House Witch

Chapter 1131 1130 Words come true

Chapter 1131 1130. Words come true

ps: In the previous chapter, the number of sages increased from less than 50 to less than 100, and they didn't want to count the dragon heads. After all, the dragon king takes up too many places. If all the dragon heads are counted, she alone will take up more than 100 places.

The hall of the Hades faction suddenly fell silent, and all the great judges were speechless for a while. They were stunned by the words of Lord Hei Wuchang just now, and they really didn't react for a while.

They must have heard it wrong just now? Or was Lord Hei Wuchang joking?

Otherwise, how could there be such an outrageous statement.

As a reserve for the sage exam, although the great judges failed to comprehend and control the power, they still have some understanding of the basic information of the power.

Power is indeed not a single thing. It doesn't mean that a sage can only control one power. There is no such saying. In fact, as long as you have the ability to comprehend, it is normal for a sage to master multiple powers.

The superiors among the sages basically have multiple powers.

However, even so, no one dares to say that they have mastered all the powers. Even the three kings can't do this.

After all, if one can really control all the powers in the world, then that person is truly omnipotent, that is a true god.

According to unreliable rumors, among the three kings, the Dragon King has the most powers. She has already comprehended most of the powers in the world and is close to omnipotence. But even so, the Dragon King has never been so arrogant as to say that any power can let you experience it.

So the question is, how dare this Black Impermanence say this? Does she think she can surpass the three kings?

At this moment, the Grand Inquisitor's mind is really full of question marks.

Really, if it weren't for the look from Lord Hei Wuchang just now that made them clearly know that the chief judge in front of them was a real boss, now everyone really thought that this might be a liar, and a fake liar with poor deception skills, otherwise how could he say such outrageous words.

Why don't you say that you can make the sun rise from the west tomorrow?

The other judges present also remained silent.

Their realm was not enough, and they didn't know how powerful the so-called power was. This was too far away for most of them, but the rich and powerful ladies like Cassandra, who were born into noble families, knew a little bit, so they were also stunned.

After a long time, such silence was finally broken.

"Ahem, Lord Hei Wuchang, you are a little too confident. Everyone is scared by you. None of the three kings can boast as much as you do. You can have any power. You really think you are a god."

A voice sounded like this. There was no awe for Hei Wuchang, the chief judge, in the tone. Instead, it was quite arrogant and asked for a beating.

Everyone was awakened by the voice and turned their heads to look at the source of the voice, and then they saw the familiar clown mask.

Oh, it's really a clown, then it's okay.

Everyone thought so in their hearts.

After all, everyone knows that this clown chief judge is the famous young lady herself. She has already established a real-name trial court, and the arrogance of this young lady is obvious to all. She does have the capital to be arrogant. Didn't you see that Lord Dragon King has personally celebrated her birthday these two days?

However, the clown is the only official member of the Hades faction at present, right? Is she so unwilling to give face to Lord Hei Wuchang? Mocking the leader and being disrespectful to the elders, aren't you afraid of being bullied later?

Everyone was impressed by the courage of this young colleague.

Well, he is worthy of being the newly promoted Fifth Disaster of the Court of Inquisition, and has more problems than the four previous disasters.

However, although the Clown Inquisitor's tone was a bit frivolous, she did say what everyone dared not say, so everyone's eyes turned to Lord Black Wuchang again, looking forward to the answer of the new Chief Judge.

"Humph, I never lie, and I never make promises that I can't keep, clown, don't think that you can be disrespectful to your elders just because you have received the favor of His Highness. Today I will let this guy who sits in the well and sees the sky open his eyes."

In response, Black Wuchang snorted coldly and said so in a cold tone.

Well, this is naturally a performance.

Dorothy is playing a double act with herself here.

She plans to make the relationship between Chief Judge Black Wuchang and Chief Inquisitor Clown a little stiff, so that this new vest will not be easily exposed by association.

Well, by the way, she also mentioned the backstage of the clown.

As for that prince, it was naturally Senior Fanny, the future fourth king. She was already preparing to pave the way for Senior Fanny's promotion in the future.

"Hehe, sorry, you can really do whatever you want with a backstage, Lord Hei Wuchang, I just like to see you look like you are unhappy with me, but you can't do anything to me. Anyway, wait a few years, your position will be mine, after all, I am the person that Prince trusts the most."

The Chief Judge of the Clown proudly pointed his thumb at himself and replied like this.

Arrogance is full.

Dorothy: "."

Damn, you, the Goblin King, really acted in this arrogant role. Even I have a hard fist when I am so eager to get beaten.

