House Witch

Chapter 869 868 Divination House

"This is the divination house, right?"

Following the road signs inside the circus, Ifrit and Lucia soon came to a huge tent.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they looked at this tent, which at least looked ordinary from the outside.

It seems that their choice was not wrong. This divination room should be a safer area in the circus.

"I'll go in first later. Just follow me. Don't talk nonsense if you have nothing to do."

Before entering, Ifrit turned to Lucia and said seriously.

After all, she is a veteran, and she will not take it lightly just because of the ordinary appearance of this divination house. Miss Balrog Witch knows very well that there are many truly dangerous things in this world that often look more plain and simple on the outside.

She didn't know whether this divination house was the kind of real beast that restrained its claws, but if the martial arts clown just at the door didn't lie, then this divination house was probably the second largest in this weird circus of the heart. The second most dangerous place in the magic house.

Although this noble subordinate of the special envoy seems to have some abilities, he is still a bit young after all. It seems that he has just come out and has been around for a long time. He still needs to be reminded to avoid trapping himself later.

After experiencing the impact of the martial arts clown at the door, Ifrit was still very curious about this weird circus of the heart, but she was also wary of it.

In short, it is always right to be cautious in everything.

"Okay, Captain."

Lucia nodded sensibly and did not feel that she was being looked down upon or offended.

Although she was born into a noble family, she was not an unruly playboy who was ignorant and unskilled.

The eldest lady of the blood race witch knew very well at this time that after losing contact with her people outside, the captain in front of her who was not very pleasing to her eyes before was her biggest support.

"Well, I do like you a little bit now. I didn't expect that among the high-ranking vampire grandfathers, there is someone as sensible as you."

Seeing that the special envoy was so obedient, Ifrit was stunned. She was really not used to this.

"Captain, I just made the most responsible choice for myself. Also, I will still report the truth to what you just said after we get out."

The cold-faced Vampire Witch stared at the Balrog Captain with some dissatisfaction, and then answered like this.

"Hahaha, report it. Anyway, you said it before. Even if we can really leave safely, there is a high probability that we will not remember what happened in this circus."

Ifrit laughed and waved her hand, not too concerned about whether the envoy's subordinate was a joke or a serious threat. She then stopped worrying, opened the tent door and walked directly in.

Seeing the captain's actions, Lucia hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and then followed.

However, as soon as they entered the door, the two of them were immediately stunned, and then felt a little creepy, and an inexplicable chill rose in their hearts.

Dolls, this tent is densely packed with almost all kinds of weird dolls. These dolls are not only on the floor, but also on the walls, and even hanging upside down from the ceiling.

What kind of divination house is this? This is clearly a doll house.

Of course, if they were just ordinary dolls, even if they were so densely packed, they would not be so scary to the two great witches, if only because these dolls were too weird.

First of all, each one of them is extremely lifelike, so real that if you just look at the face, you would even think that it is a real person, but under the perfect face is the body of an obvious doll.

This kind of human-like but absolutely inhuman thing can often give people an inexplicable sense of horror. This uncanny valley effect is a human psychological instinct, and people will be particularly repelled when they see this kind of thing.

Witches also have human hearts, so naturally they are not exempt from vulgarity.

Moreover, in addition to the uncanny valley effect, what really makes Ifrit and Lucia feel anxious is the more detailed expressions on the lifelike faces of these dolls.

That is the sum of the seven sins and all the sins in the world.

They saw the final greed of desperate gamblers, the final distortion of lustful people, the dying decadence of lazy people, and the final despair of irritable people.

It's obviously just a doll, but the closer you look, the more you'll feel that what you're looking at is not the face of the doll, but the desires of the human heart, the original sin that all intelligent creatures possess.

As for the Demon Witch, because she used the devil as her evolutionary template, her body's desire was hot but strong. At this time, this wave was directly defeated by Tian.

Ifrit, who was originally quite good-tempered, began to have hot magic power flowing through her body, and her original sin of anger was rising rapidly.

