What is the Seven Star Sword Sect?

More than 4,000-year-old girls started to climb Feijian Mountain from different directions. They climbed to the peak of 3,333 feet in one day. For ordinary people, it is simply more difficult than climbing to the sky, but these young girls are all tempered. Those who have passed through the physical body, like Yi Jifeng, have even officially become cultivators. Climbing Feijian Mountain will naturally not be difficult.

But the second level is obviously not just as simple as climbing Feijian Mountain.

At this time, Fei was on the top of the mountain proudly introducing the functions of the flying sword formation he had deployed on Feijian Mountain to Li Beifei and the others.

“You may not think that the Flying Sword Formation has an ordinary name, but its capabilities are huge. The Flying Sword Formation includes the Illusion Formation, the Gravity Formation and the Teleportation Formation.” ”

The moment these little guys set foot on Feijian Mountain, They have fallen into a huge illusion. In the illusion, not only can they observe their willpower, but they can also determine whether there are any evil-minded people among them.” “The

gravity array will follow them as they climb. The height will gradually exert gravity on them, and the maximum will reach five times the gravity. Those who can persist to the top of the mountain are all determined people.” ”

The function of the teleportation array is very simple, it is to teleport those who fail back to the foot of the mountain.”

Duan Fei After briefly explaining the function of the Flying Sword Formation, Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi didn’t feel much about it. After all, they didn’t know much about the formation, but Bai Yifei was different. Everyone in Tianji Pavilion could say that they all He is a master of formations, but he knows how difficult it is to combine formations with completely opposite effects, such as phantom formation and gravity formation.

The magic array targets a person’s soul and is at the spiritual level. The gravity array is aimed at the human body and is at the physical level. The properties of the two formations are completely different. Even he dare not say that he can come out quickly after entering the flying sword array.

The teleportation array is the icing on the cake.

“Brother Duan, I didn’t expect you to have such high attainments in the art of battle. I admire you so much!” Bai Yifei said sincerely.

When Duan Fei heard this, he became interested, and he said to Bai Yifei, “Brother Bai, do you also know the formation?”

“You know a little bit about it!” Bai Yifei is not Li Beifei, he is still very humble.

When Duan Fei heard this, his face lit up with joy. As the only person in the Seven Star Sword Sect who knew the formations, he had arranged countless formations in the entire sect. He didn’t want to be so tired and wanted to find someone to share the burden, but The way of formation pays more attention to talent. Every time the sect held a disciple recruitment meeting, he looked forward to having disciples with outstanding formation talents appear, but it was a pity that he had not encountered any in so many years.

Now that he heard that Bai Yifei also knew about formations, he instantly felt like he had found a confidant. He quickly pulled Bai Yifei aside, and the two of them sat across from each other on the floor and began to discuss the formations.

Listening to what they said about formations using the power of heaven and earth, the power of nature, etc., Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi expressed that they did not understand them at all.

So the two of them set their sights on the young girl climbing Feijian Mountain.

Seeing the young girls climbing bravely, Xuan Mingzi couldn’t help but sigh: “Isn’t this feeling a long time coming?” ”

Oh? Did you have a similar experience when you joined the Yin Yang Sect?” Li Beifei asked curiously.

“Yes, when I was young, I followed my master and watched those who wanted to join the Yin-Yang Sect break through. How is the situation similar to now!” Xuan Mingzi said.

“???” Li Beifei turned around and looked at Xuan Mingzi in surprise. When Xuan Mingzi saw this, he couldn’t help asking: “Boss, is there any problem?”

“No problem!”

Li Beifei said, he thought Xuan Mingzi I also have the same experience as these young girls. I never thought that most people would be at their peak when they were born.

Time flies so fast, half a day has passed in the blink of an eye, and of the more than 4,000 boys and girls, only less than 2,000 are still climbing, and the rest have been eliminated.

“It is estimated that less than one-tenth of the people will be able to reach the top of the mountain in the end.” Li Beifei said with squinted eyes.

