That Lord

Beichen Star!

Today, Beichen Star has entered an atmosphere of turmoil and chaos. Countless monks walk on the street cautiously, for fear of getting into trouble.

The reason why Beichen Star has entered this extremely depressing atmosphere is because there are still three months to go before ten years pass.

For monks, ten years is just a short period of time in life, nothing special at all. But for monks on Beichen Star, ten years means that Beichen Star will start a shocking war.

The rising star Seven Star Sword Sect launched a challenge to the three quasi-emperor forces of Beichen Star.

“No, now only the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect are left. The Huang family in Zhongyuan City has been wiped out because they violated the agreement of that adult.”

On the street, a group of children listened to an old man telling a story. When the old man mentioned the three major forces, a boy dressed in extremely luxurious clothes immediately interrupted him and corrected him.

“Yes, yes, the young master is right, but the old man is wrong.” The old man quickly admitted his mistake. This kid was the big customer today. He just asked his entourage to pick up a hundred middle-grade source crystals. This is a hundred middle-grade source crystals. Pinyuanjing, you can let him buy a lot of wine to drink.

“Can you tell me about the Seven Star Sword Sect?” the little boy asked.

The other children also looked at the old man. This place is called Jianheng City. It was originally a city affiliated to the Tianjian Dynasty. However, because the Tianjian Dynasty originally donated the Seven Star Sword Sect’s territory of a hundred thousand miles to the Seven Star Sword Sect, Jianheng City happens to be within this range, so Jianheng City is also under the jurisdiction of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

However, Jianheng City is on the edge of the Seven Star Sword Sect. People here only know that their immediate boss is the Seven Star Sword Sect. They also know that the Seven Star Sword Sect is a powerful new sect, but their understanding of the Seven Star Sword Sect is limited to That’s it.

As one of the four major forces in Beichen Star today, the Seven Star Sword Sect is naturally a sect that countless people dream of. This little boy from a wealthy family in Jianheng City naturally also wants to join the Seven Star Sword Sect, so he asked the story teller The old man told me about the Seven Star Sword Sect.

Naturally, the old man would not disappoint his major patron, so he began to talk endlessly about the Seven Star Sword Sect with his sharp tongue, from the establishment of the Seven Star Sword Sect to the conflict with the Xueyun Tower, Then “that lord” of the Seven Star Sword Sect took action to wipe out the Blood Cloud Tower, and found out that the masterminds behind the Blood Cloud Tower were the Xuantian Sword Sect, the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, and the Huang family of Zhongyuan City, and made a “ten-year agreement” “, and finally talked about how the Seven Star Sword Sect has developed rapidly in the past ten years and become one of the four major forces in Beichen Star…

After listening to this, a group of children felt their blood boiling. A little boy clenched his fists with a firm face. He said: “I must join the Seven Star Sword Sect and kill those bad guys.”

But as soon as the little boy with a determined face finished speaking, a hand grabbed his ear.

“You brat, you sneaked out of school to listen to stories again. Hurry up and go back to study for me.” ”

Oh, mother, what’s the use of studying? I want to practice swordsmanship and fight bad guys.” The little boy kept struggling. , but how could his small body be an opponent of an adult? What’s more, although this adult is not a monk, he has also practiced his body, and it is not something that a little boy can break free from.

The little boy’s mother said: “If you don’t study hard, how can you practice swordsmanship? I gave you a secret book, can you understand it? Go back to me quickly. All the teachers in the school have come to see me, you stinky boy, I still have to go I’m moving goods for my employer, it really makes me worry.”

The little boy who was determined to join the Seven Star Sword Sect was just grabbed by his ears and left by his mother.

And there are not a few little boys like them. Either their fathers, mothers, or grandparents came to see them go back to school. The old man watched all his little guests run away, leaving only today’s big patrons. I feel unmotivated.

“Young master, we should go back, otherwise I will know that you have escaped.”

At this time, the young master’s entourage possessed him and said to him.

“Wait a minute, I want to ask a question.” The young master said, then looked at the old man and said, “Do you know when the Seven Star Sword Sect will accept disciples?”

The old man seemed to know everything, he said: ” The Seven Star Sword Sect holds a recruitment conference every five years. I’m calculating when the next recruitment conference will be…”

The old man looked thoughtful, and soon he said: “The next recruitment conference of the Seven Star Sword Sect will be on October 1. Three days before the New Year appointment, I don’t know if it will change because of this. Young Master, if you want to join the Seven Star Sword Sect, you may have to wait.” ”

I believe that the Seven Star Sword Sect will not change because of this.” The young master is very confident in the Seven Star Sword Sect and is confident in his words.

When the old man heard the words, he smiled softly. It’s not certain. It still depends on whether the boy has the courage.

