Drawing the Sword

Yang Fan led a group of boys and girls to Wan Jianfeng, and he said to these junior brothers and sisters: “The mountain peak in front of you is called Wan Jianfeng. It was cast from an extraterrestrial meteorite collected by our deputy sect leader. , there are formation patterns carved by our deputy sect leader. These formations form a sword-raising array. Each sword on it has developed spiritual wisdom.

“And the third level requires you to draw your sword for an hour. Within, if you can successfully pull out a sword, it means that the sword recognizes you, and then this sword will become your most trusted fighting partner in the future. “Sir, can you only draw one sword? ”

“Someone asked.

Yang Fan smiled and said: “Spiritual swords have spirits. Being able to pull out a sword shows that this person is talented in swordsmanship. If there are multiple spiritual swords claiming their master at the same time, then…”

Saying that, Yang Fan shook his head and said: “This has never happened in so many years. I am looking forward to seeing someone who can obtain multiple spiritual swords and claim them as their masters. ”

“Then what if you didn’t even draw a sword? ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled, and Yang Fan also suppressed his smile. He said seriously: “I have told you before that the third level is related to your starting point in the sect. If you can make the spirit sword If you recognize the master, you can directly become an inner disciple of the sect and enjoy the rich benefits of an inner disciple. If you are not recognized as the master by the spirit sword, you can only start as an outer disciple and work steadily, one step at a time. The footprints climbed higher. ”

After hearing this, the faces of the young girls changed slightly. Most of them are children from the noble family kingdom. They are born in wealth and wealth, so they naturally know the difference between the outer disciples and the inner disciples.

Some people began to worry that if they did not get the spiritual sword to recognize their master, , but some people are particularly confident in themselves.

“Elder brother, when will we start. ”

At this time, Yi Jifeng said.

Yang Fan looked at Yi Jifeng. He was deeply impressed by Yi Jifeng. Yi Jifeng was the easiest among those who were baptized by his sword intent in the first level. , others were sweating profusely and pale after experiencing the baptism of his sword intent, but Yi Jifeng only sweated slightly and looked normal.

He couldn’t help but guess whether Yi Jifeng had any special physique, otherwise he would only be in the awakening state. It is impossible for this little guy to withstand 1% of his sword intent without being affected.

However, he does not have the ability to tell fortunes. Even if Yi Jifeng has any special physique, he cannot tell it.

Facing Yi Jifeng’s question, Yang Fan said: “You go ahead. ”

After everyone heard this, they rushed towards the path dug out of the mountain and began their journey to draw their swords.

Yi Jifeng and Duanmu Yun were walking behind the crowd. Duanmu Yun did not have much confidence, but Yi Jifeng Ji Feng kept comforting her.

“Sister Duanmu, it’s okay!” “Master, I have an ominous premonition. ”

“Duanmu Jun said with a sad face.

“Sister Duanmu, you always said that women’s sixth sense is very accurate, but every time I sneak out you say that I will not be discovered, and my father catches me every time. The six senses are not accurate. “Yi Jifeng said with a bitter smile.

Duanmu Jun also made a big blush.

“Don’t worry, sister Duanmu. At worst, I will pull out a few more swords and give them to you. “Yi Jifeng said.

“Young master, you are really good at talking. My senior brother has said that these spiritual swords are all spiritual. It is already very good to be able to pull out one. You want to pull out a few more.” Duanmu Jun felt much more relaxed.

“Sister Duanmu, you can’t call me young master anymore. We are in the same sect now. You are older than me. If I want to call you senior sister Duanmu, you have to call me junior brother.” “Yi Jifeng said seriously.

“How can this be done? The young master is the young master. No matter where you are, you are my young master. ” Duanmuyun shook his head repeatedly. The idea that Yi Jifeng was her young master was deeply ingrained and it was difficult to change.

Yi Jifeng saw this and no longer struggled with this issue. As long as he regarded Duanmuyun as his sister in his heart, it would be fine.

Very easy . Soon, the two of them came to a sword. Yi Jifeng asked Duanmuyun to try it first. Duanmuyun used all his strength to pull it out, but he couldn’t pull it out.

“Master, I can’t do it, so you should do it.” Bar. Duanmujun asked.

Yi Jifeng nodded, put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and gently pulled out a spiritual sword with a cold light

. Hearing the sound of the sword, they all looked at Yi Jifeng.

“It’s surprising that the spirit sword was recognized as its master so quickly. “Someone said in shock.

“Oh? So fast! “Yang Fan also noticed Yi Jifeng. He looked at it in surprise. Yi Jifeng was the first one to pull out the spiritual sword.

“Young Master, you are so awesome! Duanmujun said happily. She looked as if she was even happier than she was when she pulled it out.

“Haha, is that so?” “Yi Jifeng scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn’t expect that he could pull it out so easily.

