The tide turns

Outside the Flame City, Shen Yue stood there with a confused look on her face. That guy actually let her go. She had been chasing him for so long and wanted to kill him. Although chasing him was not entirely because of Bao. There are also some unspeakable reasons, but after all, he has forced him into desperate situations many times, so how could he let him go?

And when he left, he said some embarrassing words to her.

“This guy doesn’t seem to only use his power to bully others!” Shen Yue murmured.

“Here, that bitch is here.”

“It’s all these bitches who spread the news randomly, saying that that kid has a treasure map of the real dragon treasure, which made our people anger the Fire Crow Ancestor, damn it Ah.”

“Father, I will avenge you now.”

At this moment, a group of monks rushed towards Shen Yue with great momentum. Their bodies were filled with terrifying murderous intent. When Shen Yue saw this, his pupils shrank and he said nothing. Don’t say anything and immediately rushed to the city.

She knew who these people were without having to guess. They were nothing more than relatives and friends of those who were killed by the Fire Crow Ancestor. Now that they knew they could not get any benefits from Feng Chen, they had suffered heavy losses and were filled with anger and hatred. I didn’t dare to look for the Fire Crow Ancestor or the Changsheng Tavern, so I had to look for her.

“Hmph, you want to escape? Naive!”

Those people looked at Shen Yue’s figure coldly. They had long expected that Shen Yue would escape back to the city, and most likely to the Changsheng Tavern, because only in the Changsheng Tavern could she have a chance. vitality.

So they had already deployed manpower in the city, just waiting for Shen Yue to fall into the trap.

In the Changsheng Tavern, Gu Changsheng was lying on the Grand Master’s chair and drinking wine leisurely. The Fire Crow Ancestor had already resigned, and Wu Liang was fooling around somewhere. Feng Chen was the only one who was wiping the tables and chairs in boredom. The guests , that’s a no.

“It shouldn’t be. There were so many guests yesterday, why are there none today?” Feng Chen was full of doubts.

Gu Changsheng, who was lying on the Grand Master’s chair, said calmly: “Guests? Aren’t they all killed by your little boy’s words? Do you know how many repeat customers there are? Your little boy’s words cost me a lot.”

Feng Chen His face changed, and he realized that not long ago, he asked the Fire Crow Ancestor to kill a group of advanced monks. Many of these people were guests who had visited the tavern, and now he killed them all with just one sentence. In other words, he killed all the guests in the tavern.

Thinking of this, Feng Chen said tremblingly: “Boss, I didn’t mean it. You don’t want me to compensate, right?”

“Compensate?” Gu Changsheng looked at Feng Chen and said, “Just because If you can’t afford a jar of century-old peach blossom wine with all your wealth, what can you do to compensate?”

Feng Chen heard this, and his face was full of embarrassment. The source crystals on his body really couldn’t even afford a century-old peach blossom wine, and he was only short of three low-grade source crystals. .

“Then I will have to work for you, boss, for free for the rest of my life.” Feng Chen sighed.

“Why do you sound like you’re not happy yet? Why don’t you stop doing this?” Gu Changsheng asked with a smile.

“That’s not okay. Since I have caused so much damage to the tavern, I must take this responsibility. Boss, don’t say anything. I, Feng Chen, will be your wage earner from now on. My life will never end, and I will never stop working!” Feng Chen spoke righteously, as if he was a very responsible person.

If I quit, wouldn’t I have to face countless people chasing me? That’s not possible. You can’t be fired even if you die. You have to work hard to be a qualified wage earner and you must not give your boss any reason to fire you.

“Boss, I’ve cleaned the lobby. I’m going to clean the private rooms.”

After cleaning the lobby, Feng Chen said to Gu Changsheng energetically. The Nirvana realm is not weak for any ancient star in the world of mortals. It is rare in ancient and modern times for a strong person to be willing to be a handyman like Feng Chen.


Just when Feng Chen was about to go to the box area, Gu Changsheng suddenly stopped him.

“Boss, do you have any other orders?” Feng Chen said to Gu Changsheng flatteringly.

Gu Changsheng was also used to Feng Chen’s lackadaisical appearance, so he didn’t care and pointed at the door.

Feng Chen was confused and looked at the door. There were no guests. So he walked to the door, and suddenly, a figure bumped into him, and at the moment of the collision, he felt a warm softness, which was particularly comfortable.

Feng Chen caught the figure. He took a closer look, his pupils shrank, and he exclaimed: “Didn’t I tell you to leave quickly? Why are you back again?”

The person who bumped into his arms was the one he released. Shen Yue, who had no way out, was also the one who had been chasing him before.

Shen Yue looked up and saw that the person who caught him was Feng Chen. She was stunned for a moment, then coughed violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted onto Feng Chen’s black face, turning the black face red.

“Hey, you…”

Feng Chen was about to get angry, but found that Shen Yue had already passed out.

Feng Chen looked at Shen Yue’s body and found that she was bleeding and her clothes were torn in many places, exposing her fair skin. When he saw this scene, Feng Chen couldn’t help but think of that beautiful scene back then.

“Bah, bah, bah, I’m a gentleman, what are you thinking about?” Feng Chen shook his head quickly.

“Damn it, let her escape into the Changsheng Tavern.”

“How could this damn bitch be so strong and still escape under our encirclement and suppression? Damn it!”

At this time, there was a miscellaneous sound coming from outside the door. Feng Chen hugged Shen Yue and took a look outside the door. He found hundreds of people standing on the street. Most of these people were at the fifth level of Nirvana. They were incomparable to those before.

“It’s him!”

“It’s your boy. My father died because of him. I want revenge.” ”

Stop, you want revenge and we don’t care about you, but don’t forget that this is the Changsheng Tavern. If you want to die, don’t implicate us.” .”

The person who shouted for revenge was immediately stopped by others. They did not want to follow in the footsteps of their elders or friends.

“What should we do now?” someone asked helplessly.


Silence, what should I do? Their direct enemy is the Fire Crow Ancestor, and the culprit is Feng Chen. One of these two people is a Saint Ancestor, and the other can command the Saint Ancestor with just one word. They do not dare to take revenge on them, let alone take revenge, even if they even think about it. OK.

So that woman became the target of their anger, but now that this woman has also entered the Changsheng Tavern, what should they do?

“I don’t believe that this woman will never leave the Flame City. I’ll ask people in the city to pay attention. As soon as this woman leaves the Changsheng Tavern, we will take action immediately.”, ”

Yes, this woman is a trespasser. She will have to leave the Flame City sooner or later. Our various forces will work together to send people to keep an eye on this woman. As soon as we find this woman, we will immediately encircle and suppress her, and we will not let her escape again.”

“Okay, that’s it!”

The group of people made their decision and took a deep look at Feng Chen. , and then left. If they didn’t leave, they were worried that Feng Chen would send the Fire Crow Ancestor to destroy them again.

Little did he know that the Fire Crow Ancestor had already returned. Even if Feng Chen had the intention, he was unable to let Gu Changsheng take action? Feng Chen didn’t have the courage.

“What is this? Has this bitch aroused public anger? It turns out that things are changing, which makes people happy!”

Feng Chen actually felt a little gloating about his misfortune.

Although I let her off because I felt guilty about this girl, but I don’t think I have much affection for her.

“Didn’t you say you should deal with the person? What’s going on?”

At this time, Gu Changsheng’s faint voice sounded behind Feng Chen. Feng Chen was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

He turned around stiffly and saw his boss looking at him with a smile. Although the boss was smiling, he still felt creepy. If he couldn’t explain it clearly, he would probably get rid of him too, right?

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