The young master is so good at talking.

After the few chatted for a while, they returned to Qiming City together. After leaving their contact information, they separated in Qiming City.

Li Beifei was in a good mood and walked toward his residence humming a brisk tune on the street.

When Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran saw that the young master was so happy, they naturally became happy too. After following the young master for so long, this was the first time they saw him showing such a relaxed and happy attitude. Although they had talked and laughed before, they could always feel that there was a lingering anxiety in their young master’s heart.

But after meeting Master Shangguan and Miss Yan today, the anxiety in the Master’s heart seemed to disappear all of a sudden. Although they didn’t know why the Master was so anxious, as long as the Master was in a good mood, they were in a good mood too.

As soon as Li Beifei and others walked to the gate of the rented courtyard, they saw Bai Yifei and Princess Tianyan walking out.

When Bai Yifei saw Li Beifei, he asked strangely: “Brother Li, why did it take so long to come back?” ”

Well… we’ll talk about it when we have time. Are you two going out?” Li Beifei asked.

“Yes, Jiu’er said that she hasn’t had a good visit to our human market, so in my spare time I thought of taking her out shopping.” Bai Yifei said, and couldn’t help but hold the hand of Princess Tianyan.

The surnames of the Ancient Clan are different from those of the Human Clan. The surnames of the Ancient Clan are usually named after the ethnic group. Just like the Golden Ancient Clan, they use “Golden” as their surname. The Tianyan Ancient Clan naturally also uses “Tianyan” as their surname. The name of Princess Tianyan is Tianyan Jiuer. It is hard to imagine that the name of Princess Tianyan smells like the sister next door. This is completely inconsistent with her appearance and temperament.

Of course, Li Beifei didn’t care what Princess Tianyan’s name was. When he heard Bai Yifei said that he wanted to take Princess Tianyan out shopping, Li Beifei immediately became “Jade”.

“Go early and come back early!” Li Beifei replied listlessly. After saying that, he was about to lead the two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran through the door, but was held back by Bai Yifei.

Bai Yifei gave Princess Tianyan a look, and then pulled Bai Yifei aside.

“What do you want to do?” Li Beifei broke free from Bai Yifei’s hand. “Her Royal Highness is still watching. It’s inappropriate for you to do this.”

Bai Yifei was stunned for a moment, then recovered and said angrily: “Get out.”

Li Beifei shrugged. , said: “Tell me, what’s the matter?”

Bai Yifei said in a low voice: “You also know that this is my first time in love…”

“Nonsense, you said this to me many times!” Li Beifei interrupted him quickly, She even glared at him, “If you continue to say this, I will become a scumbag.”

“Brother Li, you misunderstood. What I meant was that you and Qingyi Fairy Xiangbi often go shopping, right? I just want to ask, the best way to go shopping.” Bai Yifei asked.

“…” Li Beifei remained silent.

“Brother Li? Brother Li?” Bai Yifei shouted twice.

Li Beifei glanced at him, but still said nothing.

“No, Brother Li, haven’t you ever gone shopping with Fairy Tsing Yi?” Bai Yifei said in a surprised tone.

“Is it weird? Qing Yi and I aim at the pinnacle of the Dao. How could we expect you to be so leisurely? This is the greatest disrespect to our swordsmanship.” Li Beifei said sternly.

If someone else said this, Bai Yifei would definitely applaud and praise him, but if it was Li Beifei who said this, then if he believed it, it would be unless he was taken over by someone else.

Bai Yifei ignored Li Beifei’s words and said to himself: “With the character of Fairy Tsing Yi, as long as Brother Li asks you to go shopping, she will definitely not refuse. Huh? Brother Li, you haven’t always taken the initiative.” Right?”

“What do you mean by never taking the initiative? Have you forgotten what happened at Parkway Building? I said in front of everyone that Qing Yi is my future wife. Isn’t this considered initiative?” Li Beifei was very dissatisfied with Bai Yifei’s words. .