Behind her, Lucia also felt uncomfortable. Her whole body became extremely cold, and the ground under her feet seemed to be about to freeze with frost. In her heart, the original sin of greed was also about to move.

At the same time, both of them felt that their bodies were becoming stiffer little by little, and the originally flexible flesh and blood bodies seemed to be being transformed into puppets of iron and wood.



After realizing this, the two people's eyes became horrified.

Isn't this how all the dolls in this room came to be?

Fortunately, the two of them have not completely lost their autonomy. Although they are demons and witches, and the desire and original sin in their bodies are very active, at the same time, they have a certain understanding and mastery of the power of original sin, so even if they compete for it at this time, they can't fight for it. The mysterious power that is guiding their desires and original sins out of control, but still retains a certain degree of autonomy.


Her eyes were getting hotter and hotter, and her expression was getting more and more angry and twisted, as if she might rush up and explode with these weird puppets at any time, the Balrog Witch said this through gritted teeth.

She was reminding the envoys and subordinates behind her to exit this strange tent first.

"Captain, I think we have no way out."

Lucia's voice sounded like ice at this moment, as if she was greedy enough to suck away the last trace of warmth from a person's body.

The two of them turned around and realized that the door they had come in from had disappeared at some point, and there was still a wall of dolls behind them.

And this situation suddenly made the two people's hearts sink.

Just when they were thinking about whether they really wanted to break out of the encirclement, the expressions of the dolls in the room suddenly changed. They changed from the different expressions before to expressionless, and their faces were no longer as lifelike as before. , and become dull and rigid.

At the same time, all the dolls suddenly and uniformly made way for the two of them, and the dolls on both sides of the road were all stroking their chests and bending down in salute gestures.

This seems to be a welcome gesture.

Well, if they hadn't had the terrible experience before, Ifrit and Lucia would indeed feel that this welcome was quite sincere, but now

Damn it, is it up to them whether to accept the invitation or not?

The two looked at each other, and then didn't say anything. They just continued to move forward one after another amid the welcome of the dolls, and arrived at the center of the tent.

And there, the owner of the divination house seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

It was a witch who looked quite young. She was fiddling with the seven masks floating around her in boredom. They were seven masks with different shapes, but it was still obvious that they were based on the seven deadly sins. .

Perhaps after hearing the arrival of the two men, the young witch turned her head and glanced at them.

Because of this, Ifrit and Lucia were able to clearly see the appearance of the owner of the divination house. With just one glance, both of them were breathless.

The two of them were beauties that were rare among witches, but when they saw the owner of the divination house with a veil on his face, they were still stunned.

Is there such a beautiful person in this world?

Even if the veil blocks the lower half of the face, making it difficult for people to see the complete appearance, it is this looming hazy beauty that is most fascinating and makes people scratch their heads and be fascinated.

Moreover, it’s not just the appearance, every move of the owner of the divination house seems to have a unique charm that captivates the soul. Once you take a look at it, you will never be able to take your eyes away. Your heart seems to follow the other person’s every move. Jumping with a smile.

This is a kind of magical beauty.

It is already considered to be the category of charm, but neither Ifrit nor Lucia noticed the breath of magic. Probably the existence of a person so beautiful is already a natural source of charm.

"Seeing as you two came straight to my divination room as soon as you entered, are so knowledgeable, and are my first guests today, tell me your reason for coming. What do you want to divination?"

The young owner of the divination house casually threw away the mask she was playing with, and the mask floated quietly behind her along with several others. The last eight faces looked at the two guests together. .

In this regard, Ifrit and Lucia also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the process had some twists and turns, at least now we have entered the divination process, which can be considered a near miss.

However, what is the content of divination?

Both of them were stunned, they really hadn't thought about this.

Fortunately, this is not difficult. After all, who doesn’t have a few doubts in their mind?

However, just when Ifrit was about to speak and ask a casual question, she raised her head, her eyes met the dark and bright eyes of the owner of the divination house, and she suddenly stopped talking.

To be fair, in fact, without the power of those previous dolls, she would not actually think that the owner of the divination house was very dangerous. After all, the magic aura on the other party was far less than hers, and it was only a certain amount more than Lucia, about 45w Mana. look like.

