: Accepting a disciple or a ghost? (2-in-1)

“For the sake of your love and righteousness, I reluctantly agree to it!” Li Beifei pretended to be in a difficult situation, but in fact, it was not so difficult in his heart. Duanmu Yun was the disciple he wanted to accept, and Yi Ji The wind was an unexpected bonus.

All the elders looked at Li Beifei’s reluctant appearance and admired in their hearts that although the sect leader was young, his acting skills were even more mature than theirs. What they said before was exaggerated. Now not only can they not beat the sect leader, they can’t even act. !

“Meet the master!”

Yi Jifeng led Duanmuyun, who was in a state of confusion, to pay homage to Li Beifei.

Duanmu Yun didn’t know what happened at this time. She was thinking about being expelled from the sect just now, but now she became the disciple of the sect master. This change was so fast that she couldn’t react.

Seeing that Duanmu Yun actually became the disciple of the sect leader because of Yi Jifeng, some boys and girls were unconvinced. Yi Jifeng let it go, but who are you Duanmu Yun? You don’t even recognize the master of the spiritual sword.

Especially the other ten genius boys and girls who were recognized as masters by the Spirit Sword. They all longed to become the disciples of the sect master. Now that they saw that Duanmu Yun had become the disciple of the sect master, they couldn’t accept it in their hearts.

They thought that even a person with mediocre qualifications like Duanmu Jun could become a disciple of the sect master. Their talents were much better than Duanmu Jun’s. It was possible no matter how they said it!

So these ten boys and girls looked at Li Beifei expectantly, but Li Beifei had no intention of accepting any more disciples, and just took Yi Jifeng and Duan Mujun to his side.

Li Beifei looked at Duanmu Yun who was in a dazed state, and asked with a smile: “I just said we will meet again!”


“Call Master!”

“Master, it was my fault before, I didn’t I know how to talk and offended Master, I know I was wrong.” Duanmujun quickly apologized for his previous words.

Li Beifei waved his hand and said, “Hey, I didn’t even worry about those things.”

Li Beifei’s magnanimous look attracted the contempt of Xuan Mingzi and others. He also said that he didn’t take it to heart. If it weren’t for Yi Jifeng’s If you show up and interrupt your plans, you can make others cry.

“Thank you, Master!” Duanmujun breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

And when Yi Jifeng listened to the conversation between the two, he knew that the master was the person that Sister Duanmu had seen at the top of Feijian Mountain before.

“Senior sister, I said there’s no need to worry.” Yi Jifeng said to Duan Muyun with a smile.

“Master, you…” Duanmujun was stunned when Yi Jifeng suddenly called him senior sister.

Li Beifei could also tell from the conversation between Yi Jifeng and Duan Mujun that they should be a master and servant, but this was all in the past. Now, they are both his apprentices, and there is no distinction between master and servant.

Li Beifei said: “Since you are already my disciples, no matter what your previous relationship was, from now on, you are a pair of senior sisters and junior brothers. Do you understand?” ”

Master, I…” Duanmu Yun just He wanted to say that he wanted to be a junior sister, but Yi Jifeng on the side said: “I understand, Master, I will definitely treat my senior sister well.” ”

You kid, do you think it’s a marriage?” Li Beifei was angered by Yi Jifeng’s words. Smiling, he finally understood. This boy was not old, but he was as big as a brat. Not to mention, he had to be defeated in terms of flirting with girls.

Duanmujun couldn’t help but blush when she heard Yi Jifeng’s words, even though she had been prepared in her heart.

At this time, the elders saw that Li Beifei had no intention of accepting another disciple, so they began to argue with each other and introduced themselves. They had observed this group of seedlings, and the remaining ten were recognized by the spirit sword. Although the talents of young girls are not as strong as Yi Jifeng’s, they are still enough to be called geniuses.

“Stop arguing, I also want to accept a disciple!”

Xiaotian stood up at this time.

“Brother Xiaotian, let’s not join in the fun, right?”

