: I haven’t seen you for more than a year, and you’re itchy again

There is only one month left before the ten-year agreement. All the forces in Beichen Star have recalled their personnel. The huge ancient star has fallen into a strange and quiet atmosphere, as if it is making space for the ten-year agreement.


Li Beifei asked Shangguan Jinfei and Yan Dandan to be notified that they may leave Kaiming City at any time, and asked them not to leave Kaiming City during this period.

In the courtyard, Li Beifei, Bai Yifei, and Xuan Mingzi were sitting together, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

“Boss, why did you call us out?” Xuan Mingzi asked.

Bai Yifei had a flash of doubt. He looked at Li Beifei and asked, “Brother Li, haven’t you told him yet?”

Hearing this, Li Beifei showed a trace of embarrassment on his face. He touched his nose and said, “I thought Will you tell him?”

“…” Bai Yifei.

Xuan Mingzi was confused listening to the conversation between the two.

“No, what are you talking about? Why do I have an ominous premonition?” Xuan Mingzi said.

Li Beifei and Bai Yifei looked at each other, their eyes saying “you tell me”, but in the end it was Li Beifei who revealed the ten-year agreement between the Seven Star Sword Sect and the three major forces.

After hearing this, Xuan Mingzi was stunned for a moment, and then said, “Hey, what did I think was going on? That’s it?”

“Are you not worried at all?” Li Beifei asked in surprise.

“What am I worried about?” Xuan Mingzi asked curiously.

“Those are the three major quasi-emperor forces. I hate to hear it. Their background and history are not comparable to that of your Yin-Yang Sect.” Bai Yifei said. The history of the Yin-Yang Sect’s existence is only tens of thousands of years. Among them, it can be regarded as a new generation, and among the three major forces of Beichen Star, the shortest one has been in existence for more than one hundred thousand years. The foundation of one hundred thousand years is not comparable to that of Yin Yang Sect, but Xuan Mingzi has a face The nonchalant look made them curious.

“Is it possible that your Yin-Yang Sect also has a quasi-emperor ancestor?” Li Beifei thought of his master Shangguan Jinfei, a powerful quasi-emperor in this world who was more intimidating than those who have been in the dust for many years. The quasi-emperor must be strong.

Xuan Mingzi shook his head and said, “I guess not. My master, the ancestor of our Yin Yang Sect, has taken me to visit him, but I have never seen the quasi-emperor.” ”

Then why do you look like you’re not worried?” Li Beifei was curious. asked.

“Boss, you’re not worried. What do I have to worry about? As the saying goes, if the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up. Boss, you can’t let me die, can you?” Xuan Mingzi opened his mouth and spoke. own reasons.


Li Beifei and Bai Yifei were quite speechless after hearing this. They thought Xuan Mingzi had some trump cards. It turned out that they had overthought all this.

But this is good, at least Li Beifei won’t feel any guilt in his heart.

“Hey, boss, after this battle, can I get an advance on my salary again?” Suddenly, Xuan Mingzi rubbed his hands and looked at Li Beifei with a vulgar expression.

“Damn it, you think I can produce unlimited nine-turn life-sustaining pills. Also, didn’t I give you a hundred pills before? Are they all used up so quickly?” Li Beifei raised his eyebrows slightly and said angrily.

“Oh, boss, you don’t know. Ever since I entered this ancient starry sky path, I seem to have been targeted by bad luck. I almost died at the first level. If it weren’t for the Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill, you I can no longer see the loyal and honest Xuan Mingzi.”

Xuan Mingzi said sadly and angrily.

God is so loyal and honest.

The corners of Li Beifei’s mouth twitched. When did Xuan Mingzi become so thick-skinned? He wouldn’t have praised himself like this before?

“Just tell me, how much do you have left?” Li Beifei asked.

“Wait, let me count.” After Xuan Mingzi said that, he took out a jade bottle from the storage ring, opened the jade bottle, and his spiritual consciousness entered the inside of the jade bottle to explore.

“…” Li Beifei.

“There are ninety-three more.” Xuan Mingzi said truthfully.

“Thirteen, that’s indeed less, wait…how many?” Li Beifei looked at Xuan Mingzi with wide eyes.

