House Witch

Chapter 1130 1129 Senior Sister's Magic Eye

Chapter 1130 1129. Senior Sister's Magic Eye

To be honest, Cassandra was almost scared to death.

Fortunately, witches don't need to poop, and the pressure from Lord Black Impermanence didn't last long, and the terrifying unknown darkness soon faded.

When the terrifying darkness finally faded away and the other scenery around the room finally came into view again, the werewolf lady supported her somewhat weak legs and gritted her teeth to force herself not to sit on the ground on the spot.

Fortunately, she was not the only one who was embarrassed. Cassandra found that even the big guys in the front of the team wearing the uniforms of the Grand Inquisitor seemed to be frightened at this time. For example, her mother was already sweating profusely and was also a little unstable. Fortunately, Aunt Ba Chi next to her helped.

She was naturally very clear about the strength of her mother. Although her direct combat power was not as good as that of the fourth aunt, she was also a good player among the top peaks. But now she was frightened like this by Lord Black Impermanence.

At this moment, Cassandra was really in awe and curious about this mysterious big man.

This is definitely a sage-level existence, and it is not an ordinary sage-level.

However, some people performed poorly, and naturally some performed well.

For example, the fourth aunt, or the eight-foot aunt, etc.

However, these two are great inquisitors, so it is not to mention that there are some witches wearing ordinary inquisitor robes like her, and from the breath sensing on them, the strength of these future colleagues should be almost the same as hers, but she was almost scared, but there were several people who performed very well.

For example, the one wearing a skull mask, the one wearing a ferocious demon mask, or the one wearing a paladin mask.

Although the breath of these three inquisitors was somewhat disordered, they soon stabilized.

Especially the guy wearing the paladin mask, he even burst out with a very amazing fighting spirit.

Although the performance of the other people around them was slightly worse, most of them reacted quickly and recovered much faster than her.

This scene also made Cassandra look a little ugly.

She has always been very confident in her talent and felt that she was one of the best among her peers in Night City. However, as soon as she came to the Tribunal, she found that her performance seemed to be a bit lame, which shattered her pride for many years.

Fortunately, the werewolf lady was not the kind of person who couldn't afford to lose. She just pinched her thigh quietly and used the pain to cheer herself up.

Well, she will learn from these predecessors, and she won't always be the last one.

"Yes, you can stay calm under my power. You are indeed rare talents. Then I have a task to issue. I wonder if you are interested?"

At this time, the cold voice of Lord Hei Wuchang sounded again.

As a newcomer who knows nothing, Cassandra was a little confused about this, but the werewolf lady could clearly feel that as soon as these words came out, everyone else in the room was refreshed, and their eyes lit up, just like a pack of wolves that had been hungry for a long time in the dark.

The judges couldn't help but be excited. After all, although the Hades faction was still in its infancy, judging from the last action of confiscating the blood clan thirteen clans, the Black Impermanence Chief Judge was really generous and was willing to give points.

The merit points of the Tribunal were a rare currency similar to the points of the Magic Network Library. The value far exceeded the gold yuan. It could be exchanged for many rare treasures in the secret library of the Tribunal. It was quite precious, and even the chief judges were in urgent need of merit.

There were quite a few chief judges summoned today, as many as 20 or 30 people. They all participated in the last blood clan action. After tasting the sweetness last time, they heard that the Black Impermanence Chief Judge had a mission, and they immediately became excited and wanted to start showing their loyalty and asking for a place.

Of course, it's not their fault that they are weak at the knees. They don't have the dignity and reserve that a great judge should have. After all, they all heard it clearly just now. Lord Hei Wuchang definitely said the word "power".

That's power, the supreme power that surpasses forbidden spells.

Most of the great judges are peak witches. Many of them are still in the stage of learning forbidden spells. They haven't even figured out the forbidden spells of the eleventh and twelfth rings, let alone power.

That is the power that only sages are qualified to explore, or whether they can comprehend power is the real standard that distinguishes sages from peaks.

Many upper peak witches actually have magic power that exceeds the standard of 90w mana. They can also master nine systems and are very knowledgeable, but they have been stuck in the sage assessment and can't pass it. This is because they can't comprehend their power.

The witch clan was born nearly 130,000 years ago. In this long period of time, the number of top-level witches is actually quite large. After all, generally every thousand years, that is, in a generation of witches, about a hundred top-level witches are born.

After so many years of accumulation, the number of top-level witches in the entire witch world is really not small. Although the most active ones are usually two or three hundred youngest ones, if those who are retired and secluded are counted, then there are at least tens of thousands of people.

