
They couldn’t find the teleportation altar for a while, so they simply stopped looking for it in a hurry. There was still one year left before the ten-year appointment, and Li Beifei would use this time to break through to a higher realm.

It’s not like Li Beifei didn’t ask the fortune teller if he could find the teleportation altar. The fortune teller just glanced at him and said, “Do you want to harm me?” The fortune teller

was very smart. If he messed up Gu Changsheng’s arrangement, he would definitely do it. Get a beating.

Li Beifei said at that time: “Senior, if you don’t take action, if we can’t find the teleportation altar, Princess Tianyan will be trapped here.”

Li Beifei originally thought that talking about Princess Tianyan would make the fortune teller compromise, but who knew the fortune teller But he chuckled and said, “I can take my precious apprentice and leave the universe.”


He also wanted to threaten him with the magic that the divine fortune teller promised to pass on to him, but before he could speak, the divine fortune teller The boy threw a few ancient books to him and walked away.

This time Li Beifei was completely at his wits end.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

There were constant dull crashing sounds in a primitive forest with towering ancient trees. At this time, Bai Yifei was fighting with his bare hands against a wolf demon who had entered the third level of the Saint Realm. Fight fiercely.

In the distance, Li Beifei and others were watching the battle.

“This boy, in just a few days, his strength has improved to this point.” The fortune teller admired.

A few days ago, Bai Yifei aroused his enthusiasm for cultivation, and soon left Qiming City to experience himself. At the beginning, Bai Yifei still needed to use the Heaven-Evolving Divine Technique to kill the monsters that entered the Saint Realm, but after only a few days, he was able to use his own strength to suppress the wolf monsters that entered the third level of the Saint Realm. This progress can be said to be great. A thousand miles a day.

Now Bai Yifei’s cultivation level has not changed, but his combat power is much stronger than before.

Soon, Bai Yifei came over carrying a lifeless wolf corpse. He was also covered in paint and his clothes were ragged. It was obvious that he was not uninjured from fighting the wolf demon.

Upon seeing this, Princess Tianyan immediately came forward to ask for help. After making sure that Bai Yifei was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Yifei enjoyed the care of Princess Tianyan very much. In fact, he didn’t need to be in such a mess. As long as he used the Heaven-Evolving Divine Technique, the wolf demon could not cause any harm to him at all. However, in order to make Princess Tianyan care about him, he also took great pains.

When Bai Yifei placed the wolf corpse on the ground, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran immediately dragged the wolf corpse to a river not far away, preparing to wash it and kill it. They are very skilled in their movements, because in the past few years, whenever they encounter edible monsters or vicious beasts, they have been the two of them to deal with them. Whether it is making barbecue or moving into the kitchen, they are very good at it, even if they are magic fortune tellers. They are also inspired by their craftsmanship.

Bai Yifei went to deal with his injuries, but Princess Tianyan walked towards Li Beifei.

Li Beifei was stunned. Although he and Princess Tianyan knew each other, they didn’t communicate much. Why did she come over at this time? Could it be that he came to thank himself for taking care of Bai Yifei during this time? It’s not impossible. With the feelings the Sky-Eyed Princess has towards Brother Bai, she would really do this.

You have to think about your wording, so you can’t embarrass Brother Bai.

At this time, Princess Tianyan came three steps away from Li Beifei and spoke. Her voice was unusually cold.

“Master Li, let’s compare notes?”

“Well, you’re welcome…what?” Li Beifei came back to his senses and looked at Princess Tianyan with confusion. It turned out that she wasn’t here to say thank you to him. Damn, that’s right, Tianyan. The princess gave all her tenderness to Brother Bai, how could she say thank you to herself at this time, alas. think too much.

“Master Li, please!” Princess Tianyan made a gesture of invitation to Li Beifei, and then she flew to the high sky and waited for Li Beifei.

“I haven’t agreed yet!” Li Beifei said with a bitter smile, but this was the Sky-Eyed Princess he knew. Although she was a bit domineering, she was much easier to get along with.

Li Beifei jumped lightly and came to the sky, standing opposite the Princess Tianyan.

Bai Yifei quickly dealt with his injuries and returned. When he saw Princess Tianyan and Li Beifei confronting each other at high altitude, he was stunned for a moment and asked, “Senior, what are they?” ”


“Hiss!” Bai Yifei Taking a breath of cold air, he quickly asked: “Is everything going to be okay?”

