Gu Changsheng is angry again

After Mrs. Bamboo left the tavern, after confirming that no one was following her, she sped out of the city.

After leaving the Flame City, she first came to a hidden mountain forest. She looked around first, and after confirming that no one was around, she pinched a mysterious seal in the void and muttered something.


At this time, a sound fell, and Mrs. Zhu also completed the seal. She looked up and looked ahead. In front of her, a formation appeared out of thin air. The formation was carved with complicated formations. If Duan Fei were here If you do, you will definitely be able to recognize the function of this formation immediately.

This is a teleportation circle!

When the formation platform was fully revealed, Mrs. Zhu jumped onto the formation platform with a slight jump, and then took out a top-grade source crystal and placed it in the groove of the formation platform. A divine light emerged from the formation platform, and Madam Bamboo was shrouded in it, and the next moment, Madam Bamboo turned into a stream of light and disappeared. After Madam Bamboo disappeared, the formation was hidden in the void again.

At this time, there was also a city on the other side of the Ancient Star of Fire Cloud, but the scale of this city was much smaller than that of Flame City, and the name of this city was Qingcheng.

At this time, a teleportation array within Qingcheng emitted a burst of powerful divine light, and the next moment, Madam Zhu appeared here.

“Elder Zhu, why are you back?” The

person responsible for guarding the teleportation array is a middle-aged man. However, this man’s appearance is very strange. He has a human shape, but his body is covered in scales. Even his breath is extremely cold. Like a cold-blooded animal.

“We got two excellent seedlings.” Mrs. Zhu said with a smile.

“Really?” The man’s face lit up, and then he said with a smile: “If the patriarch knows, he will definitely be very happy.”

Mrs. Zhu also nodded and left.

After Mrs. Zhu left the teleportation array, she walked towards the most luxurious and largest mansion in the city. Wherever she passed, the people she met were the same as the middle-aged men she met before. Although they were in human form, they might have scales on their bodies. Covered with feathers or beaks, they are all kinds of strange things and are not human at all.

Over Qingcheng, Gu Changsheng observed these creatures, his brows furrowed, but his eyes contained rare anger.

“Where is the patriarch?” Mrs. Zhu asked the steward of the mansion at the door of the mansion.

The steward said: “The patriarch is in the hall. He said that you can just go to him when you come back.”

After Mrs. Zhu entered the luxurious mansion, she went straight to the central hall. At this moment, a middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged in the hall. Among them, he is full of vitality and powerful, and his breath alone can crush the surrounding space.

This turned out to be a peak Saint King.

However, he also has traces that clearly do not belong to the human race, that is, there is an upward curved horn on his forehead, which looks so ferocious and terrifying.

He is the city lord of Qingcheng and what they call the clan leader. He has a world-famous title in Huoyun Ancient Star, Holy King Wangxi.

Zhuyeqing came to the front of Wangxi Holy King, and just wanted to salute, but was pulled into his arms by Wangxi Holy King.

“Ah!” Mrs. Zhu exclaimed, and then said with a sweet smile: “My lord, you are so bad, I have just come back, and you treat me like this!”

Mrs. Zhu beat the strong chest of Holy King Wangxi. , with a charming voice and a blue breath, Wangxi Holy King felt an evil spirit rush into his mind, and he hugged the beautiful woman in his arms even harder.

He said: “Your waist is still so thin, it feels so soft.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhu chuckled and said: “My lord, have you forgotten what I am? I am a snake, so my waist is naturally thin and soft. .”

“You haven’t been back for so long that I have almost forgotten what you are. No, I have to quickly study what you are.”

After saying that, Wangxi Holy King directly picked up Mrs. Zhu and walked inside.

“Oh, sir, don’t be so anxious all the time. This time I have helped you catch two top-notch young men. By the way, there is also a stunning beauty. Why don’t I wake her up? The three of us Come together?”

Mrs. Zhu showed an evil smile on her face.

“Really?” Wangxi Holy King’s eyes lit up. He was trapped by his bloodline and had been unable to break through the shackles of the Holy King. So he wanted to find the top geniuses of the human race and absorb the bloodline of these geniuses to eliminate the influence of his own bloodline. , to break through to the next realm. Over the years, he has absorbed the bloodline of many human geniuses, and he increasingly feels that the realm of the Great Sage is getting closer and closer to him. If he can absorb one or two rare bloodlines with special physiques, it will be said that Maybe we can break through.

“Really, and not only does the person look like a fairy, but he also seems to have a very special physique. According to those human beings, it seems to be the legendary innate Taoist body.” Mrs. Zhu said with a smile.

“What? Innate Taoist body?” Holy King Wangxi was shocked, and then he quickly put down Mrs. Zhu and said, “Quickly… let me out and let me see.”

“Sir, you are so impatient!” Mrs. Zhu said blankly. She glanced.

“Haha, don’t worry, I’ll let you have fun later.” Holy King Wangxi slapped Madam Zhu on her pert buttocks. Madam Zhu looked at King Wangxi with charming eyes as if she was struck by lightning.

“You bastard.” Holy King Wangxi suppressed the evil fire in his body. After all, reason defeated desire, and the innate Taoist body was the most important.

Mrs. Zhu wanted to take out the human seed bag, but found that it was missing.

“Why is it missing?” Mrs. Zhu looked panicked.

