House Witch

Chapter 1147 Encounter 1146

Chapter 1147 1146. Encounter

Three months passed quickly.

Dorothy finally realized her dream in these few months, which was to live a happy, carefree and peaceful life with her good sisters.

Although it is ironic that they lived in a battleship that is a top war weapon during this period, and this battleship is on the way to the battlefield.

But the reality is that these three months are indeed the most peaceful days for Dorothy in this period of time. There is only one fleet near the void, and this fleet is full of their own people. The witch of the house is the supreme leader of the fleet, so naturally no one will come to trouble her, and no one will even disturb her. She can do whatever she wants.

Therefore, Dorothy had a great time. She ate, drank and played with her sisters every day. When she was tired, she would study magic to relax. Occasionally, her work was just to check the fleet's route or to inspect the living conditions of the fleet members. It was called inspection, but in fact it was to guide the magic of the witches under her. In layman's terms, she showed off her power in front of people and pretended to be cool. When she was in the mood, she would go back to the kitchen to cook and reward the troops.

In short, this little life was so comfortable.

It's a pity that good times are always short. Even if they are not short in reality, they feel very fast.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye. On the route map, their fleet was only a few days away from the destination of the intelligent wasteland. In fact, everyone could already see a little outline of the huge world ahead.

The appearance of that world was quite sci-fi. At first glance, it was a battleship that was so huge that it was beyond imagination.

Dorothy was a little shocked when she first saw this scene. She didn't expect that there was a world that looked like a warship. This pure natural warship was really a masterpiece of nature.

But when you think about the witch world being shaped like a flower, then it's not strange that the appearance of the Smart Wasteland looks like a warship.

"Alas, it's finally here, but it seems that the New Year is just a few days away, Sophielia, it seems that we have to celebrate the New Year in another world this year."

Dorothy looked at the approaching Smart Wasteland, and then said so to the housekeeper beside her.

Well, after this long three-month voyage, her long sixteen years have finally come to an end. It will be the New Year of the Witch World in about ten days, but they definitely have no hope of going back to celebrate the New Year, so they can only celebrate it in this Smart Wasteland.

"Haha, Miss, you are still so confident. We are more likely to celebrate the New Year in the void. The world barrier of the Intelligent Wasteland looks difficult to break."

The White Witch was still tearing down the stage as usual. She also looked up at the distant battleship world and frowned slightly.

Even if she was just looking from a distance, she had already felt the difficulty of the Nine-Star Golden Covenant World.

The world in front of her with the appearance of a natural battleship was surrounded by a structure similar to a protective shield. This was the world barrier of the Intelligent Wasteland, and the strength of this barrier was the only one Sophielia had ever seen.

When the White Witch was very young, she was taken to the battlefield by her teacher. She had seen many world barriers of big worlds in the past, but she had never seen one as strong as this.

Under the observation of Sophielia's Destiny Eye, the strength of the barrier of the Intelligent Wasteland had even reached the strength of the barrier of the natural disaster world.

Of course, this is just a description. After all, the real four disaster worlds have no barriers. They can have them, but they just don't open them. The reason is naturally that, like the witch world, they think that the barriers restrict their growth rate.

Well, that is to say, the so-called attack is the best defense. As long as I am strong enough, so strong that no one dares to provoke me, everyone needs to escape when they see me, so naturally there is no need for defense.

"Miss, do you have the means to break the barrier of that world? I guess even if the main guns of our entire fleet of warships are fired at the same time, it may not be enough to tear the barrier of this world in a short time."

Sophia said with some concern.

This difficulty came earlier than expected. The first difficulty of the strategy of the intelligent wasteland is the difficulty of opening the door.

However, compared with the worry of the pure white witch, the home witch is much more relaxed.

"Don't worry, the boat will naturally straighten itself when it reaches the bridgehead. Someone will naturally help us open the door later."

Dorothy said so, and then she glanced at the radar interface of the Nephthys in front of her, and soon saw a red dot on the radar.

Well, at first there was only one red dot, but soon there were countless red dots densely packed on the radar interface, and then the piercing battleship alarms rang throughout the fleet.

So, the fleet members who were originally quite leisurely immediately entered a state of combat readiness. They put on their battle robes as quickly as possible, picked up their wands, and then went to their respective posts according to the arrangements that had been rehearsed many times.

The main guns of the warships began to charge, and layers of magic shields appeared around the warships. The shields were connected to each other, and finally formed a super-giant shield that protected the entire fleet.

They were ready to fight the enemy.

At this time, in the command room of the Nephthys, Sophilia also noticed the red dots on the radar, which meant that unidentified objects appeared around the fleet.

But they were sailing in the void at this time. Although they could occasionally encounter some terrifying void monsters in the void, those monsters would not appear in groups like this.

There were so many signals suddenly appearing, so there was only one possibility, that is, they encountered other fleets.

"Those colleagues are here after all. Miss, do you mean to ask them to help us explore the way?"

Sophia was not so surprised about these unknown signals. After all, she had expected this.

The eldest lady had told her before that in addition to the witches, they might encounter other colleagues in the Intelligent Wasteland this time. Now that the Intelligent Wasteland is in sight, it is normal to meet the team of colleagues at this time.

"There is no rush. Let's go and see which colleagues are from?"

Dorothy also stood up from the main seat on the high platform at this time.

The magic power burst out from her body, and the little guys on both shoulders let out loud tiger roars and dragon roars. Then Buster turned into a cross-corona staff, and Fafner formed a red and black battle robe.

The guests came, and as the protagonist, the witch of the house should naturally dress up to attend to show courtesy.

"Little fairy, are you okay?"


"Senior sister."