The young master also followed him back. Seeing that there were no guests today, the old man packed up and prepared to go back.

Just as he was about to leave, several gangsters came towards him.

One of them had a scar on his face and looked extremely ferocious. He seemed to be the boss of these gangsters. He walked towards the old man and said sternly: “Old man, the brothers are short of source crystals recently. Please lend us some source crystals.” Huahua.”

The old man’s face remained unchanged and he said, “Are you sure you are talking about this here?”

Several gangsters looked at each other. They didn’t expect the old man to be so easy to talk to, and he didn’t seem to be afraid of them. This made them strange, but the other party looked at It seems very cooperative, which is nice.

The scar-faced man smiled and said, “Okay, old man, you’re a good man. Let’s talk. Where

can we talk?” “There is an alley there. There’s no one around at this time. Why don’t we go there and talk?” The old man pointed. Said an alley in the distance.

Scarface looked at the location of the alley. Isn’t this the alley they often hang out in? There, they robbed many ordinary people.

Scarface was suspicious, but he saw that Yi Jifeng, the eldest son of the Yi family, rewarded the old man with one hundred mid-grade source crystals. The finances were impressive. Scarface and the others were fascinated by the source crystals and agreed immediately. complied with the old man’s request.

So Scarface and the others walked into the alley with the old man. Some passers-by shook their heads when they saw this, feeling pity for the old man. Scarface and the others were also famous gangsters in this generation, and they never If you mess with a monk, just watch ordinary people or even beggars.

This is why they are still alive today.

As Scarface and the old man entered the alley, Scarface became impatient and said in a deep voice: “Old man, hurry up and hand over all the source crystals on your body, otherwise our brothers will let you walk in. Lie down and go out.”

Faced with the threat, the old man’s expression remained unchanged. He said in surprise: “Didn’t you say you wanted to borrow the source crystal? I didn’t say I wasn’t willing to borrow it!”

Scarface was happy when he heard this. This old man is Do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? Didn’t you see that they were here to rob?

But since the old man was so cooperative, Scarface also showed a smile and said: “Since you are willing to borrow it, I want to borrow one hundred middle-grade source crystals, can you borrow them?”

As long as the old man says no, he will grab them.

“Okay!” The old man agreed readily.

Scarface was overjoyed and said quickly: “Then take it out quickly.”

“Hey, wait, I can borrow it. When will you return it?” the old man asked.


Several gangsters showed a hint of ridicule on their faces.

When the old man saw this, he was unhappy and said, “What? Are you planning to borrow it and not pay it back? Then I’m not willing to lend it to you.” ”

That’s not your decision. Brothers, do it. This old man dares to play tricks on us. , Let him lie down and go out today.” Scarface said fiercely, and after saying that, several of the younger brothers behind him rushed towards the old man.

The old man did not feel scared, but sighed: “I just went out to make some drinking money, and I met scum and scum. I really don’t know whether it’s me or you who are unlucky.” The

old man’s voice changed and became very young. The next moment , even his appearance changed, becoming a young man wearing a green robe.

The young man waved his hand at the rushing gangsters, as if to shoo away flies. The few gangsters didn’t even scream, and they became nothingness.

When Scarface saw this, he collapsed to the ground in fright. The frightened young king hesitated and wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say anything because he was too scared. Soon, he felt a blast coming from his butt. The feeling of dampness and heat made him pee!

“Huh?” Gu Changsheng smelled a strange smell and frowned, then casually sent Scarface to meet his younger brothers.

“Boss, you are so naughty. You pretended to be an old man and told stories.” At this time, the Golden Ancient Emperor came out and looked at Gu Changsheng speechlessly.

“What do you know? Now I am His Majesty the Holy Emperor of all races, and all races are my subjects. This is called a private visit in private. Forget it, you have never been the co-lord of all races, so you won’t understand. “Gu Changsheng said.

The corner of the Golden Ancient Emperor’s mouth twitched. Hasn’t he ever been the co-lord of all races? He has to have a chance to do it. Boss, don’t forget that you and I are contemporaries. With you here, I would still be the co-owner of all races!

“Hey, I’ve earned another hundred middle-grade source crystals. Let’s go, Lao Huang, I’ll treat you to a drink.” Gu Changsheng said.

The Golden Ancient Emperor couldn’t laugh or cry. The private visit in private is fake, but coming to experience life is real, right?

Only you, boss, can do whatever you want without any worries. I envy you!

“But boss, why do people here call you ‘that lord’?” Ancient Golden Emperor asked curiously.

“How do I know?” Gu Changsheng’s expression turned grim, because “that lord”, he thought of Shafrin. That was a villain. Was he a villain? no!

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