Dragon Mysterious Method Fuso Wood

Feng Chen stood happily at the door of the tavern, when Gu Changsheng appeared.

Seeing Feng Chen standing at the door looking silly, Gu Changsheng said: “What are you doing standing there? Why don’t you clean up the lobby quickly?”

Feng Chen suddenly came back to his senses, saw it was Gu Changsheng, and said quickly: “Boss, Fire Crow Ancestor I just came to see you.”

“Oh? What about the others?” Gu Changsheng asked. He had just been in the Dragon Palace and found that Hong Hong and Prince Tianpenggu were in retreat, so he did not disturb them and came back.

When asked by Gu Changsheng, Feng Chen hesitated and didn’t know what to say. Could it be that the Fire Crow Ancestor had killed someone for him?

“Well, boss…”

“Little friend, everything is done. I also brought you a little gift. I hope you like it.”

At this time, the Fire Crow Ancestor came back, but in his hands, there was A beautiful woman, and this woman was the young lady among the four who chased Feng Chen.

At this time, her cultivation level was blocked and she couldn’t even speak. When she saw Feng Chen, her eyes showed a trace of despair.

Feng Chen’s eyes lit up when he saw the woman. She was the culprit that caused him such misery.

The moment the Fire Crow Ancestor saw Gu Changsheng, he quickly dropped the woman in his hand, came to Gu Changsheng, bowed politely, and said, “I have met you, sir!”

Gu Changsheng pointed at the sealed woman and asked with a frown. Said: “What are you doing?”

The old thief of Fire Crow quickly explained: “Sir, it’s like this…”

The ancestor of Fire Crow quickly explained in detail what he had just done. It turned out that he While chasing down those who escaped, Feng Xin had already returned to their residence. After Feng Xin told a few people about the Fire Crow Ancestor, they wanted to leave the Fire Cloud Ancient Star as soon as possible. , but unfortunately, when leaving, he met the Fire Crow Ancestor. The Fire Crow Ancestor recognized that Feng Xin was also one of the people blocked in the Changsheng Tavern, so he killed the three men without saying a word. But the woman was left behind.

Because he saw that the woman had outstanding appearance and was a rare beauty, and she still retained her virginity, he captured her and wanted to give Feng Chen as a gift.

After all, the Fire Crow Clan’s zodiac sign is fire, and their tempers and bodies are prone to getting angry. They attach great importance to the union of yin and yang. Some ethnic groups or forces who want to make good friends with the Fire Crow Clan will send beautiful men and beautiful women as gifts. Over time, Fire Crow Ancestor also thought that others also liked beautiful members of the opposite sex.

Gu Changsheng was speechless after hearing this.

At this time, Feng Chen was looking at the woman with a smile, and sneered: “Little girl, you are here too. Weren’t you very arrogant when you chased me?” As he said that, Feng Chen stretched out his hand to the woman’s fair face.

The woman’s eyes were full of fear at this time. There was a seal on her body and she couldn’t move or speak. She could only watch Feng Chen touching her.

When Feng Chen’s hand fell on her face, she actually cried.

“Why are you crying? I didn’t even cry after being fucked so badly by you. But your skin is so smooth and feels comfortable to the touch.” Feng Chen said with his tongue, like a man who has not seen a woman for decades. Like a man.

Seeing Feng Chen acting like this, Fire Crow Ancestor smiled and said, “If you like it, little friend, I have a technique. As long as you practice it and then have intercourse with her yin and yang, this woman will listen to you wholeheartedly from now on.”

“Really?” Feng Chen’s eyes lit up, but soon he shook his head and rejected Fire Crow Ancestor’s kindness. He said: “I’m not like that damn fat guy who seduced a wife. I’m an upright person. I don’t do this. It’s a villain’s business.”

“I really admire your noble character, my little friend.” Fire Crow Ancestor said with a smile.

“Hey, Ancestor, you’re so polite.” Feng Chen cupped his hands with a proud look on his face.

But Gu Changsheng on the side glanced at Feng Chen and said, “Is it a problem with the technique?”

Feng Chen’s expression changed. He looked at Gu Changsheng and asked in disbelief: “Boss, how did you know?” ”

Haha. , isn’t it the Dragon Mystery Technique?” Gu Changsheng chuckled, and started to talk about the technique that Feng Chen practiced. The Dragon Mystery Technique was a technique created by Long Wu based on his own bloodline. Only those with true dragon bloodline can do it. Through cultivation, due to the Dragon Martial Arts, the descendants of the Long family all have a trace of true dragon blood in their blood. Therefore, the Dragon Mystic Method is also a secret that is not passed down by the Long family. If people without true dragon blood practice it, their human functions will be reduced. Gradually losing it and becoming a eunuch with a handle is even more outrageous than Tianji Pavilion’s skills. Tianji Pavilion’s skills can be solved as long as you practice to the peak of quasi-emperor.

The mysterious law of the dragon lasts for life. Unless the blood of the true dragon is found and absorbed, the stronger the cultivation level, the harder it is for people to replace the blood. Otherwise, Long Wushuang would not have captured so many people for experiments.