The virtual command interface popped up several communication interfaces, which were videos sent by the sisters who were still hosting other fleets.

"Don't worry, it's a small problem. You just need to stabilize the team. Wait for the news from me and Sophielia."

After all, this was the first time for the sisters to go to the battlefield, so they were naturally a little flustered. Of course, this was also Dorothy's first time on the real battlefield. In fact, she was also quite flustered, but as the commander-in-chief of the battleship, she had to hold the scene at this time, and she must not show it even if she was flustered, so the witch of the house just calmly comforted the sisters.

Dorothy is no longer the rookie who was bullied by others in the dream team. Now she knows that the commander is the brain and core of the army. Anyone can be cowardly on the battlefield, but she, the commander-in-chief, cannot be cowardly, otherwise, no matter how strong the army is, it will not be able to exert much combat effectiveness under the leadership of a cowardly general.

Sure enough, after seeing the confident look of the witch of the house, as if everything was under control, the sisters immediately became more at ease. They breathed a sigh of relief, then ended the communication and started their own work.

After seeing the sisters turn off the communication, Dorothy also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss, I'm still here, aren't you afraid that you will affect me by sighing so much?"

Sophia is always venomous.

Although the pure white witch said this, she is actually the one who is truly calm and unhurried.

"You are the source of my courage, my military goddess, and anyway, my bluffing can't fool you."

Dorothy said this as a matter of course for the teasing of the housekeeper.

This is also the truth. Although she also has the false reputation of Guigu Zhuge, how can the game and reality be taken seriously? The home witch is a little nervous at this time. Although she is a fake military god who talks about military affairs in the game, Sophielia beside her is a real military god who has been through practical operations. Dorothy feels relieved when she thinks of this.

Hearing such words, the pure white witch's mouth is also slightly curved.

"Now you are the commander-in-chief, my lord, don't worry, I will always be behind you."

She just said so.

"Hehe, this is really reassuring."

Dorothy also said with a smile.

Then, the two of them once again cast their eyes on the virtual command platform in the air in front of them.

As the red dot on the radar gradually approached, another huge fleet soon appeared within the range visible to everyone.

Before seeing the ships, the first thing that appeared was the endless light that pierced the void, then the magnificent hymns that resounded throughout the universe, and finally the warships with gorgeous huge white wings and beautiful churches on the deck.

Well, this shape is very similar to the warships of the Apocalypse, but it is more ancient and sacred.

This is normal, after all, the Apocalypse, um, to be precise, the Angel Witches are the imitators.

The opposite is the real pure heavenly wind.

This is the fleet of real angels.

"Turtle, what did I see, a Seraph-class battleship? Which angel king personally led this expedition?"

After seeing the scale of the angel fleet clearly, Dorothy couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After all, in the center of the angel fleet, guarded by densely packed other warships is an extremely large and majestic golden battleship. Just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can clearly perceive its power and majesty.

The warships in heaven have strict levels, and they are much stricter than the simple division of witches. Warships are also strictly divided into nine levels, just like angels.

Angels of certain levels are allowed to drive warships of certain levels, and now a Seraphim-level warship suddenly appears, which means that a real Seraphim has arrived on the battlefield.

And what is the concept of Seraphim? This is the King of Angels.

But even if the Intelligent Wasteland is a rare nine-star gold contract world, it would not allow an Angel King to lead the expedition in person, right?

"It may not be the real Angel King, Miss, have you forgotten that there is a young future king?"

Sophia on the side reminded her.

Dorothy suddenly realized what was going on when she heard this. She remembered the young Seraphim who had been abused when he asked her to play chess.

"Miss Michael?"

The House Witch couldn't help but sigh that the Seraphim who hadn't seen her for a long time was really so majestic.

But heaven is indeed like this. The natural status determines everything. Even though Miss Michael is still very young, her car, her subjects, her fleet, her palace, her throne, everything has been prepared long ago, and everything is just waiting for her to grow up and be crowned.

"Speaking of which, Sophilia, if you go back with Aunt Gabriel, the treatment should be better than this."

Dorothy thought of this.

"That's natural. Although Miss Michael is indeed excellent, she is still a little bit worse than me."

Sophia gestured a little bit without any modesty.

But she does have the capital to be modest. After all, she is indeed far ahead in terms of background and talent.

"But heaven can't give me the sense of security I have now."

The Pure White Witch suddenly looked at the House Witch and said so.

Dorothy: "."

The witch's face turned red.

Damn it, Sophielia, this is a battlefield, you should put your strategy on the battlefield, don't shake the morale of the army here.

She was a little dizzy from this straight ball, and she didn't dare to turn her head to look at the housekeeper beside her, so she had to stare at the angel fleet on the opposite side with wide eyes.

Sophielia looked at this shy young lady and smiled triumphantly.

Soon, the command desk received an unfamiliar communication request, and it was clear that it must be from the angel fleet on the opposite side.

"Zero, answer it."

Dorothy ordered the house maid.

So, soon the opposite side of the screen appeared in front of the two.

And the result was indeed as they expected, the future angel king, Miss Michael, came.

At this time, the eight-winged golden-haired Seraph Miss sat on the throne of the temple, holding a majestic scepter and a gorgeous sword.

Under the throne, her ministers stood in two rows. On the left were battle angels wearing gorgeous armor and holding weapons, and on the right were priest angels wearing gorgeous robes and holding scriptures.

And now, everyone on the opposite side looked through the communication screen at Dorothy and Sophielia beside her.

Well, okay, actually they looked at Sophielia and the one beside the White Witch.

In the eyes of these angels, Sophielia is much more important than Dorothy.

That is, Miss Michael's eyes were always on her.

"Miss, do we want to cooperate?"

Seraphim invites

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