The changing morning star

The demon-destroying war on the Tianhuang Star had a profound impact, but there were two places that were not affected at all. One was the Beichen Star. Even except for the little fat man Duan Fei and the little flower in his mouth, the people on this ancient star did not even Know about the birth of the Holy Emperor.

The other place is naturally the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

After Li Beifei and the others were sent away from the Di Hong family’s tomb by Gu Changsheng, they came directly to the tenth level.

Qiming Ancient Star is one of the ancient stars in the tenth level. Li Beifei and the four have been here for half a month, but they can only stay in Qiming City, the main city of Qiming. It’s not that they don’t want to leave, but that they I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to.

In a courtyard, Li Beifei and others gathered together.

“I’ve been searching for half a month and still can’t find the teleportation altar.” Li Beifei said with a sad face.

Bai Yifei also sighed and said: “I have heard from the elders in the sect that the Starry Sky Ancient Road will change every tenth level. I thought that the monsters and beasts I encountered would become stronger, but I didn’t expect it. It’s far more than that. Not only are the evil beasts on the ancient planet Qiming stronger and more ferocious than those encountered before, but the location of the teleportation altar will also change at any time. Even the local monks in Qiming have no way of knowing the correct location of the teleportation altar. Location, are we going to be trapped in this morning star like this?”

They had gone out of the city to look for the teleportation altar before, and the strength of the monsters or ferocious beasts they encountered were not lower than the peak of the extraordinary realm, and there were even a few who entered the holy realm. The difficulty of the tenth level is even greater than the previous nine levels combined. It is almost as if it is designed to screen out more powerful geniuses.

Now that he and Li Beifei have reached the peak of the Nirvana realm, they can break through to the extraordinary realm at any time. However, the two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran are a bit weaker. They only have the cultivation of the eighth level of the Nirvana realm. People like them are already in the realm. They are considered to be outstanding geniuses in the Tianhuang Star, but if they are allowed to break into the Morning Star alone, I am afraid it will be a near-death situation. If the two of them work together, they can barely suppress the ordinary holy monsters, but if they face some They also want to hate monsters with special bloodlines.

The tenth level is really a screening level.

“It’s all the old guy’s fault. Why do you make so many changes when you have nothing to do? I’m worried to death.” Li Beifei muttered dissatisfied. He was still thinking about finding Bai Yifei’s old sweetheart, Princess Tianyan, and using her power to survive ten years. Regarding this difficulty, I didn’t expect that the difficulty of the tenth level would be so abnormal. Even Bai Yifei’s Tianji Dao couldn’t figure out where the teleportation altar was.

“Brother Li, even if Senior Gu comes now, he can’t help us, can he? After all, this is a restriction set by His Majesty the Holy Emperor himself. I’m afraid even the Great Emperor can’t calculate the location of the teleportation altar. Alas, I don’t know whether the previous senior is How did you pass the Morning Star test?” Bai Yifei thought Li Beifei wanted to ask Gu Changsheng to come out for help, but he didn’t know that the senior Gu he mentioned was His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

“Perhaps no one has passed this level since ancient times! Don’t be discouraged if we can’t find the teleportation altar!” Liu Yuran, who was squeezing Li Beifei’s shoulders at this time, comforted him.

Li Beifei, who was about to drink the tea made by Liu Yanran, paused. He said in a dumbfounded voice, “Are you trying to comfort us?” ”

Yes!” Liu Yuran smiled and nodded. The young master must be very happy with his words of comfort now.

“But have you ever thought that if no one has passed this level since ancient times, we will be trapped here.” Li Beifei shook his head.

“Ah?” Liu Yuran’s pretty face changed slightly.

“You have brains, but not enough.” Li Beifei criticized.

Liu Yanran on the side couldn’t help covering her mouth and looking at her sister with a snicker. You don’t usually read serious books, but if you read more serious books instead of reading your “Spring and Autumn” sequel, you won’t say it at this time. Such words deserve to be criticized by the young master.

However, Liu Yuran’s words made Li Beifei and Bai Yifei feel even heavier.

“Brother Li, if Miss Yuran is right, then we will probably be trapped here for the rest of our lives.” Bai Yifei said bitterly. He hasn’t had time to marry Princess Tianyan yet. If we are trapped here, I’m not willing to die.

“Bah, bah, bah, it’s okay for this girl to be ignorant. Don’t talk nonsense. You are a practitioner of Tianji Dao. Don’t be a bastard!” Li Beifei said angrily. You are a practitioner of the mysterious Tianji Dao. People like you Isn’t it just a crow’s mouth to say such a thing?

Bai Yifei had a wry smile on his face.

Liu Yuran, on the other hand, shrank his neck and made a cute face at the back of Li Beifei’s head.

However, Li Beifei also listened to what Liu Yuran and Bai Yifei said, and he couldn’t help but murmur in his heart.

Is it true that no one has used this level since ancient times? No, I have to ask Lao Liu at this time.

“Lao Liu, I have something to discuss with you.” Li Beifei said in his heart.

“If you ask me to help you find the teleportation altar, it goes without saying.” Lao Liu said firmly.

Li Beifei curled his lips, knowing that you wouldn’t help, but he still said: “Don’t worry, it’s not this. I just want to know, has anyone really found the teleportation altar on the Morning Star?” ”

Yes!” Lao Liu said concisely and to the point. .

“Who?” Li Beifei asked.

“Are you asking too many questions?” Lao Liu asked back.

“Do you know who can help me find the teleportation altar?” Li Beifei also asked.

“That won’t happen.” Lao Liu replied.

“Then you’re so stupid, hurry up and say it.” Li Beifei scolded loudly in his heart, “Humph, if I don’t talk to you loudly, you still don’t know that I am your host!”

“Huh?” Lao Liu said in a subtle tone.

“Hey, Sixth Brother, I admit that my voice was a bit loud just now. You, the boss, have a lot of experience. If you don’t have the same experience as me, just say it!” Li Beifei changed his tone skillfully, and there was no sign of the domineering scolding of Sixth Brother just now.

“Huh, if you weren’t trapped here, I would be trapped here too. I wouldn’t have told you. Listen carefully, that person’s name is Li Beichen.” Lao Liu said arrogantly.

“Li Beichen, why is this name so familiar? Damn it, isn’t this my previous life?” Li Beifei didn’t react at first. When he did, he almost spoke. Fortunately, he covered his mouth in time.

“Brother Li, what’s wrong with you?” Bai Yifei asked curiously.

Liu Yanran also looked at her young master and said, “Sir, does the tea brewed by my family taste bad?”

Upon hearing this, Li Beifei quickly swallowed the tea in his mouth and said, “No, the tea you brew tastes first-class. , but just now I was thinking about something and accidentally choked. In order not to spit out the tea you made, I had to cover my mouth.” When

Liu Yanran heard this, her face instantly showed an expression of joy. Even if the young master choked, he would not let himself go. I spit out the brewed tea, it was so good!

Bai Yifei looked at Li Beifei suspiciously. Only the sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran unconditionally believed what Li Beifei said. He didn’t believe it, but he thought it was true. As for whether he was choked, he was doubtful.

Li Beifei breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Yanran carefully made tea for him every day. He couldn’t break the little girl’s heart.

Little did they know that he called others little girl, and he was still a few years younger than the two sisters.

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