“As long as I’m here, nothing will happen.” The fortune teller said confidently. At the same time, he was also curious about how powerful the rebels of His Majesty the Holy Emperor were, and what he thought about himself. His precious apprentice, Princess Tianyan, was given to him with everything he had, so he was naturally confident. However, facing His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s apprentice, no matter how confident he was, he still felt guilty.

Apart from anything else, anyone who has anything to do with His Majesty the Holy Emperor cannot be a simple person.

“As long as nothing happens!” Bai Yifei breathed a sigh of relief. Li Beifei was his good brother, and Princess Tianyan was his true love. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt.

“Boy, who do you think will win?” the fortune teller suddenly asked.


Bai Yifei didn’t know how to answer. In terms of personal feelings, of course he would prefer Princess Tianyan to win, but in fact…

“Momojiji is like a girl, answer truthfully.” The fortune teller was dissatisfied. said.

“To be honest, I am more optimistic about Brother Li.” Bai Yifei said truthfully.

“Oh?” The fortune teller looked at Bai Yifei in surprise. He thought Bai Yifei would support his apprentice unconditionally, but if this was the case, he would look down on Bai Yifei a little. Children can love each other, but they cannot be blinded by their love. .


With a “pop”, the fortune teller slapped the back of Bai Yifei’s head. Bai Yifei felt pain and looked at the fortune teller in confusion. Why did he hit himself when it was okay?

“You actually look down on my apprentice, you should be beaten.” The fortune teller said.

“…” Bai Yifei feels wronged. It was you who asked me to answer truthfully. This is outrageous.

The two sisters who were disposing of the wolf carcass by the river also saw their young master and Mr. Bai’s Taoist companions confronting each other in the sky. Of course, they supported their young master unconditionally.

“Your Royal Highness, stop clicking!” Li Beifei said.

But Princess Tianyan shook her head, and she said softly: “I know your identity from my master, and I want to see how strong the disciples of His Majesty the Holy Emperor are.”

Li Beifei narrowed his eyes. Regarding Princess Tianyan knowing his identity, He was not surprised. In fact, he was also very interested in the identity of the divine fortune teller. However, when he asked, the divine fortune teller only said that he was a strong man in the immortal realm. He did not say clearly how far he had gone in the immortal realm.

However, he guessed that it was probably the Immortal King. At most, he didn’t dare to guess.

After all, the longer he practices, the richer his experience becomes, and he knows that the further you go, the harder it is to improve your cultivation. The time it took him to practice from the first level of Nirvana to the current peak of Nirvana is more time than to practice in the awakening state. It takes even longer to reach nirvana.

The old guy is only over a million years old, so everyone he knows can’t be as perverted as him, right?

“You didn’t tell Brother Bai?” Li Beifei asked curiously.

Princess Tianyan shook her head and said, “He is already under a lot of pressure now. I don’t want to put any more pressure on him.”

Li Beifei understood clearly that if Bai Yifei knew that he was Gu Changsheng’s disciple, he would have won the first place in the Ancient Star Road. His name is Alexander, and now he knows that the origins of his competitors are so terrifying. This kind of pressure may even destroy a person’s will.

“Master Li, take action!!”

After saying that, a horrifying aura rose up from Princess Tianyan’s body, instantly blasting away clouds thousands of miles away.

When Li Beifei saw this situation, he also knew that Princess Tianyan was going to take action. In this case, he would naturally not fall behind.

A crisp sword sound sounded, and Li Beifei’s Tianshu Sword had been unsheathed. Li Beifei, who was holding the Tianshu Sword in his hand, exuded a sky-high sword intent that even distorted the surrounding space.

“What an amazing sword intent.” Princess Tianyan showed a hint of surprise. Among all the peers she had ever encountered, Li Beifei had the strongest sword intent.

But this is the weight that a disciple of His Majesty the Holy Emperor should have.

Princess Tianyan had a flash of thought, and then slapped Li Beifei in the air. A “bang” sound broke through the air, and a huge spiritual palm print was slapped towards Li Beifei.


As Li Beifei swung, the Tianshu Sword let out a burst of sword sounds, and then slashed with a dazzling sword light.


The palms and swords collided between the two, and the energy aftermath instantly destroyed a large area of the forest.


