
When Li Beifei heard a very familiar voice coming from behind him, his neck seemed to be stiff, and he slowly turned his head. When he saw the cyan figure, his expression changed.


“Hello, Senior Gu!”

Xuan Mingzi and Bai Yifei immediately stood up and greeted Gu Changsheng respectfully.

Gu Changsheng showed a gentle smile to them and said: “Not bad, not bad. Your cultivation level has not fallen behind. Xuan Mingzi, your cultivation level has surpassed that of my traitor, which is very good.” Faced with

Gu Changsheng’s praise, both of them were scratching their heads. He scratched his head with an embarrassed expression, especially Xuan Mingzi. Although his cultivation level exceeded that of Li Beifei, his strength was not comparable.

After hearing this, Li Beifei curled his lips, saying that he just didn’t want to break through.

“You know better manners than a traitor like me.” Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei still sitting motionless on the chair, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Li Beifei was startled. He stood up quickly and explained: “Master, please listen to my quibbles. No, please listen to my explanation. Your sudden appearance really shocked the disciples. Didn’t they fail to react?”

” Huh? You mean to say that Mr. Wei looks scary?” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“No, no… Master, how can you, Yushu Linfeng, look scary? What I mean is…”

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to listen to your explanation, just go to the next step!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Isn’t it good?” Li Beifei said with a sad face. There are many people here.

Gu Changsheng ignored him, but picked him up by the neck, and then said to Bai Yifei and Xuan Mingzi: “Senior, I have some family matters to take care of.” As soon as he finished speaking,

Li Beifei’s figure flew out like a shooting star. , a big hole was knocked out of the wall of the courtyard with a “boom”.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of others.

The two sisters, the fortune teller, Princess Tianyan and Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran, all walked out of their rooms.


Shen Suanzi was about to speak, but was stopped by his disciple. Princess Tianyan said: “Master, Yifei doesn’t know the identity of His Majesty the Holy Emperor yet, don’t put too much pressure on him.”

Shen Suanzi He nodded and then fell silent.

“Master, young master, what are you…”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran saw Li Beifei lying motionless in the ruins, their faces full of worry, but they didn’t know what to do.

“Young master, I’m fine, you don’t need to pay attention.” Finally, Li Beifei spoke.

Naturally, what followed was a scene of intimate interaction between the master and his disciple. The onlookers watched in amazement. It was so exciting.

A hint of curiosity flashed in the eyes of Princess Tianyan. She knew Gu Changsheng’s identity, but just because she knew, she was full of curiosity about this scene.

Princess Tianyan quietly sent a message to Bai Yifei and asked: “Yifei, do Senior Gu and Mr. Li have any grudges?”

Bai Yifei smiled and replied: “Jiu’er, you don’t know something. This is the meeting between Brother Li and Mr. Gu. It is an interaction that must be carried out when visiting. In fact, it is all because of Brother Li’s bad mouth, which always makes Senior Gu unhappy.”

“I see.” Princess Tianyan nodded. During this time, she has experienced Li Beifei’s bad mouth. Now that he has mastered it, even his master has been angered several times.

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran felt heartbroken when they saw their young master being beaten severely by their master.

After a while, Gu Changsheng patted the dust on his body and walked back lightly holding Li Beifei’s neck.

“I owe you discipline, please forgive me!” Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“Sir, are you okay?”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran immediately came to Li Beifei, who had a bruised nose and face, and began to greet him.

But Li Beifei closed his eyes tightly and remained silent.

“Young Master, Young Master…”

the two women called a few more times.

“Shh!” Li Beifei opened his eyes and shushed them, “I’m fine!”

“Really?” They didn’t believe it. They had already gained weight, how could they be fine?

“Young master, I’m used to it, hehe.” Li Beifei showed a sincere smile on his face… an ugly smile, as if he had been beaten and gained some money.

He had indeed made a profit. In the process of being beaten just now, another divine rainbow of blood and energy was born in his body. Now there are sixteen divine rainbows of blood and energy. He has taken a small step on the path of becoming a saint in the flesh. Can he not happy?

“Yanran, go and notify Brother Shangguan and Miss Yan.” Li Beifei said to Liu Yanran.

“Yes!” Liu Yanran responded, then turned into a stream of light and left.

Gu Changsheng walked far away with the fortune teller.

“How is it?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“I have some understanding!” said the fortune teller.

“When can we break through?” Gu Changsheng asked.

Hearing this, the divine fortune teller smiled bitterly and said, “Your Majesty, do you think too highly of me? How long did it take before I found the successor? Do you think too little of the shackles between the Immortal Emperor and Po Dao?”

Who knew that Gu Changsheng would He nodded and said, “I really look down on it.”

“…” The fortune teller.

I didn’t say let me compete with you.

Gu Changsheng patted the divine fortune teller on the shoulder and said, “Hurry up. When Hou Tu comes out of seclusion, she will fight in all the worlds.” The divine fortune

teller was ashamed, and he murmured: “Obviously I can help the queen. Tu Niangniang rules all the worlds, why don’t you take action?”

“Huh? Are you talking about me?” Gu Changsheng didn’t take two steps, turned around and looked at the divine fortune teller.

“No, no, I mean I will work hard to make a breakthrough before Empress Houtu comes out of seclusion.” Shen Shuanzi said bravely. He didn’t want to be beaten like Li Beifei, so he just wanted to put him somewhere else, but he was here. My precious apprentice and my apprentice’s future husband cannot be embarrassed in front of them.

“I hope you will do what you say.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

The fortune teller was shocked. Are you a threat? This is a threat!

The fortune teller now regrets that he boasted about Haikou, and now he can only pray that Queen Tu will not come out of seclusion so soon.

Li Beifei also recovered at this time. He came to Gu Changsheng with a smile and said, “Master, are you coming to pick us up?” ”

Nonsense, if I hadn’t come to pick you up, I wouldn’t want to see you, a traitor.” .” Gu Changsheng glanced at Liu Yuran next to him. In his previous life, Beichen was destined to commit a crime of Heavenly Evil and be single all his life. However, in this life, he was destined to commit a crime of peach blossom. He is constantly attracted by women. But, is it luck or calamity? , you still have to look at this guy.

Li Beifei didn’t care about Gu Changsheng’s words. He chuckled and said, “Wait a minute, I have two friends who want to go back with me.”

Soon, Liu Yanran came back with Shangguan Jinfei and Yan Dandan.

“Everyone is here?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“All together!”

Li Beifei nodded obediently.

“Then let’s go!” Gu Changsheng waved his hand and took everyone away from the world he created.

At this time, the Seven Star Sword Sect is preparing to welcome their sect leader’s return!

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