Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger

The Fire Cloud Ancient Star is an ancient star at the 14th level of the Ancient Starry Sky Road. It is named because the entire planet is wrapped in a fiery red nebula.

City of Fire!

Ye Hongyi and Prince Tianpenggu were sitting in the second floor room of a tavern. The tavern was already overcrowded, and there were endless discussions in the lobby.

“Miss Hongyi, I’m going to send those people away.” Prince Tianpenggu said to Ye Hongyi.

“No need to go to such trouble, they will leave naturally when it’s time to leave.” Ye Hongyi shook his head.

Seeing this, the ancient prince Tianpeng observed the situation downstairs through the window gap, with a disdainful sneer on his face and said: “Just because they want to pursue you, young lady, they don’t look in the mirror, they want to have no temperament, They have no appearance, and their strength is even worse. I don’t know where they get their confidence.”

After hearing the rambling words of Prince Tianpeng, Ye Hongyi just showed a faint smile on his face.

After so many years, Hong Hong has completely lost her youthfulness. She was already very beautiful. With the improvement of her cultivation and rich experience, her temperament has become even more outstanding. Today, with every frown and smile, she is She can make thousands of monks go crazy for her, and there is no shortage of female monks among them. After all, the world is so big and there are many lilies, so there are naturally many female monks who want to kiss her.

Ever since she separated from her master in the Snake Tribe, Hong Hong has been wandering the Ancient Star Road under her real name Ye Hongyi. She wants to make her reputation known so that her sister Yaochi Saint, Ye Yuxian, knows that she already knows it. Now that the truth is revealed, she doesn’t have to worry so much. (The narration in the future will also use Ye Hongyi as the subject, and Honghong is Gu Changsheng’s nickname for her.)

However, her reputation has been established, but she has not found the Yaochi Saint in the past few years. On the contrary, the people who pursue him have become more and more popular. More and more people are coming. Whether they are powerful or weak, whether they are passers-by or natives on the ancient starry sky road, countless monks are chasing the goddess. No, she has just arrived at Huoyun Ancient Star and has not yet settled down. Well, they were surrounded in this tavern. Fortunately, the owner of the tavern was an older female monk with a high level of cultivation. This shocked the suitors, but these people did not leave immediately, and It was left in the tavern, causing it to be overcrowded.

The landlady didn’t care about this. As long as they made normal purchases and didn’t cause trouble, they were all customers. If they stayed, they would stay. This day’s income was comparable to her year’s income.


At this time, the door of the box opened, and a beautiful middle-aged woman walked in with a bottle of wine and some spiritual fruits in her hands.

“Fairy in red, thanks to you, the business of the shop is so booming. I don’t know how to thank you, so I will give you a pot of the shop’s special spiritual wine and some spiritual fruits. I hope you don’t dislike it.” The beautiful young woman is naturally the boss’s wife, known as Mrs. Bamboo. Her cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Saint Realm, otherwise she would not be able to intimidate so many people.

“Thank you!” Ye Hongyi smiled and nodded to the landlady.

Mrs. Zhu shook her head and said she was not polite. After putting down the wine and spiritual fruit, she left.

“Miss, I feel something is wrong.”

After confirming that the landlady had left, the ancient prince Tianpeng said.

“Oh? What do you think?” Ye Hongyi asked, but she did not touch the wine and spiritual fruits on the table.

The ancient prince Tianpeng continued to transmit the message: “We are new here and don’t know anyone here. Even if we cause such a sensation, why is the proprietress of this tavern so nice to us and personally come out to scare those people? Don’t you think this is unreasonable? ?”

“Of course…”

Ye Hongyi was about to reply, but suddenly she frowned and signaled Prince Tianpeng with her eyes. Prince Tianpeng had followed Ye Hongyi for so many years, so he naturally understood what it meant, and he understood the location in his mind. He nodded, and then said: “Miss, I heard from the landlady that this wine is a specialty here. Since it is a specialty, it must be something special. How about we try it, it will be much better than listening to the commotion outside.”

” Then give it a try!” Ye Hongyi said with a smile.

With that said, the two of them each poured themselves a glass of wine and started drinking from the spiritual fruit on the table.

In another room, Mrs. Zhu, the proprietress of the tavern, was observing every move of Ye Hongyi and Prince Tianpeng with a secret technique similar to clairvoyance. She saw that they not only drank the wine she sent, but also ate the spiritual fruit she sent. A smile of triumphant conspiracy appeared on his face.

“Even if they are peerless geniuses, they are just two young brats. As long as I use a little trick, they will fall into the trap.”

At this time, Mrs. Zhu’s face was full of disdain.

Ye Hongyi and Prince Tianpenggu didn’t seem to realize that they were being spied on, and they quickly destroyed the wine and spiritual fruits.

“Miss, when should we faint?” Prince Tianpeng asked via voice message.

Ye Hongyi thought for a while and replied: “You will faint after half a stick of incense. Remember to pretend to be a little more realistic. You can’t faint all at once. Before fainting, you must act like you are exhausted. Do you understand?” ”

I understand.” Ancient Prince Tianyan expressed his understanding.

When Mrs. Zhu saw that the two of them had finished drinking and eating the wine and spiritual fruits, she narrowed her eyes, stuck out her tongue and licked her red lips like a cold poisonous snake.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve met a genius with such a strong talent, and when I met two of them, God helped me, hahaha!”

Madam Zhu let out a chilling laugh, but her room was soundproofed. It’s just that the laughter can’t spread through the barrier.

Soon, the time for half a stick of incense was almost up.

Ye Hongyi just wanted to stand up, but she looked exhausted. She shook her head, pointed at the wine on the table, and said, “This wine has…”

Before she could finish her words, she lay down softly. On the table.

“Miss, what are you…” Seeing this, the ancient prince Tianyan quickly followed suit, staggering and finally lying on the table.

Seeing that the two of them had passed out, Mrs. Zhu’s face flashed with joy. She left her room in a flash, and the next moment, she appeared in Ye Hongyi’s box.

After Mrs. Zhu observed it, she confirmed that both of them had completely fainted. She laughed, took out a magic weapon similar to a human race bag, took the two of them in, and then the figure flickered again and disappeared.

The box fell into an eerie silence for a while.

At this time, the space was distorted, and Gu Changsheng, dressed in a green shirt, walked out of the void.

He looked at the wine bottle on the table and said, “How old is this girl? She still plays this game of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.”

Gu Changsheng shook his head helplessly, but since Honghong wanted to play, he would play with her. Have fun.

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