“Of course I remember this, but I remember it even more because the big guy Qin Shaoshang said that he would defeat the Tsing Yi Fairy and let the Tsing Yi Fairy follow him back to the Mountain of the Immortal. That’s why you stood up and said that the Tsing Yi Fairy is your future wife. That’s what you said You are still passive.”

Bai Yifei carefully described the situation in Parkway Tower.

“…” Li Beifei.

Bai Yifei continued: “And this is not the initiative I am talking about. I am taking the initiative to ask the Tsing Yi Fairy out on the street, and even…hehe, kiss!”

At the end of the sentence, Bai Yifei showed a lewd smile.

“Your boy has already kissed Her Royal Highness?” Li Beifei looked at Bai Yifei with wide eyes, an expression of disbelief on his face.

“Shh, keep your voice down.” Bai Yifei said quickly. He glanced at Princess Tianyan in the distance and found that Princess Tianyan was chatting with Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran for who knows what. She seemed to be very engrossed in the conversation and did not notice them. here.

Bai Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: “This was already before entering the Starry Sky Ancient Road. I didn’t expect Jiu’er to agree. Brother Li, there are some things you can’t let a girl take the initiative with you, but you You have to take the initiative, otherwise, it will be difficult for your relationship to go beyond the boundary of friends.”

Li Beifei nodded, feeling that Bai Yifei’s words made sense, but suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

“That’s not right. It’s obviously you who came to ask me for advice. Why did you come to teach me instead?” Li Beifei reacted and looked at Bai Yifei.

“This… Hehe, I just discovered that Brother Li is the one in terms of love between children.” Bai Yifei raised his little finger to Li Beifei.

When Li Beifei saw this, he wanted to draw his sword and chop Bai Yifei down, but thinking that Princess Tianyan was nearby and her master was in the room, he decided not to do it.

“Get out of here!” Li Beifei said angrily.

Bai Yifei walked towards Princess Tianyan with a smile, and left with Princess Tianyan.

Liu Yuran, on the other hand, looked at the Heavenly Eyes Princess longingly, with expectation in his eyes.

“Sister, if the young master finds out, you will be criticized again.” Liu Yanran said softly.

“Hehe, sister, if you don’t tell me, Her Royal Highness also promised to keep it a secret. The young master won’t know. I asked Her Royal Highness to buy it for me…” ”

What are you talking about? What are you buying?” At this time, Li Beifei came over.

“Ah, sir, I asked Her Royal Highness to buy some rouge and gouache for me.” Liu Yuran was startled, but still made an excuse.

Li Beifei frowned slightly and said, “Rouge and gouache? You two sisters are naturally beautiful. What are you doing with these?”

“Young Master is so good at talking!” Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran blushed. If others said they were naturally beautiful, they would naturally Of course I admit it, but it’s a young master who says this, so happy!

“I’m just telling the truth.” Li Beifei said, but he was thinking in his heart, do girls like rouge and gouache?

“Let me ask you two a question, if you could stay young forever, would you be happy?” Li Beifei asked.

“Sir, your question is…” The two women were speechless.

“What’s wrong?” Li Beifei asked.

“What woman doesn’t want to stay young forever? Master, if you want me and my sister to stay young forever, we can do whatever you want us to do.” Liu Yuran said.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Liu Yanran pinched Liu Yuran’s slender waist. This girl has become more and more unruly recently. Just now she dared to ask Her Royal Highness to help her “spring and autumn”. She is really lawless.

“That’s it!” Li Beifei thought about the best gift to give Qing Yi the next time he saw her, even though this gift was originally prepared for her.

“This is for you!” Li Beifei took out a bottle of elixir.

“Sir, what is this?” Liu Yanran took the medicine bottle, opened it and found two pills lying inside.

“Wanshou Dan!”

Li Beifei said: “It can increase your life span by ten thousand years and keep you young forever.”

After saying that, he entered the room, leaving only the two women standing there.

(Nais, it took me three hours to type out this chapter after successfully reviving the sun. I heard that there are also three-yang kaitai, four-yang and five-yang. My recovery-yang is nothing, right?)

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