Bai Yifei’s Transformation

“Senior, I was wrong before, and I apologize to you!”

In the room, Bai Yifei held a cup of hot tea and apologized to the Divine Operator with a low eyebrow. He also just learned from the Princess Tianyan that the Divine Operator was the princess’s master. He almost fainted because he had ignored the divine fortune teller from the beginning, thinking that the divine fortune teller was the princess’ protector or something like that. Unexpectedly, he had such a close relationship that he was actually the princess’s master.

He wondered when Princess Tianyan had such a sloppy master, but now was obviously not the time to delve into this. The most important thing was to apologize quickly. If it left a bad impression on Princess Tianyan’s master, although He was very confident that it would not affect his relationship with Princess Tianyan, but it would still make it difficult for Princess Tianyan.

When the fortune teller saw that Bai Yifei had just noticed him, he snorted coldly, like an angry little old man, and turned his head away, not looking at Bai Yifei, indicating that he was not willing to accept Bai Yifei’s apology.

Brat, half a stick of incense has passed since I was outside the door. During this period, you have been ignoring me. I even deliberately made noises to attract your attention. You don’t even look at me, and you want me to forgive you. Such rude behavior, what a dream!

There was a trace of embarrassment on Bai Yifei’s face, and he looked at the Heavenly Eyes Princess. The Heavenly Eyes Princess nodded slightly, came to the Divine Operator, took one of the Divine Operator’s hands affectionately, and then said in an incredible coquettish tone: “Master, you Just forgive Yifei, Yifei didn’t mean it, he just cares too much about me, his disciple, don’t you want Yifei to see me all over his eyes?” The

two sisters Li Beifei and Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran on the side suddenly trembled and their skin went numb. The knots arose, especially for Li Beifei. He looked at the Heavenly Eyes Princess in disbelief. Is this the same Heavenly Eyes Princess who was extremely domineering and threatened to kill Brother Bai? Why is she more gentle than the neighbor girl now?

The overly gentle demeanor and tone of the Sky-Eyed Princess made Li Beifei feel extremely strange. Could this be the power of love? Damn it, Brother Bai, this guy, did he save all the worlds in his previous life, yet he actually asked Princess Tianyan to make such a contrasting expression for him.

Li Beifei felt envious and jealous in his heart. He was just like Qing Yi, but unfortunately, so far, he didn’t even dare to hold Mu Qingyi’s little hand. It wasn’t because Mu Qingyi didn’t want to, it was because Li Beifei was too cowardly.

The fortune teller was also startled. He looked at Princess Tianyan and saw the little woman-like attitude on her face and in her eyes. This was the first time he saw his precious apprentice act like a baby with him, but the reason why his apprentice acted like a spoiled child , all because I want to plead with this brat, what should I do? I really want to shoot this guy to death.

Although the fortune teller has not gotten along with Princess Tianyan for a short time, he does regard her as his closest person. Even His Majesty the Holy Emperor has to stand aside. Now he sees that his precious apprentice is about to be abducted by Bai Yifei. , he was quite helpless.


At this time, Princess Tianyan shouted again in a coquettish tone.

“You can ask me to forgive this kid, but he has to agree to three conditions.” The fortune teller said.

“Senior, let alone three, I am willing to accept even three thousand or thirty thousand conditions.” Bai Yifei agreed quickly. The fortune teller was finally willing to let go. He could not miss the opportunity.

Li Beifei on the side trembled with fear again. If it were someone else, he would definitely say something like “It would be great if you can fulfill the three conditions, and you can pay back 33,000 yuan.” But the little old man in front of him knew that old man. Guy, do people who know the old guy have the integrity of their predecessors? Li Beifei expressed doubts.

Sure enough, after the fortune teller heard Bai Yifei’s words, he showed a weird smile on his face and said, “Okay, let’s make 30,000 conditions.”

“Senior, I…” Bai Yifei’s body trembled, and he held the hot tea in both hands. I almost fell over. He said three thousand and thirty thousand just to express his determination. As a senior, you shouldn’t be unable to hear it. Why is this like this?

“Haha, why, you said this yourself, young man, don’t talk big words until you can accomplish the goal.” The fortune teller chuckled and said, Hey, how can I feel like I have finally regained 10%? Could it be because he was defeated at the hands of His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s traitors just now?