Sitting next to Xiaotian was a beautiful woman. Her eyebrows were full of charm, her figure was voluptuous and fiery, like a vixen, and all the young people who were just beginning to love her were paying attention. Looking at her secretly, she is also a demon clan like Xiao Tian, and she is indeed a vixen. She comes from the Snow Fox clan and has reached the second level of saint cultivation. She is the second highest cultivation level in the field, only one lower than Xiao Tian. Small realm.

And it’s not unreasonable for her to say that we shouldn’t join in the fun. She and Xiaotian are both demons. They were born in Beichen Star, a big star of swordsmanship. Naturally, they also understand swordsmanship, but compared with the human race, their swordsmanship is really inferior. , that’s why I said that.

“Yes, Elder Xiaotian, please don’t cause trouble!”

someone advised.

“No, you all have apprentices, but I don’t. I can’t accept one today.” Xiao Tian shook his head, determined to accept one.

All the elders were helpless and turned their attention to the deputy sect master. The sect leader is currently chatting with the new disciple. Now it is only you, deputy sect leader, who can uphold justice.

Duan Fei was helpless. He looked at Xiaotian and said, “Elder Xiaotian, do you know the way of kendo?”

Xiaotian shook his head. He didn’t understand. He always used two fists in fighting. How can there be a fist in the way of kendo ? The meat is delicious.

“Then why would you accept a disciple?” Duan Fei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

A group of boys and girls thought that the powerful elder Xiaotian was a master of swordsmanship, but they did not expect that he did not understand swordsmanship. Now they were disappointed. The reason why they joined the Seven Star Sword Sect was to learn superior swordsmanship. You If I don’t know how to swordsmanship, wouldn’t it be a mistake to worship you as my master?

Just when a group of boys and girls eliminated Xiaotian, Xiaotian said: “I can’t, but my father can. My father is a famous wolf swordsman. I don’t know how to teach swordsmanship. I won’t let my father do it.” “Teach?”

“This… Elder Xiaotian, who is accepting the disciples, you or the ancestor Xiaofeng?” The elders on the side were all dumbfounded. If you accept the disciples, why did you move your saint father out? ?

“Nonsense, of course I have accepted a disciple. Besides, my disciple is the grandson of that old guy, so it is reasonable for him to give advice!” Xiaotian said matter-of-factly.

“Old guy? Where are you? Where are you?”

At this time, Li Beifei spoke.

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng’s face darkened, while Hou Tu on the side looked at Gu Changsheng teasingly.

This little plum is a rare talent. At least in terms of angering this lazy guy, it can be said to be unprecedented. Not bad!

“It turned out that the old guy who was talking about you, hey, who did I think he was talking about, boring!” Li Beifei found out that it was the old guy that Xiaotian was talking about him. He suddenly felt bored and quit the group chat.


Suddenly, Li Beifei slipped from his position.

“Master, are you okay?”

Yi Jifeng and Duanmujun exclaimed and quickly supported Li Beifei.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, this stone chair is too slippery, too slippery.” Li Beifei said quickly. Just now, he was kicked by someone.

“Hey, Master, why is there a shoe mark on your back?” Duanmujun asked doubtfully.

“Is there any? You must have seen it wrong. In fact, I deliberately brought it up at this time… You continue, I will leave with the two little guys first.”

After saying that, Li Beifei left with Yi Jifeng and Duan Muyun. Wan Jianfeng.

“Why do I feel… the sect leader is a bit… a bit…”

“Awkward?” Duan Fei said.

The man nodded and said, “That’s not what I said. You guys bear witness. This is what the deputy sect master said.” ”

…” Duan Fei.

On the cloud, Gu Changsheng said with great relief: “Boy Minu, I will write it down in your notebook this time!” ”

I finally understand why Xiao Lizi said he wanted you to kneel down and sing Conquer, but this is not the case every day. Those who are beaten by you are kicked by you. People with weaker minds would probably have their hearts broken long ago.” Houtu complained.

“Haha, you don’t understand. This kid only cares about eating and not fighting. Do you believe that when he reaches your level, he will dare to point a sword at me?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“I believe this!” Hou Tu nodded. It is precisely because I believe that I am optimistic about Xiao Lizi.

After Li Beifei left, Wan Jianfeng and the elders let go of the fight, leaving all the boys and girls dumbfounded. How could the elders of the sect, who were supposed to be superior, be bargaining with the boss like a woman buying vegetables on the street.

