Peach Garden

“Is it really that easy to grow peach blossoms?”

After the few people left Peach Blossom Temple, they followed Gu Changsheng to the east of the city. The passers-by along the way had inexplicable expressions when they saw the direction they were going.

There was surprise, confusion, disdain, and ridicule.

“These people don’t want to go to that place, do

they?” “That’s for sure. They say that place hides a shocking secret. Maybe it was left by some great emperor. There have been people who have been trying to go in for so many years, but it’s a pity that they ended up there. They are all ridiculous, and these people are probably just wishful thinking people.”

For a while, there was a lot of discussion next to them.

But Gu Changsheng ignored these people, but he ignored them, but Li Beifei was not happy. Although he didn’t know what level this was, and there were many people around him who had higher cultivation levels than him, but now there were people around him. old man.

Relying on the old guy, Li Beifei used his middle finger to counterattack those people.

But there were too many people like this. Li Beifei only had two middle fingers and couldn’t cope with them at all. He quickly said to Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran next to him: “Quick, let’s despise them together with the young master.”

“Oh oh oh!”

The two women said They responded quickly, and soon a strange scene appeared on the street. The three people kept raising their middle fingers to those who showed strange expressions to fight back, which aroused public outrage.

“Damn, that kid is too arrogant, I’m going to teach him a lesson.” A strong man with a strong body and a wolf demon who retained the characteristics of the demon clan picked up his weapon and was about to go up and teach Li Beifei a lesson, but was stopped by his companion beside him. Pulled.

“You’re stupid. Have you forgotten the rules of Youth City? All private fights are prohibited here. If you want to die, don’t say you know us. Besides, you didn’t notice that the man in the blue robe was not smelling good. Obviously, you can’t see through his cultivation at all. Aren’t you looking for death when you go up there?”

His companion analyzed it, but the wolf demon seemed to be stubborn and said, “What if that person is a mortal?”

As soon as he said this, he Everyone around him, whether they were humans, demons or ancient tribesmen, immediately stayed three feet away from him, for fear of being infected by his stupidity.

mortal? How could a mortal appear here?

“Master, aren’t you angry? These people are looking down on you?” Li Beifei said angrily.

“Does my teacher have to be as naive as you?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“But you can’t do nothing, right?” Li Beifei said.


At this time, Liu Yuran exclaimed, attracting Li Beifei’s attention.

“What’s wrong?” Li Beifei looked at Liu Yuran and asked.

“There are suddenly a lot of people missing!” Liu Yanran said, looking at the street that was almost half empty.

Li Beifei narrowed his eyes and noticed that all the people who had shown disdain and ridicule had disappeared, but they did not cause panic in others, as if these people were not in their memories.

Suddenly, Li Beifei looked at Gu Changsheng, he was the only one with such great ability.

Damn it, this old guy is so cruel!

Li Beifei felt excited in his heart. This was the second time he saw Gu Changsheng take action. The first time was ten years ago, when he destroyed the Xueyun Tower and the three powerful saints from the three major forces. It was just the second time.

“The ants mocked the dragon, and the dragon naturally wouldn’t mock the ants. They could just slap them to death. How can they be so naive like you.”

Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“Master is right.”

Li Beifei gave in decisively. You are so powerful that everything you say makes sense, so I won’t be stubborn with you.

Several people soon arrived at the gate of a courtyard in the east of the city.

“Peach Garden!”

Li Beifei saw the three big characters on the plaque on the door. When he was about to say such a vulgar name, he was stared at by Gu Changsheng’s murderous eyes.

“If you dare to say a word, I will throw you into chaos.” Gu Changsheng said viciously.

Li Beifei shrank his neck in fear and said, “Don’t dare!”

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and with a “squeak”, the gate of the Peach Garden, which had been sealed in dust for hundreds of thousands of years, opened again.

“Go in.” After Gu Changsheng said that, he stepped into the door. Li Beifei and the other three quickly followed. When Gu Changsheng and the others entered the door, the door closed automatically.

The scene of them entering the Peach Garden caused a big shock in Youth City.

“Have you heard about that mysterious peach garden in the east of the city? Several people opened the door and went in today.” ”

Really? You’re not lying to me, are you?”

“Why should I lie to you? This thing almost happened It has spread all over Fanghua City, and you, a fat otaku who never leaves home, doesn’t know about it. You watch “Spring and Autumn” at home all day long, and your body that was originally 188 has now become 120. ”

Tch, what do you know!”

For a time, everyone in Fanghua City was discussing this matter, and it even alerted the city lord’s palace.

The person in charge of the City Lord’s Mansion is naturally also the gatekeeper of Youthful Ancient Star.

“Lord City Lord, it’s not good!”

A middle-aged man rushed to the City Lord’s Mansion and met with the City Lord of Fanghua City, Taohua!

“Why are you so worried?” A gentle female voice sounded, and then, countless peach blossoms suddenly fell from the sky. The peach blossoms piled up into a graceful human shape. With a flash of divine light, she became a graceful and beautiful young woman.

“Peach Blossom City Lord, I have something urgent to report.” A hint of surprise flashed in the man’s eyes, but he did not dare to look any further and quickly lowered his head and said.

“What’s the matter?” Taohua’s voice was very gentle, like a neighbor’s big sister.

The man said: “Just before tea time, someone entered the Peach Garden in the east of the city.”

“What?” A trace of shock flashed across Peach Blossom’s beautiful face, and she quickly asked: “Really?”

“It’s absolutely true. , there were many people who saw it at that time, and there was no way they could have mistaken it,” the man said.

“I know, you go down first.” Taohua waved her hand and asked the man to leave.

After the man left, Taohua’s expression flickered and was extremely complicated.

“Isn’t it the master who is back?”

Thinking of this, Taohua’s expression changed, and her beautiful face became embarrassed.

“If the master is really back, then I have left my post without permission? No, I have to go back, go back, and apologize to the master!”

After thinking about it, Taohua left the city lord’s mansion in a flash.

At this time, after Li Beifei and the others entered the Peach Garden with Gu Changsheng, they found that the scenery inside was not like what they saw from the outside world. They seemed to be in another world.

This is a pink world, because the world is full of peach blossoms.

“Master, what exactly do you want to do by bringing us here?” Li Beifei asked.

From the beginning to the end, Li Beifei didn’t know Gu Changsheng’s inner thoughts.

“Why are you anxious? You will know later.” Gu Changsheng said lightly, and then he said to the void: “Xiao Tao, come out.” There

was silence for a moment, and no one responded to Gu Changsheng.

Just when Gu Changsheng was about to call out again, a female voice came from outside.

“Come, come, master, I’m here, open the door and let me in!”

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