House Witch

Chapter 1146 1145 Let’s have a baby together

Chapter 1146 1145. Let’s have a baby together

Looking at the insect lady who was stunned again in front of her, Dorothy smiled quite happily.

However, it is not advisable to go too far in teasing this innocent elder sister. She is ready to stop as soon as she is ready.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, Miss Shireen, but I did not lie. Your body is much better than your brain. Your genes are very special. If you can truly exert its full power, then even It is also possible to become a new natural disaster race."

Dorothy corrected her attitude and said seriously.

"The natural disaster race?"

As for the Insect Sister, who finally woke up from the shame of being greedy, a series of question marks appeared above her head.

After all, the Senhai world is a small world without a magic network, and the insect people are naturally natives who know nothing about the Western Universe. They also have no knowledge of common sense such as world levels, racial levels, etc.

Fortunately, the fleet has now entered autopilot mode. Dorothy still has the last three months of free time before approaching the omnic wasteland world, so she patiently educates Miss Shireen on these common sense knowledge about the Western Universe.

"Well, according to the current mainstream bachelor's view of the Magic Network, all races are currently divided into four levels, namely black iron, bronze, silver and the highest level gold. The gold race is also called the natural disaster race."

"Of course, if you want to break it down even more, each level can be further divided into three levels: lower, middle and upper."

"It seems that the demon that destroyed your world is one of the golden natural disasters, and we witches are also a natural disaster race."

The otaku witch eloquently talked about these common sense that a witch knows in kindergarten.

But as a native of the small world who was in contact with other worlds for the first time, the impact of this knowledge on Shirin's world view was extremely shocking.

After all, as one of the two dominant races in the Senhai world in the past, the insect people were somewhat proud. They once claimed to be the masters of all spirits and the darlings of the world. They once believed that they would be able to defeat the apes who were the pillars of the orc clan. People eventually became the absolute protagonists of the Senhai world, turning it into a world of insects.

But now someone suddenly told her that their pride in the past was all false, and that their war that lasted for thousands of years was actually just children's play. It was as if everything in the past had no meaning. Sister Insect Man My world view is almost to pieces.

She even felt that if her brain had not mutated, and she had indeed grown up in hardship in the past and was relatively strong, otherwise she would probably give up thinking and fall into madness.

Fortunately, she quickly forced herself to calm down.

"Well, although it is a bit hard to accept, it is actually expected if you think about it carefully. Alien civilizations often appear in the science fiction works of apes. Senhai World is definitely not the only world where civilization exists. So It is natural that there are civilizations higher than ours.”

"It's just logic. When you are told in reality that you are actually just a lower civilization, it is still a little hard to accept. Dorothy-sama, ape-man, what kind of race do you call humans?"

Shireen asked.

She did not dare to ask the insect man directly, but asked about the levels of her old rivals.

"The Black Iron race, but humans are actually a bit special. Their civilization is extremely malleable, and the racial level is only evaluated according to the degree of physical evolution. The individual quality of human beings is only at the level of the Black Iron race, but the technology of the humans in your hometown is The level is not too low, so let’s give them a relatively low rating among the Bronze ones.”

Dorothy rubbed her chin and estimated.

She was also a little regretful that she had not been able to see the humans in the Senhai world with her own eyes. After all, judging from the words of the Insect Sister, the humans there developed pure technology, while in the Western Universe, pure technological civilization It's not easy to find. Most civilizations are magical civilizations.

"Is it just the bronze lower position?"

Shirin immediately lowered her head when she heard such an answer. As a corpse collector who often comes into contact with the battlefield, she is very aware of the difficulty of the ape-men, an old opponent. Thousands of Zerg tribes can only fight back and forth with the apes if they join forces. Although the insect-men did gain some advantages through numbers, it was simply impossible to eliminate the ape-men during that period.

In fact, with the advancement of the apes' technology, the advantages of the insect humans have almost been wiped out. There is a high probability that the apes will be the final winners until the end.

Anyway, from this point of view, the insect people's level should be almost at the lower level of the so-called bronze species.

And above the bronze there is silver, and above the silver is the golden race that symbolizes natural disasters.

"Are there big differences between races?"

The Insect Lady asked unwillingly.

In this regard, Dorothy spread her hands.

"That's not a big problem. It can only be said that the peerless geniuses among the lower-level races that are rare in thousands of years are only the average quality among the upper-level races. You can imagine that you insect people The strength of the strongest king among them may be just the level of an ordinary member of the lower-ranking silver race.”

The otaku witch broke Shireen's reluctance very coldly.

After hearing this, the insect queen fell silent again.

It sounds like the difference between the highest value and the average value may not be very big, but if you think about it carefully, the most brave and skilled soldier in your army is just an ordinary soldier on the opposite side. This comparison gap is very scary. The actual combat power of both sides It's not just a simple difference, but a completely one-sided mistreatment.

An army full of soldiers can easily slaughter hundreds of ordinary troops, just like the demon that single demon destroyed the entire Senhai world.

Shirin originally thought that the demon who claimed to be the Apostle of Jealousy might be considered a strong person in the abyss, but now it seems that the demon might be just an ordinary demon in the abyss, maybe it is the kind that is at the end of a crane, otherwise it is a little bit... Promising demons are too lazy to pay attention to a small and poor world like Senhai World.

Similarly, she finally realized the value of the witch in front of her at this moment. This was a super race that was so powerful that it completely exceeded her imagination.

However, seeing that the insect lady was about to become autistic again, Dorothy had no choice but to comfort her a little.

"Of course, the race value only represents talent, and does not represent the upper limit of final achievement. The Western Universe is so big, sometimes miracles always happen. We witches are the evolved species of human beings. We have climbed up from black iron to what we are today step by step. The position of the leader of natural disasters."

