: Not only was the plan slapped in the face, but it was also treated like dog food

At the top of Wanjian Peak, Duan Fei waved his hand, and the formation hidden underneath was activated. Twenty-three tall seats rose from the ground. After Li Beifei took the middle seat, Duan Fei naturally sat next to Li Beifei, and Xuan Mingzi He and Bai Yifei sat on either side of them, while the others consciously sat down according to their cultivation level.

Those with strong cultivation will naturally get closer to Li Beifei.

At this time, Yang Fan’s flying boat brought the young girls who had newly joined the sect to the top of Wanjian Peak.

“The sect master, deputy sect master, two priests and elders, a total of 218 people have successfully passed the entrance test and become sect disciples in this sect recruitment conference. Eleven of them have obtained the spiritual master in Wanjianfeng Mountain. The sword’s owner.”

After Yang Fan saluted Li Beifei and the others, he began to briefly introduce the situation of the sect’s recruitment meeting.

“Yang Fan, you did a good job this time. You can go down first.” Li Beifei said.

“Yes, Sect Master!” Yang Fan responded respectfully, then put away the magic weapon flying boat and stood aside.

Duanmu Yun, who was in the crowd, had long been stunned. She was not face-blind and could tell at a glance that the young man sitting in the middle was the person she had just met at the top of Feijian Mountain. She had thought that the man was a senior of the sect. Elder, but I never expected that the other party would be the leader of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

what to do? what to do? Will I be expelled from the sect because I offended the sect leader?

The girl Duanmu Jun was extremely worried, and her body was trembling slightly. She wanted to explain the situation to her young master, but the young master was now in front of the crowd. This was specially arranged by the senior brother. The eleven people who had obtained the spiritual sword and recognized it as their master were standing in front of them. In the front, those of them who have not obtained the spirit sword can only stand in the back and act as green leaves.

Li Beifei also paid attention to Duanmu Jun’s expression. Seeing her body trembling, he couldn’t help but smile to himself, “Little girl, if you don’t know what my Seven Star Sword Sect is, I have to teach you a profound lesson today.”


Li Beifei looked at Yi Jifeng again.

Yi Jifeng carried nine spiritual swords scattered across his back, which was extremely dazzling. As soon as he came out, he attracted the attention of many elders.

“Could it be that this kid is Duanmu Jun, whom the sect leader likes?”

“Are you blind? The sect leader said that Duanmu Jun is a little girl. Although the child has beautiful features, he is a boy. How could he be Duanmu Jun?” ”

But He was unexpectedly recognized as the master of nine spiritual swords. This… is the first time he has encountered it since the establishment of the sect.” ”

This child should have a special physique, but I don’t know what special physique it is. We need to investigate it carefully. .”

A group of elders secretly transmitted messages and started talking about it.

“Hey, why don’t you rob people?”

At this time, Duan Fei asked curiously. At this time, these elders started to rob people the moment the new disciples landed. Now they are silent. It’s strange. .

“Well, deputy sect master, the sect master is here, how can we have the nerve to speak first!”

An elder laughed.

When Duan Fei heard this, he immediately became unhappy. He said, “The sect master was not here before, but I was here, and you didn’t give me face?” ”

Hey, deputy sect master, what you said is not true of the way you cultivate. Ordinary people can cultivate. If you accept a disciple, wouldn’t you be wronging others?”

At this time, another voice sounded.

“Who? Who said I misled my disciples?” Duan Fei looked back and found that it was Xiao Tian, a big boss.

Xiao Tian smiled honestly.

Duan Fei was helpless, in the entire sect, apart from the teacher and eldest brother who dared to say this about him, the only one who dared to say this was Xiao Tian.

“Yes, my feelings are still my own problem.” Duan Fei sat in his seat and stopped talking. Xiaotian was telling the truth. He practiced using himself as a formation. Not even the teacher had practiced this path before, so did he. If you are trying to figure it out alone, you are really misleading your disciples if you want to teach them.

At this time, Li Beifei also learned from Lao Liu that the physique of the young man carrying nine spiritual swords was a natural sword body. Although there was no sword bone, the natural sword body was also a rare and special physique, which was very suitable for practicing swordsmanship, and he wanted to He wanted to take Duan Muyun away, but he didn’t plan to teach her the swordsmanship, but made other plans. Now that Yi Jifeng appeared, he was pleasantly surprised.

Li Beifei looked at Yi Jifeng and asked, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Yi Jifeng!” Yi Jifeng looked at Li Beifei confidently.

“Are you willing to become my disciple?” Li Beifei asked again.

As soon as these words came out, all the boys and girls looked at Yi Jifeng with great envy. This was the sect leader. Who among them didn’t want to become the sect leader’s disciple? That is the candidate who may become the next sect leader in the future.

Just when everyone thought Yi Jifeng would agree immediately, Li Beifei also thought the same.

Unexpectedly, Yi Jifeng did not agree immediately, but asked: “Can I bring others to worship under your sect?”

Everyone was startled, this kid must be stupid, he dared to negotiate conditions with the sect leader.

“Oh? Tell me who it is.” Li Beifei asked with interest.

Upon hearing this, Yi Jifeng squeezed through the crowd and pulled Duanmu Yun, who was still worried alone, in front of everyone. Duanmu Yun didn’t know what happened yet, so she looked around with a blank face, and finally realized that it was the young master who pulled her away. He came out and wanted to ask, but Yi Jifeng spoke first.

“Sir, Sect Master, I want to bring her into your sect.” Yi Jifeng’s voice was childish, but his tone revealed a firmness.

Li Beifei looked at Duanmujun in surprise. He didn’t expect that Duanmujun and Yi Jifeng actually knew each other. This was beyond his expectation, and it also disrupted his plan to teach Duanmujun a lesson.

“What if I don’t agree? What do you think?” Li Beifei asked with a serious face.

“Then please ask the sect leader to arrange for me to be at the outer gate as well!” Yi Jifeng said.

“Are you threatening me?” Li Beifei’s tone dropped.

Duanmujun frantically tugged at Yi Jifeng’s clothes, trying to persuade him not to be so impulsive. However, although Yi Jifeng was young, he had a very independent personality. He said, “Back to the sect leader, I don’t mean to threaten you. It’s just that Sister Duanmu and I grew up together. I would feel uncomfortable without her by my side, so I made this unreasonable request. Please forgive me, Sect Master.” ”

Oh, you are childhood sweethearts?” Li Beifei said with a look in his eyes. Yi Liang asked curiously.

“No, I just belong to the young master…”


Duanmujun wanted to explain, but Yi Jifeng answered in the affirmative.

“Master!” Duanmujun looked at Yi Jifeng. Although the young master was younger than her, at this time, she felt that the young master’s figure was extremely majestic, and her heart was beating.

“Good guy, you dare to give me dog food at such a young age. How many years will it take for you to do it again?” Li Beifei’s face was uncertain. Not only was his plan disrupted, but he was also fed a handful of dog food. It was so uncomfortable!

At this time, he thought of his Qing Yi again.

Qingyi, just wait. When I finish handling the matters here, I will return to the Starry Sky Ancient Road to find you.

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