It’s Sure

After a while, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran followed. They saw that their young master was chatting with the two people who had been stunned by them before. The conversation seemed to be quite lively, which made them feel strange.

“Sister, have you met them before?” Liu Yuran asked.

Liu Yanran shook her head. Based on the previous attitudes of both parties, it was impossible for them to know each other. But if they didn’t know each other, how could the young master be so enthusiastic?

When Li Beifei saw Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran following him, he ordered Liu Yanran to make tea for them.

Liu Yanran nodded, skillfully took out a set of coffee table tea sets from the storage ring, placed them in the middle, and started to make tea skillfully.

Liu Yuran stood obediently behind Li Beifei, looking like a harmless lady.

But Shangguan Jinfei and Yan Dandan knew how powerful these two women were. When they faced these two women, they were kidnapped without any ability to fight back. Although there was suspicion of a sneak attack, this also proved that these two women were Women are stronger than them.

Thinking of this, the senior brother and sister looked at each other and couldn’t help but feel discouraged. Even their maids couldn’t compare with them. How could they dare to enter this ancient starry sky road? It’s okay not to break in.

“Why do you two sigh?” Li Beifei asked.

Hearing this, the two of them sighed again. Shangguan Jinfei said: “Brother Li, we are among the leaders of the younger generation in the Ganges Ancient Star. We have also longed for the Starry Sky Ancient Road for a long time, but since After walking on the ancient starry sky road, we found that young geniuses like us are like crucian carp crossing the river. Now we, brothers and sisters, are thinking that if we have a chance, we will leave this ancient starry sky road. Whoever likes to venture in, we are tired anyway. ”

After hearing this, Li Beifei suddenly realized that the confidence of these two people was shaken. Li Beifei has encountered many people like them in recent years. Those people, like Guan Jinfei and Yan Dandan, all came from a certain He is a talented young man from an ancient star who is invincible against his peers among his own ancient stars. He is confident and proud. Such people are very ambitious, and some even develop a arrogant character.

But it is this kind of people who are most susceptible to being hit. When they meet more people who are no worse than themselves, or even far better than themselves, their morale will be hit, their Taoist mind will be unstable, and they may even become possessed.

Li Beifei had killed a few poor people who had gone crazy. Their hearts collapsed and they became bloodthirsty lunatics. Li Beifei killed them, which was considered a relief for them.

The situation of the two people in front of them is the same. After they have seen people stronger than them, they have a kind of understanding that they used to sit in a well and watch the sky. If they are in this kind of shock state for a long time, it won’t take long for their Taoist hearts to collapse. Maybe They will also go crazy and eventually die at the hands of someone stronger than them.

However, Li Beifei felt that the mentality of these two people had not reached the point where their hearts collapsed, otherwise they would not have had that kind of fantasy just now.

“Brother Shangguan, Miss Yan, do you really want to leave the Starry Sky Ancient Road?” Li Beifei asked. Originally, he was thinking about how to win over these two people, but now that they want to leave the Starry Sky Ancient Road, he has some concerns in his heart.

Shangguan Jinfei gave a bitter smile and said: “Before today, my junior sister and I would have had the courage to continue, but not long ago I saw Brother Li’s battle with Princess Tianyan, and…” As he

spoke, he couldn’t help but glance at Liu Yanran, who was making tea, and Liu Yuran, who looked like a lady, then continued: “As well as the two swordsmen who met you, Brother Li, we no longer have the confidence to continue going down. If it is possible, we naturally want to Leave the ancient starry sky road and return to the ancient stars of the Ganges River.”

After hearing this, Li Beifei glanced at Liu Yanran, who lowered her head, but her eyes kept flashing; and then glanced at Liu Yuran beside him, Liu Yuran’s face Expressionless, trying her best to pretend to be a lady.

Well, the point is that I was hit by you two girls.

Li Beifei was both proud and funny in his heart. He didn’t expect that his two maids would defeat others to such an extent that they no longer had the courage to continue. There is progress.

Li Beifei no longer looked at the two women, but said to Shangguan Jinfei and Shangguan Jinfei: ” If you just go back as losers, won’t your master blame you?”

