One sentence determines the life and death of tens of thousands of people

The next day, when Feng Chen opened the door of the tavern, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of the tavern, there were countless monks crowded together, and the crowds of people were like countless ink spots moving. People with trypophobia could not watch this scene at all.

“The wine is so expensive, but the business is still so good?”

Feng Chen was confused, but he didn’t know that these people were all here to see him.

After Gu Changsheng kicked Feng Chen out last night, he attracted countless monks from Flame City to chase Feng Chen in the direction he flew out. But when they arrived, Gu Changsheng had already taken Feng Chen and Wu Liang to the territory of the Fire Crow Clan. , these people scattered around looking for Feng Chen to no avail, and finally returned to the Changsheng Tavern, stationed themselves in front of the gate of the Changsheng Tavern, waiting for Feng Chen to appear.

“Hey, I never heard that Changsheng Tavern hired a Heitan as a waiter.”

Just when Feng Chen was confused, he suddenly heard such a sentence in the crowd.

Feng Chen was furious. He shouted at the crowd: “Who said that? Stand up? If you have the guts, just stand up.”

“It’s me!”

At this time, a burly man came out.

“Boy, I said it, how about it? Come out and practice?” The strong man’s voice was deep, and there was a scar on his face that was not clear if it was left on purpose. It looked particularly ferocious.

And the strong man did not hide his cultivation aura. Feng Chen immediately felt the aura of the other person’s extraordinary realm. He looked at the other person’s eyes again, which were full of violence. He confirmed that he was a person who would kill without blinking an eye. , can’t beat it, can’t beat it at all.

Feng Chen looked behind him and found that the boss hadn’t appeared yet, so he smiled apologetically at the strong man and said, “Brother, I think you are right. Alas, I was born so dark, I am no different from a black charcoal.” ”

You This guy is interesting, let me ask you, where is the guy named Feng Chen in your tavern? Is he here?” The strong man was very satisfied with Feng Chen’s attitude, so he asked about Feng Chen again.

These people had heard about Feng Chen’s appearance through hearsay. If Feng Chen was still the same Feng Chen, they would be able to recognize Feng Chen through some features even if they had never seen him before. But now, Feng Chen’s face still looks like Hei Tan. , even the hair on his head was almost burned, and now it is only an inch, and his appearance has changed greatly from the rumors. It is normal for these people not to recognize Feng Chen for a while.

Feng Chen was shocked when he heard that these people were looking for him. Fortunately, the other party didn’t know him now. Otherwise, so many people would swarm him, and the boss wouldn’t be around. He wouldn’t have any bones left to eat.

Speaking of which, I have to thank the two members of the Fire Crow Clan who caused him to turn into black coal. In a few days, he will be their first seven, so I will burn more paper money to them as a thank you gift.

“Hey, kid, am I talking to you?”

The strong man shouted coldly, and Feng Chen immediately came back to his senses.

“Oh, you’re talking about that boy named Feng Chen. I don’t know. He was fired by his boss.” Feng Chen’s heart didn’t beat and his face didn’t turn red when he talked nonsense. But the way he looks now, you can’t even see the blush.

“Really?” The strong man looked at Feng Chen suspiciously.

“Really!” Feng Chen nodded, his eyes full of sincerity.

The strong man nodded, and just when he was about to turn around and return to the crowd, another voice sounded from the crowd.

“Don’t believe his lies, he is Feng Chen.”

Feng Chen’s expression changed. He couldn’t forget this voice even if he died. He was one of the people who were chasing him.

The person who spoke was Feng Xin. He didn’t recognize the charcoal boy in front of him as Feng Chen for a moment, but after careful identification, he finally recognized Feng Chen, so he spoke out to expose Feng Chen’s lies.

Upon hearing this, the strong man turned around and stared at Feng Chen, with murderous intent in his eyes.

“You brat, how dare you lie to me and seek death!”

As he said that, the strong man stretched out his big hand to grab Feng Chen. Feng Chen looked horrified, but the strong man was so fast that his body and brain had no time to react. He was about to touch him when he crossed the threshold, but the strong man suddenly let out a painful scream, and his whole body seemed to be ignited. He was instantly swallowed up by a ball of flames, turned into powder, and scattered into the crowd.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. They suddenly remembered that this was the Changsheng Tavern. If a strong man attacked Feng Chen, it would be against the rules of the tavern.

Feng Chen looked behind him and found that the boss was still not there. He couldn’t help but wonder, was there some restriction imposed by the boss on this tavern? As long as you do it within the confines of the tavern, it will be against the rules.

Thinking of this, Feng Chen’s eyes lit up. If this was the case, what was he still afraid of?

After thinking about everything, Feng Chen looked at the people in front of the tavern with his head held high and said, “Yes, I am Feng Chen, and what can you do to me?” When

everyone saw that Feng Chen was so arrogant, not only did they not hide, , instead verbally provoked them. It would be fine if Feng Chen was a little stronger, but this kid is only at the third level of the Nirvana realm. In front of them, he is like a bigger ant. If he is placed elsewhere, he can be easily shot to death, but now with the help of In the Changsheng Tavern, it was so unbearable that I couldn’t bear it.

A monk who was at the first level of the Extraordinary Realm jumped out, pointed at Feng Chen, and said sternly: “Boy, if you have the guts, come out and challenge me.”

