The confidence of Xuantian Sword Sect

In the Holy Emperor’s Hall, Hou Tu quietly looked at the couple Yan Chuan and Gu Tong.

Yan Chuan and Gu Tong stood with reserved expressions. They had already told Empress Houtu about the jade slips, and now they were just waiting for Empress Houtu to speak.

After a long time, Hou Tu spoke.

“I already know about this, you go ahead!”

“Thank you, Empress Houtu!”

Yan Chuan and Gu Tong quickly bowed and thanked them. They originally thought that this matter would be a difficult thing, but they didn’t expect Houtu. The empress agreed so readily.

After Hou Tu asked the two of them to leave, he sat in front of the desk alone, looking at the empty desk without knowing what he was thinking.

“Now that I have nothing to do, why not go and see the excitement.”

Hou Tu thought for a while and then disappeared.

After Yan Chuan and Gu Tong left the Holy Emperor’s Palace, they set off towards Beichen Star without stopping.

With seven days left before the ten-year appointment, the atmosphere on Beichen Star becomes increasingly strange and solemn, like a powder keg filled with gunpowder. If not careful, it will be ignited, causing an earth-shattering explosion.

But on this day, a piece of shocking news came out of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

The Seven Star Sword Sect recruitment conference will go ahead as scheduled and will be held in four days!

As soon as this news came out, the strange and solemn atmosphere was instantly broken.

“Hiss! This Seven Star Sword Sect is really a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers. They even held a recruitment meeting at this critical moment. They don’t take the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect in their eyes. This is too crazy. Come on!” Some people were shocked by the Seven Star Sword Sect’s actions.

But some people hold opposing views.

“Haha, don’t forget that there is an adult standing behind the Seven Star Sword Sect. The Huang family in Zhongyuan City was wiped out with a slap. If you have that adult standing behind you, you will also split the Xuantian Sword Sect and split it. Does Tianjian Sect take it seriously?”

“Don’t forget, the ten-year agreement was proposed by that adult. The Huang family also touched the bottom line and hired Jiuyou killer to deal with Chun Yuan Tower in Jubei City. The person who was suppressed by that adult is not a person who would break his promise.” The man retorted.

“Haha, have you forgotten the demon clan that defected to the Seven Star Sword Sect in recent years? You can’t guess the strength of the Seven Star Sword Sect.”

“You can?”

“Neither can I!”

Xuantian Sword Sect, Angry roars came from the meeting hall.

“Damn it, this Seven Star Sword Sect is so deceptive. They even dare to hold a recruitment meeting at this time. Do they think they have us?”

An old man with red hair slammed the table angrily. The wooden table was turned into powder by his slap, which showed how angry he was inside.

In the Xuantian Sword Sect’s meeting hall, sit the major elders of the Xuantian Sword Sect and the contemporary masters of the Xuantian Sword Sect. Their cultivation levels are all above the Xiaoyao realm. The angry old man just now is called Elder Yan. As the name suggests, he is an old man with a hot temper. His cultivation ranks second among the people, and he has reached the peak of Xiaoyao Realm. Naturally, the one ranked first is the master of Xuantian Sword Sect. With half-saint cultivation, he can reach the top of the world by just one step. Sanctify.

The leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect waved his hands and said, “Why should Elder Yan be angry with a sect that is about to be destroyed? It’s not good for your health to be so angry!”

“Sect Master, did the Sword Eater Ancestor… break through?” An elder suddenly asked.

When he asked, even the angry Elder Yan calmed down instantly and looked at the sect master with doubts like everyone else.

The Sword-eating Ancestor is an extremely ancient ancestor of their Xuantian Sword Sect. He is the younger brother of Xuantian Quasi-Emperor, the founder of the Xuantian Sword Sect. When the sect was in crisis, the divine source was revealed. It is said that he suffers from pica and loves to eat swords. The higher the quality of the swords he eats, the better it is for his cultivation. Since he was born, he has eaten all the famous swords on Xuantian Sword Sect’s Sword Mountain, and then entered a state of seclusion.

The Sword Mountain of the Xuantian Sword Sect is the holy land of swordsmanship that all swordsmen in Beichen Star dream of. There are not only countless famous swords on the Sword Mountain, but also the sword intentions left by many swordsmen of Beichen Star. Every sword cultivator wants to climb the Sword Mountain. If you are lucky enough to be selected by a famous sword, it might become a good story in the future.

But now, there is no sword in Sword Mountain, and even the sword intention has been swallowed up by the Chichi Ancestor, leaving only countless empty and soulless sword marks.

When the leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect saw everyone looking at him, he smiled softly and said: “Actually, my ancestor had already made a breakthrough three years ago, and due to years of accumulation, he has taken many steps in the quasi-emperor realm. I I don’t know where the ancestor is now.”


Everyone gasped.

After hearing this, Elder Yan’s face flashed with joy. He laughed loudly and said: “Haha, doesn’t the Seven Star Sword Sect dare to compete with us only because it has an unfathomable quasi-emperor? Now the ancestor of Sword Eater We have already broken through to the Quasi-Emperor, do we still need to be afraid of that person? In my opinion, we should ask Patriarch Jian to kill that person now, and avenge Patriarch Jian’s blood.” Patriarch Jian

was the one who was killed that year. One of the three saints that Gu Changsheng used to kill chickens to scare monkeys!

“Elder Yan, don’t be anxious. If we destroy the Seven Star Sword Sect now, wouldn’t it be too cheap for the Sky Splitting Sword Sect?” The leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect narrowed his eyes and showed a strange smile.

Upon hearing this, everyone felt that what the sect leader said made sense.

“And don’t forget, in addition to the Seven Star Sword Sect, there is also the Heavenly Sword Dynasty.” The leader of the Xuantian Sword Sect said with a solemn expression.

Before the Seven Star Sword Sect was born, the Tianjian Dynasty was the strongest force in Beichen Star. It could single-handedly compete with the Xuantian Sword Sect, the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, and the destroyed Huang family. Back then, the three major The forces secretly supported Murong Dijian, who failed to compete for the throne with Murong Tianjian, to establish the Blood Cloud Tower, and provided resources to Murong Dijian to allow him to cultivate to the level of a semi-saint, with the purpose of disintegrating the Tianjian dynasty from within.

It’s a pity that Xueyun Tower and Murong Dijian were destroyed by the “suspected quasi-emperor” of the Seven Star Sword Sect before they had even accomplished their feats. This not only wasted their efforts, but also wasted countless resources.

As for the powerful man from the Seven Star Sword Sect who is a quasi-emperor or above, they have never thought about it like this. In this era of “the saint does not appear, the emperor does not appear”, it is already very scary to be able to cultivate to the quasi-emperor. If it is really accurate, A strong man above the emperor has long been with the world, how could he still play such a boring game as “sect development” with his apprentice.

“But after this time, Beichen Star will belong to our Xuantian Sword Sect!”

A trace of madness appeared in the eyes of Xuantian Sword Sect’s leader. He wanted to unify Beichen Star, but his dream for many years is now about to come true. Realized, he could barely suppress the trembling of his body.

“Send the order, let the disciples of the sect prepare for the war with all their strength, and don’t be affected by the actions of the Seven Star Sword Sect!”


(There will be another update later, let’s make something to eat first!)

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