Li Beifei is trying to trick people again

When the brother and sister saw Li Beifei in front of them, they stopped. For some reason, they felt uneasy in their hearts and slowed down for no reason.

“Senior brother, isn’t he regretting letting us go?” The junior sister’s voice was trembling, and her hands couldn’t help but grab the senior brother’s clothes, obviously very nervous.

“It shouldn’t happen, right?” Senior Brother’s tone is also quite uncertain. In his opinion, geniuses like Li Beifei’s Sky-Eyed Princess who transcend common sense have their own pride. He had let them go before, so there is no reason to do so. Regretful, this was biased against the strong person he knew.

The two of them were tremblingly getting closer and closer to Li Beifei. When they were less than ten feet away from Li Beifei, Li Beifei spoke.

“Am I scary?” Li Beifei asked.


The senior brother and sister shook their heads quickly, but their bodies were shaking even more than before. They had heard that some people like to play cat and mouse games, maybe before The reason for letting them go is to give them a fatal blow at the moment when they are most relaxed and happy, in order to satisfy some kind of perverted hobby.

Isn’t this the same kind of person?

“Hahaha…” The sixth child in Li Beifei’s body suddenly laughed, making Li Beifei confused for a while.

“Why are you laughing?” Li Beifei asked.

“You don’t care why I’m laughing, hahaha, perverted hobbies, hahaha…” After Lao Liu finished speaking, he couldn’t help laughing again.

“What the hell?” Li Beifei frowned.

Little did he know that his frown frightened the two senior fellow apprentices to tremble inside.

“Junior sister, we behaved unnaturally and made him unhappy.” Senior brother said carefully.

“What should we do? Doesn’t he really have any perverted hobbies? Senior brother, I’m not afraid of death, but I’m afraid of dying in an unknown way.” The junior sister tightened her grip on her senior brother’s clothes and spoke in an extremely pitiful tone.

“Junior sister, I will stay and restrain him later. You run as far as you can.” The senior brother said firmly.

“No, senior brother, you will die. I can’t leave you alone. At worst, we will die together.” The junior sister decisively rejected the senior brother’s proposal.

“Junior sister!”

“Senior brother!”

The two looked at each other lovingly.

“Hey, hey, hey, what are you thinking about?” Li Beifei noticed something was wrong. After being baptized by the other shore flower, his divine sea had nearly doubled in size. He didn’t know the content of the voice transmission between the two, but the fluctuations of his spiritual consciousness made him feel it. When they arrived, the consciousness of these two people fluctuated violently and frequently, and they were obviously very nervous.

Why are you nervous? Except for the tension he brought to the two of them, there was no one else.

“Sir, if you want to kill me, just kill me and let my junior sister go.” The senior brother suddenly begged Li Beifei.

“No, young master, if you want to kill me, kill me and let my senior brother go.” The junior sister said immediately.

“???” Li Beifei looked confused. When did he express his intention to kill them?

“When did I say I was going to kill you?” Li Beifei asked helplessly.

“Sir, we understand that as long as you let my junior sister go, I will be very happy.” Senior brother said.

“You guys know nothing. I just got lost and walked in the opposite direction before I met you again.” Li Beifei was so angry that he even told the truth about how he got lost.

Who are these people? They think that Li Beifei, the wise and powerful leader of the Seven Star Sword Sect, is a rotten person. I am so angry.

“Sir, do you really not want to kill us?” Senior Brother asked cautiously.

“I wanted to kill you and I just killed you. Why bother to let you go?” Li Beifei said helplessly.

“I heard that some people have some perverted hobbies. They always like to play cat and mouse, treating others as prey, catching and releasing them, and waiting for the prey to be the happiest and most relaxed moment before delivering a fatal blow.” Junior Sister said softly.

After hearing this, Li Beifei felt like a bolt from the blue. He couldn’t help but ask, “Have you known me before?”

The two shook their heads.

“I don’t know why you think so?” Li Beifei asked.

“Are you really this kind of person?” Their faces suddenly turned pale.

“Holy shit!” Li Beifei cursed. He asked these two people if they knew him before. The reason was simple. For example, those people from the academy. It’s not surprising that they would have such an idea. After all, his reputation in Tianhuang Star was a bit lacking. Good, but these two people didn’t know him at all, so why did they have such an idea.

“Gou Laoliu, did you laugh just now because of this?” Li Beifei asked Lao Liu angrily.

“You take care of me!” Lao Liu replied lightly.

“Fuck.” Li Beifei cursed and ignored Lao Liu.

Li Beifei looked at the two of them, and they were immediately startled and hugged each other.

“Are you also a trespasser?” Li Beifei asked.

The two nodded.

“You are so timid, how can you get through this!” Li Beifei complained.

The two of them were speechless, whether they were timid or not, they had no idea who they were facing. Someone like you could kill us instantly with one move. If we didn’t show fear, wouldn’t we be denying you face?

“Young Master really won’t kill us?” Senior Brother asked.

“Holy shit, if you keep beeping like this, believe it or not, I’ll chop you up and give your junior sister away?” Li Beifei was furious.

“No!” The senior brother hugged his junior sister tightly, for fear that Li Beifei would really give his junior sister away.

“Where are you two from and what are your names?” Li Beifei ignored the fact that the two of them were so close, but he had never hugged Qing Yi like this before!

After hearing this, the two people quickly reported their family names.

These two people came from an ancient star called Ganges. The ancient star Ganges was not big, not even half the size of the Eastern Region of Tianhuang Star, but their status in the ancient star was unusually high.

The ancient star of Ganges is ruled by a sect called Canglan Sect. The Canglan Sect is the orthodoxy left by the Great Sage Canglan 100,000 years ago. Of course, it is obviously impossible for a saint to rule an ancient star. Yes, but the Canglan Sect gave birth to a quasi-emperor two thousand years ago. Now that the quasi-emperor is still alive, the Canglan Sect, with a quasi-emperor in charge, quickly unified the Ganges Ancient Star and became the only overlord of the Canglan Star. .

As for this pair of senior brothers, the senior brother is called Shangguan Jinfei and the junior sister is called Yan Dandan. They are both direct disciples of the ancestor of the quasi-emperor of the Canglan Sect. They have the highest status in the ancient planet of Ganges, except for the quasi-emperor. .

On the ancient planet Ganges, no one would dare to mess with them even if they walked sideways.

When Li Beifei heard that the two of them had such a deep background, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and then the plan came from his heart.

Li Beifei smiled and invited the two of them to a mountain peak, and said with

a smile: “Do you two know Beichen Star?” The brother and sister looked at each other, then nodded. Brother Shangguan Jinfei said: “The hometown of the Sword Emperor, we Of course I know, and the Beichen Star is the closest living star to our ancient Ganges star. My master once took my junior sister and me there when we were children.”

Li Beifei’s eyes lit up, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

If Bai Yifei saw Li Beifei smiling like this here, he would definitely feel very familiar. This smile was exactly the same as the smile that tricked him into boarding the pirate ship at the Changsheng Emperor’s Tomb, and there was no change at all.

Li Beifei is trying to trick people again!

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