: Tie Ecstasy Incense (2-in-1)

The Tianyan Princess was in the Tianshu Sword Domain, and her spiritual power and spiritual consciousness had a sense of restraint. Even her movement speed was much slower. She had no time to dodge Li Beifei’s powerful sword energy, but her powerful body directly hit her hard. He resisted Li Beifei’s sword energy, which shocked Li Beifei.

At the same time, Li Beifei was also puzzled. Logically speaking, the ancient Tianyan clan was not good at the physical way, but the physical body of the Tianyan Princess was more powerful than his physical body that condensed fifteen blood energy divine rainbows. This made him strange. Incessantly.

There are gains and losses. The Ancient Sky Eye Clan was born to be the darlings of cultivating the Way of Heavenly Secrets. This made their clan lack physical talent. However, the physical strength of the Sky Eye Princess at this time has exceeded Li Beifei’s expectations.

Li Beifei was frightened and confused, but he didn’t ask any more questions. This was someone else’s secret. Just like him, he also had secrets.

Li Beifei held Tianshu Sword and rushed towards Princess Tianyan. Because Princess Tianyan was in the Tianshu Sword Domain, even if she could predict the enemy’s opportunity, it would not help if her body could not react. She could only have a head-on confrontation with Li Beifei.

In the sky, the two figures turned into two beams of light, rushing towards each other like two comets. The entire sky burst out with dazzling light, and the sound was like thunder, which spread far and wide.


Bai Yifei opened his mouth slightly. The strength of the two of them was beyond his current comparison.

“Boy, do you regret agreeing to my conditions?” The fortune teller smiled at this time.

“I regret it!”

“Huh?” The fortune teller narrowed his eyes.

“I regret that when I was young, the old man asked me to practice hard, but I was often lazy.” Bai Yifei said with a complicated expression.

“You kid, it’s not too late to wake up now, work hard.” Shen Shuanzi said softly.

The battle between the two was not like an ordinary sparring match at all. It was like two ancient sacred mountains colliding. The power that erupted was far more terrifying than those of their peers. There was a loud noise in the sky and the earth was shaking. Both of them were at the peak of Nirvana. , but the combat power they displayed reached the peak of the Saint Realm, directly crossing two major realms.

Their attack was terrifying. The light and shadow in the sky were chaotic, like a vast ocean, blocking the figures of the two people. After a while, the figures of the two people appeared. They stood on one side and faced each other.

They did not choose to take action again, but fell silent.

They are building momentum!

And their battle had a profound impact. They were not the only ones who came to Morning Star, there were also others.

At this time, two young people, a man and a woman, also felt the battle between Li Beifei and Princess Tianyan. They were thousands of miles away, and they could feel the terrifying fluctuations of the blow just now, so they stopped moving forward.

“Senior brother, it smells so scary.” The young woman’s face was full of horror.

The man also nodded in shock.

The two of them are geniuses from a certain ancient star. Where they are, they are already the most talented figures that attract everyone’s attention. The sect has high hopes for them. They also set foot on the ancient starry sky path with confidence.

But after they set foot on the Ancient Starry Sky Road, they discovered that there were many young people who were as talented as them, and there were also many who were better than them, which shocked them quite a bit.

“Senior brother, should we go over and take a look?” Junior sister said with interest.

But there was a hint of hesitation on the senior brother’s face. If it were before, he would have agreed without hesitation, because he was very confident at that time, but now, after several years of torture on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, his confidence has been worn away. It’s over, now he just wants to take his junior sister to completely pass the test of the Starry Sky Ancient Path, and then return to the sect.

The junior sister obviously knew what the senior brother was thinking. She said softly: “Senior brother, let’s just take a look from a distance. If we don’t get close, nothing will happen.”

“That’s… okay!” The senior brother nodded, and he was also very curious about who it was. During the battle, you can feel such powerful aura fluctuations thousands of miles away. This is definitely a battle between the peerless geniuses.

So the two of them flew towards the battlefield cautiously.

Soon, they came to a high mountain and used magical powers similar to clairvoyance to look at the battlefield from a distance. When they saw the Sky-Eyed Princess, they almost screamed.

“It’s her!” Junior sister said in shock, seeing the Sky-Eyed Princess as if she had seen something extraordinary.

“Princess Tianyan, I didn’t expect it to be her. She disappeared since that day when she powerfully killed Shen Haotian, the Son of God of the Gods. I didn’t expect to meet her here.” The senior brother was also shocked.

The two brothers and sisters happened to have seen the process of the Sky-Eyed Princess powerfully killing Shen Haotian. In their opinion, the power of the Sky-Eyed Princess was already unparalleled. They asked themselves that they could not even take a single move against the Sky-Eyed Princess.