“Ninety-three!” Xuan Mingzi said.

“Damn, if there is so much left, just ask me for it, no!” Li Beifei said decisively.

“No, boss, think about it. Before entering the Starry Sky Ancient Path, I had more than a hundred Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pills. I have just passed the ninth level and have used more than twenty. There are still seventy-one more to come. As for the levels, the average level is three, so two hundred and thirteen are needed, and there are ninety-three left, which is not enough.”

Xuan Mingzi used his fingers to do an arithmetic problem for Li Beifei.

Bai Yifei on the side was very ashamed after hearing this, Xuan Mingzi, when did you become as shameless as Brother Li?

After hearing this, Li Beifei laughed angrily and said, “Do you think this is a level-breaking game? You rely on your life to pass the level, right?” ”

What is a level-breaking game?” Xuan Mingzi and Bai Yifei were both confused.

“How do I know? At this time, what the old guy said to me before, although I don’t understand it, is very suitable for you now.” Li Beifei rolled his eyes.

“Also, what are you doing here? How did you manage to use so many Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills?” Li Beifei asked. Although he has many Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills, he can hire even one of them. A saint monk became a killer. You used more than 20 pills so quickly. Did you really lose your life?

Xuan Mingzi scratched his head and said: “Hey, actually I was just talking nonsense. I just used one when I was being chased by the Headless Horseman. I gave the remaining twenty or so to my junior sister.”

” Damn it…” Li Beifei drew his sword on the spot. Fortunately, Bai Yifei tried his best to stop him and a dispute was avoided.

“Boss, calm down, calm down. I just felt that the atmosphere of the ten-year agreement you just mentioned was quite serious, so I wanted to make a joke to tease you.” Xuan Mingzi explained quickly.

“You’re kidding me, right? Very good. I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but now your surprise is gone.” Li Beifei sneered, and then with a wave of his hand, a jade bottle appeared on the stone table.

“Do you know what this is?” Li Beifei said proudly.


The two of them looked curious in a cooperative manner, but in fact, they were really not that curious inside.

Li Beifei didn’t care whether they cooperated or not, and said proudly: “This is called Longevity Pill!”

“Wanshou Pill? What does it do?” Now the two of them were really curious. Just hearing the name seemed to be related to Shouyuan.

“Wanshou Dan, as the name suggests, after taking it, it can increase one’s life span by ten thousand years and keep one young forever!” Li Beifei said.

“Fuck, really?” Bai Yifei, who usually pays attention to his words and deeds, couldn’t help but curse.

“Of course it’s true. Originally, I planned to give each of you one. After all, I don’t have many left. I only have seven left.” Li Beifei said. When Di Hong gave it to him, there were ten in total. He used one, and then gave two more to Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran. Now there are only seven left.

“But in view of Xuan Mingzi’s performance just now, I will keep yours for you temporarily.” Li Beifei said with a smile.

“Ah… no, boss, I know I was wrong.” Xuan Mingzi said pitifully.

But Li Beifei didn’t follow his example, and instead handed a longevity pill to Bai Yifei. Bai Yifei did not refuse, but happily accepted it.

“It just so happens that I haven’t given Jiu’er a decent gift yet.” Bai Yifei said with a smile. Obviously he didn’t plan to take the Wanshou Pill himself. If it was just to increase longevity, the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill also has this function, but the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill The Life-Extending Pill can only increase life span by 2,500 years, which is not as good as the Longevity Pill. But Longevity Pill also has a very important function, which is to keep the user youthful forever. This is a fatal temptation for any woman.

Princess Tianyan is no exception. Bai Yifei still remembers that when he went shopping with her, she couldn’t put it down for the jewelry made by mortals.

“Boss, I also want to give it to my junior sister!” Xuan Mingzi looked at Li Beifei pitifully.

“Humph, you just teased me? Want to? That’s fine, unless the old guy comes out immediately.” Li Beifei said with a snort.

When Xuan Mingzi heard this, he was decisively discouraged. How could Senior Gu come out as soon as he said it?

“I haven’t seen you for more than a year, and your skin is itchy again!”

At this time, a gentle voice with a hint of coldness sounded.

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