Extreme Race

“Old guy, you’re not fooling me, are you?”

Li Beifei couldn’t believe it when he heard that the Spirit Clan could live as long as heaven and earth. He subconsciously shouted out his “pet name” for Gu Changsheng.

By the time he realized his slip of the tongue, it was already too late. A familiar big palm had already touched his face, and the familiar burning pain immediately spread from his face to his brain. Gu Changsheng seemed to be deliberately preventing this traitor from breaking through. It was worth the shield, so Li Beifei’s body was like a top, spinning wildly in circles. In an instant, Li Beifei’s body had sunk into the soil, with only his head exposed.


After he stopped spinning, Li Beifei immediately felt dizzy and nauseated. Because he hadn’t eaten recently, he could only vomit out some jaundice water. Because his body was fixed in the soil, he could only shake his head.

“Young Master!”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran exclaimed, and hurriedly ran to Li Beifei, reaching out to dig in the soil to dig Li Beifei out.

“Two silly girls!” Gu Changsheng on the side shook his head helplessly. The two girls knew that they would not really hurt the traitor, but they were extremely worried every time they beat him. All they could say was this The two girls were completely conquered physically and mentally by this traitor.

Gu Changsheng couldn’t help but wonder, this traitor was so mean-mouthed, rebellious, and always knew his mistakes but never corrected them. How could he have such great charm to attract a little girl? In terms of appearance, temperament, strength, and status, I am countless dimensions better than this traitor, and I have never seen any little girl want to support me?

The traitor must have used some sweet words and deserves to be beaten!

Soon, Li Beifei was dug out by the two women. At this time, Li Beifei’s left cheek was swollen like a hill.

But Li Beifei was not worried at all. Every time he was beaten into disgrace, he would recover as long as he used his spiritual power a little.

Li Beifei’s spiritual energy surged toward his left cheek. He originally thought he would be able to recover in an instant, but after the spiritual energy circulated for a few times, he found that not only did it not recover, but it became more and more swollen. He even felt the weight of his left cheek. It’s heavier than having a face. If you don’t put in some effort, your head will be tilted.


Li Beifei looked at Gu Changsheng resentfully. Besides the old guy, who else has this ability?

“Huh!” Gu Changsheng snorted coldly and waved his hand to help him recover.

At this time, the three people in the sky were fighting a bloody battle with the Feitian Thunder Eagle. The three people were weaker than the Feitian Thunder Eagle, and their combat power was not very strong. However, the three people seemed to have mastered many powerful combined attack magical powers. The trinity actually defeated Feitian. Lei Diao suppressed it.

“Master, why do they want to protect us?” Li Beifei asked. The two parties did not know each other, but seeing the posture of the three of them now, it seemed that they were fighting to the death to protect them. This was simply too outrageous. They But when we met for the first time, we didn’t know each other!

Does such a person really exist in the world of immortality?

“In the Spirit Race, the evil ones are extremely vicious and will destroy everything, while the good ones are the most sincere and kind. They will protect the living beings who have no malice in them, even if they have to die for them.” Gu Changsheng said.

“No wonder they have so few people. For such an extreme race, it would be great luck not to be destroyed.” Li Beifei was quite speechless about such an extreme race as the Spirit Clan.

Gu Changsheng was stunned. What this kid said was not unreasonable.

“Master, are there no exceptions?” Liu Yanran asked at this time.

Hearing this, Gu Changsheng nodded, but then shook his head and said: “If you want to get rid of this habit given by heaven and earth, you can only become an immortal. However, the talents of the spiritual people are mediocre. If you want to cultivate to become an immortal, well… It’s just a little less difficult than it is for you young master to challenge my authority.”

“…” Li Beifei!

“But if the Spirit Race becomes immortal, they will be completely transformed. If you give them time, the Immortal Emperor will be within their reach.”

Gu Changsheng said.

“It’s really an extreme race.” Li Beifei added. For such an extreme race, it would be countless times more difficult to become an immortal than for others to become an immortal emperor.

But today they met three of them. This seems to be an incredible luck!


The battle in the sky was coming to an end. The three spirit tribes stood according to the positions of the three talents of heaven and earth, and used a combined strike magical power to finally kill the flying thunder eagle, which was only at the third level of Nirvana. However, they also had varying degrees of Hangcai.

But they completely ignored their injuries, as if they had long been used to it, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

“Brother, this flying thunder eagle is so big, it can feed us for a month.” One person said to the elder brother with a smile.

The three of them carried the flying thunder eagle that was dozens of feet in size and landed on the ground. They put away the shields protecting Gu Changsheng and the others. The eldest brother of the three said, “Are you not scared?” ”


This Even Gu Changsheng was speechless. He was still drinking wine leisurely, as if he was scared?

