House Witch

Chapter 1106 1105 The Taste of the Dragon King

Chapter 1106 1105. The Taste of the Dragon King

"Of course."

Faced with Galahad's invitation, Dorothy nodded without hesitation. She also wanted to see how good the cooking skills of the big boss who could become the chief chef of the Dragon King's Palace were.

Although she was not very satisfied with the environment of the imperial kitchen full of "ban flavor", to be honest, except for the lack of "chef's heart", the cooking skills of the imperial chefs here were nothing wrong, especially the cooking skills of the chefs, which were at a level that even the witch of the house would say "not bad".

Then the skills of Galahad, the chief chef who was superior to the chef, must also bring her surprises.

Well, Dorothy still likes to taste other people's cooking skills. Although other people's cooking skills are full of loopholes in front of her cooking skills, no one stipulates that only perfect dishes can be considered good dishes.

Everyone has their own favorite taste in their hearts. Some people like sweet, some like sour, some have light taste, and some have heavy taste. These are quite personal things.

Therefore, there is no magical delicacy in this world that can satisfy everyone with one dish, only the most suitable for personal taste.

If cooking skills are based on a 100-point system, then Dorothy's work may be able to reach a perfect 100 points. In fact, as long as it can reach a passing level of 60 points, it is already delicious.

If possible, the higher the score, the better, but if the score is really not high, it doesn't matter. It doesn't mean that after eating a 100-point dish, you will find a 90-point dish unpalatable. It is still very delicious.

Just like Dorothy's divine face is the best in the world, but it still does not prevent her from thinking that the sisters around her are rare beauties.

The witch of the house has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty, and her strike zone is still quite wide. Similarly, she also has a good tongue that is good at tasting delicious food. As long as it is not a really unpalatable and unqualified dish, she is still quite interested in tasting it.

Moreover, for her, compared with the simple deliciousness of cooking skills, she prefers to taste the different cooking hearts contained in the works of different people.

Just like a skilled swordsman can communicate with his sword, and can understand what kind of person the other person is from his sword heart after a fight, the heart of a cook will not lie.

So, come on, Miss Galahad, let's communicate with each other through cooking.

"Then if you don't mind, please try my cooking skills."

Dorothy replied.

"That's what I want."

Galahad did not refuse, she clapped her hands happily and agreed.

"In that case, let's prepare together. Do we need to set a specific dish?"

The pure and petite knight asked again.

"Master Galahad, we are not competing, but just communicating. It is better to be more casual. If we are too serious, it will affect the flavor of the food later."

Dorothy shook her head and said so.

Galahad's eyes brightened when she heard this, and she admired her sister more and more.

Well, as the first generation of the Knights of the Round Table, she is naturally one of the Dragon Heads. Although all the Dragon Heads are the reincarnations of Emora's fragments, they also reached a consensus at the first round table meeting that "everyone is Emora".

But the Dragon Heads are not just soul fragments after all. They have absorbed other souls in their respective reincarnations to complete their own complements, so they all have their own personalities and preferences.

Therefore, the Dragon Heads are like the incarnations of Emora, but they are not just incarnations. They are more like a family that trusts each other unconditionally and never betrays each other.

This also fits the image of the Dragon King as a thousand-eyed and hundred-headed dragon.

Each of the hundred heads has its own ideas and preferences, but everyone shares a body, an identity, and common ideals and goals.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences is the basic principle of the Round Table. The Knights of the Round Table are brothers and sisters, and also partners in the same journey.

However, in fact, as long as there are differences, there will always be some distractions.

Galahad doesn't know if the other Dragon Heads will think too much, but she herself sometimes always thinks too much.

The "same" in the round table meeting is the unwillingness and regret engraved in Emora's soul. In the previous life, the useless man longed for power, longed to change everything, and hoped that all stories would have a perfect ending.

This obsession is so strong that even after countless reincarnations, these dragon heads are still unconsciously influenced and driven by this obsession.

Of course, before the soul of Emora was activated in their bodies, they only showed a desire for power and happiness, and occasionally had some strange dreams. The memory in the dream was not clear, but the dilapidated church, the beautiful girl in the dream, and the warmth that seemed to be illuminated by the winter sun were always fascinating.

When Nidhogg rose up and summoned the dragon heads and helped them activate the soul of Emora in their bodies, the vague dream became clear, and everyone really realized what they wanted to pursue.

Galahad undoubtedly worked hard for that obsession, otherwise she would not have chosen to become a Knight of the Round Table.

Well, although in fact she was not so willing when she chose to join in the first place, she was somewhat afraid to refuse Nidhogg.

After all, think about it, you are sleeping well at home, and suddenly you hear a voice calling you, and then you become confused. When you finally wake up, you find that you have come to a super huge round table, and there are many strange "people" sitting around you that you have never seen before.

Well, this "people" is just a metaphor. After all, there were really all kinds of strange races on the table at that time. There were angels, demons, dragons, witches on the top, elves, dwarves, giants, moon rabbits, etc. in the middle, and halflings like her, orcs, and even goblins and slimes were outrageous.

In short, the scene was really a group of demons dancing wildly, which was very scary.

However, although Galahad was only a halfling at that time, she was already the strongest assassin in the tribe at that time, so she was not very panicked. Her strength had surpassed the limit of the bronze race of halflings, and she was not very cowardly even when fighting with those silver species such as elves and moon rabbits.

The ones that really scared her were the guys from the golden race, and the dragon witch, Nidhogg, who was also the initiator of the party, made her scalp tingle. She knew that she could not defeat that person no matter what.

