The unlucky Xuan Mingzi

So Xuan Mingzi told the reason why he was chased by the Headless Horseman in a tone of three parts sadness, three parts anger and four parts happiness.

After hearing this, the people around them all looked at Xuan Mingzi with extremely pitiful eyes. Even the fortune teller in the distance felt that this kid was quite unlucky.

Venus is one of the ancient stars in the tenth level. Xuan Mingzi came to Venus naturally because he came from an ancient star in the ninth level. But the fact that he was hunted down has to be explained by the fact that he came from the eighth level. Speaking of the moment when the teleportation altar left Gu Xing and entered the ninth level.

Xuan Mingzi got a chance at an ancient star called Fulu in the eighth level and successfully broke through to the transcendent realm. He confidently stepped onto the teleportation altar to go to the ninth level, and the tragedy began from this moment.

Xuan Mingzi set foot on the ancient starry sky path through the teleportation altar and came to the ninth level. Because the exit would randomly appear within a radius of 100,000 miles of the main city of each level, Xuan Mingzi’s exit was also within this range.

But when he left the ancient starry sky path and set foot on the ancient star in the ninth level, before he had time to observe the surroundings, he saw a beautiful figure in a hot spring full of mist. He also knew not to look at anything inappropriate. When he wanted to leave, he was spotted by that beautiful figure.

What made Xuan Mingzi feel horrified was that the person who looked as voluptuous as any beautiful woman heard a heavy male voice as soon as he opened his mouth, which almost frightened him to the point where he had just broken through. He didn’t know whether it was a man or a woman when he heard it. After hearing the creature’s voice, he subconsciously said “It turns out to be a human monster”, which immediately aroused the anger of the man in the hot spring, and then the man asked someone to take down Xuan Mingzi.

The headless horseman was that man’s protector. After hearing his master’s order, he rode a war horse and charged at Xuan Mingzi with a spear in hand.

Xuan Mingziyu’s headless knight fought back and forth for several rounds. Even if he used the holy fighting method, he was repulsed after a few rounds. Seeing that the situation was not good, Xuanmingzi immediately ran away. With this escape, he escaped almost After a hundred thousand miles, he was not very unlucky. When he encountered the teleportation altar, he immediately went up to the teleportation altar. He thought that the headless horseman would not continue to pursue him, but the headless horseman also followed him up to the teleportation altar.

The next step is to meet the Sky-Eyed Princess.

After Xuan Mingzi recounted his experience, there was still a shadow in his heart.

“Do you know? That person is really beautiful, not inferior to the Fairy in Tsing Yi and Her Royal Highness, but when she opened her mouth, it really scared me. I even shudder when I think about it.” Xuan Mingzi’s body trembled. It seemed like he remembered something extremely terrifying.

Li Beifei patted Xuan Mingzi on the shoulder and said, “My condolences!” ”

…” Everyone.

Can you talk? This is so sad, no wonder he gets beaten up so often.

Xuan Mingzi suddenly showed a happy smile, and said with a smile: “It’s okay now. Not only did I escape the pursuit, but I also met you, the boss. I’m really lucky!”


Li Beifei and Bai Yifei looked at each other. At first glance, the expression was very strange.

“Isn’t it lucky? The Starry Sky Ancient Road randomly sends people to different ancient stars. I can meet you bosses here. Isn’t it lucky that I am unlucky?” Xuan Mingzi said jokingly.

“You’re right, you are really unlucky.” Bai Yifei patted Xuan Mingzi’s shoulder and sighed.

Li Beifei also sighed.

Xuan Mingzi sighed when he saw the two of them, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. His smile faded, and he asked cautiously: “You won’t join forces to scare me, right?” It’s no wonder

Xuan Mingzi thinks this way, if only He believed Bai Yifei’s words, but as long as his boss Li Beifei was involved in something or a topic, he had to doubt and doubt again and again. After all, the boss’s behavior was too old-fashioned. Maybe after hearing his tragic experience, the boss would secretly Brother Bai wants to scare him.

“I can pull Brother Bai to scare you, how can I get Her Royal Highness to cooperate with me?” Li Beifei said speechlessly. Is his credibility really that bad? Even Xuan Mingzi doubted himself.

Hearing this, Xuan Mingzi looked at Bai Yifei, then at the Heavenly Eye Princess holding Bai Yifei’s arm, and muttered: “It was impossible before, but now that Brother Bai is here, what if Brother Bai comes forward?” ”

You… …” Li Beifei was so angry that he almost hit someone, but he took a look at Xuan Mingzi’s Taoist robes, which were in tatters, and there were some dried blood, so he forgot about it. He gave him a sword, and in the end he had to beg him. Don’t die, it won’t pay off.

“Boss, you really don’t want to scare me?” Xuan Mingzi looked at Li Beifei suspiciously.

“If you doubt me again, I will draw my sword!” Li Beifei said fiercely.

Xuan Mingzi took two steps back and looked at Li Beifei warily. Others would not take action, and there is no guarantee that the boss would not. After all, the boss’s master was merciless when he beat the boss. Maybe the boss also inherited the legacy of his predecessors. specialty.

Xuan Mingzi looked at the sky. It was clear and clear, and he could even see some birds and beasts flying in the sky. It was obviously very safe here. How could he say that he was unlucky?

“Boss, I still don’t believe that I’m so unlucky. Is it possible that I have to be trapped here forever?”

“Xuan Mingzi, did you really just come here?” Li Beifei asked.

“What do you mean?” Xuan Mingzi was confused.

“If you didn’t just come here, how did you know I was trapped here?” This sentence was said by Bai Yifei.

“No, boss, Brother Bai, what do you mean? You can’t just follow my words just to scare me?” Xuan Mingzi panicked. He really panicked. He couldn’t really be so unlucky, right? ?

“Okay, don’t scare him like this.” At this time, Princess Tianyan spoke.

When Xuan Mingzi heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, “Haha, boss, Brother Bai, you really wanted to scare me, but you almost scared me.” ”

Uh… Xuan Mingzi, you may have misunderstood Jiu’er. .” Bai Yifei was ashamed, and he explained: “Actually, Jiu’er meant that we should confess to you directly. After all, you were a little panicked just now.”

“Huh?” Xuan Mingzi looked at Bai Yifei in confusion.

Bai Yifei then told him about the situation of Morning Star teleporting to the altar. After hearing this, Xuan Mingzi’s face turned pale and he said tremblingly: “You guys still want to scare me this time, right?”

“What do you think? ?”

Li Beifei and Bai Yifei shrugged. This is the real situation. If Xuan Mingzi doesn’t believe it, just let him go out and find out the news.

Xuan Mingzi still couldn’t believe this was true. He looked at Princess Tianyan, hoping that Princess Tianyan would tell the truth.

“Well, what Yifei said is true. We have been here for more than half a year.” Princess Tianyan said softly.

After Xuan Mingzi heard this, his heart felt like a bolt from the blue.

“I’ll go, why am I so unlucky?”

Xuan Mingzi’s miserable scream sounded in the yard.

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