Planting flowers is like planting Tao

Under the confused expressions of Li Beifei and the other three, Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and a young woman in a long dress as pink as a peach blossom appeared in front of them.

As soon as the young woman appeared, she immediately knelt down in front of Gu Changsheng and said: “Master, Xiao Tao has made a mistake, please punish me!”

Gu Changsheng snorted coldly and said, “Where did you go wrong?

” Taohua whispered: ” Xiao Tao’s mistake was to leave the Peach Garden. Her mistake was to leave her post without permission. Please punish her.”

Gu Changsheng saw that she had a good attitude in admitting her mistake, and her attitude was no longer so cold. He said, “How long have you been away?”

“Three thousand years!” The peach blossoms stood up. Three slender fingers.

“Three thousand years is not too much.” Gu Changsheng nodded.

Taohua became numb when she heard this.

“Master, why did you come back suddenly… Ah, Xiao Tao didn’t mean not to welcome the master back, he was just curious.” Taohua’s tone was a little panicked.

This made Li Beifei, Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran feel strange.

Gu Changsheng pointed at Li Beifei and said, “This is my traitor. In addition to getting something this time, I want you to teach him how to grow peach blossoms.”

“Grow peach blossoms!”

Peach Blossom’s eyes lit up, which was different from Li Beifei’s previous doubtful tone. What’s more, her tone was full of surprise.

Taohua looked at Li Beifei and said: “The sword spirit in his body is amazing. He is a good young man who practices swordsmanship. Hey, his physique is the same as that guy named Li Beichen. What is your name?” When Li

Beifei heard that the other party knew Li Beichen, he immediately said : “My name is Li Beifei.”

“Li Beifei? Why is it so similar to Li Beichen’s name? Are you his son? No, that guy died 300,000 years ago, and I haven’t heard of any descendants from him… …”

“Okay, stop your gossip, he is the reincarnation of Li Beichen.” Gu Changsheng interrupted Taohua’s random speculation, and if she continued, she might even say that this traitor was his illegitimate son. .

“Oh! I thought he was your master’s illegitimate son!” Taohua said.

“…” Everyone!

Li Beifei gradually understood from Taohua’s words. Unlike Aunt Bai’s Jing, Aunt Hua seemed to have a very active personality, and she would even disobey the old guy’s order in order to go out.

“Aunt Hua, my name is Li Beifei. Please give me your advice in the future!”

Li Beifei suddenly saluted Taohua respectfully, leaving Taohua and Gu Changsheng stunned for a moment.

“What did you just call me?” Taohua asked uncertainly.

“Aunt Hua!” Li Beifei said solemnly.

“Oh hahaha, Master, did you hear that, he called me Aunt Hua, how could he be a traitor if he is so good?” Taohua giggled.

“…” Gu Changsheng.

Li Beifei, on the other hand, looked at Gu Changsheng triumphantly, humph, I will have another aunt to protect me from now on.


Gu Changsheng slapped Li Beifei into the ground.

“Ouch, Master, why did you hit me again? Aunt Hua, he hit me!” Li Beifei aggrievedly avenged Taohua.

“Young master, I don’t dare to interfere with my master’s behavior. You’d better ask for your own happiness!” Taohua said with a smile.


This isn’t right. According to previous experience, as long as he calls Aunt Bai, Aunt Bai will speak for him. Why doesn’t this Aunt Hua play her cards according to the routine? Did I call Aunt Hua in vain?

Gu Changsheng was too lazy to take care of this living treasure. He said to Taohua, “I’ll leave them to you.”

“What if the young master fails to plant it successfully?” Taohua asked.

“Unsuccessful? Then stay until you succeed.” Gu Changsheng had a tough attitude.

Taohua nodded, and then with a gentle wave of her jade hand, Li Beifei came out of the soil, and the land returned to its original state.

“Come with me!”

Taohua said to Li Beifei and the others, and then took the lead to walk deeper into the peach forest.

When Li Beifei saw this, he quickly called Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran to follow him.

“Goodbye, Master!!”

Before leaving, the two women did not forget to say goodbye to Gu Changsheng. This polite attitude made Gu Changsheng extremely satisfied. Looking at the traitor, he did not say a word when he left, and he suddenly became angry.


Gu Changsheng was so angry that he stretched out his kick, but Li Beifei in front only felt a pain in his butt, and his whole body flew out like an arrow from a bow. In an instant, he surpassed Taohua and continued to fly forward. .