It's really strong, but that's about it.

However, when their eyes met at this moment, the Balrog Witch, who was supposed to be fearless, felt an inexplicable sense of mystery and horror. It could even be said to be awe, as if her direct gaze was already a transgression.

She should bow down.

At the same time, her intuition was also telling her that the next divination was very important and must not be taken casually. This may be the only opportunity in your life.

Ifrit also really lowered her head. She took a few deep breaths and then prepared to speak.

But before she could really say it, the somewhat pleasant but particularly pleasant voice sounded again.

"Oh, you want to ask the truth about why your mothers died in the war, right?"

The mistress of the divination house tilted her head and said this.

The Balrog Witch was suddenly shaken all over. She raised her head suddenly, as if there were flames burning in her eyes.

"Are you reading my mind?"

She asked in a hoarse voice.

The tall flame demon had already spread out behind her petite figure.

This is the deepest and most untouchable thing in her heart. She can control her temper on other things, but only on this, she cannot and does not want to control it.

Whoever touches him dies.

She wasn't even prepared to give this weird fortune teller a chance to answer. The flaming demon figure behind her had already raised the flaming demon sword in his hand and slashed at him.

However, facing the anger of the Balrog Witch, the fortune teller lady did not panic at all, she even showed a malicious smile.

"Yes, I am indeed reading your mind."

She admitted it unabashedly.

At this time, the flame demon sword of the Balrog had reached the top of her head, but the black-haired and black-eyed fortune teller lady only uttered two words.

"Kneel down."

As a result, the demonic sword that was still full of murderous flames hovered, and then it began to struggle, but in the end it just silently sheathed the sword, and then knelt on its knees, as if the fortune teller was its real master.

Ifrit: "."

The Balrog Witch was stunned. She looked at the Balrog Form behind her in disbelief.

She has experienced countless battles in the past hundred years and has never seen anything like this, but this is something she has never seen before.

Please, this fire demon phase is not her incarnation or puppet, something that has self-awareness and may rebel. This thing is the manifestation of her own power.

Have you ever heard of someone betraying yourself?

But now, the truth was right in front of her, her power betrayed her right in front of her eyes.

It wasn't even just her strength, because at this time Ifrit also clearly felt that her body was starting to lose control, and she fell to her knees with a plop.

The young owner of the divination house also stood up at this time. She was tall and slender, while the Balrog Witch who was kneeling on the ground could only see her straight and round long legs, taking graceful cat steps, step by step. Come to her.

Then another finger lifted her chin, and that face full of magical charm came to her face and said so.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are a weakling who can't even control your own emotions. You really don't know how to live or die. You should be glad that I have been in a good mood recently."

Ifrit: "."

Obviously the owner of the divination house should be talking to him, but Miss Balrog Witch did not see her reflection in the other party's dark, bright and exquisite eyes.

It was as if there was nothing in those eyes.

It seems that nothing in the world can enter her eyes.

There was only emptiness and nothingness in those eyes, and darkness as deep as an abyss.

"As for the answer you want, you can see for yourself."

The finger that lifted Ifrit's chin moved along her face, and finally touched the center of her eyebrows. Immediately, the Balrog Witch's eyes became empty, and she fainted backwards.

Then the owner of the divination house turned his attention to Lucia.

"Hey ho ho, you are a rare product, half blood and half fallen angel, Miss Lucia, mixed blood of the golden race is taboo, you don't want your identity to be made public."

Artie is smiling.

py time, "Don't Raise Unruly People in Extreme Cold" "According to predictions and scientific calculations, the temperature of the entire world will drop to minus 40 degrees within three years, and even the core of the earth will be frozen within three hundred years."

"Then what should we do?"

"Gather all our strength and work together to build shelters. We must unite in the face of disasters. Everyone needs to work hard to do what they can for the future of mankind!"

"But what should I do if there are people who are unwilling to work and just want to eat well and be lazy?"

"Then let him die! Activate the alchemy puppets and large robots, we will not raise unruly people!"

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