As expected, he is worthy of being called a traitor even by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. He is a majestic Immortal Emperor, but now he is happy just because he has a slight upper hand in words. He is an alien, really an alien.

“Who said I can’t complete it? Senior, just say it, I, Bai Yifei, swear that even if senior, you ask me to go to the blue sky and fall into the underworld, I, Bai Yifei, will do it without any hesitation!” Bai Yifei said with an extremely serious expression.

Li Beifei on the side looked at Bai Yifei in surprise. Bai Yifei now gave him a familiar and strange feeling. As members of a five-person team, Bai Yifei and he knew each other very well. Among the five of them, Bai Yifei was undoubtedly the most arrogant. Each of the four people, including him, had their own problems that they had to climb to the peak of the avenue. Reason, and Bai Yifei seemed to have no goal of practicing from the beginning, giving people a feeling of being aimless and doing nothing.

But even so, Bai Yifei’s cultivation speed can still keep up with them. If Bai Yifei can be more aggressive, he will definitely become stronger than he is now. As for how strong he is, Li Beifei is confident that he will not surpass him.

“Oh?” The fortune teller also looked at Bai Yifei in surprise. From the first time he saw Bai Yifei, he could feel that Bai Yifei had extraordinary talent, but lacked momentum. But when he made the oath just now, he could actually feel An astonishing energy arose in Bai Yifei’s body. His originally joking words of “30,000 conditions” seemed to have inadvertently inspired this boy’s motivation.

No, this has nothing to do with what he said. The fortune teller glanced at the Heavenly Eyes Princess next to him, and found that the eyes of the Heavenly Eyes Princess looking at Bai Yifei were full of tenderness. This boy had inspired such an astonishing drive solely because of his apprentice.

This boy, even at the peak of his career, could not inspire his motivation, but he was actually motivated by the love between his children. It seems that his precious disciple is very important to this boy.

That’s good, at least you don’t have to worry about this kid failing his apprentice.

After thinking about it, the fortune teller looked at Bai Yifei and said, “Since you have such belief, I won’t joke with you anymore. The three agreed conditions are just three conditions.”

“Senior, it doesn’t matter if you say it!” Bai Yifei’s temperament at this time There have been earth-shaking changes, and the whole person seems more confident.

“Listen up, the first condition is to get the first place on the Starry Sky Ancient Road this time.” The fortune teller said.

“Master!” Princess Tianyan exclaimed and wanted to ask the fortune teller to change the conditions, but Bai Yifei agreed.

“I promise, I will get the first place on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.”

“Yifei!” The Queen of Heaven’s Eyes looked at Bai Yifei with her beautiful eyes.

Bai Yifei said to her gently: “Believe me!”

“I believe you!” Princess Tianyan whispered three words.

Just three words, but Bai Yifei’s confident temperament changed again.

“Senior, what’s the second condition?” Bai Yifei asked proactively.

“Haha, let’s wait until you complete the first condition.” After saying that, the fortune teller stretched out his hand to Bai Yifei.

Bai Yifei was stunned.

“Why are you so dazed? The tea is almost cold. Are you going to let me drink it?” said the fortune teller.

Bai Yifei came back to his senses, with a smile on his face, and said respectfully: “Senior, please!”

“Yes!” The fortune teller nodded and took the tea.

Bai Yifei also knew at this time that the things he had been rude and ignored before were over.

Next, it’s time for him to prove himself.

The first place on the Starry Sky Ancient Road is naturally to win the Tianxin Seal and become an emperor. This is very difficult, very difficult, but for the sake of Princess Tianyan, he must do it.

“Brother Li, I didn’t expect that I would eventually become a competitor with you.” Bai Yifei said to Li Beifei.

Li Beifei laughed and said, “I thought you would lick your face and ask me to let you go.”

“That’s not impossible!” Bai Yifei nodded.

Li Beifei was stunned for a moment, but when he saw Bai Yifei’s smile, he knew that this kid was joking.

“Okay, I’ll let you go when the time comes!”

Li Beifei said seriously.

Bai Yifei laughed, thinking that Li Beifei was joking too.

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