But what shocked them even more was that someone was actually fighting against the Sky-Eyed Princess, and they didn’t seem to lose at all.

“Senior brother, look at the man holding the sword, he’s so handsome!” Junior sister cast her eyes on Li Beifei.

“Ahem, junior sister, my brother is not dead yet.” The senior brother was very jealous.

“Hehe, senior brother, I was just kidding. Of course, senior brother, you are the most handsome.” Junior sister said quickly.

After the senior brother heard this, he was satisfied, but he was also very curious about who could fight with the Sky-Eyed Princess without losing.

In the battlefield, Princess Tianyan moved.

The palm of Princess Tianyan’s hand turned purple, and she sprayed out a purple glow, like purple energy coming from the east, occupying half of the sky. The glow changed, and finally turned into a purple divine thunder, flying towards Li Bei like a long purple snake.


Electromagnetic sounds kept coming from the air.

At this moment, the Sky-Eyed Princess transformed into a purple-robed thunder god, whose power was so powerful that it was unstoppable.

“What kind of magical power is this?” Junior Sister asked.

The senior brother thought for a while and said in an uncertain tone: “This should be the legendary Zixiao Divine Thunder.”

The senior brothers and sisters watching the battle from a distance only felt a numbness in their scalps. Even if they were far apart, they could feel it. The horror of the purple divine thunder, if they faced this purple divine thunder, they would die without a chance of survival.

Now they were curious about how the sword-wielding man would deal with the devastating purple sky thunder from the Sky-Eyed Princess.

As everyone knows, the Zixiao Divine Thunder, which they thought was a fatal blow, was just a slightly stronger attack in Li Beifei’s opinion.

“What a Purple Sky Divine Thunder.” Li Beifei exclaimed. Among the several ancient books on immortality given to him by the Divine Operator, there was one specifically dedicated to practicing the Zixiao Divine Thunder. Obviously, the Heavenly Eyes Princess was a practitioner of the Zixiao Divine Thunder.

The Purple Sky Divine Thunder has its own grades. The Heavenly Eye Princess will definitely cultivate the Zixiao Divine Thunder at the immortal level.

Facing the menacing Zixiao Divine Thunder, Li Beifei held the sword in both hands and opened up a sword energy from top to bottom.

The moment the sword energy emerged, it soared straight into the sky, as if connecting heaven and earth. The sword’s will was so majestic that it straddled the gap between heaven and earth, just like a sword coming out from the sky.

Heavenly Sword!

The magical swordsmanship inherited from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord.

The purple sky divine thunder collided with the heavenly sword.


Divine light burst out, as if the heaven and earth were created, and the burst of light was comparable to the sun and the moon.

After one blow, the two of them took action boldly. In the light, they could be seen fighting hand to hand. Li Beifei used a sword, and the Sky Eye Princess was not without weapons. On her hands, there were gloves as thin as cicada wings. The glove exuded a faint light, and it did not fail even when it collided with Tianshu Sword, the holy king’s weapon.


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Purple divine thunder appeared in the hands of Princess Tianyan. Under her control, she turned a powerful divine thunder into a war spear. She held the divine thunder war spear in her hands and used various moves. He did not fall behind at all in the Tianshu Sword Domain.

Li Beifei held the Tianshu Sword and hunted in white, like an ancient swordsman. In an instant, he thrust out thousands of swords.

Gu Changsheng once told him that he should use his sword quickly and ruthlessly, so he drew his sword quickly and ruthlessly, with deadly moves that made Bai Yifei worried.

But when Princess Tianyan saw Li Beifei’s deadly moves, she was not only not angry, but even more excited. She just wanted to experience Li Beifei’s true strength. If Li Beifei was worried because of Bai Yifei, then this competition would be meaningless.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

Before the light dissipated, the two had already fought back and forth for hundreds of rounds.

The two senior brothers and sisters who were watching the battle from a distance had their mouths wide open in shock. The senior brother even said: “Oh my god, he is on par with Princess Tianyan. Who is he?”

But they still remember Shen Haotian of the God Clan. , the reputation of a genius is far-reaching, but when faced with the Heavenly Eyes Princess, she was killed by the Heavenly Eyes Princess within a few dozen rounds. Now seeing someone who can fight on par with the Heavenly Eyes Princess, this is simply refreshing their world view.

They thought that Princess Tianyan was the most powerful person, but they didn’t expect that there would be more.

In fact, they are right. The Sky-Eyed Princess is indeed the ceiling for the younger generation, but there is not necessarily only one ceiling.

As luck would have it, they were lucky enough to encounter another ceiling this time.

Just when the two of them were attracted by the battle on the battlefield, little did they know that they were being targeted by others.

“Sister, these two people are sneaky, don’t they want to sneak attack the young master and Princess Tianyan?” Liu Yuran said through the voice message.

