Young Master, don’t do anything, you are good friends

Soon, Li Beifei returned to Qiming City. When Bai Yifei saw Li Beifei, he couldn’t help but asked in confusion: “Brother Li, have you failed to overcome the tribulation?

” It failed.” Li Beifei said three times in a row. He was afraid of Bai Yifei’s consecration of the crow’s mouth. He had taken the lead in searching for the teleportation altar for so long but could not find it. He also encountered various troubles on the way, all because of Bai Yifei’s crow’s mouth. .

“You who practice the way of heaven, can you please stop talking nonsense and say some unlucky words?” Li Beifei continued.

“Huh?” The fortune teller sitting in a pavilion not far away looked at Li Beifei with an unkind look.

Li Beifei trembled for a moment, and quickly said to the fortune teller: “Senior, I am not talking about you. You are not even a human being. No, you have transcended the category of human beings…” The

fortune teller looked away. He was too lazy to pay attention to Li Beifei. After getting along with him for half a year, he gradually understood why Li Beifei was called a traitor by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Don’t say anything else, just say this, bitch, thief, bitch. If he hadn’t had some concerns in his heart, He wanted to beat Li Beifei severely.

Bai Yifei was used to Li Beifei’s character. He automatically ignored what Li Beifei said and continued to ask: “Then why did you come back so quickly? You didn’t even have time to drink tea.” Bai Yifei was really

curious in his heart. Could it be that Brother Li Has the strength reached the point where one sword can dispel lightning tribulations? impossible!

Bai Yifei decisively threw away this astonishing idea. The one who could dispel the thunder catastrophe was probably the Human Race’s Holy Emperor Changsheng Emperor a million years ago. It is certain that Brother Li has the appearance of a great emperor, but compared with Changsheng Emperor , can’t compare.

“Let me keep it a secret for now. All you need to know now is that I am not unable to break through, I just don’t want to break through. The time has not come yet.” Li Beifei said pretending to be mysterious.

“When did you change the way of Tianji?” Bai Yifei was speechless.

“How do you say this?” Li Beifei asked.

“Why are you trying to make a riddle if you don’t practice the secret method? The time has not yet come, are you still thinking of picking a good time to make a breakthrough?” Bai Yifei complained.

“How do you know?” Li Beifei’s eyes showed surprise, “Do you know how to read minds?”

“I know how to read minds.” Bai Yifei rolled his eyes, then raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, “You can’t?” Do you really want to pick an auspicious time?”

Li Beifei nodded and said, “Since you have guessed it, I won’t hide it. In half a year, it will be a ten-year appointment, and I will give you a big gift then. Give it to the enemy.”

“A big gift?”

Bai Yifei pondered for a while, and then asked in an uncertain tone: “You don’t want to use thunder to kill the enemy, do you?”

“Hey, that’s right! How about this, this is a genius It was a solution that came to me when I had an idea.” Li Beifei said proudly.

“Are you crazy? The power of the thunder tribulation will change with the strength of the monks within the range. Those are the three major quasi-emperor forces. There are many strong saints. I will exclude the strong ones above the saint first. Just There are also many in the Xiaoyao Realm. If an enemy from the Xiaoyao Realm enters the range of your thunder tribulation, your thunder tribulation will immediately become a saint’s thunder tribulation, and a wisp of breath can crush you. What on earth are you thinking?”

Bai Yifei’s voice was a bit loud, and even the two sisters who were doing daily housekeeping work in Li Beifei’s room heard it. They put down what they were doing and hurriedly ran out of the room. They saw Mr. Bai looking at his son with a worried face. .

“Sister, aren’t Young Master and Young Master Bai quarreling? Are they going to fight later?” Liu Yuran asked in a low voice, fearing that her voice would disturb the two people in the yard.

“There shouldn’t be a fight. Sister, if there is a fight later, we must hold the young master.” Liu Yanran said.