Of course, after Xiaotian abandoned his sage father, several young men wanted to join his family, but Xiaotian finally thought about it and refused.

“I don’t know the way of swordsmanship. If I accept you as my disciple, wouldn’t it be a mistake? So, you should choose someone else!” Xiao Tian said.

These words left everyone speechless. That’s not what you just said!

However, Xiao Tian and other demon clan elders withdrew, and the remaining ten boys and girls who were recognized by the spirit sword were divided among the ten human clan elders. Although the elders who did not receive it were disappointed, they also set their sights on On the young girl who has not been recognized as the master of the spiritual sword.

People who are not recognized as masters by spiritual swords do not necessarily fail to become masters of swordsmanship. These people did not have spiritual swords as masters before, but are they still not successful in cultivation now?

There are no absolutes!

In the end, eight more boys and girls were selected, crossed the threshold of the outer disciples, and became the elder’s direct disciples. They also enjoyed the benefits of the inner disciples, but what was different from ordinary inner disciples was that they were not as good at cultivation as ordinary inner disciples. , can get more resources. After all, their master is the elder of the sect. The sect will not give out more resources, but their master can give resources to the disciples.

This is the benefit of being a direct disciple.

The disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect are divided into three levels: outer disciples, inner disciples and core disciples.

The core disciples’ cultivation level needs to be above the realm of life and death. Yang Fan, the sect’s senior brother, is the strongest core disciple.

At this point, the disciple recruitment meeting of the Seven Star Sword Sect has been successfully concluded, and the ten-year appointment is coming soon.

After Li Beifei brought Yi Jifeng and Duanmu Jun back to his yard, he allocated two rooms for them to live in, and then took him to the mountain peak where Gu Changsheng lived in the back mountain.

“Master, why did you bring us here?” Yi Jifeng asked curiously.

“I brought you here naturally to meet your master. Remember, after meeting your master, you must be sweet in your mouth and say more nice things. As long as your master is happy, you can even shake the hair off your legs. You will be used for a lifetime.”

In front of the gate of Gu Changsheng’s courtyard, Li Beifei whispered to the two of them.

When Yi Jifeng heard that his master was going to take him to see him, his eyes lit up and he said, “Master, is that master?”

“That master?” Li Beifei was stunned. He didn’t know that Gu Changsheng was in Beichen. Because Xing is so mysterious, he is respectfully called “that Lord” by the world.

“That’s the man who destroyed the Huang family in Zhongyuan City!” Yi Jifeng explained.

The corner of Li Beifei’s mouth twitched and he muttered: “I’ll go, why does this old guy have such a mysterious title? Sir, I’ll go!”


At this time, the wooden door of the courtyard opened automatically.

“Master, the door opened by itself!” Duan Youyun pointed at the door that no one had opened and exclaimed.

Li Beifei was startled by Duanmujun’s shout. He glared at Duanmujun and said, “You can’t make a fuss at your master’s place from now on.”

“Oh!” Duanmujun nodded repeatedly.

Li Beifei took a deep breath, and then exhaled a breath of turbid air. To be honest, if he went in, he might be beaten. He was scared just now because he was frightened by Duanmu Yun.

When Li Beifei led the two of them into the courtyard, they saw Gu Changsheng sitting in the pavilion drinking a drink alone.


This time Li Beifei called out “Master” honestly and respectfully without any slip of the tongue. After all, before he came in, he kept reminding himself not to mention those three words.

“Duanmujun, I have met the master!”

“Yi Jifeng, I have met the master!”

Duanmujun and Yi Jifeng gave Gu Changsheng a grand ceremony of kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times.

“Get up, you don’t have to be polite anymore.” Gu Changsheng looked at the two little guys and said with a smile.

The two of them responded and stood up. Their expressions were a little reserved. This was the legendary master. He was so young and so handsome, even more handsome than his master.

Gu Changsheng looked at the two of them and said with a smile: “You are wronged by following me, a traitor.”

“Master…” Li Beifei looked at Gu Changsheng resentfully. He usually forgets about it, but now he is trying to tear me down. Don’t I want to lose face? ?

