Black Charcoal Boy

As the words fell, the leader of the Fire Crow Clan came to Gu Changsheng and the others with many strong men from the Fire Crow Clan.

When an elder next to the leader of the Fire Crow clan saw Gu Changsheng, his expression changed. He whispered to the leader of the Fire Crow clan: “Clan leader, he is the owner of the Changsheng Tavern, and that black charcoal boy is the murderer of the young master.”

“Hahaha, Heitan boy, hahaha, I am laughing so hard, Heitan boy, ahhaha…”

When the elder of the Fire Crow Tribe said “Heitan boy,” Taoist Wu Liang suddenly burst out laughing. Even Gu Changsheng couldn’t help laughing.

When Feng Chen heard about Hei Tan Boy, his originally dark face became even darker. Now, with his eyes closed and his mouth closed, in this dark night, his face could perfectly blend with the night.

Moreover, even if the fat Taoist priest made fun of him, why did the boss also laugh? In my mind, boss, you have the image of a worldly master, and you should be serious about words and expressions.

Perhaps sensing Feng Chen’s thoughts, Gu Changsheng smiled and said, “Sorry, I won’t laugh unless it’s really funny, haha!”

The sound of “haha” hit Feng Chen’s heart hard.

Feng Chen covered his chest. If it weren’t for the fact that people who cultivate immortality don’t have heart problems, he would probably have hiccupped.

“Who am I telling you? It turns out to be the owner of the Changsheng Tavern. I’m the leader of the Fire Crow Clan. I’m glad to meet you!” The leader of the Fire Crow Clan smiled and bowed his hands to Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng looked at him, frowned slightly, and said: “I am one of the murderers of your son, and you are still in the mood to say hello to me?” The

Firecrow Clan leader’s smile did not change and he said: “The traitor is naughty and bad. The rules of your tavern are to die just as you deserve.”

“What about the two people just now?” Gu Changsheng pointed to the two Fire Crow clan members who were guarding the door that he had just killed.

But the leader of the Fire Crow Clan laughed and said: “It is our Fire Crow Clan’s honor that you, your Excellency, visit our Fire Crow Clan. Those two people collided with you, so they will die if they die.” ”

Boss, his true form Is it really the Fire Crow? I don’t think it looks like it!” Feng Chen looked at the leader of the Fire Crow and couldn’t help but doubt the other party’s identity.

“Then what do you think?” Gu Changsheng asked with a smile.

“Hey, unscrupulous Taoist priest, what do you think he wants?” Feng Chen asked Wu Liang.

“Haha, Pindao feels that this person does not look like the leader of the Fire Crow Clan, but looks like a fox. Tsk tsk, the famous Fire Crow Clan has a fox as its leader. How sad!”

Wu Liang shook his head and sighed. , with a look of regret on his face, people who didn’t know better thought he really felt sorry for the Fire Crow Clan.

“Bold, you trespassed into our Holy Land of Fire Crow and killed two members of our clan. The clan leader was nice to you, but you actually spoke arrogantly and slandered the clan leader. Someone, come here, take down this charcoal boy, Fatty He, and execute him on the spot. .”

An elder glared at the three of them and gave an order. A dozen men with deep auras rushed out from behind and surrounded Gu Changsheng and the three of them.

“Pindao hates people calling me fat the most. Did Pindao eat your rice or sleep with your women? How dare you call me fat!”

Wu Liang angrily stared at the elder who said he was fat. Liang stared like this, feeling chilled in his heart and a chill running down his back, as if he was being stared at by some kind of terror.

The elder shook his head. This fat man’s cultivation level was similar to his. They were both in the Saint Realm. It was impossible for him to feel this way.

“Take it!”

the elder ordered, and the dozen or so people rushed towards Wu Liang and Heitan boy Feng Chen. They deliberately avoided Gu Changsheng, and seemed to know that Gu Changsheng, the owner of Changsheng Tavern, was not easy to mess with.

But, it’s too disrespectful for you to kill the people around Gu Changsheng in front of him.


Gu Changsheng snorted coldly, and the bodies of these dozen people expanded rapidly like rapidly inflating balloons, and then exploded into balls of blood mist.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the Fire Crow Clan changed his face and became extremely gloomy and solemn. He looked at Gu Changsheng with a sullen face and said, “It seems that you really want to enmity with my Fire Crow Clan today.”

Hearing this, Gu Changsheng showed contempt. smile.

“A mere Fire Crow Clan is worthy of enmity with me?”

Upon hearing this, the leader of the Fire Crow Clan took a deep look at Gu Changsheng and sneered: “Okay, very good, he is indeed the owner of the Changsheng Tavern. He is indeed as arrogant as the rumors. , I originally thought that as long as you hand over the black charcoal boy who killed my son, I can let you live. After all, although I am a father, I am also the leader of a clan. You are very powerful, and my Fire Crow clan is not capable of it. I wish to be your enemy, so now I have to keep you to pay tribute to my son’s spirit in heaven.”

“Haha, if this is what you just said, I might think highly of you because you are an avenger for my son. Now , I just feel that the reason why that kid died is largely because of a hypocritical father like you. As the saying goes, it’s the father’s fault if the son doesn’t teach, that kid is really pathetic, with a father like you.”

Gu Changsheng’s tone was cold. , although he used the method of pretending to be dead to Gu Shengcai, but when Gu Sheng was very young, he taught Gu Sheng a truth, that you should have a clear conscience in life. Gu Sheng also implemented his teachings very well and acted with a clear conscience throughout his life.

“Stop talking nonsense, since you are looking for death, don’t blame me for being rude.”

The Fire Crow Clan leader’s face turned cold, and his aura surged. The peak strength of Xiaoyao Realm was fully revealed, and the surrounding space was distorted.