“Why? Mr. Bai’s strength is worse than Mr. Liu’s.” Liu Yuran asked doubtfully.

“It is precisely because our young master is stronger that we have to hold him. If the young master hurts the young master Bai, and then the princess knows about it, the two of them fight again. If the young master hurts the princess again, then what will happen? The fortune teller will have to take action against the young master.”

Liu Yanran carefully analyzed the current relationship network, but after hearing this, Liu Yuran’s eyes became more confused.

Seeing this, Liu Yanran pinched the girl’s hand and said, “I ask you to read some serious books, but you always don’t listen. You always secretly watch something like ‘Spring and Autumn’ alone at night. Look at you, your brain is now I’ve become stupid.”

“Shh!” Liu Yuran’s face changed slightly, and he hurriedly shushed Liu Yanran, and then said: “Sister, do you want me to be scolded by the young master?”

Liu Yanran rolled her eyes at her, since she knew You will be scolded by the young master, but you still watch it so enthusiastically every night, and even your face is red the next morning. Are you so good-looking?

“Anyway, if there really is a fight, we will grab the young master as soon as possible.” Liu Yanran said.

“Yeah.” Liu Yuran nodded.

The two women looked at Li Beifei and Bai Yifei attentively, and immediately pulled them away as soon as they made a move.

“Brother Bai, don’t get excited yet!”

At this time, Li Beifei reached out and wanted to pat Bai Yifei’s shoulder to tell him not to get excited, but the moment he stretched out his hand, an exclamation came from behind.

“Sir, don’t do it, you are good friends.”

The next moment, the two women locked Li Beifei’s left and right hands.

Li Beifei was stunned, especially when he felt a warm breath coming from his arm. In addition, there was also a soft feeling.

“What are you doing?” Li Beifei was shocked and wanted to pull his hand back, but the two women grabbed him tightly.

“Let go!” Li Beifei didn’t know why, but felt an unprecedented hot feeling on his face, as if he had been burned by a torch.

“We won’t let go. Unless the young master promises that we won’t do anything.” Liu Yuran said resolutely. For some reason, she felt a sense of joy in her heart that she could finally get in touch with the young master at such a close distance. By some strange coincidence, she locked Li Beifei’s hands and swung them left and right a few times. .

“Hiss!” It’s true that Li Beifei is ignorant about men and women, but it doesn’t mean that he is stupid. At this time, he doesn’t know that he has encountered something terrible. He just wants to die.

“What action? Why should I do it?” Li Beifei just wanted to ask them for help, so he asked.

“Young Master, you were arguing with Mr. Bai just now. Didn’t you raise your hand to make a move?” Liu Yanran asked.

“Quarrel? Get started? What is this?”

Li Beifei was confused, and Bai Yifei on the side was also confused.

I admit that my voice was a bit loud just now, but it wouldn’t be a quarrel, right? You two don’t want to take the opportunity to eat Brother Li’s tofu, right?


Liu Yanran was startled and quickly let go of Li Beifei’s hand. She didn’t know whether she was blushing because she misunderstood them, or because of something else, or both.

Seeing Liu Yanran let go, Li Beifei breathed a sigh of relief, but found that Liu Yuran was still immersed in his own world, as if he refused to let go.

“Liu Yuran!” Li Beifei said in a deep voice.

“The slave family is here!” Liu Yuran responded reflexively.

“Let go!” Li Beifei said with a serious face.


Liu Yuran heard this and reluctantly let go, and then muttered: “It’s a pity that I didn’t really do it.”


Li Beifei didn’t know what to say. This girl has a whole head. I don’t know what I’m thinking.

When the fortune teller sitting in the pavilion saw this scene, he shook his head repeatedly and sighed: “It’s really a lump of elm wood.”

As for who said it, you can decide for yourself!

(My eyes are burning, and my throat feels like a knife. I want to stop. Someone please give me a few words.)

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