House Witch

Chapter 1105 1104 Galahad

Chapter 1105 1104. Galahad

The next day.

Dorothy got up early as usual according to her habit. After washing up, she came to the royal kitchen of the Dragon King's Palace.

Well, after all, she had been rewarded by the Dragon King and had the right to control the precious ingredients in the treasure house. Naturally, she couldn't just take the benefits without working.

Let's not talk about the future for now. At least during the few days she lived in the Dragon King's Palace, the home witch felt that she should show some performance.

So she planned to go to the royal kitchen to see the situation first.

However, when she came to the royal kitchen, she found that the royal chefs here had started to get busy early. There was smoke coming out of the kitchen, and she could smell the fragrance from a long distance.

Obviously, the royal chefs had already started to prepare breakfast for the palace.

You know, it was only six o'clock in the morning. Dorothy thought she had gotten up early, but looking at the scene in the imperial kitchen, she estimated that the imperial chefs might have started working at two or three in the morning. Compared with them, this made the witch of the house seem very lazy.

"Tsk, it is said that working in the palace is well paid and has a high status, but it seems that it is not easy now."

Looking at the busy appearance of the imperial kitchen, Dorothy sighed in her heart.

The scale of this imperial kitchen is very large. At a glance, there are about hundreds of formal imperial chefs working on this stove. If you count the kitchen helpers or some maids who help with miscellaneous things, then this imperial kitchen has almost a thousand people.

And judging from the magical aura of these witches, there are no mediocre people here. Even the weakest of the maids serving dishes are elite witches, and the kitchen helpers who cut vegetables are all great witches. As for the official royal chefs who can control the stove, let alone, their auras are stronger than each other, and the witches who lead the chefs are even more outstanding.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the Dragon King Palace. There are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this palace. The great witches are worse than dogs, and the top ones are everywhere. The configuration of this royal kitchen alone can form a very powerful battle group if it is put outside.

However, considering that the Dragon King likes food, the royal kitchen of the Dragon King Palace is the hall representing the highest food level in the witch world before the debut of the Forest Witch, so this configuration is not exaggerated.

After all, these days, taking the civil service exam is a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops, not to mention such a good thing as entering the palace.

You must know that entering the palace means that you may have the opportunity to meet the three kings. This is an honor that no witch can refuse, and it is also the most likely opportunity to ascend to heaven in one step.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the Palace of the God King, the Palace of the Dragon King, or the Palace of the Demon King, any position that has the opportunity to enter the palace will be fought over, and that opportunity is not something that ordinary witches can get their hands on.

In this day and age, if you want to enter the palace, you need status and family background. Even if you just want to be the most ordinary maid in the palace, it is an opportunity that many noble ladies from small and medium-sized witch families in the outside world are fighting for.

And important positions such as the palace guards are almost all controlled by those loyal families with a long history. Generally, witches born in ordinary families will not get the chance, unless the civilian witch is really talented.

Although the status of the Royal Kitchen of the Dragon King Palace is far inferior to that of the Royal Guards, it is also a special position of the Dragon King Palace, and it has a certain reputation. It is also the profession that is most likely to contact the Dragon King and receive His Majesty's reward, so there are naturally many witches eyeing this place.

Although the Imperial Kitchen has a population of over a thousand people, the total population of the witch world is 50 billion. Even if the big guys and young people are removed, the number of job seekers of the right age is still terrifying.

Not to mention that the Imperial Kitchen does not recruit people every year. The positions here are basically one for each person, and new people often have opportunities only when the old people step down. Even the competitive pressure can be imagined.

Therefore, the witches who can finally successfully win a position in the Imperial Kitchen among many competitors are naturally the best among the best. Whether it is appearance, talent, or family background, they are far ahead of 99% of the witches.

Well, although it sounds a bit outrageous that you have to compare appearance when you want to apply for a chef, there is no way, who makes the opponents really too many, you say, if the professional level of both parties is the same, will others choose the good-looking one or the ugly one in the end?

