordinates. They are brothers.

The origin of her title “Butcher Bai” is because of her fighting style. She treats the enemy like an animal and takes absolute destructive strikes. This is why no pure Yuan Crystal is left on the battlefield she leads.

King Zhenbei curled his lips. He and Bai Ningbing had known each other since childhood. The two of them could be said to be old enemies. Because he was the eighth eldest child, Bai Ningbing called him Xia Laoba every time they met. He called him Xia Laoba, which made many people laugh. I forgot that his original name was Xia Siliang.

This is a very elegant name. As a result, everyone who knows him now calls him Xia Laoba.

Damn butcher white.

King Zhenbei cursed in his heart.

“Fifty-three million, one hundred and forty-three thousand, four hundred and three.”

Suddenly, Bai Ningbing said this number.

“What, you butcher are also sad?” Xia Siliang mocked.

“Aren’t you sad?” Bai Ningbing stared at him.

“…” Xia Si considered.

Not sentimental? How could it not be sad, but this was the price that had to be paid. Even though they knew that the whole army would be annihilated in this demon-killing war, they did not flinch.

Ever since Empress Houtu made public the blueprint for unifying all the heavens and worlds, everyone’s blood was boiling with excitement.

Unifying all the heavens and worlds is a feat of eternity. No one can resist this temptation. Although there was an order from the Holy Emperor’s Palace for this training in the Demon Suppressing Land, they did not resist this order at all, otherwise they would not In just three days, they were able to assemble an army of hundreds of millions. If there was enough time, an army of one billion could be assembled.

They also expected how heavy the casualties would be, but when they saw the number of dead, they were still heartbroken.

So how can it not be sad!

“What makes me sad is that among the 53,014,3403 people, except for the names of thirteen strong men above the saints who have been remembered by the world, the names of the rest will be remembered by the world. They will be forgotten by the world as time goes by.”

“I think they should not be forgotten!”

Xia Siliang said seriously. Bai Ningbing rarely disagreed with him, but nodded in agreement.

At this moment, the messenger slips on both of them lit up at the same time.

They were stunned for a moment and quickly took out the jade slip. At this time, two messages from the jade slip were reflected in the sky.

“From now on, every big city will set up a Saint Tower and a monument to heroic spirits. Saints and monks above who have made great contributions to all races will have their names and life stories entered into the Saint Tower after they have passed away or died. Later generations will respect you!”

“And after the monks who have fought for all races, after they die or die, their names and life stories will be on the Heroic Spirit Monument for future generations to admire.” ”


The demon suppressor closest to them Suddenly there was a loud noise in the city.

They looked far into the distance and saw a towering ancient tower and a huge stone monument appearing in the center of the Demon City.

The residents of Demon Suppression City had already moved back to meet. They seemed to be looking at the sudden appearance of ancient towers and stone tablets. They knelt down and knelt down to worship, shouting “Welcome to His Majesty the Holy Emperor.”

At this time, the stone tablet emitted a burst of soft light, reflecting countless names. These names were from human races, demon races, and ancient races.

At the same time, this scene appeared in countless big cities in the world of mortals.

“Mom, look, that’s dad’s name. He’s on the Heroic Spirit Monument. That’s my dad!” In a big city in a certain star field, a boy less than ten years old pointed to a name in the sky. Among the 53,014,3403 names, he immediately found his father’s name. This is naturally the reason why Gu Changsheng imposed special causal restrictions on the Heroic Spirit Monument. As long as there is someone close to him, Regardless of whether they are related by blood or not, they can find the name they want to find immediately.

The little boy pointed to the sky excitedly, while his mother beside him had tears in her eyes.

This scene happened all over the world of mortals.

When the troops of all races in the Demon Suppressing Land saw this scene, they suddenly felt tears welling up in their hearts. Not only were they moved to see the names of their comrades again, but they were also moved by His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s actions.


The remaining 40 million or so troops of all races knelt down in the direction of the Holy Emperor’s Palace. They shouted in unison: “His Majesty the Holy Emperor is merciful, and Empress Houtu is merciful!”

In the Holy Emperor’s Palace, Gu Changsheng rarely smiled, but laughed at himself: “If I were kind, so many people wouldn’t die.”

Hou Tu put forward a different opinion, she said: “If you take action, that will be the biggest thing for them. Cruelty always grows up under your wings, and their future is worrying.” ”

It’s true. I haven’t shown up in the past hundred years, and the human race has developed well, so it will be the same with or without me, so I can rest assured. They are living a life of salted fish.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Huh?” Hou Tu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes were cold and he said, “You lazy guy, anything can be a reason for you to be lazy, right?”

Gu Changsheng laughed, took out the wine bottle and shook it at Hou Tu , and said, “How about we have a drink together?”

“Get out!” Houtu said angrily. After this demon-killing war is over, she still has many things to deal with, so she has no time to drink with you.

“Okay! See you!” Gu Changsheng said something in English that he had never spoken in a million years. His accent was so strong that Hou Tu was stunned for a moment.

“What kind of birdsong?” Hou Tu complained after Gu Changsheng left.

After Gu Changsheng left, he did not look back at home. Instead, he casually went to a big city and wandered around.

Recently, the topic of Tianhuang Star is naturally inseparable from the Demon Slayer War, the Sage Tower and the Heroic Spirit Monument.

At the same time, the data of 53,014,3403 has also become the focus.