“Brother, they seem to be scared out of their wits, what should we do?”

Seeing that Gu Changsheng and the others had not spoken for a long time, one of them asked worriedly.

“It’s all my fault, brother. If I insist on imitating others’ claims that I planted this tree and opened this road, I will make them think that we are robbers and scare them.” Another person said.

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A trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of the man who was called the eldest brother, and he said: “Don’t you think these words are very powerful? And I am telling the truth. This forest has been spent thousands of years by the three of us brothers. Planted by time.”

Li Beifei listened to their conversation and once again felt how low the spiritual talent was. It took thousands of years to cultivate to the first level of Nirvana. This… even a dog could be stronger than them.

At the same time, he was lamenting the luck of these three people. According to their behavior, they have survived for thousands of years. This luck is very unnatural.

“You’re the ones who were scared to death!” Liu Yuran said angrily, you’re the ones who are stupid, your whole family is stupid.

“Aren’t you scared? That’s great, hurry up!”

The man known as the eldest brother stretched out his hand to the four of them, with the obvious intention of buying money.

“You…” Liu Yuran was almost about to use the sword, but Gu Changsheng said: “Give it to them.”

Seeing that the master had spoken, Liu Yuran did not dare to do it, but asked: “How many source crystals are needed?”

“Hmm… Let’s see. Logically speaking, each of you four should have one mid-grade source crystal. However, there are only three of us brothers. Four mid-grade source crystals cannot be separated. So, you give us three. A mid-grade source crystal will suffice.”

“…” Four people.

“How much?” Liu Yuran looked at them in disbelief.

“Ah, too many? Then let’s take three low-grade source crystals. If you still think it’s too many, we can discuss it.” The eldest brother of the three said guiltily.

“Stop discussing, these are three high-grade source crystals, here they are for you.” Liu Yuran immediately took out three high-grade source crystals. If he continues talking, will they become silver and two copper coins for mortals? They are the maids of the young master, and the young master is the sect leader, so he cannot afford to be embarrassed like this.

“This is too much, we can’t have it.” The three shook their heads resolutely.

“You…” Liu Yuran was going to be furious. Are these three people stupid? They don’t want more.

“Give them three mid-grade source crystals,” Gu Changsheng said.

“Yes!” Hearing the master’s words, Liu Yuran had no choice but to obediently replace the high-grade source crystal with a mid-grade source crystal.

This time the three of them accepted it happily.

“For the sake of your generosity, if you encounter difficulties in this forest in the future, tell us our names. My name is Ling Tian.” The eldest brother Ling Tian said.

“Ling Di.”

“Ling Ren.”

The second and third boys each said their names.

“You’d better not say that you are from the Spirit Clan in front of others in the future.” At this time, Gu Changsheng said to them.

“Why?” Ling Tian was confused, and he didn’t even wonder why Gu Changsheng knew that they were from the Spirit Clan.

“If someone knows the characteristics of your spiritual race, after devouring you, he will inherit your longevity as long as the heaven and the earth. If you don’t want to die, don’t mention your identity to others in the future.”

Gu Changsheng said.

“We understand your wishes, but if we can help others, we will not hesitate to die.” Ling Tian shook his head and said.

“…” Gu Changsheng.

He forgot that the people of the Spirit Race are so stubborn, sincere and kind, they cannot lie, they are kind to others, and they are indifferent to life and death.

“Forget it, you can just do it for yourself!” Gu Changsheng said. He only deliberately raised some points for the sake of their sincerity and kindness. But now it seems that even if they raise some points, it is useless. As for the three spirits in the future, Whether a clan lives or dies depends on their destiny.

“Everyone, you can reach your human city in this direction. This is the territory of the Flying Thunder Eagle. Now that the Flying Thunder Eagle has been killed by us, no ferocious beasts will attack you for a while. You are safe for the time being. Come on.”

Ling Tian pointed in a direction and said to them. After saying that, the three brothers left.

It really comes in a hurry and goes in a hurry.

“What the hell is this?” Li Beifei complained. Although he understood what the Spirit Race was from beginning to end, it was still hard to believe that such a strange race existed in the world. He really echoed that sentence, the world’s most powerful race. No wonder.

“Let’s go!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Huh? Master, are you going to follow us?” Li Beifei asked in surprise.

“There are materials for making wine here that I need. I need to collect some and go back to make wine.” Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“Oh no, I thought you wanted to protect me. I was stupid to have such an idea.” Li Beifei slapped himself.


Gu Changsheng laughed, full of ridicule.

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