“Hmm…it’s possible.” Liu Yanran nodded.

“Then I’ll kill them now.” Liu Yuran looked at the two men murderously.

Liu Yanran quickly stopped and said through the message: “Don’t be impulsive. What if they are just passing by and happen to see the young master and the others sparring? The young master has said that you should not be soft on the enemy, but if you hurt an innocent passerby, the young master will be unhappy.”

” What should we do?” Liu Yuran asked.

“Well… let’s do this… and then do this again…” Liu Yanran said.

“Sister, you are so cunning, but I like it, hehe.” Liu Yuran smiled.

And in the sky, the battle between the two also entered a fierce stage.

Princess Tianyan rubbed the purple divine thunder with her hands, and the powerful purple light dyed the entire sky purple. Even in the Tianshu Sword Domain, she relied on her powerful body to offset the binding power of the Tianshu Sword Domain. She He moves like electricity and is as agile as a dragon. His whole body is shrouded in purple clouds, and his aura is even more powerful and frightening.

Li Beifei shouted softly and slashed out several rays of sword light, forcing back the purple sky thunder that filled the sky.

“Master Li, let’s decide the outcome with one move!” At this time, Princess Tianyan said.

“Okay!” Li Beifei agreed.


The sky trembled, and then a heavenly eye appeared between the eyebrows of the Heavenly Eye Princess. There seemed to be a mist in the heavenly eye, as if chaos was spreading, making it difficult to see the real situation. The next moment, the Sky Eye began to glow, and the light gradually grew, and finally turned into silver light.

“It’s the Sky Eye. Is the Princess of the Sky Eye going to use the magical power to kill Shen Haotian?” The senior brother in the distance was extremely excited, as if the Princess of the Sky Eye used the Sky Eye to kill Shen Haotian was still vivid in his mind.


The Heavenly Eye of the Heavenly Eye Princess shot out a ray of divine light from the center of her eyebrows, as if the heaven and earth were created, and rushed towards Li Beifei with terrifying power.

At this time, Li Beifei also used the Tianxuan Sword. With both swords in his hands, he slashed out a sword light that tore apart the heaven and the earth.

A sword that splits the sky!


The divine light collided with the Sky-Splitting Sword, and the burst of power instantly destroyed hundreds of miles in radius, creating a large hole hundreds of miles in diameter.

In the sky, two figures slowly descended.

“Master Li, I surrender!”

“Your Royal Highness, I surrender!”

The two of them bowed their hands and saluted. In this battle, they could not tell the winner.

If they want to decide the winner, they can only fight to the death, but based on their relationship, it is obviously impossible to have a life and death fight. They each have their own trump cards, so they have to end in a draw.

In this battle, neither of them tested each other’s true strength.

Li Beifei did not use the thirty-three days of creation magic.

And Princess Tianyan did not use his most powerful magical power “Judgment of Destiny”.

If they were used at the same time, life or death would be unpredictable, so it would be better to end in a draw.

The two senior brothers and sisters watching the battle from a distance were completely confused.

“Senior brother, did you hear that? They were sparring just now?” Junior sister asked in disbelief.

“Probably… right!” The senior brother also had a bitter look on his face. In the battle between the two of them just now, they could have been killed by just one move. A battle of this level was actually just a sparring match between them. If this was a life and death battle, , what kind of scene would that be?

This is the real young emperor!

“Let’s go, Junior Sister!” Senior Brother said.

“Okay!” Junior Sister nodded.

Just when they were about to leave, they suddenly felt dizzy.


They were startled, but before they could fully react, they fainted.

At this time, the two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran came out. Liu Yuran laughed and said: “Sister, I didn’t expect that the Ecstasy incense you made was so powerful. By the way, why did you think of making Ecstasy incense? ”

Liu Yanran’s face turned red when she heard this, and she said hesitantly: “It’s just interest, interest.”

“Really?” Liu Yuran looked at his sister suspiciously and said, “You don’t want to take action against the young master, do you? ”

Liu Yanran’s face changed slightly and she said, “How is it possible? How could the young master be fascinated by the incense of Ecstasy? Don’t talk nonsense.” “That’s right.

Hey, he won’t be fascinated by the incense of Ecstasy. Are there any more powerful drugs?” Liu Yuran asked.

“Stop talking nonsense, take the person back quickly.” Liu Yanran was afraid that the rotten girl would get more outrageous as she spoke, so she quickly urged her to carry the person.

However, if you can really charm the young master, wouldn’t you be able to do whatever you want? No, Liu Yanran, Liu Yanran, why do you have such thoughts? It’s all my fault, my sister. Reading unseemly books like “Spring and Autumn” all day long has affected me.

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