The workplace is such a cruel place.

Dorothy did not go in directly to disturb everyone, but stood at the door and watched for a while.

It has to be said that every royal chef here is very professional and serious. None of them slacks off. Each of them is concentrating on the dishes they are making, not daring to relax at all. They are extremely cautious in every step, fearing that there will be a slight mistake. After all, these dishes will appear on the table of Lord Dragon King and be tasted by the supreme Crown Prince.

Even though Lord Dragon King is not the kind of tyrant who will kill people for a meal, on the contrary, he is very kind and never overly criticizes everyone in the palace, but once there is a problem with a dish, His Majesty's magnanimity does not mean that other people in the palace will not care about you.

The palace is certainly a good place that everyone wants to enter, but it is also a Shura field where everyone is in danger.

There are countless people watching your position, and any mistake may directly cause you to be pulled down by the later ones.

So, the imperial chefs were really serious, and the atmosphere in the imperial kitchen was very tense, even to the point of being austere.

But this also made the witch at home shake her head.

"Alas, I was wondering why the dishes I ate these two days always had a taste of class."

She thought helplessly in her heart.

She was not criticizing anything, and Dorothy did not think she had the qualifications to criticize these imperial chefs. After all, she could see that everyone had worked hard and really tried their best to pursue the way of food. No one had the qualifications to say that these hardworking people were not good.

Don't advise others to be good without experiencing their suffering.

Dorothy was lucky and did not need to experience the internal competition and cruelty of the workplace. Her talent and talent made these troubles destined to be far away from her. She also knew that not everyone had their own talents and was as lucky as herself.

So, at this time, if she said from a high position that your cooking skills were really not good, it would be absurd like "why not eat meat porridge".

That would be really too arrogant.

However, Dorothy was not the kind of person who would avoid talking about mistakes just because of this.

Therefore, she was thinking about how to tactfully remind these imperial chefs that they were working in the wrong direction.

In the eyes of the witch of the house, the people in the imperial kitchen were really a bit off track. They were just like the warrior witches in the Japanese island, always pursuing swordsmanship itself too much, and ignoring the more important sword heart.

Swordsmanship has sword heart, and cooking naturally has kitchen heart.

The mood of a chef when cooking will directly affect the taste of the dishes she finally makes.

Therefore, many of the imperial chefs in the imperial kitchen have almost perfect cooking skills. Many of them use the witch's kitchen series of spells, and each of them has a high level of proficiency, especially the chefs, who are almost all "saint" level proficiency. The spellcasting is so perfect that Dorothy, the witch of the forest, can't find any major problems.

But the real magic is the heart of belief.

But how can these imperial chefs, who are now more cautious than each other, cook dishes that make people feel relaxed and happy after eating with their serious and tense mentality?

That's why Dorothy said that she always felt that the food in the imperial kitchen had a smell of class when she ate it these days.

But this kind of problem is not easy to solve. After all, it is not something that can be solved by her running out and shouting to everyone, "Relax and think about happy things."

The witch of the house put herself in the shoes of the imperial chefs. If she was in the situation where a mistake might be replaced by her colleagues who were eyeing her, then she would not be optimistic and cheerful at all.

Alas, it's difficult.

Just when Dorothy was worrying about how to solve this problem, someone came to her side.

"Miss, is there anything about our cooking that makes you dissatisfied? I just saw you shaking your head."

A very soft voice asked.

This also made Dorothy, who was thinking, sober up.

Because she didn't want to attract too much attention and disturb the work of the imperial kitchen, she was in disguise now.

Now that she has learned the Heavenly Demon Dance, her disguise has become very simple. She no longer needs to use makeup or glasses to cover up like in the past. She only needs to be guided by the Heavenly Demon Dance, and her image in the eyes of others will change greatly.

