The recruitment meeting is in progress

At the top of Feijian Mountain, Li Beifei, Duan Fei, Bai Yifei and Xuan Mingzi were all standing together, looking down.

“Hey, tell me, how many of them can survive to the second level in the end?”

At this time, Xuan Mingzi asked curiously.

“According to the previous ratio, there should be one-tenth of the people left.” Duan Fei said with a smile. In this regard, he has the most say. After all, he has always developed the Seven Star Sword Sect.

Sure enough, after half a stick of incense, only 4,312 of the tens of thousands of boys and girls were left standing. However, these people were also sweating profusely and were obviously under great pressure.

In the sky, Yang Fan looked at the boys and girls who were still standing and nodded with satisfaction. He said: “The second level test will take place in an hour. You should be well prepared at this hour.” ”

As for not passing my test, People, don’t be discouraged. You are just not suitable for the swordsmanship of our Seven Star Sword Sect. You can also choose other training directions. Disperse!”

Those who have been eliminated are all unwilling disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect. Under the arrangement, they left the foot of Feijian Mountain in an orderly manner. Soon, the originally crowded foot of the mountain seemed a bit empty.

But the boys and girls who passed the test seemed extremely excited and started chattering.

“It was such a close call. I almost couldn’t hold on. Fortunately, I gritted my teeth and persevered in the end. Otherwise, if I went back like this, my father would definitely be disappointed to death.” Among

this group of boys and girls, there was a handsome boy with a pair of The girl with big eyes and simple clothes patted her chest and whispered thankfully.

“I don’t know if Master Yi has passed.” The girl suddenly thought of something and her face turned red.

“Sister Duanmu, great, you have passed the test.”

At this time, a young man with a handsome face and brocade clothes came over. He said he was a young man, rather than a little boy, because the young man looked to be only in his early ten years. , three or four years younger than the previous girl.

“Master Yi, you also passed, great!” When the girl Duanmujun saw the boy, she suddenly became energetic, as if all the previous fatigue had been wiped away.

Duanmujun’s ancestors were servants of the Yi family, and Duanmujun was Yi Jifeng’s personal maid. Everyone knew that the personal maid was someone who might become the young master’s concubine in the future.

And Yi Jifeng was the rich young man who rewarded the old man Gu Changsheng transformed with one hundred middle-grade source crystals. He had a strong desire to join the Seven Star Sword Sect. When the recruitment meeting of the Seven Star Sword Sect was held as scheduled, The Yi family then sent people to escort Yi Jifeng to the Seven Star Sword Sect, and Duanmu Jun, as Yi Jifeng’s personal maid, naturally had to follow.

Duanmujun’s father was also a high-ranking servant of the Yi family, but he didn’t want his daughter to be like him and become a servant who was ordered around all her life, so when he learned that Yi Jifeng would take Duanmujun to the Seven Star Sword Sect, , he told Duanmu Yun to work hard to join the Seven Star Sword Sect. This was the only chance for the Duanmu family to turn around.

“Sister Duanmu, here, eat it, and you will have the strength to climb Feijian Mountain later.” Yi Jifeng walked up to Duanmujun and took out a pill from his arms. The faint fragrance instantly filled the surroundings, immediately attracting attention. Come to the attention of those around you.

“Oh my God, who is this little brother? He’s so generous, and he’s actually using a third-level elixir.” Someone exclaimed.

Spiritual elixirs are also divided into levels one to nine, corresponding to the nine cultivation realms. The ones above are the holy level elixirs.

What Yi Jifeng holds in his hand is a third-level elixir, which corresponds to the Concentration Realm. However, Yi Jifeng is just a young monk in the early stage of the Awakening Realm. To be able to produce a third-level elixir, the family behind it must be quite extraordinary. .

Duanmu Jun looked at the elixir handed over by her young master with a confused look on her face. Soon, she came back to her senses, shook her head repeatedly and said, “Master, this elixir is too precious, I can’t have it.”

For Duanmu Junlai She said that she couldn’t even afford the elixir after it was sold. How could a maid want such a precious thing? This was not in line with the values she had received from childhood.

The people next to him looked at Duanmu Yun and were very jealous. They wished they could change places with Duanmu Yun.

But Yi Jifeng said: “Sister Duanmu, you are mine, what happened if I gave you a pill?” ”

I’ll go, this little brother is so good at flirting, he actually talks like this.”

“Look, that girl I’m blushing, haha, I’ve been aroused.”

Listening to the whispers from others, Yi Jifeng didn’t react at all. After all, he regarded Duanmujun as his own, but Duanmujun made a big blush. She was afraid that the young master would say anything else. He would say some shocking words when he went down, so he immediately took the elixir and swallowed it with Yi Jifeng’s reminder.

After swallowing it, she immediately felt that her body felt much more relaxed, and even the energy she had lost before was replenished. Her overall mental state was countless times better than before.

“Thank you, Master!” Duanmujun said.

Soon, an hour passed, and the second level test also began.

Under the guidance of Yang Fan, a group of boys and girls began to climb Feijian Mountain from different directions.

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng, Golden Ancient Emperor and Divine Fortune Teller were tired of watching, so they started making wine here without knowing what they were talking about.

On the contrary, the White Tiger Demon Emperor and Hou Tu watched it with great interest, and would point at it from time to time.

“Hey, Xiaobai, look at that little girl. The five elements in her body are biased toward fire. Unfortunately, they are not pure enough. If she is a fire-virtuous body, she can inherit the inheritance of my brother Zhu Rong. There is also that little boy. The five elements are biased toward water. Unfortunately, It’s still too complicated… Hey, why is it so difficult to find twelve people who can inherit the inheritance of our twelve ancestor gods? As of now, only my apprentice Tuoba Yu’er can inherit my law of earth.

” Tu kept talking and sighing, like a widowed resentful woman, full of resentment.

“Sister Houtu, don’t be anxious. You can’t rush this matter. You have to take your time.” The White Tiger Demon Emperor comforted her.


Suddenly, a voice attracted their attention. They looked back and found that the faces of the Golden Ancient Emperor and the Divine Fortune Teller were wet.

“What are you…”

Hou Tu asked in confusion.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, you can continue chatting.” Gu Changsheng said haha and asked them to turn around and continue talking.

Hou Tu glanced at Gu Changsheng, why didn’t she believe it was okay? However, seeing the miserable appearance of the Golden Ancient Emperor and the Divine Fortune Teller, she remembered the time when Gu Changsheng had added chili pepper to the wine. At that time, Gu Changsheng also sprayed her all over.

After Hou Tu and the White Tiger Demon Emperor turned around and continued their conversation, Gu Changsheng muttered: “Why did these old ladies win over Xiao Bai so quickly? It’s strange, except for the traitor, Xiao Bai doesn’t treat others well.” You are so pretentious that you actually call Houtu sister? Could it be that Houtu cast some kind of ecstasy on Xiaobai?”

Gu Changsheng didn’t understand the mystery of friendship between women. The fortune teller and the golden ancient emperor sitting opposite him were in a mood. The son is not feeling well.

“Boss, we’re all at this level, so we won’t even spit out the bar if we’re surprised. What a waste!” the Golden Ancient Emperor said resentfully.

“Waste? You drank it all!” Gu Changsheng replied.

“Then you’d better keep spraying!” The Golden Ancient Emperor immediately gave in and drank the wine sprayed by others? He doesn’t have such perverted hobbies.

The fortune teller seemed to have accepted his fate without any complaints. He just took out a silk scarf and slowly wiped the wine off his body.

Anyway, I can’t beat him, is that reasonable? The fist is the truth.

So be it!

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