“What? What’s your opinion?” Gu Changsheng’s smile faded and he glared at Li Beifei.

“No, not at all!”

Li Beifei immediately shook his head like a wave drum.

“If you have nothing to do, just stay here and talk to my disciple. What does it have to do with you?” Gu Changsheng said angrily.

“Yes, yes!”

Li Beifei quickly stepped aside. As long as you don’t beat yourself up, you can say whatever you want.

Duanmujun and Yi Jifeng were immediately frightened when they saw Gu Changsheng treating their master so strictly. This was a ruthless man who could destroy a quasi-emperor’s power with one palm!

Gu Changsheng noticed their inner uneasiness, and a gentle smile appeared on his face instantly, and said: “Don’t worry, Master, I have high hopes for your master, that’s why I am so strict with him. As the saying goes, beating is kissing and scolding is love. From now on看到师公我揍你们师尊时,那都是师公对你们师尊爱的表现,不用大惊小怪。”


“Master, my father told me this before.” At this time, Duanmujun smiled.

“Well, your father is very wise!” Gu Changsheng praised.

“Does it mean that the harder you hit, the more you love him?” Yi Jifeng asked.

“Yes, that’s the truth!” Gu Changsheng laughed and said, these two little guys have mediocre talents, but they are very intelligent. They have a bright future, a bright future!

The corners of Li Beifei’s mouth twitched at the side. Did I accept two ghosts?

“Will Master also beat us in the future?” Duanmujun asked.

“He dares?” Gu Changsheng said, then looked at Li Beifei and said, “If you dare to touch a hair of my precious disciple, see if I don’t deal with you severely!”

Li Beifei’s neck shrank, and he felt sad in his heart. Not only did I Not only did he take in two ghosts, but he also took in two ancestors.

“Hitting is kissing and scolding is love. I can only treat your master, you know? What others do is wrong.” Gu Changsheng said.

“Got it!” The two nodded.

Yi Jifeng winked at Duanmu Yun, meaning that he is not afraid of Master teaching us anymore!

“Come on, master, I am poor and don’t have much good stuff. These two swords are called Yin and Yang swords, one Yin and one Yang. There is a set of combined fencing techniques in them, which is just right for you two to practice.”

Gu Changsheng took out two swords. He handed the Yang Sword to Yi Jifeng and the Yin Sword to Duan Muyun.

“Thank you, Master, for the sword!”

The two said in unison, taking the sword excitedly.

Li Beifei couldn’t help but ask Lao Liu in his heart: “Lao Liu, do you know the grades of these two swords?”

“The Yang Sword is made of light fairy gold, and the Yin Sword is made of dark fairy gold. They are both at the level of fairy weapons, but their power has been sealed by Gu Changsheng. They will only grow with their cultivation. , then the power of the sword itself will be slowly exerted.” Lao Liu explained.

“What, an immortal weapon? Damn it, that damn old guy, when he accepted me as his disciple, he gave me a Tianshu Sword that was not even a holy weapon. Isn’t this treatment too different?”

Li Beifei I just felt that the gap between the two sides was so big, and I suddenly felt a little envious, jealous and hated my apprentice.

“Tch, this Lao Liu is better than all the immortal weapons, and you are still picky?”

Lao Liu’s words made Li Beifei speechless. He really had nothing to say!

“Master, Xiaoyun and Xiaofeng will stay with you these days. It’s time for me to prepare to kill them.” At this time, Li Beifei said.

“Well, go ahead!”

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, as if he was very disgusted.

“Master, I want to use the tribulation to kill the enemy. This process is very dangerous!”

Li Beifei said these words without leaving.

“I know, what’s wrong?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“You might die!” Li Beifei emphasized the importance of the matter.

“You also said it’s possible, and it’s possible not to die.” Gu Changsheng said.


“Damn it, damn old guy, are you happy that I’m dead, right?”

Li Beifei exploded, and then, like a shooting star, he flew down the mountain.

Gu Changsheng said to Duanmujun and Yi Jifeng: “Look, this is why I am so strict with your master!” It was

also the first time for the two of them to see their master’s bad mouth.

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