“Gone? What’s going on?” Wangxi Holy King also changed his expression.

“It’s impossible. I’ve always carried it with me. When I came in to see you, I checked it again. How could it be missing?” Mrs. Zhu also looked puzzled. He also checked it before entering here. Now, It’s gone, is it a ghost?

Mrs. Bamboo shook her head, they were all powerful monks, ghosts would turn into ashes when they saw them, how could they see ghosts.

But hell, could it be taken away by the gods?

“If I hadn’t come here to see you, you girl would have been in danger today.”

At this time, a voice sounded, instantly attracting the attention of King Wangxi and Madam Zhu.

I saw Ye Hongyi and Prince Tianpeng standing next to Gu Changsheng, and Ye Hongyi looked a little lucky. Mrs. Zhu didn’t take it seriously, but if she were to face the Holy King Wangxi, unless she let Xiao Shi helped her improve her cultivation, otherwise she would be poisoned today.

When she thought of this, Ye Hongyi glared at Wangxi Holy King. This ugly monster dared to have evil thoughts about her, which was unforgivable.

“Master, destroy him!”

Ye Hongyi said to Gu Changsheng.

“Don’t worry, I have something to ask him. After I ask him, I will help you kill him.” Gu Changsheng chuckled.

Listening to Gu Changsheng’s master and apprentice talking shamelessly in front of him about how to kill him, Wangxi Holy King Laughed.

“What an arrogant human race, you…”


Before Holy King Wangxi could finish his words, the body of Mrs. Zhu next to him exploded, and the blood of Holy King Wangxi exploded.

Holy King Wangxi was so frightened that he didn’t dare to speak. He didn’t even see clearly how Gu Changsheng took action, which meant that Gu Changsheng was stronger than him, or much stronger.

“Why don’t you continue talking? What’s wrong with our human race’s arrogance?” Gu Changsheng said lightly, and an invisible pressure filled the hall. King Wangxi shivered in fright and knelt on the ground.

“Sir…Sir, I…I have blind eyes and cannot see Mount Tai. I bumped into you without knowing it. Please forgive me.” Wangxi Holy King begged for mercy tremblingly.

Gu Changsheng ignored his begging for mercy, but asked: “You… creatures, do you know how you came here?”

The face of Wangxi Holy King changed, and a trace of anger flashed in his fearful eyes.

“I know, how could I not know? Everything is because of the Flame City Lord, everything is because of him. I was not like this originally, I didn’t have this ugly horn on my head, I was a normal person, I shouldn’t have been What’s happening here…everything is because of the Flame City Lord, everything is his fault, blame him…ah…”

Holy King Wangxi roared crazily, with overwhelming hatred in his eyes. His hatred actually surpassed that of Gu. Changsheng’s fear and Gu Changsheng’s questions were like switches that triggered his madness. At this time, he had completely lost his mind. He was like a ferocious beast with human form, his eyes were red and full of violence, and his body was struggling crazily. Despite Gu Changsheng’s pressure, no matter how crazy he was, he couldn’t move.

“Master, what’s wrong with him?” Ye Hongyi asked with a frown.

“The animal nature has awakened. Humanity has been completely swallowed up by the animal nature. He has turned into a ferocious beast.” Gu Changsheng said calmly, with indifferent eyes. If he had not taken action against Hong Hong, he might have had a little pity, but since he dared to attack Hong Hong Hong took action and wanted to do evil things to Hong Hong. It was already a great mercy for him not to immediately take action to erase it.

“Master, kill him!” Ye Hongyi said.

“Yes.” Gu Changsheng waved his hand gently, and the Holy King Wangxi turned gray.




Just after the death of Holy King Wangxi, countless ferocious beast-like roars suddenly sounded in Qingcheng. These roars were full of pain and mixed with boundless hatred.

“Master, what are they…” When Ye Hongyi heard these roars, she felt as if she was among countless ferocious beasts, feeling uncomfortable all over her body.

“They were all human before, but now, they are no longer! The existence of Wangxi also has the effect of suppressing their animal nature.”

Gu Changsheng’s voice was very calm. Even Ye Hongyi felt the anger in the master’s heart. , this is not the first time she has felt this kind of anger. The last time, she was chased when she first stepped into the Starry Sky Ancient Road. In the end, she killed the pursuer, but it led to the strong saint. At that time, the master appeared in time to save her. She, and that was the first time he felt the master’s anger.

In the end, she learned the truth of the matter based on Xiao Wu in her body. An ancestor of Ziwei Holy Land not only colluded with the local ancient tribe, but also devoured countless newborn babies. This was the reason for the master’s anger.

That time, a holy land that had made countless contributions to the human race fell.

What about this time?

Ye Hongyi shook her head. Now she only felt that the people in this city seemed to have been treated inhumanely, so that they became like humans and ghosts.

“Master, what do you want to do?” Ye Hongyi asked.

“Send them to reincarnation!”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and then the whole city fell silent instantly. Then countless beams of light appeared from the city. These beams of light shot straight into the sky, breaking through the fiery red nebula, and finally left here. .

Each beam of light represents a soul, and there are billions of creatures in this city.

Such a big strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in Qingcheng, which naturally attracted all the powerful men from Huoyun Ancient Star.

The consciousnesses of many powerful people came to Qingcheng to find out, but they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

“This is…”

“Oh, they are relieved now.”

“What a sin!”

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