"And you, Miss Shireen, your physique is very special, and I have also seen miraculous power in you. Although I dare not say that you will definitely achieve the achievements of our witch clan, but at least it is possible."

The otaku witch said this.

But her comforting effect was not obvious.

"Huh? Me?"

Shireen pointed at herself with a confused expression.

Although she was quite confident in herself before, why did she still want to learn from the witch and then surpass the witch? But after explaining the gap between the two, she realized how arrogant her thoughts were.

Of course, arrogance is arrogance, and Shirin is not prepared to change it. After all, regardless of whether it can be achieved in the end, at least the dream must be had.

But now Miss Dorothy means that it is actually possible for her to realize it?

Did I turn out to be so powerful?

The Insect Lady was unusually unsure of herself.

"Miss Dorothy, do I have such a powerful ability? I feel like I only have a good brain, but judging from my current research results, the ability to simulate genes can at most allow me to possess some other Zerg species. Ability, but even so I can't beat the Insect King, let alone defeat those silver races you talk about."

Shireen looked at her hands and said.

Dorothy: "."

No, why do you guys always think about doing it yourself? We Zerg don’t play explosive soldiers, so why do we play individual soldiers?

And she was too lazy to play charades anymore and directly announced the standard answer.

"Forget your personal heroism, let's fast forward to having a baby."

The otaku witch stepped forward and gave the bug lady a bang, and then said this.

Shirin was frightened by this, and it took a long time before she screamed out.


"Well, Lady Dorothy, isn't this a little too direct? Even in the clan, we are not so direct, and we are of different races. There is reproductive isolation, right? Even if there is no reproductive isolation, We are both females, so how can we have children of the same gender?”

The Insect Lady was really surprised by the witch master's bold and direct speech, and was a little at a loss.

It's not that she doesn't want to have children, in fact she really wants to have children. After all, the Taiz clan specializes in this.

But Shireen's outlook on life is quite traditional. Although she was so ugly that no insect man was willing to be her partner in the past, she never thought about finding a partner of another race.

Mainly because genetics told her that people of different races could not have children.

And since you can't have children, why should you find a partner? It's fine to be alone.

But when Lady Dorothy suddenly said something like this, did she really fall in love with my body?

Wow, does she really think I'm pretty? A little happy.

what to do? Should I agree?

Although they can't give birth to children, I heard that apes will form families not just for children. Just mating can bring them pleasure. Although I haven't tried what mating feels like, but I don't think so. It will be different, but if the genders are the same, can they mate?

Moreover, Lady Dorothy is really beautiful. If she is my partner, I won’t be able to accept her even if I can’t have children.

At this moment, Shirin's love brain that she tried so hard to suppress almost couldn't be suppressed.

"What are you thinking about? Who said we have two lives? I mean you can live alone."

Dorothy was also speechless by the reaction of this beautiful insect-man sister, and she quickly explained.

"Well, how can one give birth alone?"

Seeing that she seemed to have misunderstood, Shirin didn't know why she was still a little regretful, but she finally calmed down, and then tilted her head, a little confused.

Giving birth to a child alone is a bit beyond her view of life.

"Is it really impossible? I said you are not smart. If you are really smart, think carefully. Is it really impossible to do this kind of thing with your genetic technology?"

Dorothy had no choice but to remind her.

After hearing her words, Shirin thought seriously for a moment and then fell silent.

Is it really impossible?

In fact, it can be done, and it’s very easy.

After all, in genetic technology, whether it is splitting or cloning, this kind of reproduction effect can be easily achieved. However, she herself has been influenced by the values ​​of the Taiz clan and has always felt that reproduction is a very sacred thing. If the technology of splitting and cloning is used to achieve the same effect, it is somewhat blasphemous to the clan's honor.

If there is any way, she is actually unwilling to use this method, so she always subconsciously avoids this blasphemous taboo.

However, now that the Taiz clan has perished, it seems that the honor of the clan is not so important.

Shilin deeply analyzed her heart and found that she was lucky to meet Dorothy and had no pressure to survive, so she could be so hypocritical here.

Otherwise, if she changed her situation, she would have ignored any taboos for self-protection.

And once she lifted the taboo

Shilin suddenly understood what Dorothy said about her specialness.

She has collected almost all the Zerg genes of the thousands of tribes in the forest for so many years. As long as she wants, she can use genetic technology to clone those Zergs again at any time.

As long as she is given some time and enough resources, she can rebuild the entire Zerg by herself.

She can even freely design a new and stronger Zerg by herself. In theory, as long as the gene samples are enough, strong enough, and with enough resources, she can be unlimited.


Well, after all, isn't it the end of the road?

The Zerg Queen hesitated.

If she has no choice, she can only give birth, but the child born in that way is destined to exist only as her tool, but now that there is no pressure to survive, if she can choose, she wants to be a good mother.

"Lord Dorothy, do you really need me to give birth?"

Finally, Shilin looked at the witch master in front of her and asked.

Well, now she is a servant of the witch, and she can't decide whether to give birth or not, right?

If Dorothy needs her to give birth, then she should.

After all, she wanted to show her value to the witch master this time. Brainpower value is value, and breeding value is also value.

As long as she can gain the trust of the witch master, it will be good.

Well, as long as she can get the nutrients for growth, one day she will be able to get the freedom to decide her own life.

Shilin thought so.


"You gave birth, not me. I just pointed out your specialness. Whether to leave or not is your own business. You decide for yourself. I don't bother to care."

Dorothy picked her nose and said nonchalantly.

The witch of the house picked her nose

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