Not long after the New Year, the ninth dragon god officially entered spring break.

Because he couldn't go back to meet Junko during the winter break, the ninth dragon god planned to prepare some small gifts for Junko before leaving Tokyo.

Tokyo's shopping malls are full of stars, and the 9th Dragon God wants to come and go, so the contents of "Shibuya 109" are in line with today's Junko.

Shibuya 109 is a commercial facility with 120 shops, and if you want to understand the popularity of young people in Sakurajima, most of them will mention Harajuku or Shibuya.

Shibuya 109, which has been a popular leader since the 90s and is driving trends among young people, is an indispensable shopping spot when visiting Tokyo.

"Shibuya 109" is mostly popular for women, and when you don't know what gift to buy for your girlfriend, you can always find a gift when you shop here.

So on the day of the junior high school holiday, the 9th Dragon God let Keizo Arashi, who returned to Tokyo, drive with the 9th Dragon God to "Shibuya 109".

Without letting Arashi Keizo follow, the Ninth Dragon God walked into the mall alone, going around in circles.

To be honest, the Ninth Dragon God didn't know anything about girls' preferences, and he really couldn't think of what gifts to buy for Junko after a long time.

The Ninth Dragon God, who was constantly thinking about what Junko should like, frowned, walked into a store, glanced at a golden bracelet, and subconsciously stretched out his right hand to pick it up and carefully consider it.

But before the right hand of the Ninth Dragon God touched the bracelet, a left forearm with a lotus arm suddenly stretched out from next to the Ninth Dragon God, and the little hand as white as jade made the god hold the right hand of the Ninth Dragon God.

The Ninth Dragon God felt the temperature coming from his hand, hurriedly suppressed the thoughts in his mind, and turned his head to look to the side in surprise.

Her black hair fell casually, she wore a long-sleeved light gray knitted sweater with a white shirt collar exposed from the V-shaped neckline; her short dark skirt was her white legs exposed to the air, and her feet were standard girls' leather shoes.

Looking at the girl whose little face was a little red because of the cold, the ninth dragon god had to sigh with emotion about the peculiar campus culture of Sakurajima.

In Sakurajima, girls wear short skirts in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This is a tradition in Sakurajima, and the thin clothes of teenagers in winter have long been a way to exercise their body and willpower, and it is also included in the teaching management regulations.

That is to say, even if the girls are too cold, they must wear short skirts to go out.

Those who know this know that this is a habit created by the people of Sakurajima in order to exercise the "spirit of patience" and some historical legacies.

People who don't know, they think it's the bad old men of the Sakurajima school, what special thoughts do they have!


I can't say for sure~

But there are policies and countermeasures.

Going out bare-legged in the big winter, let alone girls, men are estimated to be insufficient.

So in winter, girls wear warm babies and bare-legged artifacts on their bodies.

In addition, Sakurajima's heating equipment is very powerful, whether it is shopping malls, public transportation, homes, colleges, etc., you can think of warm "hot air". So girls just have to endure the cold of walking outside.


"Smith Marseille!"

The Ninth Dragon God had not yet opened his mouth, and the girl with a red face let go of the right hand of the Ninth Dragon God like an electric shock, and hurriedly bent down to apologize.

"Uh... It's okay, just blame me for thinking about things and not noticing you. "

What else can the Ninth Dragon God say?

No matter how you look at it, it seems that you took advantage of yourself.

Of course, if it was a man or an aunt, the Ninth Dragon God would definitely be angry.

But for the sake of the other party being a good-looking girl, the Ninth Dragon God smiled generously.

The ninth dragon god looks handsome, and when he laughs, he feels like a spring breeze.

As soon as the girl straightened up, she was deeply attracted by the smile of the Ninth Dragon God, and her face became even more rosy.

"You want to see this bracelet, right?"

With a chuckle, the Ninth Dragon God picked up the bracelet that the two fancy together from the display case with his left hand, handed it to the girl, and said with a smile: "Oh, here you go." "

"No, no, no, you came first, please continue to enjoy." "

The girl quickly waved her hand and shook her head and refused.

The corners of the Ninth Dragon God's mouth raised, his right hand grabbed the girl's right hand, stuffed the bracelet into the girl's hand, and said with a smile: "I'm a boy looking at what bracelet, just now when thinking about things, it was just an unintentional move." "

The girl who was grabbed by the Ninth Dragon God's hand was so red that she almost dripped water, she was so big, she had never been so close to a strange man.

"That... Thank you..."

The girl lowered her head shyly, her eyes looking at her toes and murmuring.

The Ninth Dragon God smiled when he heard this, and prepared to leave the shop.