Above the clouds, the Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Yi Jifeng and said, “Boss, this kid is also born with a sword body, but he has Without a sword bone, it’s a bit worse than Bei Fei. ”

It’s not that easy to have a natural sword body and a natural sword bone. Three people in the world and two died.” “Gu Changsheng took a sip of wine, and his tone fully affirmed the rarity of the natural sword body and sword bone.

Soon, someone pulled out the second spiritual sword, and this person was Yi Jifeng.

“This kid ! “Yang Fan quickly flew into the sky and looked at Yi Jifeng in shock. He had just said that he expected someone to be recognized by multiple spiritual swords, and now he actually appeared.

But the next moment, Yi Jifeng almost made Yang Fan fall out of the air. After throwing it down, Yi Jifeng handed the second spiritual sword to Duanmu Yun and said, “Here, sister Duanmu, you will have a spiritual sword. ”

This…” Duanmujun didn’t reach out to take it. Just when Yi Jifeng wanted to hand the sword to Duanmujun forcibly, Yang Fan stopped him in time. Yang Fan grabbed

Yi Jifeng’s hand and said : “Boy, you want to kill her! ”

” Senior brother, how could I harm my sister Duanmu? I just want her to become an inner disciple like me. “Yi Jifeng said in confusion.

“I have said before that the spirit sword has a spirit. Since it recognizes you as its master, it cannot be handed over to a second person, otherwise that person will be counterattacked by the spirit of the spirit sword. This girl has not yet entered the awakening state. If you give her the spirit sword, she will be killed by the spirit of the spirit sword in an instant. If you give it to her, you will harm her. “Yang Fan said seriously.

“How could it be? Sister Duanmu, I didn’t mean it, really, I… I didn’t know it would be like this…” Yi Jifeng explained in a panic.

Duanmu Jun smiled and said: “Master, I know you will not harm me, and I I think it’s better to pull out the spirit sword by yourself. If you do this, I’m afraid you’ll break the rules and be punished. ”

“There is no such thing as a sect rule! ” “Yang Fan said on the side, mainly because he was the deputy sect leader who made the sect rules. He didn’t expect anyone to hand over the spirit sword to others, but he had to report it and make changes in time.

“Oh, I pulled it out! ”

At this time, there was a girl in the distance happily waving the spirit sword in her hand, which attracted the envy of others.

Soon, someone pulled out the spirit sword again. It was a young man. His expression did not look so excited, but there was something in his eyes. Well, I was excited but couldn’t suppress it. I checked my eyes and saw that it was a young man who was pretending to be serious.

An hour passed quickly. Only eleven people, including Yi Jifeng, pulled out their spiritual swords and were successfully promoted to inner disciples.

During the two periods, Yi Jifeng drew seven more swords one after another, and a total of nine spiritual swords claimed their masters.

Looking at the nine spiritual swords scattered behind Yi Jifeng, he had already drawn the second sword before Yi Jifeng. Yang Fan, who was prepared for the sword, couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The others looked at Yi Jifeng carrying nine spiritual swords on his back, with only envy but no jealousy in their eyes.

If Yi Jifeng was only claimed by two or three spiritual swords, Then they would be jealous, but now that they are recognized by nine spiritual swords, the two parties are not on the same level at all,

and they have no right to be jealous. Duanmujun on the side looked downcast. She had not been recognized by any of the spiritual swords, so she could only Become an outer disciple, and you will be separated from the young

master in the future. “Don’t be discouraged if you are not recognized by the Spirit Sword. I will take you to the top of the mountain later, where the elders of our Seven Star Sword Sect have gathered. If you are lucky enough to be recognized by them, In Xiangzhong, one can also break away from the outer disciples and become the elder’s direct disciple. ”

Yang Fan’s words rekindled the hope of the boys and girls who had not been recognized by the spirit sword.

Yes, it does not mean that you cannot practice swordsmanship unless you are recognized by the spirit sword. In the end, it all depends on yourself.

So all the boys and girls again Full of expectations, he took the flying boat to the top of Wanjianfeng Mountain.

“Come, come, do you remember what I just told you?” “Li Beifei noticed Yang Fan’s flying boat and immediately asked the elders.

“Sect Master, don’t worry. We can’t beat you in a fight, but when it comes to acting, after all, we are older than you, Sect Master. You are still very good. confident. “Someone responded with a smile.

“That’s the best. ”

Li Beifei nodded with satisfaction. Hum, little girl, I asked you to say “I don’t know what the Seven Star Sword Sect is.” Today, my master will give you a little lesson!

On the cloud, Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng with a half-smile. , said: “You traitor, in terms of bad taste, you have inherited it very well! ”


“Traitor!” ”

Gu Changsheng said through gritted teeth.

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