Bai Yifei exclaimed. So far, neither Li Beifei nor his beloved Princess Tianyan is his opponent. He has a long way to go if he wants to win the first place in the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

“Look at the sword!”

Li Beifei’s figure in the sky is like an illusion, making people unpredictable.

“What a shrink!” After saying this, Princess Tianyan punched her left side with a punch. With a “dang” sound, her fist actually hit the Tianshu Sword.

Li Beifei’s eyes were surprised. This was the first time that his shrinkage had been cracked so easily.

But the more he fought, the more frightened he became. Princess Tianyan seemed to have anticipated the timing and landing point of his sword, and accurately cracked his offensive.

If this is the case, then give this trick a try!


Li Beifei swung the Tianshu Sword, and an invisible, formless sword energy slashed towards the Tianyan Princess.

But the Heavenly Eye Princess just turned around and shattered the Wuhen Sword Qi with one punch.

“Even Wuhen was cracked in an instant.” Li Beifei was shocked. This was the second time Wuhen was cracked. The first time was when he was fighting the quadruplets of the Sky Snake tribe, but each of the four sisters had their own unique abilities. Different talents, the second child is extremely sensitive to aura, which happens to be the nemesis of his traceless swordsmanship.

But the Sky-Eyed Princess actually cracked his Wuhen instantly.

As expected of the Heavenly Eyes Princess, she is indeed powerful.

“Master Li, swordsmanship is useless against me. Have you forgotten my identity?” Princess Tianyan reminded me proactively.

“So that’s it.” Li Beifei suddenly realized that he had forgotten that the Heavenly Eyes Princess came from the Ancient Heavenly Eyes Clan, and the Ancient Heavenly Eyes Clan were born with the Way of Heavenly Secrets. The Heavenly Eyes Princess’s Way of Heavenly Secrets was even stronger than Bai Yifei’s, and she could predict the future in a short period of time. It’s not impossible.

His future has been seen clearly, so no wonder his offensive will be completely seen through.

“The way of secrets is really a perverted cheating ability.” Li Beifei complained.

Princess Tianyan shook her head. Only those who have practiced the Way of Tianji know that excessive use of the Way of Tianji will contaminate cause and effect. Even his master, Divine Fortune Teller, is the body of an Immortal Emperor. Now he can only seal his cultivation. Don’t use too much force.

But now she only slightly calculated the timing of Li Beifei’s sword, and it would not be related to cause and effect. If you put it this way, Tianji’s way is indeed a perverted cheating ability.

“In that case, then…”

“Tianshu Sword Domain, open!”

Li Beifei shouted fiercely, and an area of hundreds of miles was instantly enveloped by Tianshu Sword Domain. However, the Tianyan Princess could not avoid it and directly entered the scope of Tianshu Sword Domain. within.

The face of Princess Tianyan, who was in the Tianshu Sword Domain, changed slightly. She could clearly feel that the spiritual power in her body and the movement of her consciousness in the divine sea were slower than before.

“Not good!”

Princess Tianyan’s senses were very sensitive. She felt a threat coming from behind. She subconsciously wanted to turn around, but found that it was too late. Her movements were much slower than before.


A sword light fell on Princess Tianyan, but it only cut off a strand of her hair.

“Such a strong physical body.” Li Beifei narrowed his eyes. The physical strength of the Heavenly Eye Princess was beyond his expectation.

The fortune teller stretched out his hand and smoothed his beard, with a smile on his face. Only he knew why the body of the Heavenly Eye Princess was so strong.

The Heavenly Eye Princess’s Heavenly Eye is the result of a supreme-level Dao Fruit and the flesh body. Since she fused the Heavenly Eye, her body has been continuously nourished by the Heavenly Eye. Even if she cannot refine her body, her current physical body is comparable to the condensed eighteen-year-old body. The physical body with a divine rainbow of blood and energy is even stronger than Li Beifei, who currently only has fifteen divine rainbows of blood and energy.

With her physical body alone, the Heavenly Eyes Princess is enough to sweep into the Holy Realm.

Although Li Beifei’s attack was powerful, if he didn’t use his trump card, he really couldn’t break through the body of the Sky-Eyed Princess.

(From the time Princess Tianyan first appeared on the stage, she was the target of the human race Gu Tianjun, so there was no additional enhancement.)

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