
In the Seven Star Sword Sect’s sect square, under the leadership of Duan Fei, the sect’s deputy sect leader, they summoned one hundred thousand disciples of the sect. Of course, there were less than 10,000 of them from the human race, and the rest were from the Howling Moon Sirius a few years ago. The Seven Star Sword Sect did not reject the demon clan they brought. Did you know that even their deputy sect leader was in love with the princess of the Snow Fox clan? The deputy sect leader took the lead, and the Seven Star Sword Sect was a member of the clan. The sect is extremely young, and most of its members are young people. They have read many strange novels about the love between human beings and monsters since they were young, so naturally they want to be on par with the deputy sect leader.

Therefore, in the past few years, the Seven Star Sword Sect has had many examples of human beings falling in love with each other.

Now the eldest brother of the sect, Yang Fan, is in love with a beautiful girl from the Longdie clan.

Duan Fei naturally wouldn’t stop these people. At first, he was worried that the people of the sect would reject the demon clan. At first, he and Xiaohua, the princess of the Snow Fox clan, were hiding together. This scene was exactly what he wanted to see. , he hopes that different races within the sect can live in harmony, how can he stop it.

“Brother Duan, what kind of person is our sect master?” A tall, beautiful woman next to Duan Fei asked softly. She is the princess Xuehua of the Snow Fox clan, and she is also the “little flower” in Duan Fei’s mouth.

In fact, Xuehua was still a little worried that the sect leader would not agree with her and Duan Fei being together. Although everyone in the sect was very optimistic about them, what if the sect leader was an exception?

Duan Fei also felt Xue Hua’s inner uneasiness. He patted Xue Hua on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. Apart from being a bit mean-mouthed, brother is fine. He won’t look down on you.” ”

Brother Duan, you said this about the sect leader. Is it really good?” Xue Hua is still a little worried. This is the lord of the sect. For all the demon clans who have newly joined the Seven Star Sword Sect, the lord of the sect has always been a legendary existence, but they are able to do it within the sect. The human race felt their love for their sect master, which made Xuehua always curious, what kind of person was their sect master?

How could such a beloved person be such a mean-tongued person?

“Haha, Xiaohua, don’t worry. I said that the eldest brother is a bitch compared to the teacher,” Duan Fei said with a smile. This time the teacher went to pick up the eldest brother. I am afraid that the eldest brother will inevitably be taught a loving lesson by the teacher again.

“Yes!” Xuehua nodded gently and gently held Duan Fei’s arm, acting like a little bird clinging to someone.

“Deputy Sect Master, is Sect Master really coming back today?” At this time, Chen Fan, a veteran of the Seven Star Sword Sect, came over.

Chen Fan’s cultivation level is not high, even lower than the current Yang Fan. Yang Fan has already broken through to the Nirvana realm. Although Chen Fan’s cultivation realm has improved over the years, it is only the eighth level of life and death realm. After all, he is not An extremely talented person, ten years ago today, he had just used the Life and Death Barrier Breaking Pill to break through to the Life and Death Realm. Now he has reached the eighth level of the Life and Death Realm, also because he has a large amount of cultivation resources.

For some small and medium-sized sects, those at the eighth level of the life and death realm are undoubtedly masters of the sect, but to the current Seven Star Sword Sect, they are no more than elite disciples. Coupled with the addition of many powerful demon clans such as Xiaoyue Sirius, Chen Fan, the elder known as the “Sect’s Grand Elder”, became increasingly embarrassed.

There are also some voices within the sect that are not conducive to him.

Chen Fan himself felt that his strength was not worthy of the position of elder. He once proposed to Duan Fei that he could lower his level, even to the level of a disciple, but Duan Fei refused.

Chen Fan is indispensable for the Seven Star Sword Sect’s current scale. Duan Fei is responsible for handling the sect’s internal affairs, while Chen Fan is responsible for the sales of pure Yuan Jing. It can be said that most of the Seven Star Sword Sect’s resources are Obtained by Chen Fan.

Not to mention that Chen Fan brought his entire family to join the Seven Star Sword Sect when the Seven Star Sword Sect was in its infancy. How could Duan Fei reduce his position because of his insufficient cultivation?