The God's Face has the characteristics of all living things. Anyone can see the appearance of her dream lover in the God's Face. By using the power of the Heavenly Demon Dance to control the living things, it is easy for others to distinguish her from the "famous" eldest lady.

Although Dorothy did not wear makeup on her face at this time, she still looked like her original appearance, but in the eyes of others, she was just a more beautiful witch, and she would not be associated with the eldest lady.

Therefore, the witch who suddenly asked did not recognize her identity. Otherwise, with the eldest lady's recent status in the Dragon King's Palace, the entire imperial kitchen would have to stop their work and come to greet her.

After all, she is a distinguished guest appointed by the Dragon King.

Dorothy also turned her head and looked at the witch who asked the question.

Well, she is undoubtedly a beauty, although her figure is a little petite, and she can't even reach her waist. She is shorter than Alice, who is 1.2 meters tall, about 1.1 meters tall.

However, this is a strong man. Dorothy can't figure out his strength, but he is guaranteed to be at the top.

"Are you the head chef?"

The witch asked.

Although she didn't know the beauty in front of her who looked like a child, but had an inexplicably mature temperament and a big sister flavor, the whole imperial kitchen was busy now, but this witch lady who should be based on the evolution template of the halfling could still talk to her. She must have a special status if she was so idle.

Nine out of ten, she is the supervisor of the imperial kitchen, that is, the so-called head chef.

Moreover, the halflings, this kind of extraordinary race similar to dwarves and gnomes, are not strong, but they are famous for their ingenuity. They are indeed good at cooking and have a food culture.

Few witches would choose halfling as their evolution template. After all, it really doesn't bring much combat power bonus, and sometimes it can even have a counterproductive effect and weaken the witch's strength. However, if the goal is to pursue skills such as cooking rather than combat power, then the halfling template is one of the best templates.

In response to Dorothy's rhetorical question, the halfling witch nodded readily and admitted her identity.

"Well, I'm the head chef, you can call me Galahad."

She smiled, extended her hand to the otaku witch, and introduced herself.

The otaku witch also squatted down politely, trying to be as eye-level as possible with the other person, and then shook hands with her.


She said her name.

Well, there was no need to hide it at this time. After all, the name Galahad was not unfamiliar to her. He was one of the first generation Knights of the Round Table.

She really didn't expect that such a big boss would work in the imperial kitchen.

"Haha, who doesn't love food? I not only like to taste food, but I am also interested in making food."

As if aware of the witch's doubts, the halfling "little" sister explained with a smile.

Dorothy immediately felt that Lord Galahad was an easy person to get along with. Her character was very pure. She was obviously a very ancient witch, but she was as pure as a child.

"But it turns out you are the eldest lady. Your disguise is really good. I didn't recognize you directly. So I can understand why you shook your head. I had eaten Astros belt at the banquet before. The squid balls here are the most delicious food I have ever eaten in my life. In terms of cooking skills, we really can’t impress you.”

Galahad said with some frustration.

Dorothy was a little embarrassed by the other party's frankness.

"No, no, everyone's cooking skills are pretty good, it's just..."

Facing the gaze of this young lady who had the body shape of a child and her eyes as pure as a baby, the otaku witch didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"It doesn't matter, but it doesn't matter. Miss, you are a pioneer in cooking. We are actually happy to accept your teachings."

Galahad saw the confusion of the otaku witch, and she quickly and sincerely encouraged her.

Dorothy observed again and again and confirmed that the big boss in front of her was not the kind of person who would fall out if she disagreed with him, so she spoke with confidence.

"But do you really like cooking? I mean, do you really enjoy cooking and think cooking is a relaxing and enjoyable thing?"

And heard her inquiry.

The Pure Knight's eyes also lit up, and she looked at Dorothy as if she were seeing a close friend.

"Miss, do you want to try my craftsmanship?"

She invited.

Witch cooking.

The scheming Dragon King begins to play into his favour. Too bad, Xibao will fall sooner or later.

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