The worried Duanmujun

At the top of Feijian Mountain, two hundred and eighteen boys and girls were exhausted physically and mentally, but their faces were filled with excitement.

At this time, Yang Fan, who was riding a flying sword, appeared in front of a group of young girls. He looked at the two hundred-year-old girls with a knowing smile on his face.

“Congratulations to you for successfully reaching the top of the mountain. Congratulations to you for officially becoming a disciple of my Seven Star Sword Sect. I would like to formally introduce myself to you again. My name is Yang Fan, and I am also your senior brother!” As

soon as Yang Fan finished speaking, these teenagers The girl was shocked. Wasn’t it agreed that there would be three tests? Climbing Feijian Mountain was just the second test. How did they successfully join the Seven Star Sword Sect?

“That big… senior brother, didn’t you say yesterday that we have to go through three levels of entry tests before we can join the Seven Star Sword Sect? But we have only passed two levels!”

At this time, a young man asked, and also asked Everyone was filled with doubts, and everyone looked at Yang Fan, looking forward to his answer.

Yang Fan chuckled and explained: “This third level test naturally exists, but this third level is related to your starting point in the sect in the future. You will know it later. Now, before you officially become my Seven Star Sword Sect Disciple, I want to tell you our sect rules. You must listen carefully. If you violate any of the sect rules in the future, the consequences will be very serious.” At the end of the sentence,

Yang Fan’s tone became extremely serious, Even the eyes became extremely sharp, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed, which shocked these young girls and subconsciously looked at Yang Fan attentively.

“The first rule of the sect is that you are not allowed to do anything that would deceive the master

and destroy the ancestors. If you violate it, you will be killed!” “The second rule of the sect is that you are not allowed to do anything that harms the sect or betrays the sect. If you violate it, you will be killed. !”

“The third rule of the sect is that you are not allowed to fight against fellow students. If you violate it, you will be killed!”

“The fourth rule of the sect is that you are not allowed to bully the weak or humiliate the sect. If you violate it, you will be killed!”

“ The above four are the rules of my Seven Star Sword Sect, do you understand?”

Yang Fan looked at them seriously.

“I’ll understand later!”

A group of boys and girls responded loudly.

“Very good!” Yang Fan nodded with a smile.

“Elder brother, what if we are bullied by others? What should we do?” At this time, a young man in simple clothes asked.

Yang Fan looked around and his eyes changed slightly. He saw a scar on the young man’s face, which looked like it was scratched by a sharp weapon. He said softly: “If anyone dares to bully us, then give me the sword and beat him to death.” , if you are defeated, then go back to the sect and ask for reinforcements. Remember, the sect will always be your biggest support. As long as you are reasonable, no matter who the other party is or what kind of force they are, the sect will seek justice for you. Understand No?”


The boys and girls responded loudly and excitedly. If you can join such a sect that protects your shortcomings, what more can you ask for?

“In that case, I will take you to the third level now.”

With that, Yang Fan waved his hand, and a huge magical flying boat appeared in front of the young girls.

Everyone looked at the huge magical flying boat in amazement. Under the guidance of Yang Fan, they quickly boarded the flying boat. Then, under the control of Yang Fan, the flying boat quickly flew to the Seven Star Sword Sect.

Feijian Mountain is just a place under the Seven Star Sword Sect’s mountain gate for selecting disciples. It is not inside the Seven Star Sword Sect. It is still thousands of miles away from the Seven Star Sword Sect, so Yang Fan has to use the magic flying boat to carry these “New blood” heads to the sect.

From Feijian Mountain to the Seven Star Sword Sect Gate, it takes a stick of incense to take a flying boat. After all, the level of this flying boat is not particularly high, and its flying speed is far inferior to that of Yang Fan alone, but fortunately it can carry many people flying.

During this period of time, Yang Fan was not idle. Instead, he told these junior brothers and sisters who had recently joined the sect the history of the Seven Star Sword Sect. The highlight of the introduction was naturally Li Beifei, the sect leader.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

“Elder brother, I heard that the master of our Sword Sect is not very old. Is it true?” A young man asked curiously, and the others also looked at Yang Fan curiously.

“Haha, of course it’s true!” Yang Fan said with a smile: “Speaking of which, the sect master is only three years older than me.”

“So senior brother, how old are you?” someone asked.

“Twenty-one!” Yang Fan laughed.

“Wow, isn’t the sect master only twenty-four years old? He is younger than my elder brother. The sect master is so powerful!” A young man said in surprise.

“Of course, our lord, the master, is a genius rarely seen in thousands of years.” Yang Fan said proudly.

“Then Senior Brother, can you tell us what your cultivation level is?” Someone else asked curiously.

“Of course you can. Your senior brother has now reached the third level of Nirvana.” ”

Wow, that’s amazing. What about the sect leader?”

“I don’t know about that, but I only know that the sect wants to suppress me. All you need is a finger.”

“Wow, wow, wow, the sect master is so powerful, I really want to see what the sect master looks like!”

“Haha, you will have a chance to meet the sect master later.”

Yang Fan laughed.

In a corner on the flying boat, Duanmu Yun was lost in thought about something.

“Sister Duanmu, what are you thinking about?” Yi Jifeng walked to Duanmuyun and sat down next to Duanmuyun without any problem. The two were very close to each other.

“Master, I seem to have accidentally gotten into trouble.” Duanmujun said uneasily.

“What?” Yi Jifeng looked at Duanmuyun in confusion.

Duanmuyun then told Yi Jifeng what she had encountered on the top of Feijian Mountain. Naturally, she did not know Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi, so she could only use “senior masters” instead.

“Young Master, I said before that I don’t know what the Seven Star Sword Sect is. Will I offend those two senior masters?” Duanmujun said in an uneasy tone.

Although Yi Jifeng is young, as the sole heir of the family, he has received an excellent education since he was a child. He has a precocious personality and is much more familiar with some things than Duanmu Jun, a girl who is several years older than him. But after hearing After Duanmujun told him, he didn’t know how to answer.

After thinking about it, Yi Jifeng said: “Sister Duanmu, what did those two seniors say to you?”

Duanmujun thought for a while, and then said: “The senior in white clothes told me what he wanted to do. I don’t understand what the two major sects are saying about becoming famous in the world of mortals and all the worlds.”

After hearing this, Yi Jifeng also looked confused. It’s easy to understand that they are going to fight against the two major sects. There is a ten-year agreement to destroy the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, but what are the world of mortals and the worlds of heaven and earth? He only knows how to become famous in Beichen Star.

“Is there any more?” Yi Jifeng asked.

Duanmujun thought for a while and said, “By the way, he also told me that I was the first to climb the top of the mountain. He also said goodbye to me and then disappeared.”

After hearing this, Yi Jifeng laughed. Said: “Sister Duanmu, then you don’t have to worry. Senior obviously doesn’t care about you, otherwise he wouldn’t say ‘goodbye’ to you.”

“I hope so!” Duanmu Jun still looked worried, and she was very annoyed that she had spoken. It was a no-brainer, but she couldn’t blame her. She had never heard of the Seven Star Sword Sect before. She only knew that from now on she would wash, cook and warm the young master’s bed.

Soon, Feizhou took them to the Seven Star Sword Sect!

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