“Yes, boss, your sect’s elimination rate is too high, more than 90% of the elimination rate, tsk tsk.” Xuan Mingzi clicked his tongue in surprise.

“What do you know? If a sect wants to prosper, it does not rely on large numbers of people, but on elites. Instead of cultivating mediocrity, it is better to cultivate a genius.” Li Beifei said.

Xuan Mingzi nodded, he still understood the principle of preferring to be short rather than indiscriminate.

There was still an hour before the day had passed, but at this time, it was already the next day. Duan Fei and Bai Yifei were still talking about formations. They seemed to be discussing how to build a large formation. , just tell Li Beifei, and then the two of them left the top of Feijian Mountain together.

Li Beifei didn’t understand what formation they were doing, so he just let them go.

At this moment, the first person to climb the mountain appeared.

Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi looked and saw that it was a girl.

As soon as Duanmujun climbed to the top of the mountain, she looked around. When she saw Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a self-deprecating tone: “I said how could I be the first! ”

When Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi heard this, they looked at each other and knew that the girl thought they were young people who wanted to join the sect just like her.

Xuan Mingzi was about to speak, but was stopped by Li Beifei’s look.

“Stop talking.” Li Beifei said via voice message.

“Why?” Xuan Mingzi was confused.

“It’s rare that someone doesn’t know me, so I have to hurry up and have fun!” Li Beifei said.


Boss, I didn’t expect you to have such a hobby.

“Little girl, why do you want to join the Seven Star Sword Sect?” Li Beifei walked up to Duanmu Yun and asked with a smile.

“Ah… Young Master, are you asking me?” Duanmujun was a little dazed.

“Apart from you, there are no other girls here, right?” Li Beifei said.

“Oh, oh.” Duanmujun nodded blankly.

When Li Beifei saw this, he thought it looked a bit like the two sisters Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran.

At this time Duanmuyun said: “I…I came with my young master. He wanted to join the Seven Star Sword Sect, so I followed him.” ”

Huh? No other reason?” Li Beifei looked at Duanmuyun in surprise.

Duanmujun shook his head.

“Hey, no…don’t you have any idea in your heart that you want to join the Seven Star Sword Sect because of its reputation?” Li Beifei asked unwillingly. Duanmu Jun’s answer was completely different from what he wanted. He actually wanted to join the Seven Star Sword Sect for the sake of your young master. what is this? You look down on my Seven Star Sword Sect, right?

Who knew that Duanmujun said in a low voice: “Before coming here, I…I didn’t know what the Seven Star Sword Sect was!”


Li Beifei’s heart was like a bolt from the blue, and he kept echoing in his mind, “What is the Seven Star Sword Sect?” “This sentence.

Xuan Mingzi was laughing crazily at the side, “Boss, you must have screwed up this time.”

But little girl, how can you tell the truth in front of him? He is your future lord!

Just when Xuan Mingzi felt pity for Duanmujun’s fate, Li Beifei said: “It seems that the reputation of the Seven Star Sword Sect is not enough. No, we must defeat the two major sects this time. I want to make the Seven Star Sword Sect powerful. Shocking the world of mortals, shocking all the worlds!”

“Ah?” Duanmujun looked at Li Beifei in bewilderment, why couldn’t he understand what this man said.

Li Beifei patted Duanmujun on the shoulder and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Duanmujun!” Duanmujun said subconsciously.

“Well, very good, Duanmujun, I will remember it. You will be proud to join the Seven Star Sword Sect in the future! Well, also, you are the first to climb the top of the mountain. Goodbye!”

After that, Li Beifei Then he pulled Xuan Mingzi and turned into a stream of light and left.


Duanmu Yun was shocked. Before she could react, the second person also climbed to the top of the mountain.

“Sister Duanmu!”

The second one was Yi Jifeng, who happily walked towards Duanmu Jun.

And soon, there were the third and fourth people…

One day passed, and in the end, only 218 people reached the top of the mountain!

Less than one percent!

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