The hopeless road idiot

After the battle, Li Beifei wanted Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran to take the processed wolf corpse to a new place to eat. After all, people for hundreds of miles around here thought that the aftermath of the battle between him and Princess Tianyan was ruined. , but he only saw two women coming back carrying one person each.

“When did you…have such strong tastes? These are humanoids.” Li Beifei pointed at the man and woman on their shoulders and said.

Bai Yifei and others were also shocked. They don’t eat people.

“Sir, you misunderstood, this is not for eating.” Liu Yanran quickly explained the scene when she met these two people just now. Of course, she ignored the part about the ecstasy.

After hearing this, Li Beifei knew that these two were just passers-by, and being kidnapped by the two sisters was an unreasonable disaster.

“When will they wake up?” Li Beifei asked.

“It takes two hours.” Liu Yanran said. The Ecstasy incense she made is only effective for two hours. Once the time has passed, you can wake up.

“Then let’s take them with us for the time being.” Li Beifei said helplessly. He couldn’t just tie up people and throw them away casually. If something happened, his conscience would not go away.

Two hours passed quickly.

In a field, the junior sister woke up faintly. Suddenly, she smelled a strong aroma of meat. She opened her drowsy eyes and saw something being roasted by the fire.

“Senior brother?” The junior sister was shocked, thinking that her senior brother had been roasted and eaten. She jumped up in fright, and then she felt as if she had stepped on something soft.

“Hey, you woke up so soon.” Liu Yanran said doubtfully. It was only half an hour to two hours before she woke up. It seems that the efficacy of the Ecstasy incense needs to be improved.

“Sister, your Ecstasy incense is not very effective.” Liu Yuran said.

“Ecstasy?” Li Beifei’s doubtful voice sounded.

Liu Yanran was startled and said quickly: “It’s nothing, sir, you heard wrong.”

After saying that, she glared at her sister fiercely, and Liu Yuran stuck out her tongue, which was really cute.

“Who are you? Where are my senior brothers? What did you do to them?” At this time, the junior sister’s anxious voice sounded.

“Girl, when you ask questions, you can pay attention to the soles of your feet.” Li Beifei’s eyes indicated that he was holding a piece of wolf leg meat in his hand and could not distinguish the instructions.

Upon hearing this, the junior sister looked down at her feet in confusion, only to find that her senior brother was being stepped on by her. She quickly left him, then squatted down and kept shouting: “Senior brother, wake up, wake up!”

As she said that, she patted her senior brother on the face.

The senior brother also woke up faintly. When he saw his junior sister, he asked: “Junior sister, where are we?”

The junior sister did not speak, but looked at Li Beifei and the others.

The senior brother was suddenly shocked. Isn’t this the person who just fought with the Sky Eye Princess?

“When you wake up, leave by yourself.” Li Beifei said.

After saying that, Li Beifei signaled to Liu Yanran, who understood and put out the bonfire.

“Let’s go, Brother Bai and the others are probably back in the city.” Li Beifei said, and then asked Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran to leave together.

There were only two senior brothers and sisters left in the wilderness who looked confused. They thought they were doomed this time, but they didn’t expect it was just a false alarm.

“Senior Brother, why don’t they kill us?” Junior Sister asked.

“I don’t know.” Senior brother shook his head.

“Then what should we do now? We can’t find the teleportation altar. We won’t be trapped here for the rest of our lives, right?” Junior Sister said a little confused.

After hearing this, the senior brother thought for a while and said, “Junior sister, why don’t we follow them?”

“What will we do if they take action against us?” the junior sister said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, they want to take action against us, and they have already done so just now, and my intuition tells me that only by following them can we get out of here.” The senior brother said.

“This… okay, I’ll listen to you.” Junior Sister nodded.

“Okay, let’s go back to the city.” After the senior brother finished speaking, he was about to stand up, but suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen. He looked at his abdomen and found two conspicuous shoe prints on his clothes.

“Why are the sizes of these shoe prints so familiar?” The senior brother muttered. When the

junior sister heard this, her neck shrank and her eyes flickered. She quickly said, “Senior brother, stop studying this and go back to the city.”

The senior brother nodded.

Then the two of them also returned to Qiming City.

Not long after they left, Li Beifei and the other two returned to the same place. At this time, the two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran desperately covered their mouths to prevent themselves from laughing.

Li Beifei said expressionlessly: “When I go back, I can’t tell others that I went in the wrong direction again.”

“Yes, sir.” The two women said in unison. After saying that, they finally couldn’t hold it in any longer and giggled. laughed.

“Let’s go!” Li Beifei waved his hand.

“Wait a minute, young master, Qiming City is on your left.” Liu Yanran shouted.

Li Beifei’s figure turned 90 degrees to the left and disappeared with a “whoosh”.

“Haha, Young Master is so shy.” Liu Yuran laughed loudly.

“Let’s go.” Liu Yanran smiled.

Li Beifei, who was the first to leave, really felt his face burning, and he couldn’t help but ask Lao Liu in his heart.

“Lao Liu, have you allowed Lu Chi to practice the skills that will make him no longer a Lu Chi?”

“…” Lao Liu didn’t want to answer.

“Hey, Sixth, are you here? You can’t die, can you?” Li Beifei said directly to his face and opened his mouth.

“I won’t die even if you die.” Lao Liu was annoyed and finally spoke.

“It’s good that you’re not dead. I’m just asking if you are.” Li Beifei asked.

“No!” Lao Liu asked angrily. Lu Chi is your own problem. As long as you pay attention to it, you can change it. Do you blame me for not paying attention?

“No, no, why are you so stiff? Is menopause coming?” Li Beifei asked.

“Get out.” Lao Liu cursed and dived completely.

Li Beifei curled his lips.

Suddenly, he spotted the pair of senior brothers and sisters in front of him, but he didn’t care. If he could return to Qiming City, others could naturally return to Qiming City. It just happened to be along the way.

Li Beifei stepped lightly and surpassed them in an instant.

“Eh? Senior brother, isn’t that the figure just now?” Junior sister asked doubtfully.

“It seems so. Didn’t he return to the city before us? Why are he lagging behind? Is he lost?” said the senior brother.

Li Beifei in front almost fell from the sky when he heard this. Well, now more and more people know that he is a road idiot.

No, the fact that I am a road idiot must not be spread out.

It seems like this is the only way to go.

Li Beifei paused for a moment, turned around and waited for the two people to come over.

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