Big brother, awesome!

All members of the Seven Star Sword Sect entered into intense preparations for the battle, and Li Beifei led Bai Yifei, Xuan Mingzi and others to the Demon Suppression Tower.

“Let me go, boss, what is the origin of this tower? How can you give me a… a…”

“Beyond all living beings!”

Xuan Mingzi didn’t know how to describe it, but Duan Fei on the side said it for him. .

“Yes, yes, that’s what I want to say. Brother Duan, you understand me!” Xuan Mingzi gave Duan Fei a thumbs up. They had returned to the Seven Star Sword Sect for a few days, and Xuan Mingzi But there was a feeling of feeling like old friends at first sight with Duan Fei.

For no other reason than they all call Li Beifei the boss. It’s just that Duan Fei is used to calling him eldest brother, and he is used to calling him boss.

Neither of them had any intention of giving priority to each other. Instead, they had a special conversation because of Li Beifei. No, now Duan Fei can become Xuan Mingzi’s mouthpiece, which shows that they have been talking to each other these days. How deeply we understand each other.

“I don’t know the origin of this tower, but it’s an old…” Before he finished speaking, Li Beifei felt a thorn in his back. He quickly changed his words: “This is given to me by my most beloved master. .”

After saying that, the thorny feeling on his back disappeared immediately, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone else was already used to it, so they naturally knew why Li Beifei changed his tune.

Seeing that nothing was wrong, Li Beifei continued: “This tower is called the Demon Suppression Tower. It is very magical. There are nine floors in total. Each floor is like a world. You can enter the first floor in the Breaking Void Realm, and then every time you break through a realm Then you can enter the next level.”

“Brother Li, I wonder which level you have reached?” Bai Yifei asked curiously.

Before Li Beifei could speak, Duan Fei on the side spoke.

“Brother, I didn’t even pass the second level back then.”

After Duan Fei finished speaking, everyone looked at Li Beifei curiously. With Li Beifei’s strength, shouldn’t he not even be able to pass the second level?

“What do you know? I just don’t have time to break in. Don’t forget, I have spent such a long time in the Humanity Academy.” Li Beifei said, he would not admit that his background was so poor at the beginning, if it weren’t for Gu Changsheng’s help He probably left his life-saving charm on the second floor.

Of course we can’t talk about such embarrassing things. Li Beifei glared at Duan Fei, this little fat guy was talking nonsense.

“That’s right.”

Everyone accepted Li Beifei’s explanation. Since he was at the Humanity Academy on Tianhuang Star, he naturally didn’t have time to go back to Beichen Star and break into the Demon Suppression Tower.

“Brother Li, when you brought us here, you didn’t just want us to listen to your introduction, right?” Shangguan Jinfei said. Although the ancient star Ganges is the closest ancient star of life to Beichen Star, it is still separated by several In the Star Territory, it would take some time for his master to come, so Shangguan Jinfei and Yan Dandan have been staying at the Seven Star Sword Sect these days.

Li Beifei smiled and said: “Of course not. I take you so that you can break in.”

“How do you get in?”

The person who said this was Princess Tianyan. She was an extremely bellicose woman, but she had experienced so much in the past year. After two battles, one was with Li Beifei and the other was with the Headless Horseman. For her who is warlike, having only two battles in a year is obviously inappropriate.

Now that she heard that she could enter the Demon Suppression Tower, she was naturally extremely enthusiastic.

“Your Highness, don’t be impatient, let me finish my words,” Li Beifei said.

“Each floor of this Demon Suppressing Tower has a legacy placed by my master, so I suggest you start from the first floor.”

“There is a legacy from Senior Gu!”

Everyone’s eyes lit up, especially Princess Tianyan, She knew Gu Changsheng’s identity, and the inheritance of His Majesty the Holy Emperor obviously could not be a simple inheritance.

“But whether you can get the inheritance depends on your luck.” Li Beifei said.

At this time, Duan Fei walked up to Li Beifei and said, “Boss, the inheritance on the first and second levels is gone, so we only need to start from the third level.”

“Huh? Who got the inheritance? ?” Li Beifei asked curiously. In his memory, no one had yet obtained the inheritance of the Demon Suppressing Tower.

“It’s that boy Yang Fan.”

Duan Fei said with a smile. Yang Fan was one of the first disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect. But at the beginning he was not the strongest disciple, but a young monk who had reached the mortal realm. But now, Yang Fan only needs ten years. In just a short time, he has cultivated from a young monk in the Mortal Realm to the Nirvana Realm. Now he has reached the third level of the Nirvana Realm. Although he is not as good as Li Beifei and others, this talent is unique among other places.

Yang Fan is now the chief core disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect and the eldest brother among all the disciples.