After the girl noticed that the Ninth Dragon God was about to leave, she hurriedly grabbed the first two steps on the bracelet, walked in front of the Ninth Dragon God, and under the doubtful gaze of the Ninth Dragon God, said with a red face: "That, because basically girls come here, so you came to help people buy gifts?"

"Yes, I want to pick my girlfriend for a gift. "

The Ninth Dragon God did not hide Junko's existence, and said with a generous smile.

He didn't plan to have any intersection with this girl who met Pingshui, so there was no need to hide it.

Even if the girl is beautiful.

The girl's expression was obviously shocked when she heard the words of the Ninth Dragon God, but she quickly regained her vitality and looked at the Ninth Dragon God and said, "So, do you need a girl to help you with reference?"

Oh, my God!

What am I talking about!

As soon as she said these words, before the Ninth Dragon God could react, her own heart began to set off monstrous waves.

That sentence was completely blurted out without going through the brain, but the words had already been spoken, her heart was not calm, and her face remained flat, just looking directly at the Ninth Dragon God.

The Ninth Dragon God wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, it seemed that he really needed a reference.

So the Ninth Dragon God nodded, smiled and said to the girl: "If this beautiful and cute girl in front of me has nothing else, I wonder if I can ask you for help?"

"Of course you can!"

"You wait for me!"

The girl immediately said excitedly, turned her head and ran to the cash register to buy the bracelet in her hand, put it on her left wrist on the spot, and then trotted back to the Ninth Dragon God, and said with a smile: "Okay, we can go!"

The Ninth Dragon God smiled slightly, raised his arm and signaled for the girl to go first.

The corners of the girl's mouth slowly raised, and she walked out of the store very happily, followed by the Ninth Dragon God.

"By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves yet~"

"My name is Yumi, what's your name?"

"Just call me Dragon God. "


With Yumi's help, the ninth dragon god quickly bought a gift for Junko, and in order to thank Yumi for her help, the ninth dragon god invited Yumi a cup of coffee, and then offered to leave, dashing away, leaving no contact information.

Yumi, who was sitting in the café, looked at the distant back of the Ninth Dragon God, and the joy on her face slowly disappeared, replaced by a deep melancholy.

"You shouldn't say your real name!"

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded beside Yumi.

Yumi was not frightened by the sudden voice, as if she had long been accustomed to it, and said very calmly: "We won't see each other again, will we?

As Yumi's voice fell, a man in a black suit with a grim face stood behind Yumi like a ghost, his eyes were cold, looking at the back of the Ninth Dragon God, full of murderous aura.

"The president has arranged everything, and after spring break, you will go to the peninsula to help the president carry out activities on the peninsula. "

The man in the suit withdrew his gaze and looked at Yumi's cold eyes that vaguely revealed a hint of madness.

Yumi smiled bitterly when she heard this, and said self-deprecatingly: "In his eyes, am I still a daughter?"

The man in the suit did not answer, this kind of words, not he can easily answer.

Yumi didn't really intend to get some recognition from this man's mouth, and the words just now were just her own spit on fate.

"I want to sit by myself for a while, okay?"

Although Yumi used a request, the determination in her tone could not be refused.

The man in the suit was speechless, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the café.

Yumi stirred the coffee with a coffee spoon, her eyes fixed on the bracelet on her left wrist.

This is a white gold bracelet with a small heart-shaped pendant.

The sudden appearance of the Ninth Dragon God disturbed Yumi's state of mind.

She thought that she would follow her father's instructions in her life and walk every step step by step,

But when she met the Ninth Dragon God today, she suddenly disgusted with this kind of life,

She wanted to resist, and she was even extremely jealous of the girl whose name she didn't know.

Why can that girl get the love of a man like the Ninth Dragon God,

And she will be blamed for just revealing her real name?!

She is unwilling!

However, Yumi, who has been shrouded in her father's shadow for many years, knows that she will never escape her father's control in Sakurajima.

Even though her father's power has been greatly reduced, and this is Tokyo far away from her father's power, Yumi still does not dare to resist.

Perhaps, this trip to the peninsula will be the only chance to break free from the shackles of fate?!

In order to appear in front of the Ninth Dragon God in a positive light, Yumi had the idea of rebellion for the first time in her life and wanted to rebel against her father's instructions.

Yumi didn't care about the behavior of the Ninth Dragon God not leaving a contact information.

She was very sure that the man in the suit who disappeared just now was probably already investigating the Ninth Dragon God.

Oh, I'm afraid this is my father's confidence that he will let himself go to school in Tokyo.

With that loyal dog here, how could he escape his father's control.

Yumi looked at the bracelet and whispered to herself:

"Don't forget me..."

"In the near future, I will definitely appear in front of you..."

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