But aren't you being a bit exaggerated? Where did your brainless villain lines come from? You must have read too many novels in your last life.

She couldn't help but complain to herself in her heart.

At this time, in Hei Wuchang's heart, the Sleeping Beauty senior sister was also a little curious.

"Now, Xibao, what are you adding to the drama? What is your highness? Which highness is it? Why don't I know there are other highnesses? Did I get disconnected and missed some big news again?"

House Witch: "."

The Witch of the Forest and the Goblin King fell silent at the same time, both of them too lazy to pay attention to this incompetent senior.

This guy is really almost exhausted. I'm afraid he has forgotten the dream of being the witch king after being a familiar for so long.

But it doesn't matter, senior sister, even if you are mud, I will help you up the wall.

At that moment, the Chief Judge Hei Wuchang snorted coldly again. She did not continue to argue with the clown. Instead, she turned to look at the crowd and explained.

"Of course I dare not say that I can surpass the three kings. It's just that my power is quite special and I can freely simulate other powers. Although the power is not as good as the original version, if I just let you experience it and understand it, it is more than enough."

Everyone was shocked when they saw that the argument between Hei Wuchang and the Joker ended with the Grand Inquisitor giving in first.

Everyone was inevitably a little curious about "that His Highness" revealed during the conversation between the two. Who could be so prestige that a high-ranking sage would have to make concessions to her cronies.

I am afraid that not only the three kings can do this kind of thing, but the three kings are not His Highness, so they have to be called His Majesty or His Majesty.

Um, wait a minute

In fact, the factions of the Tribunal have always corresponded to the three kings. Even when the Tribunal was first established in the Age of God King, there were no factions. It was in the Age of Dragon King that the God King Faction and Dragon King Faction came into existence, and later in the Demon King Age. Only then did the Demon King faction exist, so...

Well, the Hades faction was suddenly established recently.


Everyone suddenly thought carefully and became frightened, and made some bold guesses about the identity of "that highness".

However, everyone quickly focused on Lord Hei Wuchang's words.

A power that can simulate other powers? Is there such power in the world? Isn't this equivalent to being a little omnipotent?

The Grand Inquisitors are all well-informed people, but power is beyond their capabilities. For a while, everyone really didn't know whether such a special power really existed.

And if there really is

Everyone's eyes became hot again.

Regardless of whether this kind of power is powerful or not, anyway, this kind of power is like a god to peak witches like them who are eager to understand the power.

If it weren't for fear of scaring the other party, some of the people with a more out-of-the-box personality would have been ready to kneel down and shout for their adoptive mother.

At this moment, there are already people who want to directly express their intention to take over the task.

Well, it’s an opportunity to experience the power of your goal in advance. This kind of opportunity is rare in ten thousand years. No matter how precious the merit points are, they can’t be compared with it. If this can be traded with gold dollars, almost everyone present will I would spend all my money to buy such an opportunity.

Give it a try and turn your broom into a battleship. What if you really achieve a breakthrough?

However, before anyone could express their opinions, Hei Wuchang stretched out his hand and pointed towards the crowd.

"Well, what I say is unfounded, so I'll redeem some of the rewards in advance to prevent you from not taking things seriously in the future. Your name is Hong, right? Come on up."

"Ah, me?"

Hati looked confused when she was pointed at. She pointed at herself and confirmed.

In fact, she is still a little far away from the sage examination. After all, she is young, only a few hundred years old. Although her combat power is at the top, her knowledge accumulation is far from enough, and she is far from meeting the nine-system omnipotence standard for sages to apply for.

Moreover, she saw that Master Hei Wuchang seemed to be having trouble dealing with Master Clown, so she was actually thinking of giving up.

After all, she must have no brains to side with the clown.

Because the clown or the eldest lady is Lilith's stepdaughter and Alice's sister, and she owed the other party a favor during the last operation of the Thirteen Blood Tribes, she will support the clown eldest daughter regardless of circumstances or reasons.

But she didn't expect Lord Hei Wuchang to choose her as the experiencer.

At that moment, she turned to look at the clown beside her.

"Haha, Lord Hong, don't panic, this old guy is over 100,000 years old, and he does have some skills. Please step forward and give it a try. I believe you will not be trusted by this old guy."

The Fairy King Clown said so with an expression that said, "I absolutely trust you."

In fact it's not just the Joker, but other Grand Inquisitors as well.

