Still the same taste (two-in-one)

In the Imperial City of Tianjian Dynasty, in the Jinluan Hall of the Imperial Palace, at this time, Murong Tianjian, the emperor of Tianjian Dynasty, was attending an early morning court meeting with all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Murong Tianjian, who was wearing a nine-dragon robe and an imperial crown, immediately sat on the throne. He said loudly: “Tomorrow is the ten-year agreement between the Seven Star Sword Sect, the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect. We want to send troops to help the Seven Star Sword Sect, what do you think?”

As soon as Murong Tianjian said this, the expressions of the generals and civil servants present changed to varying degrees. For a while, everyone present whispered, Murong Tianjian also Don’t block.

After a long time, a military general walked into the middle and said respectfully: “Your Majesty, I think this is feasible!” ”

Wu Lie, what are you talking about?”

At this time, a civil servant came out and shouted to Wu Lie loudly. He scolded, then he saluted respectfully to Murong Tianjian, and then said: “Your Majesty, I think this is a serious matter, and I hope your Majesty will think twice!”

“Mr. Wen’an, you are wrong, Xuantian Sword Sect and Splitting Sky Sword The sect also has the Huang family of Zhongyuan City that has been destroyed by that Lord, but the desire to destroy me is not dead. If we take this opportunity to cooperate with the Seven Star Sword Sect to suppress them, we will not only be able to expand our territory, but also eradicate them. It kills two birds with one stone, so why not do it? Why do you object?”

Wu Lie said to Wen An Gong with a hot temper.

“You… are a warrior. If our dynasty gets involved, it will still be the common people who will suffer. Do you know that?” Duke Wen’an was not afraid of Wu Lie, the dynasty’s number one general.

The Tianjian Dynasty is not a secular dynasty, but a dynasty of cultivating immortals. In the dynasty, officials are ranked by strength. Wu Lie is the first general, and Wen’an is the first civil servant. However, it does not say that civil servants cannot defeat military commanders. statement.

Wu Lie and Wen An Gong have similar cultivation levels, they are both at the peak of the Saint Realm, but they specialize in martial arts. Wu Lie is good at leading troops, and Wen An Gong is good at internal affairs.

Wu Lie snorted coldly and said: “If you stop expansion because you are afraid of the suffering of the people, then everyone should just put down their weapons and surrender to the Xuantian Sword Sect for the sake of the people.” ”

You… are talking nonsense, nonsense. Your Majesty, Wu Lie’s words were inappropriate and he actually said such disrespectful words, please Your Majesty to punish him!” Duke Wen’an asked Murong Tianjian for instructions.

Wu Lie also knew that his words were inappropriate and quickly apologized to Murong Tianjian!

“Okay!” Murong Tianjian waved his hand, and the domineering aura filled the entire palace, immediately frightening the two of them.

“Mr. Wen’an, I know you care about the people, but what General Wu said is reasonable. If we stop external expansion because we are afraid that the people will suffer, then we really might as well surrender to them then.” Murong Tianjian said.

Duke Wen An’s expression changed. He knew Murong Tianjian’s attitude, so he stopped talking, but he was thinking in his heart about how to minimize the losses in this war.

After hearing this, Wu Lie’s face was overjoyed, and he immediately said: “Your Majesty, Wu Lie is willing to personally lead an army to assist the Seven Star Sword Sect!”

“Do you want to lead an army to die?” Suddenly, Murong Tianjian changed his tone and asked all civil and military personnel All the officials were stunned.

Wu Lie was also stunned. He asked: “What do you mean by this, Your Majesty? How could I lead an army to die?”

Others were also full of doubts. Even Wen An, who had just opposed Wu Lie, also looked stunned, although he I don’t like Wu Lie, a rough man who only knows about force, but I have to say that in the dynasty, Wu Lie’s ability to lead troops to fight is definitely the first. How could he lead his troops to die?

A mysterious smile appeared on Murong Tianjian’s face, and he said: “General Wu, where is your wife from?”

Wu Lie’s face changed slightly, but it returned to normal in an instant, and he said: “She is from the Southern Region. ”

The Southern Region is the area ruled by Xuantian Sword Sect.” Murong Tianjian said.

Wu Lie’s expression changed completely, and he quickly said: “Your Majesty, you must have made a mistake somewhere. Although Su Ke is a disciple of the Xuantian Sword Sect, she has always abided by her duty since she married me. , I have never contacted Xuantian Sword Sect.”

“I believe this!” Murong Tianjian nodded.

Wu Lie breathed a sigh of relief, but Murong Tianjian’s tone changed again.

“But why are you connected with Xuantian Sword Sect?”

Murong Tianjian looked at Wu Lie with sharp eyes.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present changed drastically, and they all looked at Wu Lie, full of disbelief.

“Your Majesty, everything must be based on evidence.” Wu Lie shouted.

“Evidence? Okay, I’ll give you the evidence. Come out!”