“My father wouldn’t.” Yan Dandan said at this time: “He wishes that my senior brother and I would not break through this ancient starry sky road. He always thinks about it. It’s disrespectful to hold a grandson in your arms.”


Li Beifei just took a sip of the tea Liu Yanran had just brewed. After hearing Yan Dandan’s words, Li Beifei spat out the tea. Fortunately, this time He has experience and doesn’t spray it in other people’s faces.

Li Beifei looked at Yan Dandan in surprise and said, “Isn’t that quasi-emperor ancestor your master? How did he become your father?”

When they briefly introduced themselves just now, they didn’t mention the quasi-emperor of the Canglan Sect. Ancestor Emperor is Yan Dandan’s father. Among other things, the biological daughter of a quasi-emperor has a much stronger identity than the saintly son or daughter of any holy land.

If you offend the saints and sons of the Holy Land, at most they will send out some masters. But if you offend the biological daughter of a quasi-emperor, I’m sorry, but you will experience the wrath of the quasi-emperor’s father.

At this time, Shangguan Jinfei explained: “Master is indeed Junior Sister’s father, but because of Master’s request, Junior Sister has always been claimed to be Master’s disciple.” ”

I understand.” Li Beifei nodded, and Master Shangguan Jinfei also It was Yan Dandan’s mother who was probably afraid that Yan Dandan would do anything wrong in the name of her quasi-emperor father, so she announced that Yan Dandan was a disciple of quasi-emperor’s father.

Although Li Beifei didn’t think the effect would be very good, the relationship between the disciple and his biological daughter would always be a little distant.

“My mother just thinks too much. How could I do anything wrong in my father’s name? I’m not stupid. How could I ruin my father’s reputation?” Yan Dandan sounded resentful, obviously very dissatisfied with her mother’s arrangements.

“Junior Sister, Junior Sister did this so that you could get along peacefully with other peers. If I had known you were Master’s daughter from the beginning, I wouldn’t have dared to approach you.” Shangguan Jin Fei persuaded softly, even using himself as an example.

“Hmph, if you dare not get close to me, I will ask my father to expel you from the school!” Yan Dandan snorted.

When Li Beifei heard this, didn’t you just call it a reckless act?

In order to prevent these two people from flirting here, Li Beifei simply got straight to the point.

“I can help you leave the Starry Sky Ancient Road.”

Li Beifei said.

The two were startled, and then asked in unison: “Really?”

Li Beifei nodded confidently and said, “I can take you away in one year.”

As for why it is said one year later, of course it is one year Later, Gu Changsheng will come to take him back to Beichen Star for the ten-year appointment.

Neither of them asked why it was a year later, but Shangguan Jinfei asked: “Brother Li, what conditions do you have?”

Li Beifei said, “It depends on Miss Yan.”

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Jinfei quickly protected Yan. Dandan said: “Brother Li, other conditions are OK, but Dandan is not.”

When Li Beifei saw this, he knew that he had misunderstood what he meant. He said: “Brother Shangguan, you misunderstood, I meant one year Finally, I want to ask Miss Yan to come forward and ask his father to help me.”

“This…” Shangguan Jinfei looked at Yan Dandan.

Yan Dandan agreed directly.

“Okay, as long as you can send us back, I will ask my father to help you once.” Yan Dandan said.

“Why don’t you ask?” Li Beifei asked.

Yan Dandan shook his head and said: “As long as the enemy is not the Great Emperor, my father will have no problem.”

Li Beifei was shocked when he heard this and asked quickly: “I wonder what your father’s level of cultivation is now?”

“My father had already cultivated five hundred years ago. We have reached the pinnacle of quasi-emperor.” Yan Dandan raised his head proudly.

Damn it, the pinnacle of quasi-emperor, and it was achieved through cultivation at that time, so that’s for sure!

Li Beifei aroused unprecedented confidence in the ten-year agreement.

(It’s only the second update tonight. I’m catching a cold due to the change of seasons. My brain is buzzing and hurting, as if someone is ringing a bell.)

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