However, the peak witch is actually the pinnacle of many witches' lives, because until the peak period, you can still rely on accumulation and hard work to survive. In theory, as long as you live long enough and are willing to be patient and study magic, then every witch has the opportunity to become a high-level peak, it's just a matter of time.

But the sage pass is a real chasm.

Among the tens of thousands of peaks, there are actually four or five thousand high-level peaks who are qualified to participate in the sage assessment. After all, the older and more ancient peaks can basically survive to the top, and the peak witches have means of resurrection and can't die easily. Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, this number will only gradually increase with the passage of time.

But even with so many applicants, the total number of sages in the witch world so far is less than a hundred.

This shows how difficult it is to comprehend the power of power.

Everyone has heard that there are actually different levels of power, such as the power of destiny of Lord God King, the power of the heart of heaven of Lord Dragon King, and the power of original sin and contract of Lord Demon King, which are all the highest level of power.

And the elemental power such as earth, fire, water, wind and thunder is relatively ordinary and lower level.

Of course, the lower level of power is still power, and they are definitely easy to deal with those below the sage, but there are already differences among sages. If you can comprehend the higher power, it is usually more powerful than the lower power.

I heard that the difference in combat power between sages is no longer just based on the level of magic and magic strength like ordinary witches, but more on the level of power and the degree of comprehension. As for the existence of the three kings who comprehended the power of heaven early, they are almost invincible among the sages as soon as they are promoted to sages.

Anyway, the great judges present are definitely geniuses among geniuses. They are different from those old guys who have accumulated years of experience. Most of them are very young, and most of them are only ten thousand years old. But even so, few of them dare to guarantee that they will be able to comprehend power in the future.

Not to mention the higher power, they will be satisfied even if they just comprehend some ordinary elemental power.

However, the look shown by Lord Hei Wuchang just now is definitely not an ordinary lower power. What does this mean?

It can only mean that Lord Hei Wuchang is a strong man even among the sages.

If they can get the favor of Lord Hei Wuchang and get some guidance from this great man, they will definitely take fewer detours when comprehending power in the future.

So, this is really not that the great judges bowed down for the mission merit points. On the surface, they are greedy for the mission merit, but in fact they are greedy for Lord Hei Wuchang himself.

The reason why everyone chooses to join the Tribunal and become a judge is not just to enforce justice, but also to have a better future for themselves.

Although the judges are generally inherited, in fact, the original judges were of low birth. Even now, they cannot be called rich children. After all, a family that has not even produced a sage cannot be called a real rich family.

The best way out for these witches with ordinary births but excellent talents is to take the civil service exam and then climb up, and the Tribunal is a more popular unit.

After all, in other units, you may have to get involved with the top leader to have the opportunity to attend the Sage Council and get one or two instructions from the sages, but the chief judge of the Tribunal is generally a sage boss. As long as they become a chief judge, they can easily contact the chief judges.

However, even the sages have power tendencies. After all, they are not truly omniscient and omnipotent, so it is impossible for them to easily instruct everyone. Even the oldest and most powerful of the three chief judges, Lord Pan, has many things he doesn’t know.

Therefore, there are always some unlucky people with special and unpopular powers who have never received good guidance.

They thought they could only rely on themselves to slowly explore and move forward, but at this time, the court of justice suddenly expanded, adding a Hades faction and a new chief judge, Hei Wuchang, which immediately rekindled hope for many people.

Although reason tells them that this Lord Hei Wuchang is unlikely to be stronger than Lord Pan or know more, but what if?

Well, it is better to have hope than no hope.

Therefore, many chief judges are eager to switch to the Hades faction.

It’s a pity that although the last blood clan house raiding mission was issued by Lord Hei Wuchang, it was led by Lord Clown, and now they finally saw the figure of the mysterious new chief judge with their own eyes.

Well, this wave must perform well and try to get familiar with the big guys.

Everyone thought so in their hearts.

Of course, Dorothy also saw the performance of everyone present, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly under the mask.

Very good, the fish have taken the bait.

She came here not only to show off today, but also to find reliable allies in the future.

These great judges in front of her are indeed forces that can be won over, but after all, everyone is not familiar with each other, and she still needs to find a way to win people's hearts first, so as to avoid a mess of not listening to orders and not obeying orders.

The means of winning people's hearts are actually very simple, nothing more than the CPU method of big sticks and sweet dates.

