Xuan Mingzi is chased by the Holy Spirit

“You two, hurry back and clean up the room for me.” Li Beifei said in a somewhat stiff tone.


The two women left happily, but Li Beifei still felt that there was still residual heat in his cheeks.

“Brother Li.”

At this time, Bai Yifei’s voice sounded, and Li Beifei came back to his senses and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You asked me what happened? I asked you, why do you feel like you have lost your soul?” Bai Yifei asked.

“Is there any?” Li Beifei was confused.

Bai Yifei looked at him with strange eyes and said, “No, you are like this just because they were so close to you. You are too inferior. They are your sword servants.” “What happened to the sword servants

? Li Beifei asked angrily, saying that the maid should serve as a bed attendant.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this.” Bai Yifei shook his head. He was a little hesitant before, but now he can be 100% sure that Li Beifei is an innocent little boy who doesn’t know anything about men and women. Have been exposed to that.

“I think you should read the book ‘Spring and Autumn’.” Bai Yifei suddenly said.

“Chunqiu? How do you know this?” Li Beifei looked at Bai Yifei with strange eyes. Could it be that Brother Bai also reads such banned books in private?

“Didn’t I go shopping with Jiu’er half a year ago? It was Miss Yu Ran who asked Jiu’er to buy it. Although this book is a bit vulgar, it can indeed be used as an enlightenment work on men and women. Brother Li might as well study it when he has time.” Bai Yifei said.

After hearing this, Li Beifei narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: “Well, Liu Yuran, you secretly read this kind of forbidden book behind my back. No wonder you don’t know what to think all day long. I see.”

Bai Yifei heard this. , suddenly there was an ominous premonition in my heart, maybe I said the wrong thing.

Bai Yifei carefully recalled what he said to him when he bought this book from Princess Tianyan. It seemed that he was told not to mention it to Li Beifei. But at first he was shocked why Princess Tianyan would buy such a book, so he didn’t care about some of the words. , now after recalling it, I know that I really said the wrong thing just now.

Seeing that Brother Li was about to enter the room, Bai Yifei said quickly: “Brother Li, you haven’t told me how you are going to become stronger in response to the thunder tribulation.”

Li Beifei didn’t look back and said, “Why don’t you die once, anyway, in the end I will still be resurrected by the old guy, what a big deal.”

Then, he walked into his room, leaving Bai Yifei stunned.

“What the hell? Resurrection? Brother Li, you just lost your soul and haven’t come back yet, are you? What nonsense are you talking about?” Bai Yifei shook his head helplessly. Although he couldn’t understand what Li Beifei said, he learned a piece of news. That is, Senior Gu will not just watch Brother Li die. No wonder Brother Li is confident. If I had such an awesome master, I would walk sideways.

“Young master, I realize my mistake!”

“I realize my mistake? Then you still buy it? Hand it over quickly.”

“No, I haven’t finished reading the latest one yet. Can I give it to you after I finish reading it?”

“Okay, you’re welcome. Liu Yuran, you even negotiated terms with me, Young Master, please hand it over immediately!”

Liu Yuran’s aggrieved voice and Li Beifei’s angry but not angry voice came from Li Beifei’s room.

When Bai Yifei heard this, he shrank his neck and felt a little ashamed.

Bai Yifei then found a seat and sat down, waiting quietly for Princess Tianyan to come over.

At this moment, above the mountain forest far away from Qiming City, there was a sudden distortion in the space, forming a space portal. A young man wearing a Taoist robe walked out of the space portal. The Taoist robe on his body was in tatters and his aura was disordered. It’s like experiencing a death battle.

If Li Beifei and Bai Yifei were here, they would definitely be able to recognize this person.

This person is Xuan Mingzi.

“Grandma, you’re a bear, you won’t be chasing me, right?” Xuan Mingzi glanced at the space portal behind him with fearful eyes, and found that the space portal was not closed just because he walked out. Obviously, there are still creatures trying to get out from inside. come out.

“No way? Still chasing?” Xuan Mingzi’s face changed drastically, and he was obviously very afraid of the thing chasing him.

Without saying a word, Xuan Mingzi found a random direction, used all his body and magical powers, and ran away as fast as he could.


At this moment, a roar came from the space portal. The next moment, a three-foot-tall headless horseman walked out. The headless horseman’s body was turned into stone and he held a spear in his hand. , sitting on a big stone horse, the big stone horse roared with a roar that shook the forest. Obviously, the roar just now was made by him.

This pair is very strange, but they are not ordinary creatures, but from the Holy Spirit family.

Most of the Holy Spirit clan is formed by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth from mountains, rivers and mountains. Some powerful Holy Spirits are born with strength comparable to that of the Great Emperor, such as the Holy Spirit Holy Emperor who died in the hands of Gu Changsheng. Since the Great Destruction, a supreme Holy Spirit like the Holy Holy Emperor has appeared in the world of mortals. Because it takes too long, it needs to be nurtured for hundreds of millions of years to become a being comparable to the Great Emperor. During this period, it must not be affected by the outside world. If there is a little interference, if it awakens due to interference, then the Holy Spirit will stay in the awakening state of cultivation for life.

The Headless Horseman and the stone horse under him are naturally of the Holy Spirit clan, but their cultivation is equivalent to the peak of the Holy Realm. It is obvious that they were interfered by the outside world during the pregnancy process, and they can only stay in the Holy Realm throughout their lives. Ninefold.

The headless horseman seemed to sense Xuan Mingzi’s aura, and pointed his spear in the direction Xuan Mingzi left. The horse roared and flew towards Xuan Mingzi at high speed, much faster than Xuan Mingzi.

Xuan Mingzi felt the aura of the Headless Horseman behind him, and his face changed drastically. He quickly activated the holy fighting method, and his speed suddenly increased several times.

“I didn’t expect that one day I would use the Holy Technique of Dou Zhan to escape. I hope that the Holy Emperor of Dou Zhan will be alive in heaven and don’t blame me. It’s not that I don’t want to carry forward the reputation of the Holy Technique of Dou Zhan. It’s really important to save my life.”

Xuan Mingzi said . With a bitter look on his face, due to some unexpected encounters, his cultivation level has entered the extraordinary realm not long ago. With the help of the fighting holy method, he is confident that he can transcend the level and suppress some ordinary strong men in the holy realm, even if they are at the ninth level of the holy realm, he can Circumstantial.

But the Headless Horseman who was chasing him was from the Holy Spirit clan. He was physically strong and his combat power was even more powerful. His attacks fell on the Headless Horseman, just like scratching an itch. On the contrary, the Headless Horseman attacked him several times, He was firmly at a disadvantage. Fortunately, he encountered the Teleportation Altar, but he didn’t expect the Headless Horseman to follow him and chase him.

“Damn, if this keeps going on, I’m going to tell you, boss, where are you? I need you!” At the

critical moment, Xuan Mingzi finally thought of the unreliable boss Li Beifei. He believed that as long as Li Beifei was here, The Headless Horseman is no match.


Suddenly, there was a sound of thunder rolling in front of him. He looked intently and saw only a familiar figure going through the tribulation.

“That is, Princess Tianyan!”

Xuan Mingzi was overjoyed and quickly flew in the direction of Princess Tianyan. If the boss is not there, Princess Tianyan will do.

He glanced back and saw that the Headless Horseman’s horse was very fast, even if he had activated the holy spell of fighting, it could not compare with it.

But now he’s not worried.

“Hmph, I’ll make you die later!!”

(I’m taking a rest. If the status recovers tomorrow, I will resume normal updates. Sorry!!)

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