Lucky and Unlucky Yan Chuan

Go back a few days!

The closest living ancient star to Beichen Star is the ancient star Ganges.

Although the two ancient living stars are geographically closest to each other in the universe, they are also separated by three lifeless star fields. If a saint and a strong man could cross the universe with his physical body alone, it would take at least a hundred years to travel from eternity to eternity. It would take seven or eight days for Hegu Xing to reach Beichen Star, even for those at the pinnacle of Quasi-Emperor. Only those who have proven themselves to be the Great Emperor can travel freely in the universe.

Don’t you see that every time Gu Changsheng kicked the Ancient Golden Emperor to the edge of the universe, he would always come back quickly.

Of course, this is also because the world of mortals today is very small, so small that it is not even comparable to a continent in other big worlds.

After all, the current world of mortals is just a fragment of the original world of mortals, and the other fragments have been assimilated by chaos.

Let’s get back to the topic,

Ancient Star of Ganges, Canglan Sect!

The most powerful person in the Canglan Sect, Yan Chuan was sitting with his wife Gu Tong in front of flowers and under the moon. Don’t think too much, Gu Tong was nestling in Yan Chuan’s arms, and the two of them were admiring the moon under the bright moon.

At this moment, Yan Chuan frowned slightly, and Gu Tong felt the change in her husband’s mood. She opened her red lips and asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Nothing.” Yan Chuan shook his head, “It must be an illusion.”

“Illusion.” ?” Gu Tong left Yan Chuan. She looked back at Yan Chuan and said, “With your cultivation level, how could you have any illusions?”

Yan Chuan also raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Yes, with his peak quasi-emperor status Your cultivation should not create any illusions.

So Yan Chuan took out a message jade slip. This message jade slip was emitting a faint light at this time, and the light flickered, as if someone was talking.

“This communication jade slip is connected to the communication jade slip on Dandan. Originally, I thought that one day they would no longer be able to survive on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, so I would ask Dandan to send me a message, and I could go and pick them up. , but you also know that after His Majesty the Holy Emperor returned, the Starry Sky Ancient Road was moved to an unknown place by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Anyway, it is no longer in the world of mortals. It stands to reason that Dandan’s message slip is no longer useful. Now It’s really strange that there was a reaction.”

Yan Chuan explained while looking at the jade slip.

Gu Tong also looked confused, but she still said: “Don’t worry about whether there is any problem, let’s take a look before talking.”

Yan Chuan nodded, then waved his hand gently, and Yan Dandan’s voice came out from the jade talisman. .

“Father, mother, come to Beichen Star to take me and senior brother back!”

Yan Chuan and Gu Tong looked at each other.

“Isn’t this a scam?” Gu Tong’s tone was incomprehensible.

“I don’t know, but is this liar too stupid? His Majesty the Holy Emperor has banned us from approaching Beichen Star, and this liar actually pretended to be our daughter and lied to us about Beichen Star.”

Yan Chuan was also a little confused. In addition, the entire universe knows that Beichen Star has now been designated as a forbidden area by His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and no one or any force is allowed to approach it. This liar actually wanted to trick the couple into going to Beichen Star. They only went there when they were tired of living.

Wait, are you tired of living?

The two of them thought of something in an instant. They looked at each other, and Gu Tong said: “Could it be that our enemies used the name of Dandan to trick me into going to Beichen Star, and then use His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s ban to kill us all?”

Yan Chuan narrowed his eyes and said, “It’s not impossible.”

However, Gu Tong changed his tone and said the opposite of what he just said.

“What if it’s really Dandan?” Gu Tong asked.


Yan Chuan pondered for a long time, and finally said: “Madam, I have finished telling you, what else can I say?”

“This… after all, there has never been a case of using the summons jade talisman to deceive people in the past. Besides, “Yes, you refined this Jade Talisman, and if you can ignore your restrictions and send messages through the Jade Talisman, you don’t have to lie to us, right?”

Gu Tong continued.

“So, Beichen Star must go!” Yan Chuan said.

“We can’t be so hasty. We have to think about it in the long term.”

“…” Yan Chuan.

In the end, the two discussed it for a while and decided to ask the Holy Emperor Palace for instructions first!

So the couple used the sect’s teleportation array to set off for Tianhuang Star.

Three days later, Yan Chuan and Gu Tong arrived at the Holy Emperor’s Palace on Tianhuang Star. The person who led them was Gu Wei, the head of the Gu family. Now Gu Wei is not only the head of the Gu family, but also the general manager of the Holy Emperor’s Palace, in charge of all external affairs. .

“Two fellow Taoists, please come this way!”

Gu Wei smiled and showed the way to Yan Chuan and Gu Tong.

“Thank you, fellow Taoist Gu!” Yan Chuan said with a smile.

Then the couple looked curiously at the twelve inheritance temples surrounding the Holy Emperor’s Palace. This was their first time coming to the Holy Emperor’s Palace. The couple did not participate in the previous demon-killing war because they were practicing in retreat at the time. Gu Changsheng would naturally not disturb the husband and wife’s retreat because they could only practice the technique. He was not that ignorant.

Yan Chuan and Gu Tong kept exclaiming. They didn’t look like a quasi-emperor peak or a holy king peak at all. Instead, they looked like two people from a mountain village who had just entered the city. They had also been to Tianhuang Star, but at that time, there were no saints and no great emperors on Tianhuang Star. At that time, he was very high-spirited. After all, he had already achieved the status of quasi-emperor and forged an invincible Taoist heart.

He was supposed to shine brightly in this life, and it was not impossible for him to achieve enlightenment and become an emperor.

But he is both unfortunate and lucky.

Unfortunately, when he was in his prime, His Majesty the Holy Emperor was born. Not only that, but under His Majesty the Holy Emperor, there were also Empress Houtu and many powerful true immortals. At the beginning, a powerful true immortal came to the ancient star of Ganges. , let all the forces in the ancient Ganges River surrender under the Holy Emperor’s Palace. Although Yan Chuan, who was full of confidence, agreed, he also made a request. He asked the powerful True Immortal to compete.

The powerful True Immortal didn’t become angry because of shame, but agreed angrily.

Yan Chuan confidently activated his strongest martial arts and magical powers, but was dismissed by the true immortal with a look. Seeing this, Yan Chuan’s heart was unaffected. It was a lie, but he was able to cultivate to the peak of quasi-emperor in this world, and his Taoist heart was extremely strong. After losing, he openly announced the surrender of the Canglan Sect.

But since then, his arrogance has subsided, and his aura has become deeper, like old wine that needs to settle, waiting for the day when the wine will be fragrant all over the world.

At the same time, he is also lucky.

In the past, the ultimate goal of monks was to attain enlightenment and become an emperor. As for becoming an immortal, that was illusive. But he was born in this golden world. His Majesty the Holy Emperor, Empress Houtu and those powerful true immortals all gave him a clear goal of cultivation, giving him greater motivation in his heart. Proving the Dao was only his next step. That’s all, he set a small goal for himself, that is to become an immortal!

He knows that the powerful true immortals in the Holy Emperor’s Palace are all ancients, and he wants to be the first person today to become an immortal!

This is his ambition!

“Two fellow Taoists, we’re here, you go in!”

At this time, Gu Wei had already led the two of them to the gate of the Holy Emperor’s Palace. The gate was open, but nothing could be seen outside the gate. Within the gate, it was like there was an endless world, deep and terrifying.

“Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu!”

The couple expressed their gratitude to Gu Wei, and then stepped into the Holy Emperor’s Palace with high respect!

(Sorry, I lay in bed all day yesterday and didn’t update. There are three updates today!)

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