After flying for about a few breaths, I heard a loud “bang”, which was obviously the “end of flight”.

“Teach him well!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Okay, Master!” Taohua responded.

After Taohua and the others disappeared from his sight, he said to the void: “I’ve been looking at them for so long and they still haven’t come out.” As soon as he

finished speaking, Hou Tu and the White Tiger Demon Emperor walked out of the void hand in hand.

Hou Tu is naturally just an incarnation of Hou Tu, and her true form is still in retreat.

“I thought you knew how to hide your beauty in a golden house!”

Hou Tu said.

“Haha, I wouldn’t do such a shameless thing if your parents gave birth to a brother.” Gu Changsheng counterattacked with a smile.

Hou Tu’s expression changed slightly. Ever since she lost the bet, she had become a head shorter in terms of strength and psychology in front of Gu Changsheng, which made her very depressed.

“Did you really bring that little guy here just to plant peach blossoms?” Hou Tu decisively used the topic change method.

“Of course!”

Gu Changsheng nodded.

Hou Tu shook his head and said, “You are definitely not that simple. Tell me, is there anything fishy?” ”

Huh? Is this the way you talk to me and my brother? You don’t even say please?” Gu Changsheng asked with narrowed eyes.

“Please tell me!” Hou Tu said in a stiff tone.

“Well, Brother Changsheng stopped calling?” Gu Changsheng was still not satisfied.

Hou Tu’s expression changed slightly, but in the end she compromised.

“Brother Changsheng, tell me quickly, my sister wants to know so much!” Suddenly, Hou Tu’s tone became very irritated, so irritated that even Gu Changsheng had goosebumps all over his body.

When Hou Tu saw this, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. I asked you to tease me, but now I won’t disgust you to death.

Gu Changsheng was really frightened by Hou Tu’s change of tone before and after. He couldn’t imagine that a queen who aspired to unify all the worlds would speak in such a tone. The contrast between before and after was so great that even he didn’t think about it. Earth will talk like this later.

When Gu Changsheng saw that Hou Tu was still talking, he quickly said: “Stop talking, I will!”

Seeing Gu Changsheng surrendering and admitting defeat, Hou Tu gave the White Tiger Demon Emperor a meaningful look.

And Gu Changsheng said: “I asked Xiao Tao to teach them to grow peach blossoms. Naturally, it won’t be as simple as burying the seeds in the soil and then watering and fertilizing like ordinary people.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng stretched out his right hand and turned it into a sword finger. With a slight tap in the void, a peach tree seed appeared in the void. The seed quickly took root and sprouted. In just a short moment, it grew to a height of five feet, and soon bloomed with pink petals.

Hou Tu and the White Tiger Demon Emperor narrowed their eyes. In their eyes, what was in front of them was not just a peach tree, but a great road, the monk’s own great road.

“Planting flowers is like cultivating the Tao. The traitor’s swordsmanship has grown very quickly, even faster than Beichen. When I brought Beichen here, Beichen had already become a saint, but now that brat is just entering the transcendental world for the first time. It’s just a level, but his level of swordsmanship is not inferior to that of Beichen when he became a saint.”

Gu Changsheng said.

Hou Tu nodded, and then asked: “Do you want him to stay here with peach blossoms as a companion and understand the essence of the sword’s intention?”

“Yes.” Gu Changsheng said.

“He is still so young, so there is no need to be in such a hurry, right? This is no different from trying to encourage others to grow.” Hou Tu disagreed with Gu Changsheng’s approach. In her opinion, Li Beifei’s cultivation was still shallow and not enough to master the realm of swordsmanship, which is the essence of sword intent.

“Master, Sister Houtu, will Xiao Feifei be okay?” the White Tiger Demon Emperor said worriedly.

Hou Tu said: “The essence of sword intention requires a very strong body to support it. Xiao Beifei’s physical body is considered very strong among his peers, but he is still far from being able to control the essence of sword intention.” ”

It’s just the realm of the physical body. No problem, just give him a few more beatings when you have time.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Having said that, why are you so anxious?” Hou Tu asked again.

“Well… because there are still about 100,000 years before the Great Tribulation of the Era, that’s probably the reason.” Gu Changsheng said.


Hou Tu expressed disbelief. Even if the great catastrophe of the era came, Gu Changsheng would still have the means to save his people. However, this reason was not bad, so she did not ask more questions.

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