They are not your mistress

“Void Realm?” Li Beifei pondered and waved, and asked: “Aunt Hua, do we want to plant peach blossoms here?” ”

Yes, as long as you successfully plant a peach tree here and let it bloom, you will It worked.” Taohua said.

“Is it really that simple?” Li Beifei didn’t believe it.

“Simple?” A strange smile appeared on Taohua’s face, and he said: “It took Li Beichen fifty years to successfully plant a peach tree with the cultivation of a saint, and then it took nearly a hundred years to grow a peach tree. The tree is blooming.”

“Ah?” Li Beifei’s face suddenly collapsed, and he shouted loudly: “But the old… master told me that it is very simple.” ”

Master said it was simple because he wanted to make it easy for him. How can you Did you replace yourself?” Taohua looked at Li Beifei in surprise.

“I…” Li Beifei thought that he should have matured after experiencing so much, but in the end, he still fell in love with the old guy. Simple? It’s so simple!

“Then, if we see different things, will there be any impact?” At this time, Liu Yanran asked.

“Of course!” Taohua nodded and said: “What you two see is a lifeless world. It is much more difficult to plant peach trees than Xiaoyu.” ”

As for the difference in difficulty, it’s very difficult. You will see it soon.”

Li Beifei nodded, and then asked: “But, how can we plant without seeds?”

“The master said that planting flowers is like planting Tao, and conversely, planting Tao is like planting flowers. The master asked you Planting peach blossoms is naturally not about planting ordinary peach trees, but allows you to plant the Tao and materialize the Tao you cultivate in the void realm.” Tao Hua explained.

“But why does it have to be peach blossoms? Can’t osmanthus, jasmine, and roses work?” Li Beifei continued to ask.

“Haha, the master said peach blossom, so of course it can only be peach blossom.” Taohua said with a smile.

“Okay!” Li Beifei shut up immediately. Since it is the old guy’s rule, he must abide by it even if the King of Heaven comes.

“Any more questions?” Taohua asked.

“No more.”

The three shook their heads.

“Then let’s get started. I wish you success as soon as possible.” After saying that, the peach blossom figure disappeared.

Li Beifei looked at Liu Yanran, who looked confused, and then at Liu Yuran, who seemed to him to be attacking Huangsha continuously. However, with every attack, a fish would appear in the air, and Liu Yuran was surprised. Playing happily.

“Planting flowers is like planting Tao, planting Tao is like planting flowers, I don’t understand.” Li Beifei looked at the lifeless desert in front of him, and for a moment he didn’t know how to proceed.

“Oh haha, sir, I caught a lot of fish. Let’s ask my sister to cook grilled fish for us to eat?”

At this time, Liu Yuran came over with a lot of fish in a bamboo basket.

“Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, you foodie.” Li Beifei flicked Liu Yuran’s forehead and said angrily.

“But the slave family is hungry!” Liu Yuran said aggrievedly.

“Hungry? Are you…”


Just when Li Beifei was about to say that you were already in a state of fasting, he suddenly heard a gurgling sound from his stomach.

“Young Master, you are hungry too, and you still blame me.” Liu Yuran pursed her lips.

“What’s going on? I actually feel hungry.” Li Beifei was shocked. With his cultivation level, he could have practiced fasting for a long time. Eating and drinking was just to satisfy his appetite, not to fill his stomach and feel hungry. , he didn’t know how long he hadn’t felt it.

“I forgot to tell you… huh? Did you notice it?” At this time, Taohua appeared again and saw the fish in Liu Yuran’s hand.

“Aunt Hua, what’s going on? Why do we feel hungry?” Li Beifei asked quickly.

“Here, your bodies are like mortals and you will feel hungry. To solve this problem, in addition to eating concrete food, you can plant peach trees. The peach trees you plant can absorb the energy of the void realm. The energy will then be fed back to you, so that you will no longer feel hungry.”

“You are very lucky. Xiaoyu has an extremely rich heart and has solved the food problem. I think that guy Li Beichen had a meal back then. He has been hungry for fifty years, tsk tsk, I don’t know how he can bear it.”

Taohua laughed.

“Come on, I’m optimistic about you!” Taohua waved her fist to cheer them up, and then left.

In the outside world, Taohua found Gu Changsheng after leaving.

When she saw two stunning beauties standing next to Gu Changsheng, a strange color flashed through her beautiful eyes. Could it be that these two are her mistresses? Oh my God, then I have to pay my respects quickly.

“Xiao Tao pays homage to the master, and pays homage to the two ladies… um… um…”

Before she could finish her words, Tao Hua felt a force sealing her mouth, rendering her speechless.

Gu Changsheng glared at her and said, “They are not your mistress.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Taohua nodded quickly.

“Hmph!” Gu Changsheng snorted coldly, unlocked the seal, then looked at Hou Tu and the White Tiger Demon Emperor, and finally looked at Hou Tu, snorting: “What? You still want to take advantage of me, right? He didn’t take the initiative to explain.”

“Explain? Explain what?” Hou Tu pretended to be dumbfounded.

“Besides, why don’t you talk about Sister Xiaobai.” Hou Tu said.

“Ah? What does it have to do with me?” The White Tiger Demon King looked confused.

“Huh? Didn’t you understand what I just said?” Hou Tu asked.

“I understand!” The White Tiger Demon King nodded.

“Then why didn’t you respond?” Hou Tu was confused.

“Okay, okay, you think Xiaobai is you, you have so many thoughts.” Gu Changsheng helplessly interrupted the conversation between the two.

“How do you know Xiaobai is not interested?” Hou Tu was dissatisfied.

“I can read minds!” Gu Changsheng said.

“You… are shameless, you actually read minds again!” Hou Tu’s face changed slightly, and his eyes flickered a little.

“Huh? What were you thinking about just now?” Gu Changsheng asked curiously.

“Don’t you know how to read minds? Don’t you know?” Hou Tu asked stiffly.

“I’m not shameless, how can I read other people’s minds casually.” Gu Changsheng shrugged. He was a gentleman, and mind reading would not be used unless there was an emergency.

“You…” Hou Tu glared at Gu Changsheng, was this guy trying to deceive her just now?

Gu Changsheng no longer paid attention to Hou Tu, but looked at Tao Hua and asked, “Then I’ll leave the boy to you.”

“Okay master, I will take good care of the young master.” Tao Hua nodded.

“Yeah!” Gu Changsheng nodded, and then left.

“Where are you going?” Hou Tu asked.

“Huh? Why are you asking?” Gu Changsheng looked at Hou Tu in confusion. Why is this girl so gossipy lately? She took Xiaobai and secretly followed him here before, but now she asked him where he was going. It’s strange. really weird.

“Bah, I just care about you. Xiaobai, go back and help me handle government affairs.” Hou Tu said.

“But… I want to follow the master.” The White Tiger Demon King said.

“What are you doing with him? Let him wander alone. Let’s go back.” After saying that, Hou Tu waited for the White Tiger Demon Emperor to speak before taking her away.

Taohua looked at this scene with a look on her face, wanting to laugh but not daring to.

Gu Changsheng glared at him and then left.

He hasn’t seen Honghong for several years, and he doesn’t know how this girl is doing now.

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