After all, if the four people next to him are the scourge of the Tribunal, then the Red Inquisitor is the model of the Tribunal. Although this lady is usually taciturn and not good at communicating with others, from her diligent and conscientious attitude She is hard-working and has been elected as the best judge of the year several times. It can be seen from her resume that Ms. Hong is definitely an upright and just person.

Well, if she experiences it, then the effect will be true and she will definitely not be lying.

"Then name the power you want to experience."

Hei Wuchang didn't even bother to look at the clown beside her. She just looked at Hong and continued to ask.

As for this, Hattie thought about it for a while.

Her path is the Devouring Wolf, and the power that suits her best is naturally the Gluttony power among the Seven Deadly Sins. However, the Gluttony power is not a rare power. In fact, there are many other opportunities to learn and experience it. So does she need to use this opportunity to choose any power in this aspect?

And so many people are watching. The identity and ability of the Inquisitor are usually kept secret. Who would be willing to expose their basic abilities under the gaze of so many people?

So, after thinking again and again, she finally spoke.

"Moon, I want to experience the power related to the moon, preferably the Blood Moon."

She said so.

The abilities that the Great Inquisitor Hong has shown over the years have always been the Blood Moon system. The power of the Blood Moon is her second choice, and the opportunity to experience the Blood Moon power is indeed difficult to find.

After all, the only person who has possessed the Blood Moon power in history is the Red Moon Sage who has long disappeared.

In the future, whether Lilith or Alice comprehends the power, they can choose the Blood Moon. Hati thinks that if she can comprehend it, she can pass it on to them in the future.

Dorothy: "."

The witch who knew the identity of the Red Judge in front of her was silent for a moment when she heard her choice.

Aunt Hati, you still can't forget that red moon, right?

Alas, you werewolves and witches really shouldn't get involved in love. The good wolves have become dogs.

She complained in her heart, but on the surface, Lord Hei Wuchang just nodded coldly and whispered casually.

"The moon is coming."

So, the already bright hall suddenly dimmed, as if the night had fallen, and then the bright moonlight fell again.

Everyone looked up in astonishment and found that the ceiling above their heads had disappeared at some point. They saw the starless night sky and the full moon that looked like a silver plate at a glance.

However, this bright full moon soon became stained with an ominous blood color, which spread rapidly and eventually turned into a scarlet red moon. The moonlight sprinkled on everyone, making the demon witches present feel a surge of power.

Oh my god, it's really a blood moon.

Summoning the blood moon with just one sentence, what kind of Pava is this?

The judges were a little confused.

But at this moment, they were extremely sure that the Black Impermanence boss in front of them was not joking, she was really awesome.

After all, the power of the moon is not a low-level power. Although it is not as top-level as the power of the three kings, it is definitely the best of the upper powers, especially in the witch world.

After all, the moon in the witch world represents the mother of world consciousness, and the moon god is also the only pseudo-god priesthood that still exists in the witch world. Although this position has been vacant for many years, it does exist.

And since Lord Black Impermanence can even simulate such a tricky blood moon power, then other powers are naturally not a big problem.

At this moment, everyone has made up their minds.

However, on the other side, Dorothy was also a little dazed looking at the blood moon in the sky.

"Oh my god, is my power of saying what I want to do so awesome when I have enough magic power?"

The house witch thought in surprise.

The reason why she dared to offer such a reward was that she had a good idea in her mind. She never lied. She did have the power to simulate any power.

Her words were followed by her voice. This was one of her innate powers. It was the embodiment of the voice of God corresponding to the face of God.

This omnipotence was really a small omnipotence. As long as there was enough magic power, any power could be achieved with just one word.

Of course, with her previous low-level magic power, she could not afford such a high-end ability. She shouted "wind" to use up all her magic power to create a natural wind, but the power was not as good as her own hand-made wind magic.

So, it could only be said to be a very high-end but temporarily useless acrobatic skill.

But now she was using the body of Senior Sister Fanni, and Senior Sister lacked everything else, but not magic power.

Well, she and Senior Sister were really a match made in heaven.

So, this was the first time she really used this innate power.

However, as a rookie, she didn't know how powerful the power was. Now, she was actually scared by this test.

No, you call this thing a little omnipotent, and it seems that it is not much different from the real omnipotent, right?

Dorothy looked at the red moon in the sky and thought so in her heart.

But, I am really awesome, with my hands on my hips.

But the house witch who was so awesome thought so proudly in her heart.

Then she vaguely saw that the red moon in the sky seemed to blink at her lovingly.

Dorothy: "."

Wait, what? The moon blinked? What the hell did I summon?

The house witch was terrified

Red Moon: Ah, it's my daughter calling me, stick with me.

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