“Let me see what qualifications you have to set the rules!” The leader of the Fire Crow clan shouted angrily, punched out, and a huge flaming fist hit Gu Changsheng.

“Oh my god!”

Feng Chen hurriedly hid behind Gu Changsheng, fearing that he would be hit by a spark, which could really burn him up in an instant.

Wu Liang was not as panicked as Feng Chen, but he moved closer to Gu Changsheng.

Unexpectedly, facing the giant flaming fist, Gu Changsheng turned around and grabbed Feng Chen’s shoulders.

“Boss, what do you want to do? Ah… no…”

As soon as Feng Chen finished speaking, he was thrown out by Gu Changsheng like a sandbag. After throwing it, he said: “Everyone said that I would hand you over to you, this black charcoal.” The kid is out. Besides, you killed his son, and you and him are fighting to the death. It is reasonable for you to kill him.”


Feng Chen wanted to say something more, but he already gave the huge flaming fist to The collision was scattered, and then the castration continued unabated, directly hitting the leader of the Fire Crow Clan.

Before the leader of the Fire Crow Clan could react, he was knocked away by Feng Chen. As his body flew upside down, his true body was even revealed. He was a hundred-foot-sized crow, but what was different from ordinary crows was that he was exuding and blazing flames.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

The huge fire crow knocked away more than a dozen thick sycamore trees before falling to the ground.

“Clan leader!”

The remaining Fire Crow elders exclaimed and hurried to the side of the Fire Crow clan leader. When they saw their clan leader, they saw blood dripping from their clan leader’s body and a groove the size of a human face on his chest, which was obviously caused by being hit.

“Quick… please… Ancestor!”

the leader of the Fire Crow Clan said with great difficulty.


An elder took out a jade slip. After crushing it, the jade slip disappeared into a stream of light.

The next moment, a transcendent breath came from the depths of the sycamore forest.

“Who dares to invade our Fire Crow Holy Land?”

After the words fell, a fiery red figure appeared in everyone’s eyes. He exuded the aura of a saint.

He is the sage ancestor of the Fire Crow Clan, the Fire Crow Ancestor.

“Oh my god, is this a saint?”

When Feng Chen felt the aura of Fire Crow Ancestor, he was startled and ran and rolled to hide behind Gu Changsheng.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Gu Changsheng shook his head repeatedly. He had just temporarily lent Feng Chen a small amount of his strength, and it was no problem to beat up a few saints. He didn’t expect this guy to be so cowardly.

But this was within his expectation.

The Fire Crow Ancestor glanced at the seriously injured Fire Crow Clan Leader, frowned, and then looked at Gu Changsheng. When he saw Gu Changsheng, his pupils shrank.

Gu Changsheng noticed his reaction when he was hungry and said, “Have you seen me?”

Fire Crow Ancestor nodded solemnly and said, “I was lucky enough to see you show up in Qingcheng half a year ago.”

Gu Changsheng nodded, half a year ago Not long ago, he sent those living beings in Qingcheng who were neither human nor demons to reincarnate in other worlds. Hongsheng visions appeared. Many people looked at Qingcheng. He did not hide himself at that time, so he was It’s normal to see.

“Sir, I wonder if there is any misunderstanding in this?” Fire Crow Ancestor asked carefully. The city lord of Qingcheng was a strong man at the peak of the Holy King. But Qingcheng is gone now. He is not stupid. He thinks he is Gu Changsheng. opponent.

“Ancestor, you…” The leader of the Fire Crow Clan recovered his body and his breath was weak. He didn’t understand why the ancestor was so respectful to Gu Changsheng.

“Shut up!” Fire Crow Ancestor glared at him.

The leader of the Fire Crow clan trembled inwardly and did not dare to say anything.

“I’m not an unreasonable person. Since you didn’t attack me indiscriminately from the beginning, I don’t want to argue with you. However, your Fire Crow clan should change to a clan leader. I want his life.”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand gently to the leader of the Fire Crow Clan. The leader of the Fire Crow Clan didn’t even respond and just turned into ashes.

After doing all this, Gu Changsheng cast a spiritual thought, and then left with Wu Liang and the black charcoal boy Feng Chen.

After the Fire Crow Ancestor came into contact with that divine thought, he understood the ins and outs of what happened today.

After understanding this, the Fire Crow Ancestor’s face became extremely gloomy.

The son of the leader of the Fire Crow tribe caused trouble in the Changsheng Tavern and violated the rules set by Gu Changsheng, so he was suppressed. In order to avenge his son, the leader of the Fire Crow tribe added fuel to the flames with the fact that Feng Chen had the treasure map of the real dragon treasure, and wanted to force Gu Changsheng to do so. Changsheng stood on the opposite side of all the monks, which was understandable, but the person he provoked was Gu Changsheng, which was the most inappropriate thing in the eyes of Fire Crow Ancestor.

The other party is right about this, and the other party is powerful. If you offend someone who doesn’t behave, you will offend him. Fortunately, the other party is reasonable, otherwise the entire Fire Crow clan will be destroyed tonight.

The ancestor of Fire Crow shouted coldly: “Give me the order to put all the Huo Lie lineage into the dungeon. If there is any resistance, kill them without mercy.”


The remaining elders were suddenly shocked. Huo Lie was Huo Lie. The name of the Crow Clan leader.

The clan leader’s line is going to end today, and several elders present are glad that they are not members of the clan leader’s line.

“Wait, Huoyuan, go and bring that thing to me. I’m going to apologize in person.”

Fire Crow Ancestor said to an elder.

The elder’s eyes were shocked. Although that thing was not the most precious treasure of the Fire Crow Clan, it was still an extremely important treasure.

But seeing that the ancestor had already decided, he responded: “Yes, ancestor.”

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