Fortunately, she looked at the slimes, goblins, and the weakest human girl around her, and she felt safe.

Well, although slimes and goblins are also weak, they are at least extraordinary species, and these people are obviously mutants like her special halfling, so they should not be underestimated, but the powerless human girl

is really a loser.

In short, when the first round table meeting was held, everyone was really shocked, and it was not until Nidhogg awakened the soul of Emora that they understood what was going on.

However, even if they understood all this, not everyone could immediately and decisively join the Knights of the Round Table.

At that time, everyone had their own lives, and it was obvious that not everyone could give up everything they had and fight for the so-called obsession of their previous life.

Galahad was not very willing at that time, but she was scared, she was really afraid of this terrible guy Nidhogg.

Even though the other party repeatedly emphasized that she would not harm them even if they did not join, as long as they did not make trouble, she would only wait for them to die naturally before taking back the soul of Emora in their bodies.

But who would believe such nonsense? Anyway, she did not dare to believe it at that time, so she finally chose to join.

Alas, the weak race of halflings is like this. They have long been accustomed to living by relying on the strong. She is not used to it.

Well, the main reason is that she actually has a little envy of the beauty and happiness in the soul in the previous life. As a halfling, she has suffered a lot to grow up, and even though she is not weak now, she still has no sense of security in this war-torn Western universe. Happiness is a strange word for her.

However, what surprised her was that among the hundreds of people at the round table, no one actually chose to oppose in the end. Even though many people might have been forced to join in out of fear of Nidhogg's strength like herself, it was amazing that they reached a consensus so easily.

Although Galahad could figure it out now, it was still the soul of Emora in everyone's body that was causing trouble. Even if there were only residual souls in the bodies of these dragon heads, the residual souls were still the absolute main body of their souls and the foundation of their existence.

Denying the obsession in the residual souls was like denying the meaning of one's own life, which was almost impossible.

Even if the rebellious dragon head might refuse for a while, she would eventually follow her heart and return to the round table.

Even now, she still felt that the soul of Emora was really magical. Even though she thought that Emora was a loser in her previous life, greedy, cowardly and lazy, the obsession of such a guy's soul was so pure that even reincarnation could not erase it.

Anyway, everyone swore by their own souls and made the oath of the round table, and the souls of everyone who made the oath also forged the token of the round table, which became the later Jörmungandr.

At this point, the Knights of the Round Table were officially established.

Regardless of whether the dragon heads really chose to join for the happiness in the dream or because of the fear of being swallowed by Nidhogg, after so many years, the false ideal has become a real obsession after tens of thousands of years.

Galahad was sometimes worried. She was worried that the obsession in Emora's soul was a false illusion, and that the happiness in the dream was just Emora's fantasy before her death. What if the sister who everyone was trying to resurrect was not as beautiful as in the dream after resurrection?

But now one of the long-cherished wishes of the Knights of the Round Table has been fulfilled, and Dorothy has been successfully resurrected. This is indeed a gift from God and a little sun as beautiful as in the dream.

No dragon leader can resist this kind of attraction at the soul level. The entire first generation of the Knights of the Round Table are hopelessly sister-con. Even Arthur, a perfectionist, can't find any fault with his sister.

But Galahad, as a halfling, is always more sensitive than other rough dragon leaders, and the personality defect she inherited from Emora is "innocence".

Well, innocence doesn't sound like a defect. On the contrary, it seems to be a precious quality.

But the carefree young dragon Emora had died in the Witch Night, and Nidhogg chose to grow up.

Therefore, Galahad, who inherited the innocence of childhood, was called a pure knight. She was actually the favorite of the Knights of the Round Table, and the dragon heads took good care of her.

Galahad's personality was also a bit childish. In fact, she had been waiting for Dorothy to arrive in the royal kitchen for several days, and as soon as her sister appeared, she had already noticed her existence.

But children are always a little nervous when making friends. She just did a lot of psychological preparation beside her before she came forward to talk.

Children's hearts are more sensitive than adults. She always worries whether she will make her sister hate her, or she worries that she has never really contacted her sister before, so she should not expect her sister without authorization and then break her defense without authorization.

But now, she is relieved.

Galahad looked at his sister who had walked to the empty kitchen counter in front of him to choose ingredients and think about what kind of dishes to make, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This is really a better happiness than a dream.

At the moment, she no longer hesitated, but took out a special stool from her pocket, and then stepped on the stool to get to the kitchen counter.

Well, as the head chef, she can have a customized stove in this imperial kitchen, but Galahad hates being treated like a child, and doesn't like being treated specially, so she would rather carry a stool with her.

However, after climbing on the stool, she still unconsciously glanced at her sister next to her, fearing that she would be laughed at by her sister. Fortunately, her sister is really a warm little sun, and she just smiled sweetly at this.

Galahad hurriedly turned back, and then began to make her own food seriously.

She had already thought about what delicious food to make, naturally it was the special barbecue that Emora had always been thinking about.

That was the taste of her sister.

It's a pity that she couldn't imitate it after so many years, but it doesn't matter, let her sister taste her taste today.

Galahad thought so, and then dragged out a piece of black dragon's tail meat from under the kitchen counter.

This is the shed tail of Nidhogg that she has treasured for a long time.

Well, it tastes like the real dragon king.

Witch barbecue.

The dragon king tastes really good, for sure! But it seems that the temperature has dropped recently, everyone should pay attention to the air conditioning temperature, don't catch a cold, I have been infected, and I have a low fever and dizziness for two days, it's uncomfortable

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