The shock of the previous look was a show of force, in order to show the power of the Black Impermanence and gain the respect of everyone, and she deliberately mentioned the power, and also spread a handful of bait first to attract the fish to come closer.

However, Senior Sister is really easy to use.

Dorothy sighed in her heart.

The glance she just gave her was actually just because she wanted to try out her newly acquired Eyes of the Dragon Emperor.

The advanced Demonic Eyes not only have physical power, but can also transform the eyes of the soul. Therefore, even if the otaku witch is just the conscious body that has settled in the senior's body, she can still use part of the Dragon Emperor's pupils. Power.

However, what surprised her was that Senior Fanny also had a magic eye.

Nightmare Eyes.

This is Senior Sister Fanny's magic eye. Although the name is quite ordinary, its strength is not inferior to the Dragon Emperor's Eye she just obtained. It is also a half-step jade-level existence.

However, what surprised both of them was that the two of them merged together, and the two pairs of magic eyes also merged together. One horizontal and one vertical finally formed the strange and evil cross pupils.

The Eyes of the Emperor of the Underworld are new demonic eyes formed by fusion, so the two of them will call this pair of new jade-level demonic eyes that way.

This is the genuine Eye of God.

As for its abilities, they are quite unpretentious.

The ability of Dorothy's Eyes of the Dragon Emperor is to condense the power of the dragon with a high level, and then release unrivaled domineering power, glaring at everyone and kneeling down.

The ability of Senior Sister Fanny's Nightmare Eye is very consistent with her powers, which are dreams and fear. She can make people fall into dreams at a glance, and then awaken the things they fear most in their dreams.

Both of them are actually demon eyes that are biased towards the control system, but after such a combination, these new eyes of the Hades have become much more domineering.

The real power of the Eyes of the Dragon Emperor is not actually the power of the dragon, but its ability to turn its own personality into power in advance to strengthen the master's essence.

Because it was the eyes of a dragon before, this personality was displayed in a way that strengthened the power of the dragon.

But what is being used now is Senior Fanny's body, which does not possess dragon power, so this ability is chosen to strengthen other things.

The essence of evil gods and witches is dreams and fear, or in other words - death.

Therefore, the ability of this new Eye of the Underworld is to live and die in one glance. (Well, Lucy Fairy, who was stared at to death, has something to say.)

Well, death is eternal sleep, the longest dream, and death is also fear, the deepest and most desperate fear.

Dorothy's sainthood turned into power and strengthened Senior Sister Fanny's power. The Eye of God, which originally required Senior Sister to actually ascend to the throne of God to be awakened, was born in advance and even strengthened.

After all, under normal circumstances, if Senior Sister Fanny awakens from her essential evolution, fifty years later her nightmare eyes will only turn into the Eyes of Pluto, which represent the power of end and death, and can stare anyone to death.

But nowadays, the Eyes of the Underworld Emperor can not only cause death but also life.

As we all know, reconstruction is much more difficult than destruction. It is easy to kill a person, but very difficult to resurrect a person.

Therefore, the level of these Eyes of Hades is much higher than the Eyes of Hades that Senior Fanny was supposed to awaken.

Of course, Dorothy and Senior Sister Fanny didn't know this kind of thing. They were actually sighing at the power of these eyes.

Although they are both jade-level magic eyes, these eyes of the Underworld are far less magical than the other two pairs of magic eyes. Sophilia's magic eye of fate can control destiny, and Artie's magic eye of truth can deconstruct all things. With these two, Compared with the Demonic Eye with full auxiliary abilities, the Eye of the Underworld's ability to control life and death seems a bit too simple and crude.

But it is precisely because of simplicity that it is pure enough, and because of purity it is powerful enough.

At that moment, everyone present went dark. It was not a dream or hallucination, it was simply because they all experienced a real death.

A dead person's vision will naturally turn black.

Moreover, their souls could not even be protected by the Hades mechanism, but fell directly into the illusion of the evil god. After all, the Hades mechanism was actually a temporary false underworld, and the dream of the future Hades was the real underworld.

But it’s better not to tell everyone such a shocking thing. Dorothy thought about it and decided to throw out another "sweet date".

"Everyone, this mission is quite special and highly confidential, so I won't use merit points as a reward, as that will leave traces. However, as an alternative, I can let you experience the feeling of power in advance."

She said so.

At the end, I added another sentence.

"Any power will do. I still know a thing or two about power."

Say it as you say

Damn it, why is the senior sister really starting to show off?

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