House Witch

Chapter 891 890 Space-time Observer

Chapter 891 890. Space-time Observer

Dorothy stiffened.

Although she did feel that she was very stable before she came, when the Demon God of Original Sin, who was definitely ranked high even in the entire Western Universe, really came and suddenly appeared in front of her, the otaku witch had to Admittedly, she was really a little nervous.

Well, just a little bit really.

Already when Lucifer's figure had just emerged from the summoning circle, the house witch had already silently retreated behind the two aunts. She was a little lucky that Hermes was not tall enough. She is only about 1.7 meters tall. Fortunately, she is not the dragon witch, otherwise it would be difficult to hide her because she is so tall.

It's a pity that even though she is very stubborn, the Demon God seems to pay special attention to her.

"Hermes, where is your father?"

When Lucifer's question rang out, Dorothy suddenly trembled. She noticed the powerful and majestic gaze falling on her. Even if it was just a gaze, it still made her feel like she was being suppressed by a high mountain.

Well, this doesn't feel like anything. In fact, the magic power all over her body has been frozen at this moment. Her body is also frozen. She can't even move her fingers. Even many talents and expertise in her body have been stopped. The only one who can move is That's her saint's soul, and...

The God above God still shines.

In short, the pressure was so full that Dorothy was almost frightened and actually started calling her good sister.

Fortunately, the pressure came and went quickly. When Lucifer showed a friendly smile, Dorothy felt relaxed all over, as if the previous pressure was all an illusion.

She raised her head to look at this arrogant demon god who was closely related to her. She was shocked by his beauty at first sight, but it was only at the first sight.

After all, although she admitted that Lucifer was indeed somewhat handsome, he was still far inferior to her.

It's not that she looks down on people, it's just that in terms of beauty, she feels that everyone still needs to work harder, and there is a long way to go.

Moreover, her xp system only works on beautiful sisters, but Lucifer...

Well, pure angels have no gender. Although they can actually choose their own gender, the King of Fallen Angels seems to have not made a choice like Gabriel.

However, although Lucifer called her Hermes, the smile on his face and the even amiable eyes always made Dorothy feel that her disguise had been seen through.

Thinking about it, although her disguise was arranged by the Sage of Lies himself, even Hermes herself would not be the opponent of the original sin demon, let alone the magical power she left behind.

Fortunately, Lucifer didn't mean to expose her.

So, to reciprocate the favor, Dorothy thought for a while and did not do any tricks. She just took out her beloved magic bag, then restored it to its suitcase appearance, and finally opened the box.

Well, Adam is a man after all, and it is not easy to disguise himself as a witch so that he can follow the two aunts to Vanzhuo's house as a follower, so the witch has no choice but to pack his father and bring him there.

Her magic bag could have been filled with people.

So, as the house witch opened the box, Mr. Brave, who had been squatting at the stairwell, and was waiting to support his daughter as soon as possible, jumped out. He immediately protected Dorothy behind him, and then Only then did he see the silver-haired beauty not far away who was also looking at him.

Adam's body suddenly stiffened. He turned his head and glanced at his daughter who was smiling awkwardly behind him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

No, normally, what they need to face now should be the incarnation of the devil, but what is this now?

Lucifer's true identity?

Although Mr. Brave thinks that she still has little strength, she is confident that she can handle the incarnation of the devil whose power is restricted, but the original sin devil's body.

Sorry to bother you, but I can't say goodbye.

"You guys go away quickly, I'll try to hold him back as long as I can."

Adam spoke to his daughter.

Of course, it was impossible for Dorothy to just leave her father and run away. She mustered up the courage to get out from behind Adam and face the arrogant devil.

"Well, can you return this naughty kid to us first?"

The otaku witch pointed at Artie, who was being held by Lucifer like a big cat holding a cub, and asked.

She just asked, and she didn't think that the original sin demon would really agree. After all, the temptation of the devil's soul to the abyss was too great. Now that Lucifer had succeeded, how could he spit out the imported meat.

This time she was really ready to call her good sister to clean the floor. Lucifer actually came in person. This was really beyond her expectation. This time it was really messed up. Only a good sister could do it. Bring order out of chaos.

But upon hearing her words, the tall, slender silver-haired beauty nodded gently, and then casually threw the struggling child in her hand.

And He himself looked at Adam, his old rival, in amazement.

Good guy, 98 Marks of Greed, it seems that this guy Mammon has overturned. He is indeed an opponent I recognize, and he is indeed difficult to deal with.

The Original Sin Demon saw the trial marks left by his colleagues on Mr. Brave at a glance. He was both a little regretful and a little happy about this.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the soul of this old rival is not so easy to harvest, and happily, the more difficult the target, the more interesting it is to him.

So far, six of the Seven Devils of Original Sin, including himself, have overturned. If Adam passes the last hurdle, he will become a truly perfect man after transcending the seven deadly sins.

However, the last original sin is really difficult to provoke. Firstly, the opponent is the oldest and most mysterious demon god in the abyss, and secondly, because that guy is really too lazy.

Belial, the Demon God of Sloth, how should he get this senior to join this game?

Speaking of which, this senior has not appeared in countless years. He has become so lazy that he has almost no sense of existence, and no one knows his whereabouts.

It is not easy to find Him and convince Him to take action.

Lucifer thought so in his heart.

However, just when Adam was very vigilant, Lucifer was deep in thought, and the others were trembling, not daring to move at all, a rhythmic snapping sound suddenly sounded from the side, which made everyone's eyes turn. Turned around.

Then they saw Dorothy playing the drums, and ugh, it was Dorothy beating Artie's ass.