When Feng Chen saw that the opponent’s martial arts training was already at the Extraordinary Realm, Feng Chen said with disdain on his face : “You are really shameless. You, a monk in the Transcendent Realm, actually threatened to challenge me, a little Kara, who is at the third level of Nirvana Realm. Why don’t you challenge my boss?” ”

You…” The man saw Feng Feng Chen carried Gu Changsheng out, but for a moment he was too angry to say anything. The cultivation level of the strong man just now was relatively high in the field, reaching the seventh level of the extraordinary realm, but he was still burned to ashes by a fire. How dare he Provoke Gu Changsheng.

“Huh, you are a bunch of cowards. You know how powerful my boss is, but you still dare to covet my treasures. I think you are all deceived by the treasures, right? You don’t know whether to live or die.” Feng Chen snorted coldly. It was him, and he would definitely not cause trouble for someone with a strong man standing behind him.

Feng Chen was right. These people were indeed blinded by the True Dragon Treasure. The True Dragon Treasure was probably spread throughout the entire Huoyun Ancient Star hundreds of years ago. At that time, almost all the local monks in the Huoyun Ancient Star were He went out to look for the real dragon treasure, but apparently the real dragon treasure was found by Long Wushuang, the gatekeeper at the time.

After finding it, Long Wushuang completely blocked the news of the real dragon treasure. Now that the news of the treasure map of the real dragon treasure has been leaked, people who have experienced it have once again ignited the desire to hunt for treasure.

At the same time, these people also have certain thoughts of being lucky. There are countless people looking for treasures. No matter how powerful you, the owner of the Immortal Tavern, can you kill them all?

That’s why these people all blocked up in front of Changsheng Tavern.

Greed and luck have completely blinded their minds.

Feng Chen glanced coldly at Feng Xin in the crowd. He knew that it was this guy who leaked the news that he was carrying the treasure map. Sooner or later, he would kill you.

“If you don’t drink, get out of here!” Feng Chen said impatiently.

“Haha, this is not a tavern. We can stand here if we like. Can you care so much?” Feng Xin sneered.

The others also looked at Feng Chen with a sneer after hearing this.

“Of course I can’t control it, but if you are blocking here, it will affect the business of our tavern. If my boss finds out, and he gets angry, you won’t be able to eat and walk away.”

Feng Chen said lightly . .

Everyone’s expressions changed, but they remained unmoved.

Feng Chen was helpless when he saw this. He could only talk about it, but he didn’t have the strength to drive away these people.

At this moment, a fiery red figure came from the sky and soon arrived in front of the tavern.

When Feng Chen saw the person coming, he said in surprise: “Ancestor Fire Crow, why are you here?”

Everyone was shocked. Is Ancestor Fire Crow the sage ancestor of the Fire Crow clan? Why did he come here?

But the next moment, they were even more shocked when they saw the Fire Crow Ancestor landing in front of Feng Chen, with a polite smile on his face, and said softly: “Little friend Feng, I am here specifically to apologize to you. I wonder if you are here? ”

When everyone heard this, they all looked at the Fire Crow Ancestor in disbelief. Is this still a powerful saint? How could he be so polite to a little Kara who was in the Nirvana realm, and even address the owner of the Longevity Tavern as “sir”? This… just

a few words from the Fire Crow Ancestor short-circuited their brains.

“That’s it, but the boss is not here, why don’t you go back first?” Feng Chen said.

Damn it, this kid actually dares to drive a saint away and mess with him.

Everyone was looking forward to the reaction of the Fire Crow Sage. Logically speaking, he should be angry, right?

But the Fire Crow Ancestor’s response completely disappointed them.

The Fire Crow Ancestor smiled and said, “I can wait, or wait until the Lord shows up.”

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but wonder if Feng Chen had invited him to play the role of the Fire Crow Ancestor. How could a saint be so humble?

But who dares to pretend to be a saint and cheat? Don’t be afraid of death!

For a time, many people gave up.

Treasures are good, but life is more important.

The Fire Crow Ancestor stood respectfully at the door. When he saw the crowds of people, he couldn’t help but curiously asked, “These people are also here to see you, sir?”

“No, they are here to see me.” Feng Chen shook his head.

“Huh?” Fire Crow Ancestor frowned. After a second thought, he knew the purpose of these people. The relationship between Feng Xiaoyou and the adults is unpredictable, so it is better to take this opportunity to gain Feng Xiaoyou’s favor.

After thinking about it, Fire Crow Ancestor said: “Little friend Feng, if you don’t mind, I will help you suppress these people.”

“Really?” Feng Chen’s eyes lit up and he smiled: “Then there is Lao Huo. Ancestor Crow!”

“It’s easy to talk!” Seeing Feng Chen being so polite, Ancestor Fire Crow was also very happy.

So the Fire Crow Ancestor waved his hand and beat some of the people blocking the front of the tavern to death, and then said: “Young friend Feng is my friend of the Fire Crow Clan. If you don’t want to die, just get out.” When

everyone heard this, After looking at the hundreds of dead people, they immediately turned into birds and fled in a hurry.

They were fortunate that their cultivation was weak and they were not qualified to get to the front row, otherwise they would have died.

Feng Xin was also standing at the back of the crowd. When he saw the Fire Crow Ancestor actually helping Feng Chen, his pupils shrank and he ran away quickly.

Feng Chen stared at this scene with dumbfounded eyes. The Fire Crow Ancestor thought he was not satisfied yet, so he said: “Little friend, I will chase them right away. I will definitely not let anyone escape.”

After saying that, Feng Chen didn’t wait for a moment. After reacting, the Fire Crow Ancestor disappeared.


Feng Chen hesitated. There must be at least tens of thousands of people who had just blocked the front of the tavern. So many people died because of his words.

This feeling of controlling other people’s life and death… it’s so exciting!

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