After Su Zi and Murong Tianjian finished speaking, the dark commander suddenly appeared in front of everyone, holding a stack of letters in his hand.

Murong Tianjian took the letter from the An Commander’s hand and said coldly: “What a warrior, others think you are brave and foolhardy, but who would have known that you would actually use the letters and letters that only mortals can use to communicate with each other?” Is Xuantian Sword Sect colluding?”

“I said that some of the layout of our Tianjian Dynasty would be known to Xuantian Sword Sect in advance over the years. I thought it was my dead brother who did it. I didn’t expect it, Wu Lie, I Ask yourself, I treat you well, why did you do such a rebellious thing?”

Facing Murong Tianjian’s words, Wu Lie stopped pretending, a sneer appeared on his face, and he said: “Murong Tianjian, since you know Well, then I won’t pretend anymore. I was originally a disciple of the Xuantian Sword Sect. My acquaintance with you back then was just an arrangement of my Xuantian Sword Sect. I didn’t expect that it would take hundreds of years for you to find out, Murong Tianjian. Murong Tianjian, it seems that I really overestimated you.”

“Wu Lie, you…”

Duke Wen An pointed at Wu Lie, the number one general in the dynasty. Unexpectedly, he was actually placed in the dynasty by the Xuantian Sword Sect. The traitor has not only been hiding for hundreds of years, but also holds a high position of power.

“Gong Wen’an, you are a great talent. Why don’t you surrender to our Xuantian Sword Sect. When our Xuantian Sword Sect unifies Beichen Star, you can show off your talents.” Wu Lie said to Wen An Gong with a smile.

“Shut up, you traitor, you will die!”

Duke Wen An slapped Wu Lie with his palm, and the powerful energy spread instantly. However, the Jinluan Palace was blessed with formations, so it would not destroy the Jinluan Palace.

“Hmph, if you don’t eat the toast, you’ll have to drink wine as a penalty!” Wu Lie snorted coldly and slapped it with his palm.

The two palms collided, and Wen An was knocked away by Wu Lie.

“Pfft!” Mr. Wen An vomited blood. He looked at Wu Lie in shock and said in disbelief: “Your cultivation level…” ”


Wu Lie exuded a shocking aura, which was already Beyond the holy state, reached the free state.

“Hmph, I entered the realm of freedom a hundred years ago, but I kept suppressing it just to confuse you.” Wu Lie said disdainfully.

Then Wu Lie looked at Murong Tianjian who was sitting on the throne, and he sneered: “Murong Tianjian, I know I am not your opponent, but you and I are both in the free realm. I want to leave today, but you can’t keep me. Ah haha, just wait for my Xuantian Sword Sect’s army to invade the territory. By then, you will know what despair is.”

Wu Lie laughed loudly, turned into a stream of light and flew out of the Jinluan Palace.

“Do I agree that you should leave?”

An aura that transcended the realm of freedom emanated from Murong Tianjian. He snorted coldly, and the saint’s aura pressed towards Wu Lie. Wu Lie’s body froze, and he suddenly left. It fell from the air.


Wu Lie also vomited blood, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Wu Lie looked at Murong Tianjian with the same disbelief that Wen An Gong looked at him just now.

“How is it possible? How could you have become a saint?”

“You can break through the realm of freedom quietly, why can’t I become a saint quietly?” Murong Tianjian squinted at Wu Lie. Of course, he can become a saint thanks to Li Beifei. , Li Beifei not only gave him three Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pills, but also gave him the Saint-breaking Pill. After getting the Saint-breaking Pill, he quickly became a saint, but he did not publicize it in any big way, just to wait for the Seven-Star Sword. Zong’s ten-year agreement.

“Your Majesty is mighty!”

All civil and military officials were immediately excited. Holy man, this is a saint.

Wu Lie’s face changed complicatedly. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said: “So what if you become a saint, you are still an ant in front of the sword-eating ancestor. Hahaha, I will wait for you below.” As

he said, Wu Lie’s body It’s actually expanding rapidly.

“No, he’s going to blow himself up!”

someone exclaimed.

“You want to self-destruct, you are so naive!” Murong Tianjian waved his hand and instantly sent Wu Lie thousands of feet into the sky.


Wu Lie originally wanted to pull a few people on his back, but when he saw nothing around him, he immediately let out a scream and exploded with a “boom”.

The self-destruction of a strong man in the Xiaoyao realm is naturally very exciting. Countless bloody clouds appeared over the imperial city, which was extremely beautiful.

After dealing with the traitor Wu Lie, Murong Tianjian directly ordered: “Generals, listen to the order and assemble the army. I will personally lead the expedition and kill their Xuantian Sword Sect and Splitting Sky Sword Sect.” At

this moment, Murong Tianjian Jian Lian even burst out with foul language. Ever since he was established as the prince of the dynasty, he had dreamed of conquering and suppressing the other three major forces. He had been waiting for this day for almost a thousand years. It took him a thousand years to wait for this opportunity. .