Ordinary people, on the other hand, focus more on the Monument of Heroic Spirits. They have very lively discussions and often feel proud because they know the name of the person on the Monument of Heroic Spirits. They will even show off to their neighbors that they know this person. As for a person’s name, it seems that as long as he knows the name, his status will be superior to others around him. However, he knows the name on the Heroic Spirit Monument, but the owner of the name does not know him.

But ordinary people don’t care so much. As long as they know a little bit, it can become their capital to show off.

Gu Changsheng passed by a school and stopped.

There was an old scholar in the school who had no cultivation, but he said to his students in the most enthusiastic tone: “You have to remember ‘530143400’” Three’, this is a series of historic numbers. Any one of them represents the heroes of all our races. You can forget ancient Chinese poems and poems during the exam, but if anyone forgets this number, I will punish you severely. Beat him!”

The old scholar took out a wooden ruler and slapped it on his palm, making a “snap” sound.

“I know, teacher!”

a little girl in red shouted.

The old scholar looked at the little girl in red, with a smile of relief on his face, and said, “Xiaoxian, you have a good memory. You can’t forget the ancient Chinese poems, right?”

“Xiaoxian knows!” The little girl in red revealed. Happy smile.

The old book nodded happily. Xiaoxian is the granddaughter of an old friend of his. His old friend is now a famous storyteller in Yan State and an old scholar. However, because he has been blind for many years, it is difficult to teach Xiaoxian how to read herringbone. , so he sent Xiaoxian to his school. And Xiaoxian’s performance shocked him.

This little girl who was only ten years old had the ability of photographic memory, which was a skill of the Immortal family. It actually appeared in a little girl. This made him overjoyed and thought that Xiaoxian would definitely become the first female champion in the Yan Kingdom in the future. , when the time comes, he will become the number one scholar and be famous in the Yan Kingdom for generations, so he spared no effort to cultivate Xiaoxian.

Poems, songs, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, as long as he understood them, he would teach them all. And Xiaoxian didn’t disappoint him. He learned everything quickly and learned everything well. Sometimes he said some words that were astonishing to heavenly beings, unlike what ordinary people could say.

For example, when he asked Xiaoxian why he was called Xianxian, Xiaoxian’s answer shocked him.

“People in front of the mountain are like immortals, so I am called Xiaoxian!”

This is Xiaoxian’s answer.

Gu Changsheng stood at the window of the school, looking at Xiaoxian with a smile on his lips. If there was anyone who had been with him the longest, it was this little girl turned into a hill.

Unexpectedly, he randomly picked a city and met Xiaoxian again. This mysterious fate was so wonderful.

At this time, a blind old man on crutches slowly walked towards the school, and finally stopped next to Gu Changsheng.

“Sir, are you also waiting for the school to pick up your children?” the blind old man asked.

“Oh? Can you see me?” Gu Changsheng looked at the blind old man with interest. He was an ordinary person, so there was no need to doubt him.

“Haha, I have been blind for many years, but my other senses are more sensitive than ordinary people. We felt the young master’s aura and judged that the young master is not very old, only twenty-five or six years old.” The blind old man said.

Gu Changsheng nodded. He did not hide his aura, and he was breathing normally, so it was normal for him to be heard. However, the old man in front of him could judge his age based on his aura, which was considered a kind of superpower. , His current physical condition is indeed similar to that of a young man in his mid-twenties. If you don’t know his true age, it is correct to think that he is in his mid-twenties.

“Your book is quite good!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Young master, have you heard of the old man’s storytelling?” The old man was stunned.

“I’ve heard it twice, and it sounds very emotional. It’s very good!” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Young master, you are so complimentary. I am just trying to make ends meet.” The blind old man shook his head humbly. Although he has now become a famous storyteller in the Yan Kingdom, even some powerful people will give him some face, but he does not pride.

“I think you can tell more stories about His Majesty the Holy Emperor in the future. If the Ancient Emperor talks too much, you will get tired of hearing it.” Gu Changsheng said.

The blind old man was startled. Just as he was about to speak, the class was over and the students rushed out like crazy.

The little girl in red, Xiaoxian, also came out.

“Grandpa, you’re here!” Xiaoxian stepped forward and held the blind old man’s arm, smiling sweetly.

“Yeah!” The blind old man nodded.

“Grandpa, who were you talking to just now?” Xiaoxian asked doubtfully.

The blind old man nodded and said, “It’s a young master.”

“Oh! Grandpa, go back, I’m hungry!” Xiaoxian said.

“Okay, okay, let’s go back and make some delicious food for our little prodigy.” The blind old man chuckled. Little prodigy is the title given to the little fairy by the old scholar. The blind old man is naturally very happy that his granddaughter is so smart.


The blind old man suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong, Grandpa?” Xiaoxian asked.

The blind old man did not speak, but looked at Xiaoxian, who also looked at him, and suddenly Xiaoxian screamed.

“Grandpa, your eyes have turned black!” Xiaoxian said in surprise.

The blind old man’s expression suddenly became excited, and he was able to see clearly.

“Xiaoxian, grandpa can finally see you, great, grandpa can finally see you!”

The old man who had never shed tears in his life finally shed tears on this day.

Gu Changsheng had already walked away, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly and a wine bottle in his hand, obviously in a good mood.

“All living beings in the world are different!”

“In the near future, everyone will have the chance to become an immortal, but there won’t be a scene like this. You have to enjoy it quickly!”

Bai Ningbing and Xia Siliang are both here. They were in shock when the great-granddaughter of His Majesty the Holy Emperor came to them and said that she would take them to the Holy Emperor’s Palace.

They didn’t expect that they were the one favored by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. They had guessed who it was before.

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