Li Beifei naturally had an impression of Yang Fan. He said in surprise: “He has obtained two inheritances by himself?”

Duan Fei nodded.

“This boy has such good luck. Isn’t this the pig’s trotters written in Zhiyi’s novels? It’s really enviable to have adventures when you go out.” A look of envy flashed across Li Beifei’s face.

“Boss, if you want to inherit, it’s not easy. Just ask Senior Gu to open a back door for you. What do you envy?” Xuan Mingzi said with a smile.

As soon as Xuan Mingzi finished speaking, Li Beifei and Duan Fei looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

“Do you think we don’t want to? But neither Duan Fei nor I can accept this inheritance.” Li Beifei said with a sigh.


Everyone was extremely curious.

Duan Fei explained: “Because the teacher has set a restriction on the inheritance, as long as we come into contact with the inheritance, we will explode and die.”


Everyone gasped.

“Isn’t it true? Senior is so cruel to you?” Shangguan Jinfei said in shock. Isn’t Senior Gu too selfless? In order to prevent his disciples from using the back door, he actually set up such cruel restrictions, but people like senior are also worthy of admiration.

“Always so cruel!” Li Beifei said sadly. He has received countless beatings over the years. Can he not be cruel?

Li Beifei’s lamentation was probably only understood by Bai Yifei and the others, but Shangguan Jinfei and Yan Dandan definitely didn’t understand it.

Next, Li Beifei took them to the entrance of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Because the Demon Suppressing Tower is open to all sect members all year round, many Sword Sect disciples have gathered at the entrance of the Demon Suppressing Tower. These disciples are both human and demon.

It seems a bit unreasonable for a demon clan disciple to break into the demon town town, but the demon clan in the mortal world is different from the demon clan in the demon world. The demon clan in the mortal world does not have the overall concept of “monster clan”, and there are not a few demon clans who devour each other. What’s more, most of the demon beasts in the Demon Suppression Tower are demon beasts that do not take the form of humans. The demon disciples of the Sword Sect can kill them without any burden.

And because of Gu Changsheng, all the races in the world of mortals use human characters, and some demon races have gradually been assimilated by the human race.

“Although he has a demon body, he still has a human heart” is the current state of the demon clan disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

When all the disciples saw their sect leader bringing his friends to the Demon Suppression Tower, they all greeted Li Beifei and Duan Fei respectfully, which made Bai Yifei and Xuan Mingzi envious.

At first they thought the Seven Star Sword Sect was a small third-rate sect, but they were wrong.

Now they can’t help but wonder when they can inherit Tianji Pavilion (Yin Yang Sect).

After Li Beifei, Bai Yifei and the others were sent to the Demon Suppression Tower, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran were left alone.

“Take these pills and don’t be stingy if you encounter danger.”

Li Beifei gave each of them a bottle of Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill. Well, the number in it was only a little more than what was given to Bai Yifei and the others, which was only a thousand pills.

“Hey, this damn medicine bottle can only hold a thousand pills at most, and I don’t know who made it.” Li Beifei said dissatisfied.

“Master, we don’t need so much.” Liu Yanran said in a dumbfounded voice.

“Stop talking nonsense and hurry in. If you don’t bring me a few inheritances, let’s see how I punish you when you come out.”

Li Beifei said fiercely.

“What kind of punishment?” Liu Yuran asked curiously as he approached.

Li Beifei glanced at her and said stiffly: “It’s not the punishment in your mind anyway.”

“Oh!” Liu Yuran entered the Demon Suppression Tower in disappointment.

When Li Beifei saw it, the corner of his mouth twitched. At Bai Yifei’s suggestion, he briefly read “Spring and Autumn”, and naturally he knew what Liu Yuran was thinking about all day long.

“Sir, I’m in.” Liu Yanran smiled.

Li Beifei nodded.

“Brother, awesome!”

At this time, Duan Fei gave Li Beifei a thumbs up. He originally thought that with his little flower, he could surpass his eldest brother in this aspect. He didn’t expect that his eldest brother was so powerful. He got two big brothers in one fell swoop. Beauty is back.

“Don’t think too much, they are just my swordsmen.” Li Beifei glared at him.

“Yeah, I understand.” Duan Fei nodded, but he curled his lips inwardly. If he didn’t have a leg, how could he give him so many nine-turn life-sustaining pills? Haha, brother, just lie to your brothers, don’t lie to yourself.

“Let’s go, what are you thinking about? How are the preparations for the recruitment meeting?”

Li Beifei patted Duan Fei on the head and asked angrily.

“Hey, brother, let’s talk when we get back.”

Duan Fei chuckled and followed Li Beifei out of the Demon Suppression Tower.

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