: Our Seven Star Sword Sect will definitely win this war

After everyone introduced each other, they got a general understanding. Li Beifei had people arrange their residence for Bai Yifei and the others, and he and Duan Fei came to the sect master’s hall.

Li Beifei needed to know the situation of the Seven Star Sword Sect in recent years, so Duan Fei naturally had to tell him.

In the sect master’s hall, Duan Fei gave Li Beifei a detailed report on the sect’s development in the past few years. When Li Beifei learned that Xiao Tian’s origin was so great, he was also amazed. At the same time, he was glad that he was not a person who discriminated against other races. Otherwise, Xiao Tian would not have joined their Seven Star Sword Sect, and there would be no Xiao Yue later. The Sirius clan brought many demon clans to join the Seven Star Sword Sect.

At this time, Li Beifei remembered a saying that people from the Bliss Buddhism often said, sow good karma and reap good results. He used to sneer at this saying. Although he doesn’t believe it now, he still feels that it is not unreasonable for Buddhism to exist.

“By the way, brother, there is something I almost forgot to mention.” Duan Fei said.

“What’s the matter?” Li Beifei asked.

“We no longer need to face the three major forces!!” Duan Fei said with a smile, and then told the story about the Huang family of COSCO City that violated the agreement made by Gu Changsheng and was destroyed by Gu Changsheng’s slap.

After hearing this, Li Beifei muttered: “Is this old guy afraid that I won’t be able to complete this trial, so he just found a reason to destroy the Huang family?”

Soon, Li Beifei put this idea behind him. Based on his understanding of the old guy, it is impossible for the old guy to break his promise. Then it is obvious that someone in the Huang family really touched the bottom line and took action against the people of the Seven Star Sword Sect, otherwise the old guy would not have been able to take action.

“Brother, there is one more thing.” At this time, Duan Fei said again, but this time, his expression was much more solemn than before.

“Oh? What’s the matter?” Li Beifei asked curiously.

“Brother, it’s like this. Our Seven Star Sword Sect will hold a recruitment meeting every five years, and the next recruitment meeting will be three days before the ten-year appointment set by the teacher. I’m wondering if I should The recruitment meeting will be postponed until the Sky Splitting Sword Sect and the Xuantian Sword Sect are resolved, and then held again.” Duan Fei expressed his thoughts.

“Let me think about it.” Li Beifei sat in the upper position, looking thoughtful.

Duan Fei did not disturb Li Beifei’s thinking. The most important thing for a sect to hold a recruitment meeting is to attract new blood, but at the same time, the holding of the recruitment meeting also represents the face of a sect.

If the Seven Star Sword Sect postpones the recruitment meeting because of this, it will send a signal to the world that the Seven Star Sword Sect is afraid of the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect. Even if the final winner is the Seven Star Sword Sect, the recruitment meeting will be delayed. matter will also become a criticism.

Therefore, it is up to Li Beifei, the sect leader, to decide whether the recruitment meeting will be postponed, and Duan Fei does not dare to make his own decisions easily.

Li Beifei obviously knew the importance of the matter, so he was also in a dilemma.

If it is not held, it will be detrimental to the dignity of the sect.

If it is held, at this critical moment that can determine the Seven Star Sword Sect, if they fail, it will harm the disciples who have just joined the sect. Although Li Beifei is very confident about this ten-year agreement, the old As long as the guy doesn’t take action, even if he invites a strong quasi-emperor, he can’t say that he can win it 100%.

After all, he has to face two major quasi-emperor forces. Who knows if they may also be hiding powerful quasi-emperors?

Li Beifei couldn’t decide whether to convene or not.

Finally, Li Beifei gritted his teeth and said, “The recruitment meeting will continue as usual!”

“Our Seven Star Sword Sect will definitely win this war!”

Li Beifei said firmly.

“Yes, brother!” Duan Fei was also infected by Li Beifei’s momentum. He was also worried about the gains and losses of this ten-year agreement, but now, he is confident that the winner of this war must be the Seven Star Sword Sect.

The two chatted in the hall for a long time, and they didn’t leave until evening.

Duan Fei naturally prepared a banquet for Li Beifei to wash away the dust. Everyone drank and mingled at the banquet, and they became quite familiar with each other.

At the wine table, Li Beifei walked towards Shangguan Jinfei and Yan Dandan. He said, “Brother Shangguan, Miss Yan, please forgive me if there is anything wrong with my greetings.” ”

What did Brother Li say? Junior Sister and I have already I haven’t been so relaxed for a long time.” Shangguan Jin Fei said with a smile. There were many people stronger than them on the Starry Sky Ancient Road. The two of them, brother and sister, were able to survive to the tenth level. It can be said that luck accounted for 80%. The two of them I have always lived cautiously on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, for fear of offending the wrong people.

Yan Dandan’s father was a powerful man who was at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor in the world. Such a person had a terrifying noble status, but Li Beifei could not feel a trace of pride from Yan Dandan. Obviously, on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, The high spirits they once had were wiped away.

Now only maturity remains.

Li Beifei couldn’t help but sigh. If he hadn’t studied under Gu Changsheng, had no sixth child in his body, hadn’t practiced the thirty-three days of creation magic, and hadn’t received the inheritance from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord, he might have been able to rely on his Seven Star Sword Art and Seven Star Sword Box alone. He will have a good time, but it will still be difficult to be compared with the top geniuses like now.

Apart from anything else, if he didn’t have the above things, he wouldn’t be a match for the Sky-Eyed Princess.

It can only be said that luck is also part of strength.

Li Beifei collected his thoughts and said, “How do you two return to the ancient planet Ganges?”

Shangguan Jinfei replied with a smile: “Brother Li, don’t worry about us. Junior sister just sent a message to the master, and the master will be here in a few days.” Yes.”

Yan Dandan on the side also nodded, and she said: “Master Li, I really need to thank you for this, otherwise we wouldn’t know how to leave the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Strangely enough, my father gave it to me The messenger jade talisman cannot be used on the Starry Sky Ancient Road. I thought it was broken. I didn’t expect that it could be used again on Beichen Star. It’s really strange.” ”

Huh? Is this the case?” Li Beifei asked, and he also had doubts in his heart. , the reason why the Starry Sky Ancient Road has a saying of “only entering but not exiting” is because only those who have reached a saint level or above can physically cross the universe and the starry sky. It stands to reason that Yan Dandan has a father who is at the peak of a quasi-emperor. If he does not want to continue to travel on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Just send a message to her father. For someone who is considered the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, it is still easy to find Yan Dandan on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

“Junior sister, don’t think too much. The Ancient Starry Sky Road was built by the legendary Holy Emperor of the Human Race. His old man must have had some influence in nature. It’s normal for the Ancient Starry Sky Road to block communications.” Shangguan Jin Fei said with a smile, but he didn’t think much about it.

When Li Beifei heard this, he was shocked.

Yes, the Starry Sky Ancient Road was built by the old guy, so the fact that he can’t communicate with the outside world must be the old guy’s fault.

Have to ask if you get a chance.

But the top priority is to explain the situation encountered by the Seven Star Sword Sect to Shangguan Jin Fei and Yan Dandan. After all, he needs the help of Yan Dandan’s father to take action, so he can’t tell them until the end, right? If they were on the ancient planet Ganges at that time, even if they wanted to take action, the distant water could not save the nearby fire.

After all, the peak quasi-emperor is only a quasi-emperor, not a great emperor. He can slap him from the edge of the universe.

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