This is an opportunity for him to surpass his ancestors.

As for what Wu Lie said about the sword-eating ancestor, he didn’t take it to heart. Even if the opponent was a quasi-emperor, Li Beifei could always take out the nine-turn life-sustaining pill, an almost extinct life-sustaining magic medicine. The adult behind Li Beifei is definitely not simple.

This time he was betting that the Seven Star Sword Sect would be powerful enough to crush the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

If the bet is right, he can surpass his ancestors, and the Tianjian Dynasty will also usher in an epic change.

As for whether the bet was wrong, Murong Tianjian didn’t have to worry too much, because if the Seven Star Sword Sect was not the opponent of the Xuantian Sword Sect and the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, then after the Seven Star Sword Sect was destroyed, their Heavenly Sword Dynasty would be next .

Since we will face them no matter what, why not take the initiative to deal with them now?

Following Murong Tianjian’s order, the entire Tianjian Dynasty began to operate, and for a while, there was a tremor.

At this time, Li Beifei was also ordering troops within the sect.

At this time, Duan Fei came over.

“Brother, I just received a message from the Tianjian Dynasty. Murong Tianjian has integrated his army and is preparing to kill Xuantian Sword Sect and Splitting Sky Sword Sect with us,” Duan Fei said.

“Oh, I didn’t expect Murong Tianjian to be so courageous.” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up. He was already very confident, but now that the Tianjian Dynasty has joined, his confidence is even more overwhelming.

“Brother, with the addition of Tianjian Dynasty, we can easily deal with them now!” Duan Fei also felt confident.

“Haha, don’t be proud, you must know that arrogant soldiers will be defeated.” Li Beifei said with a smile, but the upward curve of the corners of his mouth told Duan Fei how proud his brother was.

“Sect Master, the people have been ordered. There are 318 disciples in the Breaking Void Realm, 32 disciples in the Life and Death Realm, and three disciples in the Nirvana Realm!” At

this time, Chen Fan came over, holding a hand in his hand. A list. This is a list of the disciples who have made a ten-year agreement to fight this time. Only disciples above the Shattering Void Realm are eligible to participate in this war. If they are lower, they can only be used as cannon fodder.

“Very good!” Li Beifei took the list from Elder Chen’s hand, looked down, frowned, and then crossed out a person’s name on the list of life and death with a flick of his finger.

Chen Fan’s expression changed slightly, but before he could speak, Li Beifei said: “Elder Chen, I know you want to make contributions to the sect, but you are the sect’s great treasure. If anything happens to you, our Chun Yuan Who manages the building?”


“If there is no but, just stay at the rear. War consumes a lot of financial and material resources. If you want to contribute, then arrange the use of the source crystal.”

Li Beifei interrupted. Chen Fan’s words.


Chen Fan responded.

Li Beifei nodded, and then continued to browse the list. He looked at the people on the list. These are all disciples. Elders are naturally not included. However, there are only 318 people in the Breaking Void Realm, 31 people in the Life and Death Realm, and only 31 people in the Nirvana Realm. The number of three people is probably not as good as the elite army of a thousand men from the Tianjian Dynasty.

“Brother, our Seven Star Sword Sect has only been established for ten years. We have so many outstanding disciples, so you are secretly happy, and you are not satisfied yet.” Duan Fei saw Li Beifei’s inner thoughts and couldn’t help but said.

“That’s not what I meant. I was just thinking about this damn old guy. He knew that our sect would never be able to catch up with a quasi-emperor-level force like the Xuantian Sword Sect in ten years, yet he only gave me ten years. Years are really abominable.” Li Beifei said angrily, in vain he thought that ten years was quite a long time, but in the end, except for the demon clan who joined the sect because of Xiao Tian, their current disciples have a strong army. Probably not even comparable to a medium-sized sect.

Ten years is too little time.

“Brother…” Duan Fei suddenly kept winking at Li Beifei.

“What’s wrong with your eyes? Do you have needle eyes? Good guy, you’re not like Xiaohua, are you?” Li Beifei looked at Duan Fei in shock.

But he didn’t know that there was a cyan figure behind him.

When Duan Fei heard this, he said angrily: “Brother, just take care of yourself. I’ll take the first step.”

After saying that, he took Chen Fan and left.

Li Beifei also felt something was wrong. He turned around slowly. When he saw the figure, he said with a stiff smile: “Hi, Master, why do you have time to come here?”

“Damn old guy. Really?” Gu Changsheng sneered.

“No, Master, please listen to my explanation… Ah, no, there are so many people outside, please give me some face, ah… don’t hit me, I know I was wrong, is it okay if I am wrong?… Ah… ”

The screams echoed through the sky.

The new disciples didn’t know why, but some senior disciples laughed and said, “I really miss the old days!”

Back then?

You can hear the sect leader’s miserable scream every day. When you hear it again after so many years, it still has the same smell.

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