House Witch

Chapter 870 869 Artie’s Prophecy

"team leader."

Seeing Ifrit fall down so weakly, Lucia behind her couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

She didn't expect that such a powerful captain could be knocked down without even a few moves at the hands of this weird divination house owner. The danger of this weird circus of the heart was really beyond her expectation.

However, although she looks panicked on the surface, in fact, if you look closely at the eyes of this vampire witch lady, you can see that her eyes are still clear and calm.

Although the Balrog Captain is indeed one of her supporters, he is not the only one. A qualified mature witch will never and cannot rely on others. If that is the case, then it will be a disaster. Very irresponsible for your own safety.

Well, her biggest support is always herself.

"Tsk, I thought there was no need to use that. I really wouldn't want to use it if I could, but now it seems I have no choice."

Lucia sighed inwardly, thinking this.

However, just as the eldest vampire witch was gathering her strength and preparing her final trump card, the words from the owner of the divination house opposite made her expression change drastically.

"Hey ho ho, you are a rare product, half blood and half fallen angel, Miss Lucia, mixed blood of the golden race is taboo, you don't want your identity to be made public."

The joyful voice that contained unspeakable malice sounded.

Just like a snake swimming on your body, or a centipede crawling on your body with its thousands of insect legs, a scalp-numbing coolness rises uncontrollably from the heart of the eldest vampire witch. There was little change in her expression. Her face, which was as cold as an ice cube, changed drastically in an instant.

"Impossible, how did you see it? This should never be seen through."

Although Lucia had just prepared to reveal this final trump card, she hadn't really revealed it yet, so it stands to reason that the means imposed by the adult were still in effect.

That was theoretically a perfect concealment that would never be seen through as long as she didn't hang out in front of the two kings in the sky.

"Hehehe, Miss Lucia Vanzhuo, do you want to say that your hiding is perfect? ​​After all, this method came from your biological father, the abyss master of the Western Universe, the arrogant original sin demon - Lucifer. hand?"

Just when the eldest vampire witch was still in disbelief, the pleasant voice sounded in her ears again.

Well, it was really in her ears. Lucia could already feel the other party's warm breath coming from the back of her ears. She turned her head in panic, and saw that peerless face that seemed to be the embodiment of beauty. She didn't know when So close.

Moreover, before she could step back, the terrifying owner of the divination house suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked her cheek.

At this moment, Lucia was stiff and could no longer move.

"Yeah, that's the smell. It's a very pure smell of arrogance and original sin. It's unmistakable."

The owner of the divination house retracted his tongue, seemed to carefully examine the taste, then let go of Miss Blood Witch, and then said this.

As soon as Lucia broke free from the restraints, she was no longer hiding and choking. The powerful magic power burst out all over her body. This was the full power of nearly 400,000 mana. This was the full power she had always shown before.

But the next moment, the magic power of this explosion expanded again, directly exceeding the limit, reaching the category of almost 55w Mana, and the appearance and image of the eldest vampire witch also changed during this full explosion.

Above her head, a dark angel halo rose, and behind her, four wings spread out. The two on the left were normal bat wings of the vampires, but the two on the right were fallen angel wings as black as ink.

Just like that, the mixed-blood witch with four wings in the air looked coldly at the owner of the divination house below who was still calmly watching the end of her transformation, and then stretched out her hand, and the terrifying magic power combined with the arrogant original sin quickly formed a handful in her hand. Great sword.

Lucia pointed her sword at this mysterious enemy and then asked.

"Who are you? Why do you know these things?"

Regarding her life experience, this is one of the biggest secrets of the thirteen clans of the Vampire Clan. All insiders have been sealed by the Blood Oath, and it is absolutely impossible to leak the secret. However, the owner of the divination house just glanced at her and said nothing. Got it, that doesn't make sense.

"Emmmm, look at what you asked. Of course I can see it. Isn't this kind of thing something that can be seen clearly with just one glance?"

Being questioned with a sword pointed at her, the owner of the divination house still didn't panic at all. She just stretched out her finger and tapped her chin in distress, and then replied like this.

She said it as naturally as if one plus one equals two, as if all the secrets were really present in her eyes, allowing her to observe them at will.

Perhaps because she was deeply afraid that others would not believe her, this beautiful witch with black hair and black eyes suddenly reached out and pinched her eyelids, widened her eyes, and then said.

"Actually, it's the magic eye. I have a pair of magic eyes that can see through everything in the world. Its name is truth, or you can also call it omniscience."

She raised her head and raised her chest, introducing this with a little pride.

Lucia: "."

The eldest vampire witch was silent, but her face was clearly full of disbelief.

After all, how could such a nonsense magic eye exist? If a magic eye of this size really existed, it would definitely be a jade-level magic eye. However, the so-called jade-level magic eye is a legend that only exists in theory. The most advanced magic eyes that really exist in the world are gold level.

Neither the two kings in the sky have emerald-level magic eyes. Now you, a circus fortune teller, tell me that you have a pair of emerald-level magic eyes. Who do you think you are? The future third king?

"Tsk, what's your expression? You don't believe me?"

Perhaps it was Lucia's unabashed expression that stimulated the owner of the divination house. The beautiful witch was a little angry at this time.

To be honest, her angry look is really cute, but it is obvious that the eldest vampire witch has no intention to appreciate this at this time.

Her explosive state had a time limit, but there was no time to waste. At that moment, she reached out and grabbed the Balrog Witch Captain on the ground, and was ready to lead them away first.

As for fighting with the owner of the divination house who is completely invisible?

She is not stupid, how could she have such thoughts of seeking death.

This unfathomable guy has been playing with them like a cat playing with a mouse from the beginning until now. Otherwise, they would probably have fallen into trouble due to the agitation of the strange group of dolls that came through the door.

