Since Yokohama's [illegal assembly], the life of the ninth dragon god has once again returned to calm,

It's just that the original boring life occasionally has some purple charm.

In this way, time passed unconsciously, and in the blink of an eye, it was winter vacation (New Year's Eve).

The New Year's holiday is relatively short, generally from late December to early January, about two weeks.

Sakurajima's belief is from January 1 to January 3 in the Gregorian calendar, and Sakurajima people call the first day of the first day of the New Year as "the first day" and the first to third days of January as "Sanga Day". On New Year's Day, juniors must first go to their parents to greet the New Year, and then go to the homes of relatives and friends to pay New Year's greetings. It is customary to eat mochi soup, which the people of Sakurajima call "Mizaku".

Because the parents of the ninth dragon heart have long passed away, coupled with the current singing and dancing in the Kansai region, the Kowloon Group is thriving,

The ninth dragon heart decided that this year, the whole family would go to the Kuzu Jingyu in Machida, Tokyo to celebrate the New Year.

So the Ninth Dragon God did not have to return to his hometown, and moved back to the Nine Heads Divine Mansion from the Minato area in advance, waiting for the arrival of his family.

In the New Year, ordinary businesses generally take a break, especially for Ji Dao organizations.

The Jido Organization in Sakurajima pays special attention to traditional etiquette, and of course attaches great importance to Mika-day, the biggest and most important festival of the year.

The leader of the Nine-Headed God Group called all the homeless or orphaned members of the Thousand Attendants Association to the Nine-Headed Divine Mansion, and the rest of the members were all on vacation.

And although the two teams under the Ninth Dragon God are a little polarized, but because the age of the members is there,

It is impossible to declare itself an extreme organization with great fanfare.

And if it is a rioter, the families of these members may not particularly care,

But when your son joins the pole at a young age, you don't think you're in a hurry as a parent.

Therefore, the Ninth Dragon God did not invite his cadres to come to the party, but planned to wait until after the festival to find another time for everyone to gather.

Because staying in Tokyo for the New Year this year is a very depressing thing for Junko who can't see the ninth dragon god.

After the ninth dragon god promised that she would go to accompany Junko during spring break, Miss Junko smiled and let go of the ninth dragon god.

Junko, the real girlfriend, can't see the Ninth Dragon God, let alone the purple smoke queen Kadena Nanfeng, who is just an underground relationship.

It is worth mentioning that because of the relationship between Kadena Nanfeng and the Ninth Dragon God, her brother who was in a car accident also received good treatment, and for the help of the Ninth Dragon God, Kadena Nanfeng was very grateful, and did not complain that he could only become an underground lurker.

Because it is the New Year, according to tradition, a straw rope or a circle woven with straw rope is often pulled up above the entrance of each household, which is called "note rope" or "note linkage". Some will also put some pine bamboo, called "door pine". Many company buildings and street entrances use pine bamboo plum to build innovative and unique archways to celebrate.

In front of the courtyard door of the Nine-headed Divine Mansion, not only are "Note Ropes" and "Door Pines" placed, but there is also a black dragon archway that looks like it is rising from the empty space.

Because whether it is the nine-headed god or the nine-headed god, the totems of the two are black dragons. Even the younger generation of the Ninth Dragon God has a team called Black Dragon, which shows how important the "dragon" is in the hearts of the two families.

After receiving the call from Ms. Rikako, the ninth dragon god walked out of the inner house wearing a brand new kimono and came to the gate of the courtyard, waiting for the arrival of his family while looking at the archway in the clearing.

After the winter break, the Ninth Dragon God will face the problem of further education.

There are no colleges and universities here in Tokyo that are worth staying in the ninth dragon god, and the ghost and evil high school in the hometown are divided into full-time and timed systems, and if the ninth dragon god wants to go to the ghost and evil high school, it is full-time.

However, there are not many characters in the full-time program that can interest the Ninth Dragon God, so the Ninth Dragon God personally prefers to go to Toya to stay in high school.

But here comes the problem again.

So what about going to the lily of the valley?

Or to Fengxian?

As for the other colleges and universities of Hu Yaliu, the Ninth Dragon God really didn't think about it.

Lily of the valley and phoenix fairy each have their own benefits.

Of course, each has its own disadvantages.

The advantage of Lily of the Valley is that there are countless strong people, after all, it is a bad boy who gathers the most outstanding part of the county, which is that the ghosts and evil are not comparable.

The reason why Ghost and Evil High is famous in the whole county is because of the prestige of Ghost Evil Gao's timing system.

If nothing else, just say that there are many people within the Kowloon Group who have graduated from the ghost and evil high time system.

But the disadvantages of true lily of the valley are also obvious, the campus environment is dirty and poor, because there are countless strong people, it is difficult to achieve unity between each other, everyone's personality is unique, and the internal cohesion is insufficient.

Although Lily of the Valley will be united when it encounters an external invasion, sometimes it is only the unity of the third grade or the common enemy of the second and third grades, and it is rare that the whole school will unanimously go out, and there will always be a group of personnel who do not care about themselves and watch coldly.

But this situation will definitely not occur in the Phoenix Immortals, known as the "Killer Legion".

Fengxian's iron rule of "only cadres can grow hair",

It is also very ingenious to select the strong from the vast sea of people, so that the powerful people can stand out.

Because cadres are selected through combat, the people below are highly recognized for each cadre.

And when a king appeared in the cadres who everyone else submitted, the Phoenix Immortals would work together and twist into a hemp rope.

Under the order of Feng Xian Fanchang, the power erupted by the bald killer legion could make the rest of Hu Yaliu's forces tremble.

Therefore, the ninth dragon god is more inclined to the phoenix high school in the two schools of lily of the valley and the phoenix immortal, but the only thing that makes the ninth dragon god a little entangled,

That is, Feng Xian actually has not many cadres in the past, and the strength of the miscellaneous soldiers of the low-level bald legion is also somewhat moderately low.

Although the ninth dragon god is rich and powerful, his family background is not as good as the guy "Xiyuan Temple Shenxiu" in the book he read in his previous life.

If you want to transform the whole school of Fengxian like the Xiyuan Temple Shenxiu, the Ninth Dragon God really can't afford it.

No matter!

So be it!

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that black Mercedes-Benz cars were slowly coming, and the Ninth Dragon God was fierce in his heart and made a decision.

I'm going to Fengxian myself!

Lily of the valley is very good, strong people gather.

However, from the management mode of the Black Dragon and the Ten Thousand Servants Empire, it can be seen that the Ninth Dragon God prefers military management.

The free roaming of the lily of the valley crow is not liked by the ninth dragon god after all.

When the Ninth Dragon God joined the Phoenix Immortal with troops and stricter discipline,

This year's Feng Xian and Lily of the Valley, who wins and who loses, is full of unknowns.

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