The otaku witch was really a little annoyed at this time. She really felt that this naughty kid couldn't survive without beating him, even if this Artie was the real Demon King himself, not someone from his previous life.

She was worried about this before, so she wasn't very liberal and gave this naughty kid too much freedom, so that now he has attracted the final boss.

Now that the table was about to be overturned, she didn't care. She would beat him first anyway.

At this time, Adi was naturally crying for her father and mother, but if there was a master who was proficient in punishment here, then she would probably be able to immediately tell that most of the screams were performance elements, but were mixed with cruelty. The little bit of joy in the cry really comes from the heart.

Well, the Demon King girl's face was now flushed with honey.

Lucifer: "."

The Arrogant Demon God was also shocked by this scene and opened his mouth slightly.

Ah this

The silver-haired beauty was really surprised.

He was once the Lord of Dawn in Heaven, and now he is the Arrogant Demon God of the Abyss, but these are just His titles. In fact, His real power and power is...

time and space.

Time and space where time and space are king.

He is the strongest controller of time and space. He can freely travel through time and appear in any parallel world at will.

He is almost like a god, so he naturally has the capital to be arrogant.

In the past, the only person who could enter his eyes was his twin brother - [Destiny] Gabriel.

However, Lucifer himself does not accept the saying that time and space are king and destiny is respected. In his view, the power of [time and space] should be above [destiny]. After all, the so-called destiny is actually just a random combination of multiple time and space. That’s all.

Therefore, the two have been fighting for countless years.

People often use the phrase "five hundred years of knowledge beforehand" and "five hundred years of knowledge afterward" to describe a person's erudition, but Lucifer knows almost everything from the beginning of the creation of the world to the end of the world. He can be said to be the strongest. Historians and prophets.

Therefore, Lucifer certainly knew that this naughty kid who was being spanked at this time would soon become the third king of the witch world, and would also become the master of the abyss.

Of course, in fact, in the endless time and space, this person originally played the role of destroyer, and he was one of the elements of world destruction.

Well, anyway, the final convergence point of the endless time and space that He observes always points to one picture, that is, the shattered old world turns into ruins and falls, and the perfect man of destiny drives the ark of salvation and carries the fire of hope and sails into the distance. A brand new paradise flowing with milk and honey will be created.

As for how the old world was reduced to ruins, there are many possibilities.

Just like the immortal witch who emerged from the raging fire and turned into ruthless heaven, leading the world to its doomed destruction;

The hungry dragon rises from the void to bury everything in his insatiable appetite;

The evil devil dominates all living beings with desire, making the whole world full of fighting and betrayal, indulgence and madness;

The blind and foolish evil god closed his eyes, and unspeakable terror wreaked havoc around the world.

Well, every existence that may lead to the destruction of the world and bring the world to its end is an element of destruction, and the evil devil among them is the screaming little witch in front of him.

However, all this has changed slightly now.

There are too many possibilities in endless time and space. Even Lucifer does not have the ability to completely observe. In other words, the efficiency of his observation cannot match the speed of the birth of new time and space. Therefore, the places he often goes to are actually in endless time and space. There are two fixed nodes, which are the origin of everything - the beginning of creation, and the end of everything - the end of the world.

And He went to watch the end of the world as usual that time, watching the remains of the old world fall in blood and fire, and the Ark of Salvation sailing to the new world under the guidance of the Giant of Light.

However, suddenly, a meteorite came from nowhere. This alien thing appeared so suddenly, and then smashed the Ark of Salvation into pieces, and then pressed against the piloting light. The giant moved forward, creating whatever it encountered. In the end, the long river of time was cut off, and many world lines were shattered and squeezed. In the end, it was like a messy yarn that was messed up and forcibly tied into a knot. From then on, endless There is a third fixed node in time and space - the meteorite day.

And the meteorite finally landed on an unknown, remote world tens of thousands of years ago.

The giant of light who was stunned was also born here with Him on his back.

And Lucifer, who had witnessed the meteorite turning into variables and turning this originally fixed destiny to pieces, would not just treat it as nothing happened. He chased the meteorite all the way and found that remote little world.

Then there is the adventure story of the disguised demon god, the destined priest, and finally the moon god.

Starting from the meteorite day node, the world line extended again, but this time it was no longer endless time and space. There was only one world line in this world, and this lonely timeline grew little by little.

Just like a ray, it has only a starting point and no end point.

Although this world line is not straight at all, but has various twists and turns, and has been knotted and turned back, it is still trying to grow towards the "future".

Anyway, even if Lucifer used her "time and space" power to try to observe, she could only observe the 130,000th year of the Witch's Calendar.

However, the future that he has observed now is scary enough. All the elements of destruction in the past have turned into good deeds and become the guardians of the world line.

If this world line is regarded as a tree, the twelve-winged angel lives under the world tree. She watches the growth of the world tree. The huge black dragon surrounds the trunk of the world tree and protects the growth of the world tree. , and the greedy demon is hiding in the canopy, she is coveting the future of the world tree that has not yet grown, and in the endless mist that has not yet been broken, there are still indescribable existences wandering.

And just when Lucifer was peering into the future of this special world line, the greedy demon suddenly raised his head and noticed him, and then extended an invitation to her.

"Now, why don't we get on the train to the new world together?"

The devil, who was as beautiful and pure as a piece of white paper, stretched out his hand and extended an invitation to Him.

She proposed a "grafting" idea.

Lucifer thought for a while and finally accepted the invitation.

"So, is this how you got on the New World train?"

Seeing his "partner" who was becoming more and more happy as he was beaten, the Demon Lord fell into deep thought.

Lucifer is suspicious

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