Besides, Chen Fan’s cultivation talent is not high, but his business talent is unmatched in the entire Seven Star Sword Sect. He can take charge of the entire Chunyuan Building of Beichen Star by himself. Even if Duan Fei removes his deputy sect leader, he will not be able to do it. Maybe Chen Fan is touched.

Duan Fei saw Chen Fan coming over to ask, and he said, “Teacher, I went to pick him up. I will be able to come back today of course.” As

soon as Duan Fei finished speaking, the space above the square became distorted, and soon, a huge space portal appeared in the sky. , Everyone in the Seven Star Sword Sect held their breath at this moment, because they knew that this was the return of their sect.

Gu Changsheng led Li Beifei and others out of the space portal, and the next moment they heard a deafening sound.

“See the sect master, see the supreme sect master!”

One hundred thousand creatures shouted in unison, and the huge momentum instantly dispersed the clouds on the Tianshan Mountains.

Li Beifei was immediately startled. He looked at the sea of people in the square and was a little confused?

Is this still his Seven Star Sword Sect? Why are there so many people?

Just when Li Beifei was confused, Gu Changsheng gave him a kick in the butt.

“I’m calling you, why are you still standing there?” Gu Changsheng said, why does this kid look like he has never seen the world? It’s so embarrassing as a teacher.

“Master…” Li Beifei looked at Gu Changsheng with resentful eyes. I know they called me, but they also called you. Also, with so many people watching, can’t you lose face to your disciple?

However, Li Beifei still smiled and waved to everyone. Although there was a lot of unfamiliar atmosphere, this was the place where his dream set sail, and he would never forget it.

At this time, Duan Fei flew to the sky with snowflakes.


“The Supreme Sect Master!”

The two of them greeted Gu Changsheng first, and then Duan Fei looked at Li Beifei.

“Brother, how are you? Are you scared?”

Duan Fei looked at Li Beifei proudly.

“Tell me, what’s going on? Why are there still monsters?” Li Beifei asked.

When Xuehua on the side heard this, she trembled slightly and felt quite uneasy, thinking that Li Beifei didn’t want to see the demon clan.

Gu Changsheng frowned and slapped Li Beifei on the back of the head.

“Why are you talking?” Gu Changsheng said angrily.

Li Beifei rubbed the back of his head aggrievedly and said, “I don’t have any other meaning. I just want to ask. Isn’t it okay to ask?” ”

Oh, you still dare to talk back to my teacher?” Gu Changsheng said and started masturbating. Sleeves rolled up.

Seeing this, Li Beifei quickly admitted his mistake: “Master, I was wrong, I was wrong. I apologize for the tone of my words just now.” ”

That’s more like it.” Gu Changsheng put down his sleeves and said to Xuehua, “Xiaohua Ah, this traitor can’t speak, and he doesn’t mean to discriminate against the demon clan. Don’t worry about it. I will support you in your matter with Xiao Duan Fei.” ”

Thank you, teacher!”

“Thank you, Supreme Sect Master!”

Duan Fei He Xuehua was overjoyed. With the support of their teacher (the Supreme Sect Leader), their affairs were settled.

“Hey, no, you are…”

Li Beifei then noticed Xue Hua holding Duan Fei’s arm and looked at them in shock.

“Hey, brother, this is Xuehua, the princess of the Snow Fox clan, um, also my future wife. Xuehua and I have already decided to get married. After the grievances with Xuantian Sword Sect and Splitting Sky Sword Sect are resolved, We are going to get married.”

Duan Fei held Xuehua’s hand and said happily.

“So we’re younger siblings. Don’t call me sect master anymore. Just like Duan Fei, just call me big brother.” Li Beifei said cheerfully. At the same time, he also knew why the old guy hit him just now. After all, love between a human and a demon is It is a relatively sensitive matter that not everyone can accept.

Next, Duan Fei led everyone to the sect’s main hall and asked Chen Fan to dismiss all the sect disciples in the square.

After all, the matter of welcoming the sect leader back has been completed, so we can’t always let them gather in the square.

Gu Changsheng took the fortune teller to drink and play chess. The two old guys didn’t want to mess around with the young people’s affairs.

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