Spirit Tribe

Li Beifei and her two sword attendants, led by Gu Changsheng, returned to the ancient starry sky path. But Bai Yifei, Xuan Mingzi and the others were separated from Li Beifei. They had their own path to follow, especially Bai Yifei. His goal was to compete for the first place in the Starry Sky Ancient Path, so he naturally had to hone himself.

When everyone returned to the ancient star of life on the ancient starry sky road, Li Beifei was stunned.

“This is not Daystar!”

Li Beifei immediately realized that the surrounding environment was different from that of Daystar. He had been in Daystar for more than a year and had been to many places. Not only was he very familiar with it, but he could still recognize all the places he was in. The place we are in is not a morning star.

Li Beifei couldn’t help but look at Gu Changsheng with doubts.

“Throwing you to the Morning Star, my teacher is afraid that you will never come out.” Gu Changsheng said disdainfully.

“…” Li Beifei’s face darkened. Wasn’t this a disguised way of saying that he was unlucky and that he was unlucky?

“Isn’t it true? You have to admit that you are unlucky.” Gu Changsheng said.

Li Beifei curled his lips. The old guy didn’t talk about immortal virtues, but he actually read minds.

“Sir, sir, look, there is someone coming towards us.”

At this time, Liu Yuran’s voice sounded.

Li Beifei and Gu Changsheng looked over and saw three people coming towards them with great purpose.

“Are these three people trying to rob us?”

Li Beifei looked at the three people in the distance. They were on a path in a forest. The forest was very dense. Obviously, few people would come here. This suddenly appeared. The three people here couldn’t tolerate him being suspicious.

But he is not afraid even if he is a robber. There is an old guy standing next to him. If the other party is really here to rob, hehe, it is simply like an old man hanging himself because he is too long-lived.

The three people quickly rushed in front of them. They were three men, but their cultivation level…

Li Beifei said he couldn’t understand. The aura of these three people gave him a paradoxical feeling, like humans but not like humans. , the cultivation level is even more vague and unclear.

The three of them came to them, and then they looked at each other and immediately surrounded the four of them in a triangle, as if to prevent them from escaping.

“Hey, we opened this road and planted this tree. If you want to pass here, you can leave money to buy the road!”

One of them, who was facing Gu Changsheng and the others, suddenly said loudly.

“Sir, sir, they are here to rob.” Liu Yuran said, and for some reason, Li Beifei could hear excitement in her tone.

When Li Beifei looked at Liu Yuran, he found that the girl had an excited expression and didn’t know what she was thinking.

“Robbery? Who do you think we are?”

At this time, the man who spoke just now seemed to have been greatly insulted and looked very excited.

“It’s not robbery, why are you surrounding us? Isn’t it obvious that we won’t be allowed to leave?” Li Beifei said.

“What are you talking about? We are doing this just to protect you.” The man said.

“Protect us?” Li Beifei smiled. Does their powerful lineup still need to be protected?


At this moment, a huge ferocious beast in the sky spotted them, and saw this ferocious beast swooping towards them with the power of wind and thunder.

“No, big brother, it’s the Flying Thunder Eagle.” A person next to him exclaimed.

The man who was called the eldest brother was the man who was facing Gu Changsheng and the other four people. His face changed drastically, and he quickly said: “Form up!”



As soon as he finished speaking, the three of them were surrounded by Some mysterious formations emerged. These formations exuded a mysterious aura and formed a triangular pyramid golden shield to protect the four of Gu Changsheng inside. They took out their weapons and prepared to fight the flying thunder eagles in the sky. .

The flying thunder eagle is not very strong, only the third level of Nirvana. Li Beifei does not need to take action at all. One of the two sisters can kill it with one sword, but the three of them are ready to go all out, and soon they will be killed. Fighting with the flying thunder eagle in the sky.

Li Beifei couldn’t understand this scene, and he said, “Are these three people really trying to protect us?”

“I don’t know.” Liu Yanran shook her head in confusion.

“The slave family doesn’t know, but it would be a pity if it wasn’t robbery.” Liu Yuran said disappointedly.

Li Beifei ignored Liu Yuran and looked at Gu Changsheng. At this time, only the old guy could explain.

But who would have thought that Gu Changsheng would sit on a stone by the side of the road and start drinking.

“Master, are you still in the mood to drink at this time?” Li Beifei looked at him.

“Why aren’t you in the mood to drink? Is the sky falling or is the end of the world coming? Besides, even if the sky is falling and the world is ending, it won’t affect my drinking.” Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“…” Li Beifei.

“What’s going on with them? Why can’t I understand?” Li Beifei pointed at the three people in the sky who were fighting the flying thunder eagle and said.

“Hey, no, how could my master have a disciple as stupid as you? You see, they have set up protective shields for us. Isn’t this to protect us?” Gu Changsheng said with hatred.

After hearing this, Li Beifei couldn’t help but murmured: “I don’t know who forced me to become a disciple in the first place…” ”

What did you say?” Gu Changsheng put down the wine bottle to his mouth and looked at Li Beifei with narrowed eyes.

Li Beifei trembled and quickly changed the subject and said, “Master, what are the origins of these three people, and why do I feel that they don’t look like humans?”

“They are indeed not humans,” Gu Changsheng said.

“Not human beings?” Li Beifei wondered, “If they’re not human beings, are they demon clan or ancient clan?”

“Neither.” Gu Changsheng shook his head and continued: “These three people are spiritual clan.”

“Spirit clan?” Li Beifei He was even more confused. He could not be said to be well-read, but when he was studying at the Humanity Academy, he also gained a lot of knowledge. However, he did not see any records about the Spiritual Race.

So Li Beifei expressed his inner doubts.

Gu Changsheng explained: “The Spirit Race is an extremely rare race in the world. How rare is it? There are more Immortal Emperors in all the worlds than the Spirit Race.” “Hiss!

” Li Beifei fell down. Taking a breath of cold air, he said in shock: “The spirit race is so rare, so are their talents very strong?” ”

Haha, you see that the three of them are much older than you, but their strength is only about the same. They are only at the first level of the Nirvana Realm. Only three people working together can tie up with a ferocious beast that is at the third level of the Nirvana Realm. Do you think they are very talented?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“What if they belong to that rare spiritual race with weak talents?” Li Beifei said stubbornly. There are rare and peerless geniuses in the world, so it is reasonable to have rare spiritual races with weak talents!

“If there is, then the second disciple who is the master will be single forever!” Gu Changsheng said.

“That’s not it!” Li Beifei decisively overturned his guess. It was impossible to be single. He didn’t understand it in his previous life. He didn’t know how to cherish it until he lost it. In this life, he can’t repeat the mistakes of his previous life.

“The reason why the Spirit Race is so rare is because their race is very special, so special that even the rules of heaven and earth cannot restrain them. The Spirit Race’s lifespan is unlimited. As long as they are not killed, they will live as long as heaven. Of the existence of the world, one of the three thousand Immortal Emperors in the world is from the Spirit Clan, but no one else knows about it except me.”

Gu Changsheng said lightly about the special nature of the Spirit Clan.

(There are only two updates tonight. Let’s sort out the ideas for the following plot.)

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