This fortune teller is probably a very skilled witch of the spiritual school. When facing an enemy of this spiritual school who does not know the details, the best and only way is to take advantage of the fact that his spiritual consciousness is still clear and unaffected. It's time to run away quickly.

Alas, the upper three factions among the nine university factions are such scoundrels. Once they have an advantage, they will crush others by beating them.

Of course, the most correct thing for Lucia to do now is to give up on Ifrit, the Balrog Captain, and run away.

However, since she had sworn an oath on the honor of her family before, she would naturally not break her oath no matter what.

Fortunately, her rescue seemed to go smoothly. Lucia quickly caught the Balrog Witch in her hands, and then her wings flapped behind her.

"Original Sin Leap."

The vampire witch directly launched her strongest escape method.

This is a talent she got from the bloodline of fallen angels. She can use the original sin as a guide to break through most seals or obstacles and force her way out of trouble.

Just after the two of them entered, the entrance to the divination house had disappeared. Lucia speculated that this tent must also have the ability to confine people, so she no longer wasted time looking for an exit, and was ready to force it directly. Get out of trouble.

At that moment, she closed her eyes and felt the mark of original sin that she had given to her subordinates who were guarding outside in advance.

What she wanted to break away from this time was not just the shackles of the Divination House, but also the shackles of the entire Heart Circus. She wanted to go directly to the square outside to join her people first.

She also understands now that the circus of the heart is probably really deep. Before, a martial arts clown at the door was exciting enough, but now the fortune teller is even more deadly. Then if the remaining animal trainers and magicians are all Like this, just thinking about it makes people’s scalp numb.

Anyway, go back and call for additional personnel.

And since my secret has been seen through by this fortune teller, no matter what, I can't keep this circus of the heart. I can go back and let my mother personally erase everything.

Lucia thought so in her heart, and as her thoughts turned, she had already sensed the mark of original sin left on her companions.

"It's done."

The moment she sensed the success of the Original Sin Leap, the Vampire Witch breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that she had a narrow escape this time. After all, the Original Sin Leap came from Lord Lucifer's ability. Without the intervention of someone above the Peak Witch, it was almost impossible to stop it.

She blinked her eyes, thinking that after closing and opening her eyes, what she would see would be the familiar faces of her companions outside the venue, but when she opened her eyes, what she would see was still the same Qiao Xiaoqian. Xi's beautiful appearance.

It's that weird fortune teller.

It was clear that the Original Sin Leap had been successfully launched, but at this moment they were still in front of the divination table, just like when they first came in, as if everything that had just happened was just a dream.


"Hehehe, what gave you the illusion that you are not under my control?"

Looking at the vampire witch whose face turned rosy in an instant, Adi happily showed a malicious smile and felt very happy.

What she likes most is seeing others change from great expectations to great despair. This process of falling from heaven to hell makes her the most joyful.

Moreover, this Miss Lucia is really stupid. She has already revealed her understanding of the power of original sin in front of her, but this guy still dared to use original sin magic in front of me to try to escape.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, playing original sin in front of the devil, this is because you don't take me, the devil, at all.

Adi took a look at his destiny as the Demon King, and he really didn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't get excited now. You're acting as if I'm really going to do something to you two. As you said, I've been in a good mood recently and I don't kill people casually anymore. I've become a good person and am a decent person now. The diviner of the eight scriptures.”

Seeing that if the game continued, these two guests were really going to be killed by her, so the Demon King girl decided to give up as soon as she could. After all, these two special guests were somewhat useful to the teacher's plan.

"So, hurry up and tell me what you want to know, and then you can leave."

Artie looked at Miss Vampire Witch and said this.

Lucia: "."

Looking at the fortune teller with a sweet angelic smile in front of her, the vampire witch didn't believe that the other party would really let them go so easily. After all, the two marquises who came in before had not seen anyone yet.

However, now they seem to have no other choice but to obey.

Okay, you want to do divination, right? Then let me see how you answer my question.

"Then, sir, please tell me where is the way out for this vampire witch?"

Lucia spoke slowly and then asked.

Well, come on, you, a fortune teller, can really help me tell fortunes.

The vampire witch thought vindictively in her heart.

This is a problem that has troubled the Thirteen Clan of the Blood Clan for tens of thousands of years. The Thirteen Grand Dukes still don’t know how to move forward in their search.

She admitted that this fortune teller was indeed very capable, and maybe he really was a person from the prophecy school with real materials, but not everyone could calculate the fate of the entire vampire witch lineage, otherwise they wouldn't be confused. So far.

At the moment, Lucia looked at the fortune teller in front of her, waiting to see the frustration of failure on this beautiful face that always smiled and made people uncomfortable.

Of course, in fact, she still had a little bit of expectation in her heart.

After all, what if, what if this fortune teller really figures out a clear path?

As a vampire witch, Lucia actually hoped that this divination would be successful.


"Uh, what, that's it?"

Hearing the question from this vampire witch guest, Atty couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

She actually wanted to hear some more interesting divination requests, such as fortune telling, fortune telling, or even the enemy's death date, but the result was this boring rescue.

Please, she is the Demon King, the Demon King in charge of destruction. Did you make a mistake in coming to the Demon King for salvation?

However, the rules of this divination house were set by herself after all. As long as guests who can pass her test can ask her to answer a question, she will not break the contract.

"Okay, let me tell you then. None of the three routes planned by your clan are feasible. Don't bother. There is only one hope for the blood clan to regain its new life, and that is to wait for the daughter of the Blood Moon. When she is born, she will lead the vampire witch to a new glory."

Artie's dark and bright eyes were filled with brilliance, and then he said this.

The devil is prophesying.

It's been so many days and I still haven't recovered. I have a terrible cold and I'm so annoyed.

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