“Dragon Mysterious Technique?” Fire Crow Ancestor stared at Feng Chen with wide eyes. He knew that Dragon Mysterious Technique was practiced by Long Wushuang. Could it be that Feng Chen was Long Wushuang’s illegitimate son? If Feng Chen was really Long Wushuang’s If he was an illegitimate child, wouldn’t he and the adults have a grudge against his father?

He was one of the witnesses to the scene when Long Wushuang exploded and took away Qingcheng. He naturally knew that Gu Changsheng killed Long Wushuang.

If this Feng Chen is really Long Wushuang’s illegitimate son, isn’t it because he approaches the adults for revenge?

Fire Crow Ancestor thought of many things at once.

But Feng Chen looked at Gu Changsheng in surprise and said, “Boss, do you have a solution?”

“Then it depends on your performance.” Gu Changsheng said.

“Don’t worry, boss, Xiao Chen, I will definitely perform well and I will never let you down.” Feng Chen was overjoyed to hear that Gu Changsheng had someone to solve his problems with his skills.

Then Feng Chen looked at the Fire Crow Ancestor and asked: “Fire Crow Ancestor, from your tone just now, it seems that you also know the Dragon Mysterious Technique?” “I

don’t know? I just heard that the name of this technique is quite domineering. So I’m just surprised.” Fire Crow Ancestor didn’t dare to say that the Dragon Mysterious Technique was practiced by Long Wushuang. Looking at Feng Chen’s performance, it was obvious that he didn’t know about Long Wushuang. Forget it, he didn’t care about the master’s strength. Why do you think so much?

“Haha, I feel very domineering.” Feng Chen laughed.

“Hey, there’s so many chicks here?” At this time, Wu Liang came. As soon as he entered the door, he found the woman lying unable to move at the door. When he saw the woman’s appearance, Wu Liang was surprised and said: “This is not to chase you, the donor.” Is she a person? Tsk tsk, I didn’t look carefully before, but now I think she looks decent, much hotter than Yu Yang’s wife!”

When the woman saw Wu Liang looking at her so unscrupulously, her eyes trembled, and she felt so scared inside that she regretted it. Come to the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

When Feng Chen saw Wu Liang coming, he quickly dragged the woman behind him and said to Wu Liang: “Unscrupulous Taoist priest, please don’t have any ideas about her. She is my prisoner now. If you dare to touch a hair on her, I won’t let you go.”

Upon hearing this, Wu Liang said, “Who do you think Pindao is? Is Pindao that kind of person?”

“Hmph!” Feng Chen snorted coldly.

“But you are really compassionate. She is the enemy who is chasing you, and you still protect her.” Wu Liang clicked his tongue.

The woman also looked at Feng Chen in disbelief. Did this man really fall in love with her? Involuntarily, the woman’s heart rekindled hope. If she could survive, it seemed that it was not impossible to be his woman. Moreover, his background seemed to be very powerful, and even saints would take action on his behalf.

Who knew that Feng Chen’s next words would completely shatter her inner hope.

“Hmph, who told you that I was sympathetic to the beauty? I just felt that Shi Ke should not be killed, so I just killed him.” After all, I had just boasted to the Fire Crow Ancestor, but I couldn’t break it now.

After saying that, he said to Gu Changsheng: “Boss, I’ll go out and deal with it first.”

After saying that, Feng Chen lifted the woman and walked out the door. Soon, Feng Chen came back alone.

“Oh, what a pity, such a beautiful girl.” Wu Liang looked at the sky and sighed, making Feng Chen look contemptuous.

“By the way, sir, I am here specifically to apologize. This is a small gift from me. It is not respectful. I hope you will accept it.” At

this time, the Fire Crow ancestor finally remembered that he came to the Changsheng Tavern . Pursuing his purpose, he took out a rectangular black box from the storage ring, opened it, and took out a fiery red stick-shaped object.

Gu Changsheng looked at it, narrowed his eyes, and said to the Fire Crow Ancestor, “Do you know what this is?” The

Fire Crow Ancestor nodded and said, “This is a branch of the Fuso Sacred Tree.”

“I know. Are you still giving it to me?” Gu Changsheng asked with a smile.

The ancestor of the Fire Crow said: “It is said that the Fuso Sacred Tree is the place where the Golden Crow lives. We, the Fire Crow Clan, have a trace of the Golden Crow’s blood, but this hibiscus tree is dispensable to us, the Fire Crow Clan, so why not give it to you, sir?” If adults can take root and germinate, we may be able to recreate the original appearance of the Fuso Sacred Tree.” The

Fuso Sacred Tree is a legendary fairy tree and is a medicine for longevity. However, it does not bloom or bear fruit and cannot make people live forever. But according to the legend, The first Golden Crow was born from the Fusang Sacred Tree.

It seems strange that plants give birth to animals, but don’t forget, this is the world of immortality, and everything is possible.

“Since you have such intention, then I will accept it. I promise you that as long as you, the Fire Crow Clan, do not do anything harmful to the world, I will ensure that your Fire Crow Clan will live forever.” Gu Changsheng said lightly.

“Thank you, sir!”

For some reason, Gu Changsheng’s words seemed to follow his words, making him unquestionable.

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